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November 2019 Delta Kappa Gamma Pi Chapter

Pi’s Piper
Volume 39, Number 2

Inside this issue:

August Meeting 2

Message from President Sue Ayers

October Meeting 3

Executive Committee 4
Meeting Minutes
Program Report there was some pushback from what is not for those of you
those in attendance that adding who have boxes of chapter
2018-20 Committee List 5 to the points for Gold Key information. Items can all be
UPDATE takes away from the initial pur- scanned and saved digitally so
pose of the award. The state the next person to take your
Foster Care Initiative 6-7 will review this. The new position does not inherit an
Membership Report member push continues how- overwhelming amount of ma-
Alpha State Classroom 8-9 ever. ADS Ohio had two chap- terials. The items that must be
Grant Application ters (Gamma Delta and Delta saved will be posted online but
Zeta) officially dissolve at the include Chapter minutes,
meeting. Other chapter presi- President reports, Treasurer
Believe…Belong… dents that I talked to are hav- reports, Membership lists and
Pi Chapter
Build Ohio's Future is the ing the same kinds of issues records.
2018-20 Officers
continuing theme for our Delta with membership as Pi Chap- It was also recom-
Nominating Committee
Kappa Gamma Year. Our new ter. We are asked however to mended that we revise our
State President Diana use the DKG recruitment plan Chapter Standing Rules. Ku-
President Kirkpatrick (Alpha Delta to help gain membership. The dos, once again to Linda Har-
Susan Ayers
Chapter) presided over The plan can be found at the DKG rison who already had that in
Fall Executive Board Meeting site. In the meantime, remem- the works for Pi!
Vice President/Programs with an agenda that included ber to find out if your school On another note, I
reports from all committees. or former school would be can't believe how quickly the
Cel Andzik-Grewe
Most importantly, the willing to allow our member- fall is flying!! October com-
Secretary Ohio DKG spring convention ship team to come and speak pletely snuck up on me. You'll
is March 20-22 at the Embassy to staff. be glad to know that I spent
Becky Shepard
Suites in Dublin. It would be Marylin Schlusser two hours after the October
Treasurer great to have a group from our again laid out the areas for meeting making sure my calen-
Pi Chapter to represent us. Scholarship just as she did at dar both in my purse and on
Barbara Carruth
Registration for the hotel is our October meeting. Addi- my phone was updated with
Parliamentarian already online. The room tionally Kathy McLendon everything I could think of,
block is discounted and will spoke about the ADSOEF including all the DKG dates. I
Judy Gebhart save money on breakfast and (Foundation) and charged us hope you are still reading this
Past President happy hour for those who at- with coming up with ways to and will accept my apology for
tend. increase the amount available my lapse in memory!!
Lori Williams for scholarships. It was noted
We have a new ex- As you enjoy our late
Nominating Committee pansion/membership challenge that if you are fortunate fall colors, I hope you are reg-
Chair - The Buckeye-Cherry Mem- enough to be able to endow istered for the 2019 DKG
bership Challenge between the foundation, that the fund Coordinating Council meeting.
Lori Williams Ohio and Michigan. The state not be encumbered to make I look forward to seeing you at
Membership Chair with the most new members by them available to more mem- the Miami Valley Country
September 1, 2020 with an bers. Club, 11:00 a.m., Saturday
Pam O’Brien extension to March 2021 will Watch in The Voice November 9. The speaker is
Newsletter Editor
donate $100 to the DKG for our historian Sally Gil- Kay Kaebnick, the Court Ap-
Foundation in the name of the more's article A Moment in His- pointed Special Advocate for
Suzanne Mitolo winner. This includes new, tory. She has been busy in the CASA.
varying point values toward the Archives! She also went over
Gold Key Award. However, what is important to keep and
Page 2 Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 2

