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Assignment Cover Sheet

Bachelor of Business (Talented)

Student Name Phạm Nguyễn Khánh Vy

Student Number 31201029217

Subject Name Business Communication

Lecturer John Bayarong

Title of Assignment Learning Portfolio Assignment 2

Length 677 words

Due Date 24th November 2020

Date Submitted 23rd November 2020

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Signature: ………Phạm Nguyễn Khánh Vy……………………………………………………………

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Textbook Questions

1. Provide two examples of different points of view you have had with someone else. What do
you think caused these different viewpoints? How did you deal with them?
- Last week, when my Mom and I went shopping, we entered a handbag store and were
about to pick couple bags. However, it took us three hours to pick the suitable ones
because of different opinions. While I chose my favorite bags basing on their unique
design, my Mom was more concerned about the quality and capacity.
This situation happened because of different perception leading to different preference,
personal style and purpose when choosing bags.
To deal with that problem, I considered my mom’s opinions and looked for the bag that
can satisfies both of us.
- Once my friends and I talked about the topic “Using smart phone in class”, we came up
with various ideas and eventually divided into two groups: Support and Not support.
This opposition resulted from different perception among us. We looked at different
aspects of the topic and gave various opinions.
Eventually, I together with my friends decided to share our own opinions and discuss to
find which ideas are better. By that way, we can consider the problem in many aspects
and understand each other.
2. Emphasizing the importance of audience, salespeople often say, “The customer is king,” or
“The customer is always right,” or “The customer is in control.” To what extent do you feel in
control as a customer, a citizen, or a student?
- As a customer I have quite a high control because manufacturers and suppliers of
products and services always respect and put the needs of their customers first.
- As a citizen, I am in little control because my country values the power distance. One of
the most typical examples is that the authorities rarely hold a referendum when making
- As a student, I am in control but not much. For instance, I can freely choose my favorite
major, yet I do not have a right to arrange my schedule and have to depend on my

3. List three strategies for communicating with people for whom English is not their first
- Be clear and simple: Use simple English vocabulary and basic structure as much as
possible. Give some explanations for some complex words or terms.
- Use non-verbal communication: Body language, gestures, postures should be applied
effectively to help listeners understand easier.
- Do not be angry: Scolding is an ineffective way of communication. Be patient and
sympathetic, our communication will go easily and smoothly.
4. Identify three privileges that you have experienced because of your gender, age, ethnicity or
religious beliefs.
- During my school camping trip last year, I had the privilege of not having to carry boxes
and big bags because I am female.
- When I was in primary school, every entrance ticket of amusement parks was free for
me as children always have priority in those places.
- Being in the most populous ethnic group, we live together in the central regions in
which quality of life is above average. For ethnic minorities, their living areas are usually
mountainous areas with many disadvantages in all aspects.

Portfolio Reflection

The knowledge I can gain from Learning Portfolio A2 and learning resources of these sections is
really useful for me. Particularly, the most salient point is that I have ability to distinguish several
causes of wrong perceptions such as selective attention, self-fulfilling prophecy or halo effect, which
are the main reason of controversy and conflict among people or countries. Some solutions are also
available for us to solve the perception problems. With these knowledges, now I can improve my
communication skills by avoid wrong perceptions as much as possible and empathy with other
people. Moreover, through Chapter 3 about Cultural Diversity, I realize the importance of having
sufficient understanding of other culture when communicate with them. From now on, I will be
proactive in researching other cultures in order to make an effective communication.

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