Glucoamylase Research: An Overview

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Glucoamylase Research: An Overview

Ashok Pandey, Trivandrum (India)

This paper reviews the main features of glucoamylase research de- Glucoamylase-Forschung: €in Uberblick. Diese Arbeit umfaBt die
scribing essentially more recent developments on microorganisms, hauptsachlichsten Ergebnisse der Glucoamylase-Forschung und be-
production and properties of glucoamylases. It is an important indus- schreibt im wesentlichen jungere Entwicklungen uber Mikroorganis-
trial enzyme and is widely used in starch saccharitication, brewing men, Herstellung und Eigenschaften der Glucoamylasen. Die Glu-
and distilling industry. Glucoamylase can be derived from a wide vari- coamylase ist ein wichtiges industrielles Enzym und wird weit ver-
ety of sources including plants, animals and microorganisms. Most of breitet in der Stirkeverzuckerung angewendet sowie in der Brauerei-
the production techniques essentially, however, are based on micro- und in der Brennereiindustrie. Glucoamylase kann gewonnen wer-
bial sources. It is an extracellular enzyme and has got second place den aus einer groBen Vielfalt von Quellen einschliel3lich Pflanzen,
(next to proteases) in world's distribution and sales among industrial Tieren und Mikroorganismen. Die meisten Produktionsverfahren ba-
enzymes. Most of the production of glucoamylase is carried out using sieren jedoch auf mikrobiellen Quellen. Es handelt sich um ein extra-
liquid fermentation process. Technique of solid state fermentation, cellulares Enzym und steht an zweiter Stelle hinter den Proteasen in
however, have also been employed for its production and recently der weltweiten Verteilung und im Verkauf unter den industriellen En-
this technique is gaining renewed interest from researchers for its zymen. Der groBte Teil der Glucoamylaseproduktion wird im flussi-
production. The paper also describes aspects related with the purifica- gen FermentationsprozeB ausgefuhrt. Jedoch wurde die Feststofffer-
tion and characterization of glucoamylase enzyme. mentation angewendet, und dieses Verfahren gewann kurzlich erneu-
tes Interesse von Forschungsgruppen zu ihrer Herstellung. Die vorlie-
gende Arbeit beschreibt auch Aspekte zur Reinigung und Charakteri-
sierung des Glucoamylaseenzyms.

1 Introduction microorganisms but sometimes both can be produced by the

same organism [l].
Glucoamylase enzyme has got wide applications in the food
The amylase family of enzyme have been well characterized and fermentation industries viz. in the processes of starch sac-
through the study of various microorganisms. Two major clas- charification, brewing and distilling. It has got 14% distribu-
ses of starch degrading enzymes have been identified in the tion and sales (second position) on worldwide distribution
microorganisms viz. alpha amylae (endo-1,4-a-D-glucan glu- and sales of industrial enzymes [2].
cohydrolase, EC which randomly clevages the 1,4-a-D- Fleming [3] classified glucoamylases into two groups, one of
glucosidic links between adjacent glucose units in linear amy- which converts starch and P-limit dextrins completely into
lose chains and glucoamylose (synomym amyloglucosidase glucose and the other which converts starch 80% and /3-limit
and also referred as glucogenic enzyme, starch glucogenase, dextrins 40% into glucose. Panose and a-limit dextrins, how-
gamma amylase; exo-1,4-a-D-glucan-glucanohydrolase,EC ever, are completely hydrolysed to glucose by the both groups which hydrolyses single glucose residues from the [3]. The molecular size and the structure of the substrate play
non-reducing ends of amylose and amylopectin in a step-wise an important role in determining the rate of hydrolysis by glu-
manner. Unlike the alpha amylases, most glucoamylases are coamylases [4]. The affinity of the enzyme for the substrate is
also able to hydrolyse the 1,6-a-linkages in the branching linearly related to the degree of polymerization within the
points of amylopectins, although at a slower rate than the 1,4- range 2-5 units. The position and nature of bonds in the se-
a linkages. Both of these enzymes are produced by different quence also affect the rate of hydrolysis.
~~ ~ ~

