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The Power of

By Analyzing
Super Bowl Ads

By: Kayla Dessert

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Target Market
What is a target market? How do advertisers use a target
market to sell their brand?
A target market is a certain group of consumers that a
product is aimed for. For example, when Nike advertises their
basketball shoes, their target market is athletes that play
basketball. Car companies target specific group based on the
type of car they are selling. Trucks are aimed for those people
that have to carry large loads, whereas an mini-van is
targeted for families with kids.
When a company knows its target market, it can better plan
its advertisements to appeal to those groups. A Nike ad can use
a popular athlete to appeal to their target market of young
basketball players. A car company can show how safe their
car is to persuade people to buy it.
Determine the target market for each of the following
1. Mountain Dew:
2. Diapers:
3. Bubblegum:
4. Toothpaste:
5. Doritos:
6. Makeup:
7. Grocery Store:
8. SUV:
9. Videogames:
10. Star Wars Action Figure:
Kayla Dessert 2018
Types of Appeals
• Ethos- an appeal to credibility or character
Advertisers use this type of appeal to show that
their company is more reliable or credible than
others. Often times they use a reliable source such
as a study, doctor, or celebrity endorsement to
make this point.

• Logos- an appeal to logic or reason

Using this type of appeal, advertisers aim to show
consumers the facts and evidence about what their
product does. They try to be clear in presenting their
facts to convince you.

• Pathos- an appeal to emotion

Pathos is used to appeal to the consumers'
emotions. Advertisers often show people being
extremely happy using their product, or aim to
show a sad situation in order to appeal to their
emotion and gain a call to action.

Kayla Dessert 2018

Advertising Strategies
Avante Guarde- The idea that using this product will put you ahead of
the times.

Weasel Words- Using words such as "virtually" spotless and "most" of

the time. Giving the illusion of a guarantee, while not actually guaranteeing

Patriotism- Instilling the idea that buying or using this product will make
you more American or patriotic to your country.

Transfer- Using positive ideas, images, and words to imply that the
product is also positive.

Plain Folks- Showing that the product is used and needed by regular
people and families.

Snob Appeal- Suggesting that using this product will move you to a
more elite status.

Bribery- Offers you something "extra".

Band Wagon- This technique suggests you should join the crowd in
buying this product so you aren't the only one without it.

Slogan- Having a catchy phrase that people will remember.

Repetition- Repeating your slogan, an idea, or saying over and over with
the hopes it will stick with people and they will remember your product.

Testimonial- Using a satisfied customer to give their experiences with

the product to convince others.

Celebrity Endorsement- Having a celebrity use, advertise, and

endorse your product. If they use it, so should you!
Kayla Dessert 2018
Advertising Strategies
Decide which appeal and advertising strategy, or
strategies, each example uses.
1. Lebron James winning while wearing Nike shoes:

2. Showing athletes drinking Gatorade after working

out: __________________________________________

3. Nissan showing a baby sleeping happily and safely in

their car: ______________________________________

4. Colgate explaining that 9 out of 10 dentists

recommend Colgate toothpaste: __________________

5. An infomercial for a product where if you order

NOW you will get two for the price of one:

6. Colorful, different, and new jerseys worn each

game by a college football team:

7. McDonald’s- “I’m Lovin’ It!”: ____________________

8. Commercial for the newest iPhone with the best

camera yet:
Kayla Dessert 2018
Advertising Strategies
Decide which appeal and advertising strategy or
strategies each example uses.
*Other answers are possible, have students defend their
1. Lebron James winning while wearing Nike shoes:
Ethos and Celebrity Endorsement/ Snob Appeal

2. Showing young athletes drinking Gatorade after working

out and being satisfied:
Pathos and Transfer/ Plain Folks

3. Nissan showing a baby sleeping happily and safely in their

car: Pathos and Plain Folks

4. Colgate explaining that 9 out of 10 dentists recommend

Colgate toothpaste:
Logos and Testimonial

5. An infomercial for a product where if you order NOW

you will get two for the price of one:
Logos and Bribery

6. Colorful, different, and new jerseys worn each game by

a college football team:
Pathos and Bandwagon/ Snob Appeal

7. McDonald’s- “I’m Lovin’ It!”: Pathos and Slogan

8. Commercial for the newest iPhone with the best camera

yet: Logos and Avante Guarde
Kayla Dessert 2018
Super Bowl Commercials
After discussing the types of appeals and
advertising strategies, take some time to look at
past and current Super Bowl commercials. Have a
discussion about the following points for each:
- Which appeal was used?
- Which strategies did the companies aim to
- What was the target market for each?
- Do the students feel the commercials were
successful? If so, why? If not, why not?

I have listed a few links to commercials from

the 2016 Super Bowl. After the current Super
Bowl airs, you can have students suggest some of
their favorites, or pick a few yourself to show
and have a discussion about each.

Kayla Dessert 2018

Super Bowl Commercials
While watching the Super Bowl, choose five commercials to take notes on to discuss
in class.

Product/ Advertising Technique/s

Appeal Used
Commercial Summary Used

Kayla Dessert 2018

Super Bowl Commercials
Which Super Bowl ad appealed most to you, and why? Which appealed least to you
and why? Describe the different appeals and techniques that were used in each of
the commercials you chose and how that played into your decision.
Kayla Dessert 2018

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