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February 2020 Delta Kappa Gamma Pi Chapter

Pi’s Piper
Volume 39, Number 3

Inside this issue:

December Meeting 2
January Meeting Minutes 3

Program Report 4
Message from President Sue Ayers
January Meeting Minutes
Jan Brasier Rembrance
their house as "the Brandt ning from Jan Brasier's
Updates 5 home for wayward boys", request that funds be do-
it brought a chuckle to nated to K-12 Gallery and
Proposed 2020-21 Budget 6 the congregation but also honoring Jeanne's family's
in a nutshell describes request that funds be given
Jeanne's willingness to to Columbus Children’s
reach out and counsel any Hospital in memory of her
Pi Chapter and everyone she could. grandson Henry Webster.
2018-20 Officers Barbara does such a won-
Nominating Committee The Executive
Welcome to the Committee reviewed the derful job for us organiz-
new decade!! It's already changes to the Chapter ing our finances. Make
President been a busy Pi Chapter sure to give her a heads up
documents that we will be
Susan Ayers year. We've had our and thank you.
voting on at the March
January member meeting, meeting. These will be Linda Harrison is
Vice President/ the executive committee
Programs sent in a separate email so healing and plans to attend
met, the finance commit- be sure to review before the March meeting. She
Cel Andzik-Grewe
tee met, and the letters the meeting. We also appreciated the cards.
for our scholarships have talked about the Decem- Good job girls!!
Becky Shepard been sent to our high ber auction and have
schools! See you in March.
come up with some new The program will include
Treasurer While this is the ideas that will help
Barbara Carruth
our speakers and the vote
norm for this time of year streamline it and yet keep on the 2020-22 officers,
we also had a sad sur- it fun with quality items next FY budget and re-
prise. Member Jeanne to bid on. More on this vised chapter rules.
Judy Gebhart
Brandt passed away on later. Christmas is still a
January 15. Suzanne Mi- long way off (my lights See you then!! Stay warm
Past President and healthy!
Lori Williams tolo, Pat Kuczak, Barbara are still up!) Cel did an-
Carruth and I represented nounce the August meet-
Nominating Committee Pi Chapter at the funeral. ing date. Mark your cal-
Chair Jeanne was always smiling endars for August 26,
Lori Williams and had shared her cancer 2020. More to follow.
scare with us at the De- At the Finance
Membership Chair cember meeting. Who meeting, the committee
Pam O’Brien could have imagined that voted to begin donating
she would be gone so $50 to the causes or chari-
Jan’s Ohio Quilt

Newsletter Editor quickly? Her son spoke

Suzanne Mitolo
ties that are listed for our
graciously at the service deceased members, begin-
sharing that he referred to
Page 2 Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 3

December Meeting Minutes

Delta Kappa Gamma Reflection – Cel Grewe
Pi Chapter
December 15, 2019 Lunch
Presidential Center (change from NCR CC due to kitchen fire) Minutes – October minutes were
Holiday Luncheon & Scholarship Silent Auction published. November was the coordi-
nating council meeting.
President, Sue Ayers, welcomed everyone to the Pi Chapter’s Si-
lent Auction. Cel Grewe gave the reflection. Treasurer – There was no report as
Barb was not present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Committee Reports
Reminder to sign in – attend 5 of 7 meeting to receive $50 pay-  Suzanne reporting on the Foster
ment toward dues. Care Initiative and the number
of families and children that were served by the project. This
Introduction of guests. was done in conjunction with Centerville Primary Village
Invitation for those attending to bid on items to be auction. All  January meeting will be Necrology Service for Jan Braiser
money goes toward the scholarships.  Scholarship – discussion of male/female recipients. Scholar-
ship information will be disbursed to high schools in Mont-
gomery County.
 Nominating committee is working on slate of officers for the
upcoming biennium.
 Election will take place in March.

Silent Auction – Due to Barb’s absence, Judy Gebhart collected

the money for the auction items.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Shepard
Pi Chapter, Secretary
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 3 Page 3

