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Group 01: “THE STONE AGE”

PART 1:The Sumerian Civilization

SETTING: The Ancient Times Museum
CHARACTERS: Regine O. Vega (Tour Guide)
Mark Andrei Sotto (Tourist)
Kezia Denise Gonzales (The Sumerian)

Mark Andrei, entering the museum.

Regine (Tour Guide): Oh, good afternoon sir! Welcome to the one of the famous
museum here in the city! The Ancient Times Museum! I am ready to present to you the
eight civilizations during the stone age. I am going to present you the life during the
ancient times. So, are you ready to listen and explore the museum?
Mark (Tourist): Of course, yes! I am ready to know their life during the stone age. And I
think, this will going to be fun and exciting!
Regine (Tour Guide): So let’s start, as you can see, the first one will be the sumerian
civilization. Their cradle is from “sumeria”, an ancient region from southern iraq. They
actually invented the first writing system called “cuneiform”. The cuneiform is a set of
word pictures depicted in symbols made of triangular marks.
Mark (Tourist): Oh great! This is my first time to see their attire and to see a so called
Regine (Tour Guide): And also, with the help of the sumerian engineers they
constructed, canals, dikes, and the reservoirs .
Mark (Tourist): Ahh, so there are already engineers before. Nice!
Regine (Tour Guide): Yes, sir! They also contributed “The City of Uruk”, it is the first
true city in the world.
Mark (Tourist): Ohh I see.
Regine (Tour Guide): You know what sir, the materials they used to construct a house
is similar to the materials that we used to construct our houses today. They used bricks
to make houses. So that, they will be protected from harsh weather .
Mark (Tourist): Hhmm, good to know.
Regine (Tour Guide): And this one sir, is so amazing. The sumerian people actually
built magnificent temples and palaces such as Ziggurats, the mountain of God. This
served as the sacred place of their chief god, where only their priests are allowed to
Mark (Tourist): So you mean no one is allowed to enter the Ziggurat aside from their
priest? Aww so sad.
Regine (Tour Guide): They also invented the potter’s wheel, a wheeled vehicle and a
greatest mechanical invention of all time. I have a question for you sir, where do you
think they use the said vehicle?
Mark (Tourist): Ahm, I think it is for transportation?
Regine (Tour Guide): No sir, they are just using this for farm works and food
Mark (Tourist): Wow, what a nice vehicle.
Regine (Tour Guide):And Sir! They also invented the seed plow to dig the ground and
where seeds would planted. They used sailboat for transportation and trading as well.
So, that’s all for the sumerian civilization. And now sir, let’s proceed to the next
civilization, the babylonian civilization.
Mark (Tourist): So, where are we now?
Regine (Tour Guide): Come here, sir.

PART 2:The Babylonian Civilization

SETTING:The Ancient Times Museum
CHARACTERS: Regine Vega (Tour Guide)
Mark Andrei Sotto (Tourist)
Jonalyn Bautista (The Babylonian)

Mark Andrei, following the way of the tour guide.

Regine (Tour Guide): Sir, we are now on the second part. As you can see, that is the
attire of the babylonian before.
Mark: Oh nice, what a wonderful creation.
Regine (Tour Guide): They are from the cradle of babylonia. It is the ancient region,
bordering the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. And also they have this so called “Hanging
Gardens of Babylon” and the “Isthar Gate” that is ordered the construction by
Mark: Wow, what a wonderful places. I want to go there when I feel depressed. A great
place to relax and to exhale negative things.
Regine (Tour Guide):You know what sir, we learned from babylonian people the book-
keeping, it is actually a simple but adequate system of double-entry accounting. That’s
all for the babylonian civilization.
Mark: So what’s next?
Regine (Tour Guide): Common sir, follow me.
PART 3: The Egyptian Civilization
SETTING: The Ancient Times Museum
CHARACTERS: Regine Vega (Tour Guide)
Mark Andrei Sotto (Tourist)
Erika Claire Lumba (Egyptian)

The tourist continues to fallow the tour guide, they are now on the period of egyptian.

