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TITLE: Amylase breaking down starch at different ph levels.

Topic: Core topic 1: Molecular Biology

Present to: Sonia Garnica

Date: September 19, 2016

Exploration Analysis Evaluation Communication TOTAL

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This experiment is conducted to identify by using the amylase enzyme in which of different ph conditions, it functions in a
better way. This could be determined by creating different levels of ph and solutions that react with the amylase, in this
way assuring that by having and evaluating the solution of starch, amylase and different buffer solutions of specific ph
levels, the solution that mixed with iodine solution turns into orange color, will be the best option for the enzyme, taking
into account that the best option refers to the amylase that putted into different ph levels could be able to decompose the
starch completely.

Background information

Amylase:Any of a widely distributed class of enzymes thatcatalyze the hydrolysis of starch, glycogen, andrelated polysac
charides to oligosaccharides,maltose, or glucose.
Enzyme:Any of various proteins, as pepsin, originatingfrom living cells and capable of producing certainchemical changes 
in organic substances bycatalytic action, as in digestion.
Starch:A white, tasteless, solid carbohydrate, (C 6 H 1 0 O5) n, occurring in the form of minute granules inthe seeds, tubers, 
and other parts of plants, andforming an important constituent of rice, corn,wheat, beans, potatoes, and many othervegeta
ble foods.
pH:The symbol for the logarithm of the reciprocal ofhydrogen ion concentration in gram atoms perliter, used to express th
e acidity or alkalinity of asolution on a scale of 0 to 14, where less than 7represents acidity, 7 neutrality, and more than 7al

(, s.f.)

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The objective of this experiment is to be able to determine and evidence the way in which an amylase enzyme mixed with
a starch solution in contact to different ph levels could decompose the starch efficiently. Thus, deducing that starting on a
blue color means that the starch solution is not completely decomposed by the amylase, and that getting an orange color
means the starch solution is fully decomposed by the amylase.

Research question;
What´s the best ph level for the amylase to brake down the starch completely?

Variable Independent:
Amylase - Starch solution.

Variable Dependent:
Presence or absence of starch.

Controlled Variables:
Concentration of the substrate (3ml of amylase and starch solution)
Temperature of the solutions
Ph levels of the solutions (7,9,11,13,14)

Table 1: Materials
Starch solution 10ml (10%) Chronometer
Amylase solution 10ml (10%) Mixer
5 test tubes 20ml Water 9ml per test tube
Iodine solution 15ml (10%) Cylinder 35ml

Experimental procedure

1. Mix starch and amylase (1g) with 9ml of water measured by the cylinder in each test tube.
2. Add in each solution a buffer of specific ph levels starting into 7 (7,9,11,13,14)
3. Wait for the solution to be totally mixed and accented. (60 seconds)
4. Add to each solution 10 drops of iodine solution.
5. Observe for change color in each solution and evaluate which ph level breakdown the starch efficiently.
(eHow, s.f.)

Table 1: Results after iodine solution

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Test Ph level Color


References (s.f.). Retrieved 19 Septiember 2016, from
eHow. (s.f.). eHow. Retrieved 19 Septiember 2016, from eHow:

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