January Meeting Minutes

Delta Kappa Gamma Committee Reports
Pi Chapter  Linda Harrison is resting in CA at her brothers after hip sur-
Necrology gery. Card was signed at the meeting by members and sent to
Saturday, January 4, 2020 her. Laura Peterson thanked everyone for cards received fol-
lowing her hip surgery.
President, Sue Ayers, called the meeting to order and asked for a
 Sue Mitolo is collecting the pictures from old Christmas cards,
motion of flexibility of the agenda.
etc to use with her art projects.
Pledge of Allegiance.  Judy Gebhart and Cel Grewe will be doing the March 12th
program. There was change in the boxed lunch vendor to
Guests were introduced – Jackie Mahaffey, Diane Thomas – ques-
tioned if she had paid her dues, or was a visitor. Cherry House. Boosalis is no longer doing boxed lunches.
Suggestion was made to also try My Favorite Muffin for boxed
Treasurer’s Report: lunches.
Opening Balance August 1, 2019 $3,153.60  May meeting will be on Saturday this year at Christ Episcopal
Receipts $ 301.00 Church; 20 W 1st St, Dayton, OH.
Disbursements $ 156.69
Closing Balance August 31, 2019 $3,297.91 Lori Williams reported that the scholarship committee met and has
information ready to be mailed this week. The deadline to return
Opening Balance September 1, 2019 $3,297.91 the application is March 4th. Debbie Beck, Joan Raine and Lori will
Receipts $ 130.00 then select the recipients for the scholarships.
Disbursements $ 0
Closing Balance September 30, 2019 $3427.91 Pam O’Brien reported that membership has an information sheet
available to be given to prospective members. She lead the group
Opening Balance October 1, 2019 $3427.91 in the Necrology Service to honor Jan Brasier (see page 4).
Receipts $ 460.00
Disbursements $1200.00 New Member
Closing Balance October 31, 2019 $2687.91 Jackie Mahaffey was presented for
Opening Balance November 1, 2019 $2687.91  8th year as art teacher at Center-
Receipts $ 0 ville Primary Village North; 17
Disbursements $ 495.00 years teaching experience
Closing Balance November 30, 2019 $2192.91
 Team Leader – integrates pro-
Opening Balance December 1, 2019 $2192.91 jects, plans artiest events, writ-
Receipts $1090.00 ten/received grants
Disbursements $1580.58  Masters in Visual Arts
Closing Balance December 30, 2019 $1702.33  Member Reggio of Greater Day-
*Silent auction $500 for Grant in Aid ton, OH Art Ed Association
Barb stated that there was a position open for the Finance Com- Jackie was unanimously accepted for membership.
mittee. She hopes to meet before the end of January.
History of DKG Members joined in to sing “Happy Birthday” to Pi Chapter.
Cel Grewe gave a short summary of the Founders of DKG. (see
page 7) Foster Care
Suzanne Mitolo reported on the Foster Care Initiative.
Poem and Blessing – Cel Grewe, “Master Weaver” Fourteen children in eleven families received games, books, hands
on activities, knitted mittens and scarves, cookie dough kits.
Lunch was Served Pi members also donated $125 which was added to the budgeted
$250 to assist with the project.
December Minutes
Minutes were available for members to read. Cel Grewe Meeting Adjourned followed by the DKG song
made a motion to accept the minutes. Lori Williams seconded. Respectfully,
Becky asked for a member to take care of sign-in and minutes for Rebecca L. Shepard, Secretary
the March meeting. Jackie Mahaffey volunteered to do so. Pi Chapter
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 3 Page 4

January Meeting Minutes, continued

Necrology Service PROGRAM REPORT
Jan Brasier
Tuesday, March 12, 2020
5:00 PM
Dayton Metro Library
2718 Lyons Road
(behind Dayton Mall)
Members shared many fond memories of Jan. Below is a Empowering Women Series
copy of her obituary. “Two First Ladies”
BRASIER, Janet Marie 86, of Kettering, passed away on Speakers: Judy Gebhart &
November 26, 2019. The daughter of the late William Cel Andzik-Grewe
Donald (WD) and Marie Johnson, she was born on April “The Power of Nice”
13, 1933. She is preceded in death by her beloved husband
of 62 years, Jerry Brasier, and her sister, Margaret Deibler. Presented by Suzanne Mitolo
Jan is survived by her son, Steve (Barb) Brasier, her
daughter, Susan Brasier (Thomas Goud), and three grand- Box lunch provided by Cherry
children, Alex, Bryan, and Charley Mann. Jan graduated House Café. Contact Cel for choice
from Kettering Fairmont High School, Bowling Green options.
State University (BS), Wright State University (MS Art
Therapy), and the University of Dayton (MS EdA). Jan
taught art for over 35 years: Marin County Schools, CA,
Dayton Art Institute, St. Rita's Catholic School, Kettering Cel—429-0815
Adult School, Dayton City Schools, and 33 years in the $10 to Barb Carruth, Treasurer
Kettering City Schools. She had a knack for making things
flourish especially children in her classroom, plants in her * * *
garden, and the many organizations in which she was in- SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2020
volved including OAEA, NAEA, Delta Kappa Gamma
Society Pi chapter, K-12 Gallery and TEJAS, the Rolling
2:00 PM
Hills Garden Club, Ohio River Road Runners Club, and Christ Episcopal Church
Fairmont Presbyterian Church (where she was a founding
youth member). She was awarded Montgomery County
20 W. First Street
Excellence in Education, Outstanding Art Teacher; Na- Downtown Dayton
tional Art Education Association Outstanding Art Educa-
tor (1994); and inducted into Kettering City Schools Ches- Join us as we recognize our
ter A. Roush Hall of Fame (1997). In retirement she and
membership and scholarship
Jerry circled the globe for 7 years while she taught art on
cruise ships. After Jerry's death, Jan continued to create recipients
art. One Lincoln Park hosted an exhibit of her work in
2018. She will best be remembered for her ability to recy- RSVP BY APRIL 24 to:
cle and adapt ANYTHING with ingenuity and creativity.
A memorial service is planned for the spring. Donations in
her memory may be made to "K-12 Gallery and TE-
JAS" (
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 3 Page 5

