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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Ohio State Organization - Pi Chapter

February 2021

Volume 40, Number 3

Pi’s Piper
Inside this issue:

November Meeting 2
December Meeting 3
Message from our Presidents
garage and office - I'm one of
January Meeting Minutes 4-5 those lucky people who have
Necrology Ceremony and space- and have sat like DKG/
Founders Day Reflections Pi Ladies in Waiting to be
brought to the inner chamber
Proposed 2021-22 Budget 6 to learn their destiny. So far I
have managed to scan, file and
Pi Chapter Members 7 get rid of two boxes. I have
Book Recommendations created a digital file of all the
history and member informa-
tion found so far. As I look
Pi Chapter I hope this finds you well and through it, most of it is pretty As I scan things, I am
2020-22 Officers in decent spirits. I was glad to routine but every now and recycling my little heart out and
Nominating Committee see 2020 in the rear view mir- again I am finding wonderful the paper trail moves into the
ror and hopeful that 2021 give tidbits of our history. Did you next phase - a good thing since
Co-Presidents us a return to whatever be- know we used to have a Pio- many records were fading and
comes the new normal. It will neer Women Committee that the paper even crumbling!!
Susan Ayers/Linda Harrison
be very curious to see how the reported on women who were Stay well, be safe and
Vice President/Programs protocols set in place during pioneers in education? I have be proud that you have been
Covid effect our lives going not yet found their reports, instrumental in the membership
Jackie Mahaffey forward. I myself have resisted only that the committee ex- of Pi Chapter.
Secretary online shopping, pick-up and isted. We have many distin-
delivery. I definitely prefer an guished member among our Sue Ayers and Linda Hamilton
Becky Shepard in store experience. I need to ranks: Nettie Lee Roth, Doris Updates:
Treasurer smell the cantaloupe!! Who Ponitz, Violet Strahler, Mary
could have imagined that an Zahner, Evangeline Lindsley, Linda Harrison and her team
Barbara Carruth offshoot of this horrible Covid Anita James and June Marable have finished updates to the Pi
experience would cause many to name a few. As I get into Chapter Policies and Proce-
of us to become savvier on the the next few boxes I hope to dures. A copy will be distrib-
Judy Gebhart computer?? It is slowly hap- gather and consolidate more uted through email for your
pening to me and I admit I am information on members and review with a vote for approval
Past President at the March Meeting.
very glad that I retired before Pi Chapter happenings. What
Lori Williams my job was online!! It was I have found is that we are Lori Williams has mailed out
never "on the line" but never fortunate to be part of a soci- scholarship application materials
Nominating Committee Chair
online either!! Little play on ety that has made a difference to high schools in Montgomery
Lori Williams words for my friends!! in the lives of women teachers County. Suzanne made a num-
I have embarked on since our founding in 1939. ber of updates to our school
Membership Chair
the Great Pi Chapter Scanning Women Teachers to the Calling!! mailing list. The application
Nancy Vogel Project. When I picked up the I invite our members deadline is MARCH 5, 2021.
Newsletter Editor President's files from where to send tidbits of our history to Upcoming Meetings:
they had been stored at Judy me via mail or email to be in- Tuesday, March 9—Zoom
Suzanne Mitolo Gebhart's a few years ago, I cluded. Word documents
Saturday, May 22—in-person
loaded several banker boxes would be preferred but I'll take
and plastic files into my car. what I can get! Newsy stuff Please consider inviting a
From there they went into my please! guest to this meeting!
Page 2 Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3

November Meeting Minutes December Meeting Minutes

Please note: Information from the November meeting was shared Delta Kappa Gamma
in the November Pi’s Piper issue, but minutes were not included. Pi Chapter
December Zoom Meeting
Coordinating Council Meeting Minutes Saturday, December 5, 2020
November 7, 2020—11:00
Kohler Conference Center In place of the usual December Holiday Silent Auction,
Beta Psi – Hosting Chapter a Zoom Bingo and Trivia social was held.

