Pi Spiper May 2018

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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International —Pi Chapter

May 2018
Volume 37, Number 4

Inside this issue:

March Meeting Report 2

March Meeting Presenta-

Pi’s Piper
August Meeting An- 4
Message from the President
Convention Report 5
Editor’s Note: A special shout color painting on cruise
-out to Jan Brasier who had ships.
an exhibit of her art work at Jan recently lost her husband,
Lincoln Park (her new resi- Jerry after sixty-two and a
Women teachers, dence). Jan is a remarkable half years. Even with this
women who serves as an sad loss Jan has kept her up-
to the calling inspiration to us all. She beat, can-do attitude. Noth-
certainly is one of my he- ing can keep this lady down!
Firmly rally, never roes. She was
falling an art teacher
for thirty-
seven years
Hello Everyone!
and has won
2017-18 Officers & The next meeting will be on multiple
Nominating Committee Sunday, May 6th, at 2 pm. awards for her
at Fairview United Method- work such as a
President ist Church, 828 W. Fairview position in the
Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45406. Chester A
Lori Williams
I am excited about handing Roush Hall of
Vice President Fame and
out 5 scholarships this year.
Cathy Sweny I am sad my second term of from the Ohio
Presidential is drawing to a Art Education
Secretary Association.
close but thrilled that Sue
Becky Shepard Ayers will be Pi Chapter’s Jan and her
new president starting in husband even
July 2018-2020. spent seven
Barbara Carruth years traveling
Due to my recent foot sur- the world by
Parliamentarian gery was not able to attend water, with her
Judy Gebhart Convention in Columbus. teaching water-
Linda Harrison graciously
Past President
volunteered to be my substi-
Lee Shambo tute.
Nominating Committee I thoroughly enjoyed my
Sue Ayers
time as president and best
part was spending time with
Jeanne Brandt all of you.
Newsletter Editor Sincerely,
Suzanne Mitolo Lori Williams
Page 2 Volume 37, Number 4

March Meeting Minutes

Delta Kappa Gamma dance at meetings, beginning with the August 2018
Pi Chapter meeting anyone attending 5/7 meetings (August –
Miami Township Library May) would have her State and International dues
March 8, 2018 covered for the following year.
Cathy Sweny called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM, The business meeting was followed by a program on
as Lori Williams, President was unable to attend for Women Heroes presented by Sue Ayers, Cathy
health reasons. Sweny, and Jeanne Brandt.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Minutes of the January meeting were read and ap-
proved. Respectfully submitted,
Becky Shepard
Treasurer’s Report:

January 1, 2018 Opening Balance $6205.36 Women Heroes

Receipts $456.00

Disbursements $1069.63
January 31, 2018 Closing Balance $5600.73
February 1, 2018 Opening Balance $5600.73
Receipts $ 0.00
Disbursements $806.48
February 28, 2018 Closing Balance $4794.25
Crayons to Classroom $365.00
Report was filed for audit.

The 2018-2019 budget was presented and approved. Malala Yousafzai Rosalind Franklin

Discussion was held centering around membership

and officers. Nominating team was unable to find
anyone willing to run for office. After a short discus-
sion the following officers were nominated and
elected. Sue Ayers, President; Cil Andzik-Grewe,
Vice President; and Becky Shepard, Secretary.

There were no applications for new members at this


Lee was not present to report on scholarships, but the

tea will be help on Sunday, May 6th at 2:00 PM.

At the January executive board and budget meeting a

Jerri Cobb Rhea Hurrle Woltman
motion was made as an incentive to increase atten-
Volume 37, Number 4 Page 3