The Pi Chapter Foster Care Service Project was coordi-  A collection of small toys donated by PVS
nated by Suzanne Mitolo. Last year we provided mate- The boxes were distributed to families before Christmas
rials for our Family Services Visitation Center. This break. Pi Chapter members donated books and funds
year we decided to work a little closer to home. Suz- ($125)for this project. Thanks to all who donated! The
anne works at Primary Village South (PVS, a Centerville chapter budgeted $250 for the project from our general
City School) that has over 700 PreK-1st grade students. fund.
Working with her principal and counselor they identi-
fied 14 PVS children living with 11 foster families. Pi
Chapter decided to make their Christmas a little happier
and created gift boxes for each family. The gifts cen-
tered on providing family fun activities along with some
special gifts for the children. The boxes included:
 Books (for student and family reading)
 Games (Candy Land and Uno)
 Hands-on activities (Slime, art materials, a rock
painting kit)
 Handmade mittens and hats (provided by an
area knitting group)

November Meeting Follow-up 2020-22 SLATE OF OFFICERS

We received a message from Sandy Royer, Delta Co-Presidents Sue Ayers/Linda Harrison
Kappa President Vice President Jackie Mahaffey
Great news to share! From the “Diverse Children’s Pic-
ture” Raffle, the generosity of attendees garnered Secretary Becky Shepard
$285.00 for CASA/GAL to support children seeking a for-
ever home. The advocates will use the money to provide
for needs of the children. Karen Wellbaum and I counted
Nominating Committee:
the money together and handed to Kay Kaebnick, our Lori Williams, Chair
speaker before she left. She will deposit it for all the
HERO’s to access per established guidelines. Educators,
Suzanne Mitolo
always willing to assist children - AMAZING! Secretary
Our own Deb-
bie Beck won
the raffle and
was the recipi- Mission: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International promotes professional and
ent of the art- personal growth of women educators and
work. excellence in education.
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 3 Page 6

2020-21 Proposed Budget

ANTICIPATED INCOME Total Treasurer's Notes:

Regular Active Members 14 @ $76 $ 1,064.02
*Items are monies required to be
Active members with $50 discount 19 @ $26 $ 494.00
sent to state and international. Of
Regular Reserve Members 6 @ $27 $ 162.00 the $76 paid in dues only $22 are
New Member Fee 1 @ $15 $ 15.00 available for use by Pi Chapter.
Interest from Porter Investment $ 9,500.00
The finance committee met on
January 21 to develop this draft
budget for the next fiscal year.
ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES You will notice that 85% of our
1 *Active Members Dues-State 33 @ $13 $ 429.00 expenses are paid out of Porter
2 *Active Members Dues-Int. 33 @ $40 $ 1,320.00 funds. That includes: the presi-
3 *Reserve Member Dues 6 @ $26 $ 156.00 dent's convention expenses; our
4 Pi Chapter Scholarship 45 @ $ .80 $ 36.00 liability insurance; subsidies for
5 *State Scholarship 45 @ $ .20 $ 9.00 meals and dues; Porter Classroom
6 New MemberInduction fee $ 15.00 Enhancement Grants; the Service
7 Chapter Yearbooks/Directory $ 25.00 Committee expenses; the Foster
8 Supplies from International $ 20.00 Care Project; our new Memorial
9 President's State Convention Expenses $ 600.00 Donation fund; all but $500 of the
10 Coordinating Council $ 75.00 Grants-in-Aid; and other miscella-
11 Pi Grant-in-Aid (high school seniors) $ 2,500.00 neous expenses not covered by
12 *Required Donation to Schools for Africa $ 50.00
the anticipated $1735 we expect
to come in from dues next year.
13 Anniversary Fund $ 500.00
14 Committee Expenses (addendum) $ 1,940.00 Be assured that we are not using
15 Liability Insurance (from Porter Invest.) $ 320.00 all of the Porter monies. Even
16 Dues subsidy for attendance $ 950.00 with these expenditures, the Por-
17 Subsidies for Meals $ 550.00 ter Fund is in good shape. We are
spending interest earned and will
18 E J Porter Class Enhancement Grants $ 1,500.00
not let the fund go less than
19 Miscellaneous $ 240.00