Linda Harrison has purchased a Zoom licenses which

Ruth Hogsten, Beta Psi President, called the meeting to allows for a meeting to go beyond 45 minutes. She
order at 11:15. She introduced the presidents from hosted the meeting.
Delta Kappa and Pi Chapters and the speaker Peggy
Miller from Heifer International. Sue and Suzanne made and mailed a Holiday Bingo
Laurie Hawkins, Beta Psi member, led us in saying the Card and MM’s to use to cover the card to each mem-
Pledge of Allegiance. ber of Pi Chapter. Participants were encouraged to wear
Christmas blouses, sweatshirts for the festive occasion.
Jodi Brown, another Beta Psi member, gave the Invoca-
tion. Following the invocation, we had lunch. As Bingo was played, Holiday trivia questions were also
Peggy Miller, our speaker, is the historian for Heifer In- read. The following is a list of the winners:
ternational. Her program was: Helping Others Help
Bingo ($10 – gift card to Kroger)
Themselves. Peggy has written a children’s picture Debbie Beck
book titled The Seagoing Cowboy, which is the early Kate Brookshire
history of how Heifer International was founded. Mattie Fair
Peggy was inspired by her Grandfather Abe’s trip as a Jackie Mahaffey
seafaring cowboy to Poland in 1946. The “seafaring Joan Raines
cowboys” delivered horses and heifers to European
countries which had been destroyed by WWII. This was Door prize winners (DKG Pendants made by Jackie
the beginning of the Heifer Project which gave these Mahaffey)
animals to devastated people so that they could begin to Betty Darst
Amanda Greer
rebuild their lives. This was a very interesting and infor-
Joan Raines
mative program.
Joyce Leedom, a Beta Psi member, led us in a Recom- Mattie played a couple of Holiday songs on the piano.
mitment Ceremony to DKG International, its mission
and seven purposes. Reminder was given to send checks to Barb for scholar-
ship donations in place of the Silent Auction.
Sandy Roe, from Beta Psi, led in singing the Delta
Kappa Gamma song. Meeting was adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:45PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Secretary, Becky Shepard

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Harrison, substituting for
Pi Secretary, Becky Shepard
Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3 Page 3

the new
Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3 Page 4

January Meeting Minutes

Delta Kappa Gamma his partner Paul Fitzpatrick; her sister, Kitty Hollerman; 2 grand-
Pi Chapter children –Kate and Tommy Webster; and 3 great-grandchildren–
Necrology Zoom Meeting Cameron, Keri, and Chloe Lewis. She was a very active member of
Saturday, January 16, 2021 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. She had a lovely voice and
many of her fellow choir members sang at her funeral.
President, Linda Harrison called the meeting to order.
Minutes December minutes were not available. Pat also share a poem by Linda Ellis “The Dash”
Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance October 1, 2020 $3886.64
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the
Receipts $0
dates on the tombstone from the beginning… to the end.
Disbursements $ 541.59
Closing Balance October 31, 2020 $3345.06
He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with
tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
Opening Balance November 1, 2020 $3345.06
Receipts $0
For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only
Disbursements $ 164
those who loved them know what that little line is worth.
Closing Balance November 31, 2020 $3181.06
For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What
Opening Balance December 1, 2020 $3181.06
matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
Receipts $ 675.00
Disbursements $30.20
So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For
Closing Balance December 31, 2020 $3825.86
you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged.
December collection for Scholarships $535.00
To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our
Necrology lives like we’ve never loved before.
Dorothy Rankin Yvonne Rall Jeannie Bryant
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile… remembering
Linda Harrison shared the following: that this special dash might only last a little while.
Dorothy L. Rankin was a music teacher. She was president of Pi
Chapter from 1988-1990. She had a varied career: She taught mu- So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash, would you
sic at the Dept. of Defense American Schools in Germany, France, be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash?
and Japan. She was a consultant for Allyn & Bacon, book publish-
ers. She had a beautiful voice, and she was a member of Westmin- Let’s all celebrate how these three lovely ladies lived THEIR DASH.
ster Presbyterian's Church choir. She retired from Dayton Public
Schools. She died October 3, 2020. © 1996-2020 Southwestern Inspire Kindness, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Yvonne Rall taught French at Centerville High School. She was a

single mom with one son, Ted, who is a professional cartoonist. Delta Kappa Gamma Necrology Ceremony
She is French and she married an American and moved to the Nancy Vogel, Membership Chair
United States. She died February 7, 2020. January 16, 2020
(Note: Zoom meeting with lit candle and pictures of founders)
Pat Kuczak shared the following:
Jeannie Bryant passed away January 15, 2020, a year ago yesterday
We, as members of Delta Kappa Gamma Society Interna-
tional, come together today to honor our friends and mem-
at age 73. She was employed as a school psychologist in several
bers of Pi chapter who departed from us during the past year.
area school districts. Following retirement, she served as a parent
surrogate. She was an active member at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Dorothy Rankin - Saturday, October 3
Church and sang in their choir. She also sang in the Miami Valey Yvonne Rall - Friday, February 7
Chorale and with Center Stage. Jeannie was also a member of Jeanne Brandt - Wed, January 15
Kappa Phi Teacher’s Sorority. She is survived by her husband of
51 yeas, Stephen Brandt, her daughter, Gretchen and husband Bill
Webster; and two sons--Christian Brandt and Wilfred Brandt and
Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3 Page 5