sluchlstnrke 47 (1995) Nr 1 1 S 139-445 @ VCH Verlngsgesellschaft mbH, D-69451 Weinheim. 1995 0038-9056/95/11110439505 00+ 2510 43 9
2 Substrates different production techniques are used are not easy to estab-
lish. Although specific fermentation process adopted by differ-
A number of substrates, essentially starchy or related nature, ent manufacturers varies degree to degree, there remains
have been reported to be hydrolysed by glucoamylases. This these two methods i.e., SmF or SSF for the production of glu-
includes starches, glycogens, amylose, amylopectin, dextrins, coamylase enzyme [48].
maltodextrins, maltose, isomaltose, dextran, panosan and
oligo-, di- and polysaccharides etc. Sometimes, pretreatment
of substrate becomes necessary for glucoamylase action: 4 Sources of Glucoamylases
alternatively pre-treatment (i.e., liquefaction/gelatinization)
helps in better hydrolysis rate and improved product yields. Glucoamylases have been mostly widely reported to occur in
Originally, it was thought that glucoamylases did not degrade microorganisms [49] and also in animals [SO, 511 and plants
the raw starch [3]. It was Manners [S] who first reported degra- I.52). A large number of microorganisms, including bacteria,
dation of raw starch by glucoamylase. Subsequently, a number yeast and fungi are capable of producing glucoamylases. Fi-
of reports have appeared on hydrolysis of raw starch [6-151. lamentous fungi, however, constitute the major source among
all microorganisms [53]. Strains of two genus viz. Aspergillus
and Rhizopus are mainly used for commercial production of
3 Production of Glucoamylase glucoamylases.
In past few years, a variety of aerobic as well as anaerobic mi-
The production of glucoamylase for converting starchy sub- croorganisms have been investigated for their ability for pro-
strates to dextrose has been well elaborated in a number of pa- ducing glucoamylases. A few aerobic bacteria, such as Bacillus
pers and patents [16-301. An important factor in the produc- stearothermophillus (Srivastava, [54]), Flavobacterium sp. (Ben-
tion of this enzyme is the simultaneous production of der, [55]) and Halobacterium sodamense (Oken, [56]) have been
transglucosidase and/or alpha amylase. Transglucosidase ca- reported to produce glucamylase. A few anaerobic-bacteria,
talyses the formation of unfermentable dextrose polymers, for such as Closrridirrm sp. (Tuchiya et al., [57], Ohnishi et al. [%I),
example isomaltose and oligosaccharides, which ultimately C. thermosaccharolytictrm (Specka et al. [59]), C. acetobutylicum
lower the yields of dextrose. Thus, the formation of transglu- (Chojecki and Blaschek, [60], Ensley et al. [61], Hockenhull and
cosidase is an undesirable phenomenon and should be con- Herbert [62]) and C. thermohydrosri~uricum(Hynn and Zeikrrs
trolled.The formation of alpha amylase, however, may be a de- [63, 641) have also been reported to produce glucoamylase.
sirable one as it acts on starch to catalyse the formation of sac- Frikzii and Nikrini [6S] produced glucoamylase from a yeast
charides of lower moelecular weight which are broken down strain of Enclomyces sp. Everrova (661) reported a glucoamylase
to dextrose with a relative ease by glucoamylase. If, however, preparation from Endomycopsis capsularies. Occurance of glu-
relatively large amounts of alpha amylase are produced, it may coamylase in Schwanniomyces occidentalis and in Saccharomy-
be detrimental to the production of dextrose as it may pro- ces diastaticrrs was reported by Gellissen et al. [67] and Yama-
duce saccharides which may polymerized to unfermentable shita et al. (681. respectively.
dextrose polymers by transglucosidase. Several strains of Aspergillus and Rhizopus have most com-