August Meeting
Delta Kappa Gamma June 1, 2019
Pi Chapter Opening Balance $7,195.91
August 21, 2019 Receipts $414.00
Aullwood Audubon Center Disbursements $1473.26
Closing Balance $6136.73
Sue Ayers, President called the meeting to order followed by the
July 1, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance and welcoming of guests.
Opening Balance $6136.73
Motion was made to change the agenda order to accommodate the Receipts 0
speaker, Mindy Lloyd, Aullwood’s large animal veterinary techni- Disbursements $2,982.13
cian. Mindy spoke to the group regarding the livestock and sus- Closing Balance $3,153.60
tainable agriculture work done at Aullwood. She showed slides of
the animals and told of children’s visits to the farm.
Committee Reports:
Barb handed out Gold Key Awards to members who were pre-
Sue Ayers reconvened the business meeting at 5:50 reminding sent.
members to make sure they signed in. The new attendance incen-
tive begins with the August meeting and continues through May of
2020. Members must attend and sign in at 5 of the 7 meetings to Nora reported on the Service Project with the VA.
receive $50 payment from the chapter towards the following years
dues. November is the Council meeting. It will be November 9, 2019 at
Miami Valley Golf Club. RSVP to Cel and send $15 to Barb for
Members were reminded to sign up for the October 7 meeting. the meal.

Initiation was held for Laura Peterson, Naturalist at Primary Vil- Special Foster Care Initiative was discussed. $250 has been set
lage South in Centerville. aside for the committee. Suzanne Mitolo is exploring more direct
donations to families at Primary Village South.
Correspondence was read – Thank you from Delta Kappa Chapter
and one from Molly Roesner, a May, Pi Chapter Scholarship re- Lee Shambo has resigned from the chapter creating a need for
cipient. Scholarship Committee members. Lori Williams also servers on
this committee.
Minutes were read.
Membership Committee is seeking members.
Treasurer’s Report
March 1, 2019 Ad Hoc Committee to re-
view Chapter By-Laws –
Opening Balance $3,993.85
Linda Harrison will head.
Receipts $207.00
Disbursements $621.50
Nominating committee
Closing Balance $3,579.35 needs at least three mem-
April 1, 2019 bers. This is the year offi-
Opening Balance $3,579.35 cers are elected. Sue Mitolo
Receipts 0 will assist Lori Williams.
Disbursements $1,105.05
Closing Balance $2,474.30 Linda Harrison made a
motion to adjourn.
May 1, 2019
Opening Balance $2,474.30
Receipts $6,122.50
Rebecca L. Shepard
Disbursements $1,400.81
Pi Chapter, Secretary
Closing Balance $7,195.91 Laura Peterson and Suzanne Mitolo
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 2 Page 3

October Meeting
Delta Kappa Gamma
Pi Chapter
October 7, 2019
Miami Twp Branch of Dayton Metro Library
2718 Lyons Rd., Miamisburg, OH

Linda Harrison introduced the speaker, Marilyn Slusser. Marilyn

shared information with the chapter on the Alpha Delta State Ohio
Educational Foundation. A copy of the power point will be sent electroni-
cally with this newsletter.

Information may also be found on the website:

Following the presentation the meeting was called to order.

Correspondence was received from Jeannie Brandt, in appreciation

for the cards she had received.

Report from the membership committee for “Growing Member-

ship” was shared.
 Current members invite teachers to the meetings, especially
Dec. and January.
 A flyer will be developed touting the benefits and opportuni-
ties of membership Marilyn Slusser, Ohio State Organization Educational Foundation

 Members still teaching may hand out flyers to those interested;

if appropriate and information meeting may be held
 Flyers will also be given to guest attending the meetings.
 Open for other ideas, just let committee know.

There was no Treasurer’s report. The 2019 audit report was

shared. An electronic copy will be sent with this newsletter.

The August minutes were available for everyone to read.