Why God Made Teachers (Nancy Vogel) Beatrice Brown Gnau taught arithmetic at Emerson Jr.
By Kevin William Huff High School. She was Pi’s first president.
When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
L. Daisy Hammond was Principal of Patterson and
To help us understand His world Clark Schools. She was the first Vice-President of Pi.
And truly comprehend Helen Wild Hartsock taught Latin and French at Fair-
The beauty and the wonder
Dorothy Rankin
mont High School and also was the girls’ counselor.
Of everything we see, Evangeline Lindsley taught U.S. History and Govern-
And become a better person
With each discovery.
ment at Roosevelt High School. PI Chapter---
Edith S. McCartney taught arithmetic and English at
When god created teachers, E.J. Brown Elementary School in Dayton. She was also
He gave us special guides a member of the Dayton Teachers’ Club and the Day-
To show us ways in which to grow ton English Club.
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What’s right instead of wrong, Ruth F. Rosell taught 4th grade. Nettie Lee Roth taught
To lead us so that we can lead algebra at Roosevelt High School and was also the assis-
And learn how to be strong tant principal there.
When God created teachers
In his wisdom and His grace
Nettie Lee Roth was also the namesake of one of Day-
Was to help us learn to make our world ton’s Public High Schools.
A better, wiser place. Jeanne Brandt Ida Odelle Rudy was principal of Fairview Elementary
Linda shared the early history of Pi Chapter in rec-
ognition of founder’s day January 21, 1939. Maude Larimore Rupel was the principal of Jefferson
Elementary School.
PI Chapter---Early History---1939
Pi Chapter became an official chapter of Delta Kappa Sue Seybold- Beeghly was a first-year principal at Frank-
Gamma on Saturday, January 21, 1939, at the Biltmore lin Elementary School. She is shown here with other
Hotel at 10:30 AM. Cholie D. McGlinchay, of Colum- members at a special event.
bus, one of the founders of Alpha Delta State, and
Lenore Corbin, a member of Gamma Chapter in Co- Mary Catherine Stewart taught English and health at
lumbus, performed the initiation ceremony of 27 new Wilbur Wright Jr. High School. She died in 2011 and
members. The dues were $4 annually; the initiation fee she was our longest living charter member and she is
was $10. still greatly cherished by our membership. Beth Ather-
Charter Members ton Tittle was principal of Edison School in Dayton.
Genevieve Brintnall was Coordinator of Music in Day- Helen Corrine Ward taught 7th & 8th grades as well as
ton elementary schools. She was also president of Music being an assistant principal at Lewton School on Xenia
Educators Club of Dayton. Pike in Dayton.
Florence Clippinger taught biology at Roosevelt High Unfortunately, we do not have any information on these
School. In 1962, she was voted one of Dayton’s Top 10 charter members: Mary Connolly, Eva De Vaney, Edna
Women. Holmes, Blanche Keyser, Mary Good Royal, Eva
Sefton, Ruth Switzer, Bess Thomas, Isabel Tole. PI
Frieda Friesinger Beekman taught drama, public speech Chapter---Early History---1939 Appendix A Officers
and speech at Emerson Jr. High. 1939-1941 Theme: We Plan To Achieve • President
Beatrice B. Gnau • 1 st Vice Pres. L. Daisy Hammond •
Mary Virginia Lacy Githens taught home economics, 2 nd Vice Pres. Mary Catherine Stewart • Recording
English, Latin in the Washington Township High Sec. Nettie Lee Roth • Corres. Sec. Edna Holmes •
School. Treasurer Blanche Keyser • Parliamentarian Evangeline
Lindsley • Historian Helen Hartsock
Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3 Page 6

2021-22 Proposed Budget

Regular Active Members 11 @ $76 $ 836.00
Active members with $50 discount 18 @ $26 $ 468.00
Regular Reserve Members 5@ $27 $ 135.00
New Member Fee 1 @ $15 $ 15.00
Interest from Porter Investment $ 10,546.00

1 *Active Members Dues-State 29 @ $13 $ 377.00
2 *Active Members Dues-Int. 29 @ $40 $ 1,160.00
3 *Reserve Member Dues 5 @ $26 $ 130.00
4 Pi Chapter Scholarship 34 @ $ .80 $ 27.20
5 *State Scholarship 34 @ $ .20 $ 6.80
6 New Member Supplies $ 15.00
7 Chapter Directories $ 45.00
8 Supplies from International $ 15.00
9 President's State Convention Expenses $ 600.00
10 Coordinating Council $ 100.00
11 Pi Grant-in-Aid (high school seniors) $ 2,500.00
12 *Required Donation to Schools for Africa $ 50.00
13 Anniversary Fund $ 500.00
14 Committee Expenses (addendum) $ 1,940.00
15 Liability Insurance (from Porter Invest.) $ 323.00
16 Dues subsidy for attendance $ 900.00
17 Subsidies for meals $ 900.00
18 E J Porter Class Enhancement Grants $ 1,500.00
19 Prof Development (Pi Scholarships) $ 500.00
20 Miscellaneous $ 411.00


