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Topic 2 – BIT Arsitektur

The 4 Major Styles of Architecture in Indonesia

Published by  HYPERLINK
"" Rutvi

With the coming of modernity and an economy

that discouraged collective resources,  Rumah
Adat houses are hardly, if at all, used anymore.
Some of the locals have mixed the two, putting
traditional Minang and Toraja roofs on modern
concrete structures. This combination is in vogue
for offices or museums, as a sign of national
heritage. However, some vernacular homes have
been retained as an attraction for tourists,
especially in Tanah Toraja in South Sulawesi.

The architecture of Indonesia, much like the

country itself, is incredibly diverse and
captivating. It reflects the melting pot of cultures
that Indonesia has been, and shows us how
traders and merchants that came here over the
centuries have shaped its structures. One can see
Chinese, Arab, European and Indian influences
mixed together with traditional ethnic designs,
which gave rise to the distinct flavour that
Indonesian architecture has. For a deeper
understanding of how the country's evolution is
embedded in its buildings, read on:
2. Religious Architecture in Indonesia
Religion forms an integral part of people's lives
1. Traditional Architecture in Indonesia
in the Indonesian archipelago. The biggest
Traditional or vernacular homes of Indonesians influence came during the 'Indianized period'
are the best representation of their indigenous from the 4th to 15th centuries, which saw
culture. Known as the Rumah Adat, these homes Buddhism and Hinduism gain a huge following
varied across regions and cultures but also had in the country. The Prambanan complex in
certain similarities. They were made of fibre, Yogyakarta is considered the finest example of
bamboo and timbre and had sloping roofs. Built Hindu architecture; It has tall and pointed roofs
to adapt to Indonesia's hot and wet climate, these that feature elaborate carvings, dedicated to the
houses were constructed on stilts, which Trimurti. The Trimurti is the worship of Brahma
protected goods from moisture and reduced the ( the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva
risk of water-borne diseases. The main strength (the destroyer) as the three gods/processes that
of these stilt-houses, however, lay in their ability complete life on earth. However, the religion
to absorb shock waves. practised in Bali, Java and other Hindu-
dominated pockets of Indonesia combines
Trimurti worship with Buddhism and local
animist beliefs, so what ultimately is practised is
a completely new religion.

The temples in Indonesia reflect this uniqueness.

Trademark features include a split Candi Bentar

gate that shows symmetry and a Paduraksa
gateway where a towering roof incorporates the
threshold inside. Bale kulkuls are another
common feature, which act as a watchtower or
drum tower and lastly, the Meru towers that
represent the heavenly abode of gods. Temples
are usually divided into three zones or sanctums
known as Nista mandala, Madhya mandala and
Uttam mandala in ascending order of sanctity.
While the Candi Bentar gate demarcates the
outer world from the temple, the compound as
the main gateway, the paduraksa is often used to
demarcate the innermost holy sanctum, where However, trading with Arab countries brought
the gods reside, from the middle sanctum. with it foreign influence to Indonesia. From the
19th century onwards, mosques were built
similar to global Islamic architecture, with
minarets and domes being used. They were even
added to the older mosques, and are said to be a
reflection of Indonesia's climb towards a more
orthodox practice of Islam. The Baiturrahman
Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh and the Medan
Grand Mosque in north Sumatra are prime
examples of these.

3. Colonial Architecture in Indonesia

Islamic architecture is just as fascinating,
Formerly known as the Dutch East Indies,
especially in Indonesia, the country with the
Indonesia retains much of its colonial
third-largest number of Muslims in the world.
architecture. When the Dutch first arrived, they
The 15th century saw Islam gain a strong
favoured masonry and brick for building houses.
foothold in Indonesia, particularly in Java and
The tried to bring craftsmanship from their home
Sumatra. Mixed with the Hindu-Buddhist
country to Indonesia, building canals with row
influence at that time, the architecture of
houses. This, however, turned out to be
mosques incorporated local flavours. Thus,
disastrous in the hot and wet climate, leading to a
initial mosques had elaborate gateways and
massive outbreak of malaria and dysentery.
multi-tiered roofs, similar to the Meru towers of
temples. Instead of the typical minarets and
Over the years, the Dutch learned from their
domes, they were usually pyramid-shaped
mistakes and combined local elements such as
structures that stood on four pillars. The Great
eaves and porticos to their buildings. Slowly
Mosque of Demak and Menara Kudus Mosque
neoclassical and neo-gothic influence began to
in Central Java are good examples of these. 
seep into architecture, with the inclusion of
columns and verandahs. This was most
prominent in the Catholic churches in Java and
its provinces. The  Blenduk Church in Semarang
and the Jakarta cathedral are fine examples of
this style.

Invaders and dynasties is carved into the walls,
which is what makes Indonesian architecture

1. ......................................
4. Post-Independence Architecture in 2. ......................................
3. ......................................
From the 1970s onward the International Style
began to emerge in Indonesia, characterized by 4. ......................................
skyscrapers made of glass, steel and concrete. 5. ......................................
Ornaments were rejected, replaced by
transparency and balance in most structures. 6. ......................................
Examples include the famous Hotel Indonesia 7. ......................................
and the Aceh Tsunami Museum. The
government began to promote indigenous forms 8. ......................................
of architecture during this time, which led to a 9. ......................................
cultural fusion in many places. Modern buildings
were topped with Minangkabau style roofs or the 10. ......................................
Meru-style multi-tiered roofs, as is seen in the 11. ......................................
University of Indonesia and state offices in
Padang. In contemporary times, the country has 12. ......................................
embraced all facets of its history and culture; this 13. ......................................
is what makes its architecture so diverse and
captivating to tourists from all over the world. 14. ......................................
15. ......................................

The architecture of Indonesia, with its churches,

mosques, and temples, mirrors its cultural
evolution. The country has a lot to offer to the
millions of visitors who come there looking for
something unique. The legacy left behind by the

Worksheet on “The 4 Major Styles of Architecture in Indonesia”

PART I: Reading Comprehension (15 points, @ 3 points)

1. Mention 4 major styles of architecture in Indonesia.


2. In your own words, explain why the architecture of Indonesia is incredibly diverse and captivating.


3. Mention some characteristics of traditional architecture in Indonesia.


4. Mention 2 examples and explain how religion forms an integral part of people’s lives in the Indonesian
archipelago especially in the architectural site.


5. Why do you think the Dutch combined local elements to their building?


PART II: Constructing sentences and identifying the Subject and Verb (9 points, @ 1.5 points)

1. Write one sentence for each word below. Your sentence should use the given word and be related to
Architecture. (You cannot copy the sentences from the passage)
a. Skyscrapers
b. Traditional
c. Melting pot
2. Now, underline the subjects and circle the verbs of your sentences above.

PART III: Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is expressing the meaning of something written or spoken using different words, especially to achieve
greater clarity.

Now, paraphrase the following sentences taken from the passage. (12 points, @ 4 points)

1. Known as the Rumah Adat, these homes varied across regions and cultures but also had certain similarities..

2. From the 1970s onward the International Style began to emerge in Indonesia, characterized by skyscrapers
made of glass, steel and concrete.


3. The legacy left behind by the Invaders and dynasties is carved into the walls, which is what makes
Indonesian architecture exquisite.



Now that you have read the passage, please write one or two points that catch your interest as people studying
architecture/future architects Explain. (4 points)



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