Commercial production of glucoamylase is carried out in vari- monly be exploited for the synthesis of glucoamylase (cf. Ta-
ous steps, essentially because of the environmental factors re- ble 1). Considerable efforts have been made to synthesis it in
quired for the optimum growth of the microorganism being Aspergillrrs sp. (Manjrrnath et al. [72], Tan; et al. [73]),A. awam-
employed for the production may differ with those required ori (Hayashida, [74], Atria and Ali [7S], Srniley et al. [76], Haya-
for the production of enzyme. These parameters include nutri- shida et al. [77] and [79],Facciotti et al. [81]),A. candidus [86],A.
ents supplementation, pH of medium, osmotic relationship, foetidus (87-901, A . niger (Bartoszweick [91], Mitra and Sane
degree of aeration, temperature and control of contamina- [93], Li et al. [95], Barton et al. [99], A . oryzae [46, 1121, A. phoe-
tions during fermentation. Maintaining the purity of the me- nicrrs [48, 1161 and A . saitri [I 171. It is clearly evident from Ta-
dium also is a very important factor, especially when the fer- ble 1 that A . niger is mainly used for glucoamylase production.
mentation is carried out under aerobic conditions. Rhbopus sp. are also known to produce glucoamylases. It is
known that glucoamylase of Rhizopus sp. is generally pro-
3.1 Production techniques duced by solid cultures consisting of wheat bran and produc-
tivities are better when compared with liquid cultures. Nishise
Glucoamylase is known to be prepared by fermentation pro- et al. [lS] reported a liquid culture system for the production
cesses involving certain microorganisms. Takarnine [31,32], as of glucoamylase using Rhizopus sp. Production of raw starch
early as in 1914 reported the production of moldy bran (con- digestive glucoamylases showing different behaviour (towards
taining enzyme preparation from Aspergillus oryzae) in solid raw starch) were reported by several workers using Rhizopus
state fermentation (SSF). Underkofler et al. [33] and Boyerand sp. (Takahashi et al. [12] and Tani et al. [14]). Aspergillus sp.
Underkofler [34] reported production of moldy bran in shallow (Medda et al. [13]), R. niveus (Saha and Ueda, [154]) and A.
trays in SSF. Traditionally, glucoamylase, however, has been awamori var. kawachi (Hayashida and FIor [78]). Some workers
produced by liquid or submerged fermentation (SmF) and also investigated the behaviour of the multiple forms of the
one-way process in solution has been well developed. Most of glucoamylases towards raw starch from other sources as A . ory-
the commercial production, thus, is carried out using this tech- zae (Miah and Ueda [114]), Mucor rouxianus (Yamazaki et al.
nique. [ll]) and Monascus kaoliang (Zizuka and Mineki [134, 1361.
Technique of solid state fermentation has gained renewed in- Few thermophilic fungi have also been used for the produc-
terest from researchers for production of enzyme in view of its tion of glucoamylases which is expected to be thermostable.
several economical and engineering advantages [35-401. A Ruo et al. [160, 1631 reported thermostable glucoamylase from
number of reports have appeared recently on production of the culture filtrate of Therrnornyces lanuginosus. Subraharnan-
glucoamylase enzyme by SSF [41-471. Few attempts have also yam et al. [69] described a thermostable glucoamylase prepara-
been made for the production of glucoamylase from immobi- tion from Iorulu therrnophilia. Tayloret al. [133] reported a ther-
lized microorganisms [48]. Because the enzyme industry is mophilic culture of Humicola lanuginosa which produced ther-
highly competitive, reliable estimates of the extent to which mostable glucoamylase.