21 Membership (orientation/initiation) $ 25.00
22 Communication (non ybook printing/website) $ 75.00
23 Social (bev/snacks/meeting supplies) $ 100.00
24 Sunshine (donation of cards will be used) $ 10.00
25 Service Project $ 750.00
26 Program (speakers/music/fine arts) $ 400.00
27 Scholarship (Grant in Aid expenses) $ 50.00
28 Historian $ 30.00
29 State Service Project (foster care) $ 250.00
30 Literacy Project $ 50.00
31 Memorials $ 200.00
$ 1,940.00
Pi’s Piper Volume 40, Number 3 Page 7

Books and Movies Suggested by Pi Members- Sue Myers: The historical fiction series by Ken Follett called the Century
January 2021 Zoom Meeting Series: Fall of Giants, Winter of the World, and Edge of Eter-
nity. The books follow 5 families (from America, England, Wales, Ger-
many and Russia) through the 20th century and how their lives became
Pat Kuczak: Where the Crawdads Sing by Dalia Owens intertwined in all of the events of the time. Very interesting.
Ellen Ferrugia: Small Great Things, by Jodi Picoult Barb Carruth wrote, “The books I read lately are Twisted 26 by Janet
Evanovich, and Blue Moon by Lee Child. Both are pretty quick, escapist
Linda Harrison: Christmas at Home by Carolyn reads. Also, if you are going to list movies, I wish I had mentioned The
Brown. Setting: ranch in the Panhandle of Texas. Grand- Greatest Showman. If you like musicals and Hugh Jackman, this
mother is selling the ranch and the grand-daughter does not movie is for you.
want her to sell. And then the grand-daughter falls in love
with the buyer of the ranch. Joan Raine: Dutch Girl by Robert Matzen (It's Audrey Hepburn's diary
of teenage yrs. growing up in Arnhem, the Netherlands, during WWII. )
Mattie Fair could not attend, but she sent her book title to
Linda: Pappyland by Wright Thompson. It is about the Jackie Mahaffey: A self-help book Good Sugar vs. Bad Sugar.
History of Kentucky, bourbon, the Derby, family successes
and failures. Nora Stang: Movie “Hidden Figures”
Marcia Waters: Dare To Be Kind: How Extraordinary Judy Gebhart: The Library Book. Susan Orlean re-opens the unsolved
Compassion Can Transform Our World mystery of the most catastrophic library fire in American history, and
Author: Lizzie Velasquez. Note: A powerful, inspirational delivers a dazzling homage to a beloved institution – our libraries
reading that will leave you with hope that there is good in
this world. Debbie Beck: The Black Swan of Paris by Karen Robards. WWII story
about a singer who became a spy for the Allies.

Sue Ayers: Ladies of the Lake by Haywood Smith, a story of four sis-
ters who are forced to come together after years of silence.

Author Marie Benedict’s most popular books including: The Only

PROGRAM REPORT Woman in the Room, The Other Einstein, Carnegie's Maid, Lady
Clementine, and The Mystery of Mrs. Christie (recommended by?)
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Laura Peterson: Enjoys the work of author Joyce Carol Oates, “it’s not
6:30 PM Zoom Meeting so much the story line of her books, but rather the way in which she
crafts the telling of her story. This is true literature”. She shared several
Teaching in the COVID Era titles: The Falls, The Widow Bride of the Falls, We Were the Mul-
vaney’s-- a tale of a family struggling to cope with its fall from grace into
a deeply moving and unforgettable account of the vigor of hope and the
Hosted by Jackie Mahaffey, power of love to prevail over suffering. Laura also suggested we start a Pi
Program Chair Chapter Book Club!
* * * Cel Grewe: watched The Queen's Gambit miniseries on Netflix.
Saturday May 22, 2021 Suzanne Mitolo: a Netflix series called Lemony Snicket's A Series of
2:00 PM Unfortunate Events. There is also a 2004 movie by the same name
(Jude Law as Lemony Snicket, the pen name of American writer Daniel
Location: Ayers Barn Handler and other well known actors).

Spring Tea Jo Anne Collins: The Giver of Stars by Jo Jo Moyes

Join us as we recognize our

membership and
scholarship recipients.
Mission: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International promotes professional and
personal growth of women educators and
excellence in education.

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