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Difficulty Level ★★☆

1. Do you know how to use skin-care products in the proper order? Number the
products below from 1 to 4.

( ) facial soap ( ) sunscreen ( ) cosmetics ( ) lotion

2. Do you know how to avoid acne? Check ( ) the statements that you think are

Drink plenty of water.

Stay up late.
Do not squeeze your face.
Have light meals.
Wash your face as many times as possible.
Get lots of exercise.
LESSON 5 Skin Care

1 2
Skin is often known to be the largest organ of the human
3 4
body, and it guards the muscles and body organs. It can
5 6
protect your body from being harmed . As skin grows older, it
becomes dr ier and more easily damaged . Our skin is so

important that we should take good care of it. Do you worry about
your skin? Here are some tips on how to keep your skin healthy.
First, try to eat a well-balanced diet. A good diet is the key
to getting important vitamins . Vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin
E are essential if you want to have good skin. It is a good idea

to eat lots of fr uits and 10

vegetables, because they

Critical Thinkin
Will you put the
ti p in to p ra c ti
Why or why not?

1. organ [1Or©@n] 5. protect [pr@1tEkt] 9. well-balanced [1wEl1b{l@nst]

2. human [1hjum@n] 6. harmed [hArmd] 10. vitamins [1vaIt@mInz]
3. guards [©Ardz] 7. damaged [1d{mIdZd] 11. essential [@1sEn?@l]
4. muscles [1mys¬z] 8. tips [tIps]
have a lot of vitamins and minerals and are good for your skin.

S ec ond, stay away

from the sun. The sun’s

15 UVA and UVB rays can

d a mage your ski n and

make it look older. What’s

5 worse, it is possible to get

skin cancer from too much

20 sun. If you have to be in the

sun, use sunscreen , put

on a cap, or wear a long-

sleeved shirt.

Third, drink a lot of

5 12
25 water. Water helps to clear your body of toxic wastes that

make your skin look bad. Taking in water, also known as

hydration , is good for all skin types. You should drink at least

eight glasses of water per day.

1. minerals [1mIn@r@lz] 4. long-sleeved [1lOµ1slivd]

2. UVA and UVB rays 5. toxic [1tAksIk]
[1ju 1vi 1e @nd 1ju 1vi 1bi 1rez] 12. wastes [wests]
3. sunscreen [1syn%skrin] 6. hydration [haI1dre?@n]
LESSON 5 Skin Care

Fourth, keep your skin clean. If your skin is dirty, it could get
infected and be damaged easily. Water helps wash away all the 30

14 7
dead cells , oil, and dust on your skin. But remember to wash
your face gently. When washing your face, you should avoid hot

water because it may make your skin even drier.


Finally, deal with your acne problems carefully. Stop
16 17
squeezing , picking, or rubbing your skin because your acne 35

may get worse. Wash your face with a mild soap. Avoid staying up
18 19
late at night, and try to get enough sleep. Reduce your stress

and get some exercise to help your blood flow. If your problem

gets too serious, you should ask your doctor for help.

So, are you still worried about your skin? Don’t worry. With 40

20 21
the proper diet and the right methods , you can keep it healthy.

—by Pauline Taylor

13. infected [In1fEktId] 8. acne [1{knI] 19. stress [strEs]

14. cells [sElz] 16. squeezing [1skwizIµ] 20. proper [1prAp_]
7. dust [dyst] 17. rubbing [1rybIµ] 21. methods [1mET@dz]
15. avoid [@1vOId] 18. reduce [rI1djus]
I Choose the main idea of this reading.
(A) Skin can protect our muscles and other organs.
(B) Everyone should know how to take good care of his or her skin.
(C) Vitamins and water are helpful for all skin types.

II According to the reading, write T (True) or F (False) for

5 each sentence below.

1. As we get older, our skin may be damaged more easily.

2. When we are in the sun, we have to use a scrub.
3. It is a good idea to keep our skin clean by washing it with hot
4. Too much stress will make acne problems worse.
5. UVA and UVB rays are good for our skin.

LESSON 5 Skin Care

To get a better picture of this reading, go through it again and fill in the blanks
with the words selected from the text.

Paragraph 1: Introduction
Our skin is so important that we should take good care of it.

Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6

Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5
Try to have a Stay away Drink a lot of Keep your Deal with your
well-balanced from the . skin
. . . problems

Method: Method: Method: Method: Method:

Eat more Use , Drink at least Avoid Stop ,

and put on a . , or
. , or per day. your
wear a skin.

Paragraph 7: Conclusion

With the proper and the right , you can make your
skin look healthy again.
1 Do you have any other good ideas about skin care?

2 Do you think that a sunscreen with the highest SPF (Sun

Protection Factor) is the best choice for preventing your skin
from getting sunburned?

3 Do you agree that girls in senior high school should be allowed
to wear makeup to school? Put a check in the box next to each
reason you agree with.

In some cultures, girls are expected to wear makeup.

They may look more mature and be treated like adults.

They may look prettier and feel more confident.

They would be able to hide any pimples they have.

Wearing makeup can be a fun way for girls to express


The number of reasons you agree:

>3 You think it is good for girls to wear makeup in high school.

<3 You think it is bad for girls to wear makeup in high school.

LESSON 5 Skin Care

Words for Production

1. organ part of an animal’s body or plant which has a specific function

[1Or©@n] n. [C] 器官
When a person dies, organs such as the heart may be donated.
2. human of or typical of people
[1hjum@n] adj. 人的
Human rights exist in morality and in law at the national
and international levels.
n. [C] 人類
Experts warn that the new flu virus will affect humans in 5
the near future.
3. guard to protect or keep someone/something from danger or from
[©Ard] being attacked
v. [T] 保護;保衛
The police have been guarding the doors of the bank for the
past few weeks.
guard n. [C] 守衛;警衛
[©Ard] Several armed guards stand in front of the presidential
4. muscle a body tissue, consisting of long cells, that is attached to bone
[1mys¬] and can be tightened and relaxed to produce motion
n. [C] 肌肉
You can do exercises to develop your muscles.
5. protect to keep someone or something from being hurt
[pr@1tEkt] v. [T] 保護
The mother protected her child from being harmed during
the earthquake.
protection n. [U] 保護
[pr@1tEkS@n] Wear your seat belt; it’s for your own protection.
6. harm to hurt or damage someone/something
[hArm] v. [T] 傷害;損害
That dog never harms anyone. Don’t be scared of it. 103
harm n. [U] 傷害;損害
[hArm] She meant no harm when she said that.
7. damage to harm or ruin something
[1d{mIdZ] v. [T] 損害
Luckily, our car wasn’t damaged in the traffic accident.
damage n. [U] 損害
[1d{mIdZ] The typhoon did a lot of damage to several farms in the country.
8. tip a small but useful piece of advice
[tIp] n. [C] 小提示
My mom gave me some tips on how to cook beef noodles.
9. well-balanced describing a group of foods which provide all the different forms

5 [1wEl1b{l@nst] of nutrition one needs to stay healthy

adj. 均衡的
Eating well-balanced meals is good for your health.
10. vitamin various organic substances found in natural foods that are necessary
[1vaIt@mIn] for good health
n. [C] 維他命
Vitamin D, which is found in milk, is good for your bones.
11. essential necessary; indispensable; most important
[@1sEn?@l] adj. 必要的;不可或缺的;最重要的
A good diet is essential to our health.
12. waste unnecessary or unwanted materials or substances that are left over
[west] after you have used something; an unnecessary use of energy,
money, time, etc.
n. [C, U] 廢物;浪費
Studying biology is a waste of time for me. I want to be an
artist, not a scientist!
The major problem of nuclear waste is what to do with it.
waste v. [T] 浪費
[west] He was fired for wasting time at work.
13. infected containing harmful bacteria that can cause disease
[In1fEktId] adj.(傷口等)受感染的
Don’t touch the wound; otherwise, it might get infected.
infection n. [C, U] 感染
[In1fEk?@n] The little girl was very ill. She suffered from a lung infection.
Wash your hands frequently to protect yourself against infection.
LESSON 5 Skin Care

14. cell the basic unit of living things

[sEl] n. [C] 細胞
Through a check-up, the doctor found some cancer cells in
Tom’s body.
15. avoid to keep someone away from somebody/something; to prevent
[@1vOId] something from happening
v. [T] 避免
You have to avoid driving in the center of the city during the rush
It needs wisdom and courage to avoid all fights.
16. squeeze to press something hard from all sides