440 starch/starke 4 7 (1995) Nr. 11 S 439-445

Table 1 . Microorganisms Producing Glucoamylases. 5 Characterization of Glucoamylase
Strains References
A number of reports have appeared on purification and charac-
Bacillus stearothermophillus WI terization of glucoamylases from different sources. Table 2
Flavobacterium sp. I551 cites some of such examples. It is evident that glucoamylases
Halobacterium sodamense [561 are generally active on acidic side of neutrality with optimum
Clostridium sp. P 7 , 581 values around 4.5-5.O.The glucoamylases I and I1 from a ther-
C. Thermosaccharolyticum 1591 mophilic fungus Humicola Ianuginosa showed the pH optima
C. acetobutylicum [60-621
C. thermohydrosulSuricum
at 4.9 and 6.6, respectively (Tayloret al. [133]). Glucoamylase I1
[63, 641
Endomysis sp. [651 so produced is stable up to pH 11.0. The glucoamylases from
Endomycopsis capsularis [661 C. cerebella (King, [130]). and C. rolfsii (Kaji et al. [166]) was sta-
Schwanniomyces occidentalis [671 ble up to pH 9.0 while that of M. rouxianus showed pH stabil-
Saccharomyces diastaticus [681 ity up to 8.0 (Yamasaki et al. [ll]). The optimum temperature
Tomla th erm o p hilia (691 for glucoamylases from most of the microorganisms is be-
Acremonium zonatum [701 tween 40’-60’C (cf. Table 2).
Amylomyces rouxii [711
Aspergillus sp. [13, 72-74] A bacterial glucoamylase was purified and characterized from
A. awamori [7, 75-85] the anaerobic thermophilic bacterium Clostridium thermosac-
A. candidus 1861 charolyticum by Specka et al. [59]. The enzyme which consisted
A. foetidus [87-901 of a single subunit has an apparent molecular weight of75,OOO.
A. niger [42-45, 84, 91-1111 The purified enzyme attacked a-1,4- as well as a-1,6-glycosidic
A. oryzae [46, 112-1151 linkages in various a-glucans. The enzyme showed the pH op-
A . phoenicus [48, 1161 tima at 5.0 and temperature optima at 7OoC and attacked poly-
A. saitri 11171 sacharides preferentially. Medda et al. [ 131 studied the raw
A . terreus [47, 113, 118-1261
starch adsorption and elution behaviour of glucoamylase I of
Cephalosporium eichhorniac ~ 7 1
C. charticola black Aspergillus sp. The enzyme was completely adsorbed
Collectotrichum gloesporordes ~291 onto raw starch at pH 3.4 which was the isoelectric point of the
Coniop h o ra cerebella ~301 enzyme.
Fusidium sp. [131, 1321 Glucoamylase of A. awamori var. kawachi was found to consist
Humicola lanuginosa WI of three types ( Yoshino and Hayashida, [23]), GA I, GA I’ and
Monscus kaoliang 1134, 1361 GA 11, with molecular weigths 90.000, 83.000 and 57.000 re-
Mucor rouxianus [ l l , 1351
iM. javanicus
spectively. GA I and G A I’ were optimally active at pH 3.8
Neurospora crassa [I381
while GA I1 at pH 4.0 and the pH stability range was 2-10,2.5-
N. sitophila [ 1391 6.5 and 4-7, respectively, for these. The isoelectric points were
Paecilotnyces globosus [I401 3.55, 3.45 and 3.28 and at 60°C,GA I was stable while GA I
P. varioti ~411 and GA I1 were unstable. Similarly, the former could hydro-
Penicillium oxalicum [142, 143, 1441 lyse raw starch while other two could not. The N-terminal
Piricularia oryzae [I451 amino acids were alanine for G A I, alanine plus isoleucine for
Rhizopus sp. [12, 14, 15, 146, 1471 GA I’ and isoleucine for GA 11. Hayashida and Flor [78] re-
R. delemer [ 148- 1511 ported production of high amount of raw starch digestive glu-
R. javanicus [154, 1531
R. niveus [154, 155, 156-1581
coamylase from a mutant starin of A . awamori var. kawachi
Schizophyllum commune [I591
which has reduced protease activity.
Therrnomyces lanuginosus V601 A commercial preparation of glucoamylase from A . niger con-
Trichoderma viride [161, 1621 sisted of at least six species (Ono et al. [ 170, 171]),five forms of
which were fully characterized. They were apparently different
in molecular weight (Table 2). The optimum pH varied be-
tween 3.5-5.0 and when compared with enzymological
There are only few reports which deal with the production of characteristics, one of the species was peculier and quite differ-
amylases or glucoamylases using Basidiomycetes. Kawai [ 1641 ent from others. Pazur et al. [98] reported two forms of glu-
reported occurence of amylolytic activity in Basidiomycetes coamylase from A. niger. The molecular weight of glucoamy-
strains. Shimazaki et al. [ 1591isolated an extracellular sacchari- lase I was 99,000 and that of glucoamylase I1 was 1,12,000.
fying amylase from Schizophyllum commune which was identi- Both forms of glucoamylases contain covalently linked carbo-
fied to be glucoamylase. Schellart et al. [161,162] reported glu- hydrate (containing D-mannose, D-glucose and D-galactose
coamylolytic activities in the strains of Trichoderma viride. residues) and are therefore glycoenzymes. Glucoamylase I
Similarly, there are few reports which describe glucoamy- and I1 showed identical amino acid composition. However,
lolytic activities in yeast strains such as in Endomyces sp. the two glycoenzymes differ in carbohydrate content, glu-
( F u k u i and Nikuni, [65]), Endomycopsis capsularis (Evertova, coamylase I1 containing as much as double carbohydrate units
[66]), Schwanniomyces occidentalis (Gellissen et al. [67]) and per molecule as glucoamylase I. The carbohydrate-protein
Saccharomyces diastaticus (Yamashita et al. [68]). There is yet linkage in the glycoenzyme is essentially glycosidic to the hy-
another class of microorganism viz. phytopathogenic fungus droxyl group of L-serine and L-threonine residues.
which secrets starch degrading enzymes. Though, there are at There are several reports which deal with the characterization
least three phytopathogenic fungi, Rhizoctonia solani, Cla- of two forms of glucoamylase from A . niger (Fleming and Stone,
dosporoium cladosporioides and Collectotrichum capsici which [172]; Lineback and Aira, [173]; Lineback et al. [89]; Azuret al.
have been reported to have amylolytic activities in culture fil- [98, [I741 and Saito [175]). Glucoamylase I was shown to con-
trates (Charya et al. [ 1651. Collectotrichum gloeosporoides prob- tain 13% carbohydrate and had a molecular weight of 74,900
ably, is the only one phytopathogenic fungus which produce while glucoamylase I1 had a molecular weight of 54,300 and
glucoamylases also (Kruuse et al. [129]). contained 18% carbohydrate [ 1731. Mannose, glucose and