Regine (Tour Guide): We are now on the Egyptian Civilization, sir. So, their cradle is
from Egypt, that is located on the North Eastern part of the African continent, and it is a
desert country thriving on an Agricultural economy.
Mark: Ahh, yes, I am familiar on that country.
Regine (Tour Guide): If the sumerian people have their cuneiform, the egyptian has
hieroglyphics, it is in the form of pictorial symbols, representing individual actions and
Mark: Wow this is my first time to see hieroglyphics.
Regine (Tour Guide): The writing material that they used is a brush with ink on a paper
that is made of papyrus reeds. The ancient egyptians also studies the heavens to
record time, calculate distance and directions, forecast the seasons and predict flooding
of the Nile River.
Mark: Wow they are so intelligent. They can be a scientist and a predictor. How I wish, I
can be like them.
Regine (Tour Guide): Did you know sir, that the first calendar was based on their
observations? Believe it or not, it is the regular appearance and disappearance of
Sirius, the brightest star in their horizon which coincide with the annual rise and fall of
the Nile River. While the another calendar was based on the phases of the moon
consisting of 29 and ½ days. Then the first 365 day calendar was possibly devised by
Mark: Wow, ancient egyptians are really amazing. They are so adorable. Because of
them we now have our 365-day calendar. It’s great.
Regine (Tour Guide): Additional info sir, they also calculated the time by means of
water clock. They also used tweezers to remove unwanted body hair. They also like to
wore different kinds of jewelries, sandals and perfume. They used to put an eye-make
up and kohl around the eyes to prevent eye diseases.
Mark: Ohi’ve got some tips from them.
Regine (Tour Guide): They also built a pyramids namely, Pyramid of Sakkara as
Zoser’s Tomb and memorial Pyramid of Khufu or Cheofs and, Great Sphinx, a stone
statue with a kings head and a lion’s boy to guard the pharaoh’s tomb.
Mark: I’m only familiar with the great sphinx. I’ve seen it in the movie “aladdin”.
Regine (Tour Guide): The ancient egyptians also studied the human anatomy,
physiology, and medical plants. So they are able to master the art and science of
embalming the dead.
PART 4: The Greek Civilization
SETTING: The Ancient Times Museum
CHARACTERS: Regine Vega (Tour Guide)
Mark Andrei Sotto (Tourist)
Lawrence Cayanan (The Greek)

The nice conversation continues, as the tour guide presents the fourth part.

Regine (Tour Guide): Okay the fourth part is the Greek Civilization. Their cradle is from
Greece, that is an archipelago in the south eastern part of Europe. The Greece is also
known as the birthplace of western philosophy.
Mark (Tourist): Ohh the Greeks are also intelligent, I admire them so much.
Regine (Tour Guide): And sir, a little trivia. Did you know that the “philosophy” is from
the greek word “philo” which means “love”, and “sophia” which means, “wisdom”. So
philosophy means, love of wisdom.
Mark (Tourist): Thank you for that trivia!
Regine (Tour Guide): The ancient Greeks also designed mechanical systems to
explain the planetary motions and positions. They also invented the alarm clock- used
large complicated mechanisms to time the alarm. They made use small stones that
dropped into drums which sounded the alarm.
Mark (Tourist): How did they do it?
Regine (Tour Guide): Let him do it for you, sir.

The tourist watches the statue, as he performing the said scenario.

Mark: Oh now I get it.

Regine: Sir, do you know the greatest contribution of the Greek Civilization in to our
Mark: Nope, what is it?
Regine: The watermills. It is considered as one of the most important contributions of
the Greek Civilization to the world. It is commonly used in agricultural processes like
milling of grains which was a necessary form of food processing.
Mark: Ahh okay noted.
Regine: Sir, are you familiar with the Greek Philosophers?
Mark: Oh yes, some of them.
Regine: One of them was Galen, he made the first step for the advancement of the
science of anatomy. Then there was Hippocrates, who was the “father of greek
Mark: I just know few philosophers and one of them is Empedocles, and according to
him the nature was a mixture of four elements which are fire, air, earth and water. In
short he was an avatar the last air bender.
Regine: oh on the other hand we have thales of miletus he was the father of philosophy
who taught that nature was composed of or convertible into water.
Mark: I know, Anaxagoras as well who argued that matter was composed of tiny
Regine: and these are the remaining greek philosopher, we have Aristotle,
Phythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, and Ptolemy. So that’s all for the greek civilization.
And now lets proceed to the next part!

PART 5: The Roman Civilization

SETTING: The Ancient Times Museum
CHARACTERS: Regine Vega (Tour Guide)
Mark Andrei (Tourist)

Regine: so we also have Roman Empire which mean

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