[skwiz] v. [T] 擠壓
The doll will sing a song if you squeeze the button on its back.
17. rub to press (something) against the surface of something by sliding
[ryb] your hand (arm, leg) back and forth
v. [T] (rub, rubbed, rubbed) 磨;搓;揉;塗抹
In the cold night, he rubbed his hands together to keep warm.
She gently rubbed the lotion on her face.
18. reduce to make something smaller in size, number, degree, etc.
[rI1djus] v. [T] 縮減;降低
I reduced my weight by cutting junk food out of my diet.
19. stress pressure or worry caused by mental or physical distress or
[strEs] changing of the environment
n. [U] 壓力
John has been under a lot of stress at school recently.
stress v. [T] 強調
[strEs] The speaker stressed the importance of honesty.
20. proper right or correct in dealing with things
[1prAp_] adj. 適當的;正確的
You should learn the proper way of holding the bat if you
want to hit the ball.
properly adv. 適當地;正確地
[1prAp_lI] The kids were taught to behave properly in public.
21. method a way of doing things
[1mET@d] n. [C] 方法
The new teaching method helps students learn a foreign 105
language more easily.
Words for Recognition

1. mineral [1mIn@r@l] n. [C] a chemical that your body needs to stay healthy 礦物質
2. UVA and UVB rays [1ju 1vi 1e @nd 1ju 1vi 1bi 1rez] n. two types of damaging UV
rays from the sun: UVA rays mainly cause skin to age, while UVB rays mainly
cause skin to burn 長波紫外線(UVA) ,中波紫外線(UVB)
3. sunscreen [1syn%skrin] n. [C, U] sunblock 防曬油
4. long-sleeved [1lOµ1slivd] adj. having long sleeves 長袖的
5. toxic [1tAksIk] adj. containing poisonous material which is capable of causing
illness or death 有毒的

6. hydration [haI1dre?@n] n. [U] process of absorbing or combining with water or
its elements 水合作用
7. dust [dyst] n. [U] fine powder containing particles of earth, dirt, etc. 灰塵
8. acne [1{knI] n. [U] pimples on the face 痤瘡;粉刺

1. the key to the best way or tip to achieve something 要訣

What is the key to achieving this success? You have to think more about it.
2. stay away from to keep away from 保持距離;遠離
The lifeguard asked the swimmers to stay away from the dangerous area.
3. what’s worse to make matters worse 更糟的是
It is getting dark; what’s worse, it’s starting to rain!
4. be also known as to be also called by something 也稱為
Lanyu, also known as Orchid Island, is a beautiful and fascinating tourist
5. deal with to take action in order to solve a problem 處理
He has learned to deal with difficult problems.
6. stay up to not go to bed as usual 熬夜
My family stayed up late last night to watch the end of the baseball game.
7. ask somebody for help to seek someone’s help 請求幫忙
106 My brother asked me for help because he was having trouble with his homework.
LESSON 5 Skin Care

Adj.-skinned Words

pink-skinned 皮膚紅潤的 light-skinned 膚色白的

dark-skinned 皮膚黝黑的 thick-skinned 厚臉皮的

fair-skinned 皮膚白皙的 thin-skinned 易受傷害的

rough-skinned 皮膚粗糙的

pale-skinned 皮膚蒼白的
tough-skinned 不敏感的
Choose the correct answer to each question below.

1. He is a person; in other words, he is insensitive to

criticism from his classmates.
(A) thin-skinned (B) thick-skinned (C) rough-skinned
2. Many dark-skinned people complain that they are not treated as
well, socially and professionally, as people.
(A) fair-skinned (B) tough-skinned (C) rough-skinned
3. She is ; that is, she is easily upset when other
people criticize her.
(A) thick-skinned (B) thin-skinned (C) dark-skinned
4. Some Asian women want to be . They are always
looking for skin-care products to keep their skin pale.
(A) dark-skinned (B) rough-skinned (C) light-skinned
5. The mother had fallen asleep with her lovely, baby in
her arms.
(A) pink-skinned (B) rough-skinned (C) tough-skinned
make/let/have + O + V
I want/need/get + O + to V


1. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can make your skin look older.
2. Our homeroom teacher got the students to clean up the classroom

5 and throw away all the junk.

Practice A

Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. I’m new here, so I want him ( to go , go) with me.

2. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man (to become, become) healthy for
his whole life.