Mark Your Calendars!
November meeting is Coordinating Council Meeting: Saturday, Upcoming Pi Chapter
Nov. 9, 2019; Miami Valley Golf Club on Salem Ave. 11:00 AM Meetings
Luncheon--soup & salad $15 Speaker is Kay Kaebnick, Court Ap-
pointed Special Advocate. November 9
Meeting was adjourned with the DKG song. December 14
January 4
Rebecca L. Shepard
Pi Chapter, Secretary
Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 2 Page 4

August Executive Committee Meeting

Delta Kappa Gamma Pi Chapter
Executive Board Meeting DECEMBER 14, 2019—11:00 AM
August 13, 2019 NCR COUNRY CLUB
Ladies, start getting your silent auction
In attendance: Sue Ayres, Barb Carruth, Suzanne Mitolo, Pam items ready for the December meeting.
O’Brien, Becky Shepard, Cathy Sweny, It’s always a fast paced meeting with
Sue Ayers live auctioning items left on
General Business Items
the tables.
Discussion and focus on membership –
 Note or pamphlet for a active teachers to give out
RSVP attendance to Cel Grewe at
 Note benefits of membership – grants, scholarship
429-0815 or
Discussion and focus on Foster Care Initiative—$250 budget for DECEMBER 6 FIRM. COST $15
this year. Suzanne Mitolo is exploring supporting Montgomery
County Center as last year or different avenue JANUARY 4, 2020
August 2020 meeting—Aullwood August meeting had previously
been sponsored by Doris Swabb. It is $500 for the meeting. Chap-
ter feels this is too expensive for one meeting. Looking for a new Pause and reflect in January at our
venue. Birthday Luncheon. We always re-
member funny and poignant times
Expenditure—Motion was made by Becky Shepard to reimburse we’ve had over the past years!!
Barb Carruth for the purchase of the student/home version of the
Microsoft software which she uses for the treasurer’s books. Sue RSVP and attendance to Cel Grewe at
Ayers seconded. Approved. 429-0815 by
Chapter documents—Motion was made by Becky Shepard to ac-
cept the revisions to Pi Chapter Rules in accordance with changes
made at the 2018 International Convention. Alpha Delta State MARCH 12, 2020
where printed will be changed to Ohio State Organization and dues DAYTON METRO LIBRARY
now must be paid by June 30th of each year. Suzanne Mitolo sec- LYONS ROAD—5:30 PM
onded. Approved.
In March we’ll have two speakers who
will share their reading about women
Attendance/Dues—Discussion of last years attendance and dues
policy. Motion was made by Barb Carruth, any Pi Chapter mem- who empowered other women. Again,
ber signing in and attending five out of seven yearly meetings will box dinners will be provided by
have $50 of the next year’s Pi Chapter dues paid by the chapter. Boosalis Bakery named Best Ohio Cof-
Pam O’Brien seconded. Approved. fee House in 2019 and #24 of the top 25
best bakeries in America!
Nominations and Committees—Lee Shambo resigned her mem-
bership in Pi Chapter. This leave an opening on the Scholarship RSVP and attendance to Cel Grewe at
Committee. Membership is in need of committee members. Ne- 429-0815 by
gotiations is also in need of members – elections of officers will be
March of 2020 for the biennial (August 2020 – July 2022) MARCH 4 FIRM. COST $10.

Meeting adjourned. ALL CHECKS TO BARB CARRUTH!

Pi’s Piper Volume 39, Number 2 Page 5


Sue Myers, Chair Cel Andzik-Grewe, Chair
Becky Shepard Cathy Sweny
Linda Harrison
Suzanne Mitolo, Newsletter Editor
Linda Harrison, Digital Communication SERVICE
Nora Stang, Chair
Barbara Carruth, Chair Angie Helwig
Trish Hughes
FINANCE Marlene Hunnell
Cathy Sweny, Chair Dianne Thomas
Sue Ayers
Suzanne Mitolo SCHOLARSHIP
Barb Carruth, Ex Officio Lori Williams, Chair

Joan Raine, Chair Trish Hughes, Chair
Cel Andzik-Grewe
Pam O’Brien, Chair
Sue Fanelli SUNSHINE
Laura Peterson Ellen Ferrugia, Chair
Cel Andzik-Grewe Connie Fox
Pat Kuczak
Lori Williams, Chair AD HOC COMMITTEES
Suzanne Mitolo
Kate Brookshire Judy Gebhart, Chair
Nora Stang Amanda Grear
Sue Ayers
Lori Williams

Update: 10/19
Mission: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International promotes professional and
personal growth of women educators and
excellence in education.