starch/stlrke 47 (1995) Nr. 11 S 439-445 44 1

Table 2. Characterization of Glucoamylase.
Source Forms Mol.Wt. Opt. p H Opt. Temp. Raw Starch Ref.
(“C) Digestion
Aspergillus awamori 1 83,700-90,000 4.5 60 +
A. awamori var. kawachi 3 57,000-90,000 - - +
A . awamori var. kabachi 3 90,000 3.8 - +
83,000 3.8 - -
57,000 4.0 - -
A . awarnori var. kawachi 2 90,000 4.5-5.0 - +
A . niger 6 99,500 3.5-4.0 - 0
83,200 4.0-4.5 0
58,400 5.0 - 0
80,800 4.0-4.5 - 0
78,500 4.0 - 0
A: niger 2 99,000 4.5-5.0 - 0
A. niger 1 90,000 4.5 50 0
A. niger - - 4.0 60 0
A . otyzae 3 76,000 4.5 60 +
38,000 4.5 50 0
38,000 4.5 40 0
A. niger 3 80,000 3.5-4.0 50-60 0
90,000 0
A. phoenicus - - 4.5 60 0
A. saitri - 90,000 4.5 - 0
A. lerreus - - 4.0 60 0
A . terreus - 70,000 5.0 60 0
chart ico la - 54 60 0
Coniophora cerebella - 4.0-4.5 0
Corticum rolfsii - - 4.5 40-50 0
thermosaccharolyticum 1 75,000 5.0 70 +
Ciosrridium sp. 1 77,000 4.5 65 0
Endomyces sp. - 55,000 - 0
Endomycopsis capsularis - 4.5 40-50 0
Endomycopsis sp. - 53.000 -
Hum icola la n ugin 0s 2 - 4.9 65 0
6.6 70 0
Monascus kaoligang 2 48,000 4.5 50 0
68,000 4,7 60 0
Mucor rouxianus 2 59,000 4.6 55 +
49,000 5.0 55 +
Paecilomyces varioti 1 69,000 4.5 - 0
Penicillium oxalicum 2 84,000 5.0 55-60 +
86,000 4.5 60 +
Piricularia oryzae 1 94,000 6.5 50-55 0
Rhizopus sp. 3 74,000 4.5-5.0 - +
58,600 +
61,400 +
Rhizopus sp. 2 - - +
R. delemer 1,00,000 4.5 40 0
R. niveus 5 4.5-6.0 - +
Schizophyllum commune 1 66,000 5.0 40 +
Thermomyces lanuginosus 1 57,000 70 0