Women Heroes
If you missed the March meeting, you NASA's male astronauts and became curi- testing, consisting of an isolation tank test
missed a great presentation inspired by ous to know how women would do taking and psychological evaluations.
Women’s History Month. The program the same tests. In 1960, Lovelace in- Sex discrimination
was coordinated by Cathy Sweny and also vited Geraldyn "Jerrie" Cobb to undergo
John Glenn and Scott Carpenter testified
included presentations by Sue Ayers and the same rigorous challenges as the men.
that under NASA's selection criteria
Jeanne Brandt. Cobb, already an accomplished pilot, be- women could not qualify as astronaut can-
Cathy Sweny shared the following informa- came the first American woman (and the didates. Glenn also believed that "The fact
tion. only one of the Mercury 13) to undergo that women are not in this field is a fact of
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani education and pass all three phases of testing. Love- our social order." They correctly stated that
advocate who, at the age of 17, became the lace and Cobb recruited 19 more women to NASA required all astronauts to be gradu-
youngest person to win the Nobel Peace take the tests, financed by the husband of ates of military jet test piloting programs
Prize after surviving an assassination at- world-renowned aviator Jacqueline Coch- and have engineering degrees, although
tempt by the Taliban. Born on July 12, ran. Thirteen of the women passed the John Glenn conceded that he had been
1997, Yousafzai became an advocate for same tests as the Mercury 7. Some were assigned to NASA's Mercury Project with-
girls' education when she herself was still a disqualified due to brain or heart anoma- out having earned the required college de-
child. She blogged for the BBC when she lies. The results were announced at a con- gree.[5] In 1962, women were still barred
was 11 which resulted in the Taliban issu- ference in Stockholm, Sweden. from Air Force training schools, so no
ing a death threat against her. On October Candidate background American women could become test pilots
9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she All of the candidates were accomplished of military jets. Despite the fact that several
was traveling home from school. She sur- pilots; Lovelace and Cobb reviewed the of the Mercury 13 had been employed as
vived and has continued to speak out on records of over 700 women pilots in order civilian test pilots, and many had considera-
the importance of education. In 2013, she to select candidates, and did not invite bly more propeller aircraft flying time than
gave a speech to the United Nations and anyone with less than 1,000 hours the male astronaut candidates (although
published her first book, I Am Malala. In of flight experience. not in high-performance jets, like the men),
2014, she won the Nobel Peace Prize. NASA refused to consider granting an
In the end, thirteen women passed the
Rosalind Franklin, a British biophysicist same Phase I physical examinations that equivalency for their hours in propeller
who also studied DNA. Her data were airplanes.[6] Although some members of
the Lovelace Foundation had developed as
critical to Crick and Watson's work. But it part of NASA’s astronaut selection proc- the Subcommittee were sympathetic to the
turns out that Franklin would not have women's arguments, because of this dispar-
ess. Those thirteen women were:
been eligible for the prize—she had passed ity in experience no action resulted.
Myrtle Cagle, Jerrie Cobb, Janet
away four years before Watson, Crick, and *****
Dietrich[3], Marion Dietrich[3],
Wilkins received the prize, and the Nobel is Cathy also shared a letter from Jan Brasier
Wally Funk, Sarah Gorelick (later
never awarded posthumously. But even if about her hero. Her daughter, Susan re-
Ratley), Jane "Janey" Hart (née
she had been alive, she may still have been
Briggs), Jean Hixson, Rhea Hurrle ceived her law degree from UD and
overlooked. Like many women scientists,
(later Allison, then Woltman), Gene worked for Lee Faulk. In 2008 she re-
Franklin was robbed of recognition ceived the Justice and Peace award. She
Nora Stumbough (later Jessen),
throughout her career later attended the Princeton Theology
Irene Leverton, Jerri Sloan (née
Mercury 13 Thirteen women who were Hamilton, later Truhill), Bernice Seminary to become a pastor. On top of
selected to take all the same training and Steadman (née Trimble) all that she is the mother of three success-
tests as the men. ful sons.
Additional tests
William Randolph Lovelace II, former
A few women took additional tests. Jerrie
Flight Surgeon and later, chairman of the
Cobb, Rhea Hurrle, and Wally Funk went
NASA Special Advisory Committee on
to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for Phase II
Life Science, helped develop the tests for Continued on page 4
Page 4 Volume 37, Number 4

Mission: The Delta Kappa Gamma So- AUGUST MEETING

ciety International promotes professional Wednesday, August 15
and personal growth of women educa-
tors and excellence in education. Guest Speaker:
Sam Romeo
5:00 Set-up
Sue Ayers presented information Jeanne Brandt shared
5:30 Dinner
about Thistle Farm. Their mission is information about
Aullwood Audubon Center
HEAL, EMPOWER, AND Katharina Luther
from the book Kitty Bring a friend and kick off the
EMPLOY women survivors of new Pi Chapter year!
trafficking, prostitution, and addic- My Rib. Katherine
tion. They do this by providing safe Luther or "Kitty" was
Retiree Food Assignments:
and supportive housing, the oppor- the woman behind
A-G Salad
tunity for economic independence, the great man Martin
H-Q Dessert
and a strong community of advo- Luther. Kitty mellowed Luther's
harsher side, kept the household R-Z Entrée
cates and partners. RSVP TO CATHY SWENY
from bankruptcy despite her hus-
band's generosity and enhanced his cas113art@gmail.com
They believe that in the end, love is
the most powerful force for change life with the joys and fullness of fam-
in the world. (from their website) ily living.

Their founder is Becca Stevens, an

inspirational leader, speaker, priest
and more. For twenty years the or-
ganization has welcomed women
with free residence that provide
housing, medical care, therapy and
education for two years. Residents
and graduates earn income through
one of four social enterprises. The
Global Market of Thistle Farms
helps employ more than 1,800
women worldwide, and the national
network has more than 40 sister

The organization makes and sells a

wide variety of natural products for
bath and body, home goods, apparel Thanks presenters!
and accessories and more.

Check out their website for more

information: 2018-19 PROGRAM INFORMATION
Special Report
Linda Harrison attended the state convention behalf of Pi Chap-
ter and submitted this report through email to our members. It is
reprinted here.
I attended the Alpha Delta State Convention for Lori
since she has been ill and could not attend. I really en-
joyed it. Meier Bauer, the State President, and her com-
mittee planned an excellent program. It was well
planned and it ran smoothly. It was nice to see friends
whom I have met at convention.

Friday night, we had a session with Dr. Tiffany Tyne

Curry who spoke to us: Seize the Moment: Be the

After the keynote speaker, we had a dessert reception

with entertainment. Steve and Lisa Ball performed
song and music from the American Civil War. Steve
also gave us some little known facts about some of the
people who fought in the war. It was a great perform-
ance and everyone enjoyed it a great deal.

Saturday morning, we had the General Assembly Meet-

ing with the chapter presidents or their representa-
tives. I was one of 4 pages. Our duties were to take
the microphones to those who wanted to ask questions
or to deliver hand-written motions to the president.

Linda and Becky Maggard from Eaton

After the board meeting, we had another keynote
speaker, Aggie Moynihan, the Northeast Director who
lives in Canada. The title of her presentation
was: Illuminating the Path.

Linda and Meier Bauer, State President

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