3. My mom usually gets me (to clean, clean) my room, especially on weekends.

4. I need someone (to fix, fix) my broken chair.

5. Tony had his friends (to paint, paint) the house for him that day.

6. Let May (to do, do) what she likes to do. Don’t try to stop her.

Practice B

Tina and Jane are sisters. Tina got a

sunburn while she was at the beach.
Now Jane is telling Tina how to make a
cucumber mask. Complete the
following dialogue by using the verbs in
LESSON 5 Skin Care

Tina : Look at me, sis. My face got sunburned while I was swimming.
Jane : Don’t worry. You need a cucumber mask to help (help) you feel


Tina : A cucumber mask?

Jane : Yep! A cucumber mask can help to ease the pain of the sunburn.

Tina : It

Jane : Well,
sounds great, but I don’t know how to make a cucumber mask.

let me
(show) you how. First, let’s cut up a cucumber
and put it into the blender. Next, I need a lemon.

Tina : What’s the lemon for?

Jane : The lemon can make your skin (turn) white.
Tina : That’s what I need most now. Mom got me (buy) some

lemons yesterday. I’ll get one now.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * (30 seconds later) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tina : Here you are!

Jane : Great! Then, mix one egg white with the lemon and cucumber juice in
order to make the mask (match) your skin type.

Tina : Wow, it’s done. Cool!

Jane : I want you (put) the mask on your face now, but don’t let it
(stay) there for more than thirty minutes.

Tina : Thanks for your help.

remember/forget/stop + to V
II remember/forget/stop + V-ing


1. Remember to wash your face gently.

2. John remembered sending a message to her.
3. When the door bell rang, he stopped to open the door.
4. Stop squeezing, picking, or rubbing your skin, because your acne may
get worse.

5 Practice

Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. I remember (to lock, locking ) the door, but I found it open when I came back.

2. After a long walk through the woods, he stopped (to take, taking) a rest.

3. The secretary forgot (to answer, answering) an important phone call.

4. I couldn’t remember (to mail, mailing) the package until my cousin told me
he had received it.

5. I would never forget (to see, seeing) the sun rising from the sea level for the
first time.

6. Never stop (to take, taking) medicine while you’re traveling.

LESSON 5 Skin Care

It’s lunchtime, and Sue and May are staying in the classroom. Sue is sitting at her
desk and looking in a mirror, and May is eating her lunch.

1 2

Sue : Ouch!
V ocabulary
May : (turns around and looks at Sue) What’s wrong with you?
● terrible [1tEr@b¬] adj.
Hey, you look terrible. 糟糕的;可怕的
Sue : Well ... I’m trying to pop my zits. They’re really nasty. ● nasty [1n{stI] adj.
May : Did you try any other ways to get rid of your zits? ● Windex [1wIndEks] n.
Sue : Yes! My key pals told me to rub my face with Windex, 穩潔(清潔劑)
toothpaste [1tuT%pest]
toothpaste, and saliva, but I have even more zits now than

n. 牙膏
before. I have no choice but to use my fingers. ● saliva [ s@1laIv@] n.唾液

● helpful [1hElpf@l] adj.

May : No, no, no! The harder you try to pop them, the bigger they
will be.
U seful Expressions
Sue : Really? What should I do now? ● pop a zit 擠青春痘
May : If you want to fight the zit monster, see a doctor first. Also, ● get rid of 擺脫
● have no choice but to

I heard somewhere that a cucumber mask is good for your 別無選擇只好

skin. And honey mixed with an egg is also helpful in ● cucumber mask
fighting zits. ● You’re really
Sue : Thanks for sharing this information with me. You’re really something.
something. 111
Part I. Listen to the following advertisements and number the ads in order.

AD ( ) lotion

AD ( ) vitamins

NT$ ( ) each NT$

( ) each
AD ( ) soap

AD ( ) sunscreen

NT$ ( ) each

AD ( ) mask

NT$ ( ) each

NT$ ( ) each

Part II. Listen again and write the price of each product in the parentheses.
LESSON 5 Skin Care

What Is Your Skin Type?

Read the questions on the questionnaire about skin types and circle your
answer to each question.


1. How does your skin feel after you wash your face?
(A) It feels dry all over.
(B) It feels smooth.
(C) It feels fine.
(D) It feels tight.
(E) It feels dry in some parts.