20 Membership (orientation/initiation) $ 25.00
21 Communication (non ybook printing/website) $ 75.00
22 Social (bev/snacks/meeting supplies) $ 100.00
23 Sunshine (donation of cards will be used) $ 10.00 Women teachers,
24 Service Project $ 750.00 to the calling
25 Program(speakers/music/fine arts $ 400.00
firmly rally, never
26 Scholarship $ 50.00
27 Historian $ 30.00
28 State Service Project (foster care) $ 250.00
29 Literacy Project $ 50.00
30 Memorial Donations $ 200.00
$ 1,940.00
DKG History For the January meeting Cel researched information about the
founders of DKG and presented a personal snap shot of those
members. Several Pi Chapter members said they were willing to
gather material about Pi Chapter and DKG history for a bro-
chure or future website. This page is a good start. More informa-
tion is available on the DKG website—
Annie Webb Blanton was the founder of Delta Kappa
Gamma. She began to teach at the age of 17 and later
received her B.S. and Masters and PhD. She realized
more than ever that merit rather than one’s sex should
determine the fitness for leadership in education. This
is true in other lines of work. By May 11, 1929 she
found eleven more women from diverse positions in
From the DKG website education to join her in founding DKG.
Mamie Bastian was Annie’s best friend. She rattled
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International was
her school board to raise teachers’ pay from $60-
founded May 11, 1929, at the Faculty Women’s Club at
the University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Alpha Chapter
of Alpha State Organization placed a plaque where the Ruby Cole was very active in civic groups. She fought
Women's Club once stood on campus. Dr. Annie Webb to establish $100,000 from the Texas State Teachers’
Blanton, member of the faculty of the University of Association to further a Teacher’s Retirement System.
Texas and a former state superintendent of public in- Mable Grizzard studied with Annie and was a teacher
struction in Texas, conceived the idea of an organization and principal for over 40 years.
for women educators. Eleven women educators from
Anna Hiss was the baby of the group and taught Physi-
Texas, representing various professional positions in
cal Education. She was chair of the committee to pur-
education, were initiated by Dr. Blanton. Alpha Chapter
chase the DKG headquarters.
was installed on June 3, 1929.
Ray King was the first Treasurer of the society. Dues
These 12 Founders were Dr. Annie Webb Blanton, Aus- were $4 which was a large amount in Depression times.
tin, Texas; Miss Mamie Sue Bastian, Houston, Sue King was Ray’s sister. Unfortunately, she died be-
Texas; Miss Ruby Cole, San Antonio, Texas; Miss Mabel fore the Society was one year old.
Grizzard, Waxahachie, Texas; Dr. Anna Hiss, Austin,
Helen Koch moved away shortly after initiation to
Texas; Miss Ray King, Fort Worth, Texas; Miss Sue
teach in Chicago. She organized DKG in Illinois.
King, Fort Worth, Texas; Dr. Helen Koch, Austin,
Texas; Mrs. Ruby Terrill Lomax, Austin, Texas; Dr. Ruby Terrill Lomax helped Annie organize DKG
Cora M. Martin, Austin, Texas; Mrs. Lalla M. Odom, chapters in Oklahoma and Arizona. She was a Latin
Austin, Texas; and Miss Lela Lee Williams, Dallas, teacher.
Texas. (All are deceased.) Cora Martin was proud to be a Founder. She lead mu-
sic programs and money-making projects. She also help
The Founders believed that there was need for an or- polish the lyric for the Delta Kappa Gamma song.
ganization in which women educators—rural and urban
Lalla Odom contacted Belfour Company for a pin for
teachers; preschool, elementary, high school, college,
the organization. She heard the governor wanted the
and university teachers; librarians; school administrators;
land upon which the headquarters now sits and she
supervisors—might be united for efforts toward better
talked him out of it.
professional preparation, recognition of women’s work
in the teaching profession, and scholarships for those Lela Lee Williams served as the national recording sec-
needing aid in improving their professional preparation. retary from 1927-1933.

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