galactose were the sugars present. The carbohydrate moieties tween the basic and acidic amino acids residues ofA. nigerglu-
in both were same and were a-glucosidically linked through coamylase I and 11, is 25 and 14, respectively [173]. The ab-
mannose to hydroxyl groups of serine and threonine in the sence of methionine distinguishes the glucoarnylases from En-
polypeptide chain. The amino acid composition of glucoamy- domyces sp ( F u k u i and N i k u n i , [65])and Endomycopsis s p . (Gra-
lases also varied from species to species. The difference be- cheva et al. [167]). Glucoamylase from A.phoenicis did not con-

442 starch/stlrke 4 7 (1995) Nr. 11 S 439-445

tain any tryptophan and only one unit of methionine was de- weight was 94,000 (Yuhki et al. [145]). The glucoamylase of 7h-
tected in it. It did not contain any amino sugars (Lineback and ermomyces lanuginosus established to be homogenous [160].
Baumann [21]. Ono et al. [169] purified the glucoamylase of A. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with an average molecular
oryzae by extraction with 1% NaCl solution, precipitation with weight of about 57,000 and a carbohydrate content of 10-12'Yo.
ethanol and acarbose affinity chromatography. The purified The enzyme hydrolysed successive glucose residues from the
enzyme was homogeneous and was a glycoprotein containing non-reducing ends of starch molecule. It did not exhibit any
about 4.8% glucosamine and 7.8% neutral saccharides. glucosyltransferase activity. The enzyme was unable to hydro-
A major homogeneous glucoamylase was purified from A . sai- lyse 1,6-a-glucosidic linkages of isomaltose and dextran. It
tri (Takahashi et al. [117]) which was glycoprotein containing was optimally active at 7OoC and showed remarkable resis-
18% neutral sugars and 0.77O/o glucosamine. Its molecular tance towards chemical and thermal denaturization.
weight was estimated to be 90.000 and the N-terminal amino Shimazaki et al. [159] reported an extracellular saccharifying
acid was identified as alanine. The enzyme was stable between amylase preparation from Schizophyllum cotnrnune which was
pH 2.5 and 7.5 (optimum pH 4.5) and it retained full activity at identified to be glucoamylase. The enzyme was purified by
temperature up to 5OOC. ammonium sulfate precipiation, acid-clay-treatment and Se-
Ali and Hossain [118] studied the characteristics of glucoamy- phadex G-100 gel filtration which gave a single band.
lase from A . terreus. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with an
isoelectric point at 3.4 and was optimally active at pH 4.0 and
6OOC. It was remarkably stable over a pH range of 3.0-7.0. The Acknowledgements
enzyme exhibited specificity for substrate containing a-1,4-
The author is grateful to Dr. A. D. Damodaran, Director and Dr. Vijay
glucosidic linkages. Gosh et al. [120] reported purification and
Nair, Head, Chemical and Life Science Division, for their interest in
characterization of glucoamylase of A . terreus NA-170 mutant the project on glucoamylase production. He thanks Mr. P. Selvakumar
which was shown to be homogeneous. The purified enzmye for his help in the preparation of the manuscript. A research grant
showed the pH and temperature optima at 5.0 and 60°C with from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. India, New Delhi, is
stability range between pH 3.0-7.0 and 3Oo-75OC, respectively. gratefully acknowledged.
Ueda and Kano [146] purified the glucoamylase system of Rhi-
zopus sp. By fractionation, two kinds of glucoamylases were
obtained; one has a strong debran,ching activity while the
other has a weak debranching activity. Morbam et al. [I551 Bibliography
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