A new initiative is underway for this FY. We wanted to
develop a program with a more personal touch. We
have identified 10 foster children from 8 families from
Primary Village South. Suzanne Mitolo is working with
the school counselor and principal to contact the fami-
lies and determine their willingness to participate and to
see if they have any particular needs. Our initial
teachers, to the
thought was to make a holiday gift basket that would
include several family games, art supplies, books and
other items that might be enjoyed by the entire family. firmly rally,
More information will be disturbed through email with
the collection at our holiday gathering on December 14. never falling
If you have any questions or suggestions contact:
Suzanne Mitolo—

Membership Report
Pam O’Brien presented a written membership report at From The Voice—October 2019
the October meeting with ideas to grow our member- (There are membership concerns at both the state and international level.
ship. Below is information from the recent newsletter).
 Current members invite folks to our upcoming EXPANSION COMMITTEE IS UP AND RUNNING!
meetings—December and January are good ones to After a number of years, the Expansion Committee has been
select. reactivated and is back to work. We have two goals: First, to
 A flyer has been developed by Suzanne Mitolo tout- redirect chapters toward the DKG mission, vision and pur-
ing the benefits and opportunities of membership poses - To support all chapters and provide any assistance
(see next page) where needed - To create a resource booklet for chapters.
Second, to create opportunities for the formation of new
 Members still teaching may hand out flyers to those chapters - To begin setting the groundwork for the addition
interested and if appropriate a meeting will be held of new chapters. - To look first, to areas without chapters
at their school. In the last five years, International has lost 250 chapters and
 Those attending meeting as guest will also receive 13,200 members. The number of inductees is also on the
the flyer decline. We have been given a challenge and know it will take
time to begin making a difference. The Membership Com-
Other ideas? Let us know. mittee will be assisting us in this dual venture. We want to be
Membership Committee: Pam O’Brien, Sue Fanelli, a part of the solution, not part of the problem. We hope you,
Laura Peterson, and Cel Andzik-Grewe our members, will join us with this challenge.
Please let us know what we can do to assist your chapter.
Patricia Cermak Millie Holzer Molly Tharp Karen Dom-
If the attached flyer does not provide a good quality print contact browski, Chair
Suzanne Mitolo.


To provide up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) in financial support for educational projects that en-
hance professional and personal growth of members and educational excellence for targeted learn-
ers in non-profit settings.


1. Project Applications must be submitted by January 1.

A. The Project Leader will be notified by email when the application is received.
B. A letter of approval or denial of the application can be expected prior to the
ADSOEF Annual Meeting.
2. If the project is accepted, the Project Leader must sign and date the Certification of
Acceptance form within ten (10) days of the acceptance and return to the
Educational Services Chairman. Project recipients will be announced at the
ADSOEF Annual Meeting.

3. Upon Project completion, the Project Leader shall

A. send electronic copies of all receipts for items purchased with ADSOEF
project money to the Educational Services Committee Chairman,
B. prepare and send to the Educational Services Committee Chairman a written
article suitable for publication explaining the project and outcome,
C. submit a written review to the ADSOEF Board of Directors explaining the
project and detailing the outcome of the project.
4. E-mail all correspondence to:

Diana Haskell, Educational Services Committee Chairman

E-mail: Diana

Application Evaluation Criteria:

Broad Reach
Monetary Amount

Update: 8/19 From Ohio State Website



Type (Individual, Classroom, or Community):

Project Leader Member’s Name:

Chapter: DKG Membership Number:


Email: Phone:

Names/Positions of others collaborating on this project:

Project Site:

Amount Requested:
Project Summary:
Describe the project giving its purpose, who will benefit from the project, how the project will be
carried out and why it needs to be completed.

Project Start and Completion Dates:

Project Beneficiaries (approximate numbers):

Research Documentation (supporting methods used to address needs in this project):

Specific Results expected from this project:

How you will measure results:


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