2. How does your skin usually look by midday in the summertime?

(A) It looks red and is usually sensitive to the weather.
(B) It looks fresh and clean.
(C) It looks shiny.
(D) It looks dry and shows some small lines.
(E) It looks shiny in the T-zone.

3. How often do you have pimples?

(A) Sometimes.
(B) Rarely.
(C) Often.
(D) Never.
(E) Often, but only in the T-zone.

4. How does your skin feel if you use a rich facial cream in the
(A) Sometimes it feels good.
(B) It feels fine.
(C) It feels very oily.
(D) It feels very good.
(E) It feels oily in the T-zone.

5 5. How do the pores on your face look?

(A) Almost invisible.
(B) Visible but not large.
(C) Visible and large.
(D) Very small.
(E) Visible in the T-zone.

Now check your results in the table below to find out your skin type.

Results Skin type

2 or more As Sensitive

2 or more Bs Normal

2 or more Cs Oily

2 or more Ds Dry

2 or more Es Combination

My skin type is .
LESSON 5 Skin Care

Basics of writing: Pronouns

In writing, a pronoun is used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. It agrees
with the noun or the noun phrase in person, gender, and number. Now read
the following passage taken from the reading and see how the pronouns work.

Skin is often known to be the largest organ of the human body, and it guards
the muscles and body organs. It can protect your body from being harmed.
As skin grows older, it becomes drier and more easily damaged. Our skin is
so important that we should take good care of it.


Read the following passage about people’s misconceptions about skin care
and circle the correct answers.

There are some common misconceptions about skin care. For example,
some people think that skin-care products made from natural sources cannot harm
their skin. Believe (it, you, them) or not, some “natural” products are not healthy.
Some of (they, them, him) can even harm your skin, just like synthetic products.
Also, (he, she, it) is difficult to find natural products that do not contain
preservatives because if (it, he, they) contain preservatives, they will have a
longer shelf life. Another misconception concerns vitamin C. (He, She, It) is
believed that vitamin C plays a very important role in producing firmer, smoother,
and more youthful looking skin. However, (I, you, he) should not take too much
vitamin C because (they, he, it) may cause stomachaches and diarrhea and even
lead to kidney problems. 115
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It
is mainly caused by too much exposure to the sun. According to a current
study, 40 to 50 percent of Americans who live to the age of at least sixty-
five will have this disease at least once in their lifetime. Moreover, more
than a million Americans are likely to have skin cancer two hundred years

5 from now. Although more and more people now die of skin cancer, one
person in seven doesn’t use sunscreen while out in the sun. We have to
know that it is very important to protect our skin from being damaged by
the sun.
Anyone can get skin cancer, but it is more common among people who
spend a lot of time out in the sun, who have been badly sunburned, who
have light-colored skin, hair, and eyes, who have a family member with
skin cancer, or who are over the age of fifty. Luckily, skin cancer is very
rare in children, but overexposure to the sun in childhood can increase the
risk of skin cancer later in life. Also, it is commonly said that people with
darker skin don’t have to worry about skin cancer, but that’s not true. In
fact, darker-skinned people can also get skin cancer, because the sun’s UVA
rays are harmful to all skin types and can go into the deepest layers of skin.
Most types of skin cancer can be cured if treated early. The best way to
avoid getting skin cancer is to prevent sunburn. Be sure to reapply
sunscreen every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming.
Though it is impossible to completely avoid skin cancer, you can reduce the
risk by keeping away from the sun.
—by Pauline Taylor

LESSON 5 Skin Care

Comprehension Check

1. What is the main idea of the reading?

(A) Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in America.
(B) Stay away from the sun to reduce your risk of getting skin
(C) Many people don’t like to use sunscreen when they are
out in the sun.
(D) Anyone can get skin cancer, especially light-skinned
people. 5
2. Which of the following person is likely to get skin cancer?
(A) A person who works indoors.
(B) A person under the age of fifty.
(C) A person who is light-skinned.
(D) A person who has no family members with skin cancer.

3. Which of the following statements about skin cancer is NOT

(A) People need to use sunscreen even on cloudy days.
(B) UVA rays can be harmful to all skin types.
(C) Children should avoid overexposure to the sun.
(D) People with darker skin rarely get skin cancer.

Thinking More
On which part of your body are you most afraid of getting a sunburn?


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