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Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got:

1. Pam …………… one 2. There ……………… 3. Dad …………… in the 4. “How many hens …………
today. She …………… many pupils with Mrs dining room. He Sue got?” “She
two balloons. White today, only three. ………… in the kitchen. ………………… three”.

5. “How many children 6. Mum ………………… 7. Our neighbours’ house 8. Sushi ……………… from
………the some new shoes. They ………… for sale. China. It …………… from
Smiths………?” “They …………… yellow. Japan.
……………… two. They
…………… twins”.

9. Albert …………… in 10. “Where …………… 11. Ken …………… 12. “What …………… it?” “It
love. you now?” “We blind. He …………… a ……………… a pink button”.
…………… in the living guide dog.

13. Grandma’s hair 14. “…………… there any 15. “What colour 16. This …………… my
………… grey. She biscuits left, mum?” “Yes, ………… Kim’s favourite dessert: strawberries
……… curly, blonde there ……………” balloon?” “It……… and cream.
hair. yellow.”

17. These …………… 18. “………… you 19. They ……………… 20. Dan ……………… a dog.
my parents. They ………… a red car?” “No, at home. They He …………… sad.
…………… really nice. I ……………, my car …………… in the
…………… green.” country.

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