Experiment - 5: Vishal Manwani U17EC022

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Vishal Manwani U17EC022


Date: 09-04-2021

AIM: Design and simulate RF Planar Filter using CST.



The microstrip belongs to the group of parallel-plate transmission lines and consists of a single
ground plane and an open strip conductor separated by a dielectric substrate. Microstrip lines
are the most commonly used form of transmission lines for microwave integrated circuits. Also,
microstrips are used as circuit components for filters, phase shifters, couplers, resonators and

Fig: Microstrip Line

A filter is a device or substance that passes electric currents at certain frequencies or frequency
ranges while preventing the passage of others. Based on the frequencies they pass, the filters
are classified as low pass filters (LPF), high pass filters (HPF), bandpass filters (BPF) and band
reject filters (BRF). These filter types are best explained based on the characteristics of a
normalized low pass filter because characteristics of other filter types can be related to the low
pass filter characteristics. The ideal low pass filter is characterized by zero loss and zero ripple
in the passband, an infinite attenuation slope at cut off frequency and infinite attenuation in the

Vishal Manwani U17EC022

Fig: Generic attenuation profile for bandpass filter


Step 1: Create a new project template of MW & RF & Optical and select Circuit and
Components. Select Planar filters as workflow. Select Time Domain resolver. Keep all the units
as default. Set the settings for Min. Freq = 0.5Ghz and Max. Freq = 3.5Ghz, then set E-field for
field monitors.

Step 2: Assign a Local WCS. Create a rectangular structure with required dimensions and name
it as substrate.

Step 3: Pick one of the faces, select extrude face and name it as ground of material ‘PEC’.
Step 3: Pick the bottom edge of substrate and align WCS such that W vector points into the
plane. Now, move WCS with a DV offset set to 10mm.
Step 4: Define another brick with the required dimensions for strip line and name it as strip line
of material ‘PEC’.
Step 5: Define brick with the required dimensions for stub and name it as stub of material
Step 6: Assign waveguide ports to both the edge faces of strip line with the required dimensions.
Step 7: Run setup solver to process and simulate the results.
Step 8: Study the results obtained from S-parameter and field plots for E-field.


Vishal Manwani U17EC022



Vishal Manwani U17EC022




Vishal Manwani U17EC022

1) E Field (f=1Ghz)

2) E Field (f=1Ghz)

3) E Field (f=3Ghz)

Vishal Manwani U17EC022


In this experiment, we designed a RF Planar filter(Microstrip Bandpass)with a pass range of

1Ghz-3Ghz and simulated the results for the same and observed the transmission.

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