Proteins of Amaranth, Buckwheat, and Quinoa...

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Proteins of Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.), and Quinoa
(Chenopodium spp.): A Food Science and
Technology Perspective
Frederik Janssen, Anneleen Pauly, Ine Rombouts, Koen J.A. Jansens, Lomme J. Deleu, and Jan A. Delcour

Abstract: There is currently much interest in the use of pseudocereals for developing nutritious food products.
Amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa are the 3 major pseudocereals in terms of world production. They contain high levels
of starch, proteins, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and other bioactives. Their proteins have well-balanced amino acid
compositions, are more sustainable than those from animal sources, and can be consumed by patients suffering from
celiac disease. While pseudocereal proteins mainly consist of albumins and globulins, the predominant cereal proteins are
prolamins and glutelins. We here discuss the structural properties, denaturation and aggregation behaviors, and solubility,
as well as the foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa proteins. In addition,
the technological impact of incorporating amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa in bread, pasta, noodles, and cookies and
strategies to affect the functionality of pseudocereal flour proteins are discussed. Literature concerning pseudocereal
proteins is often inconsistent and contradictory, particularly in the methods used to obtain globulins and glutelins. Also,
most studies on protein denaturation and techno-functional properties have focused on isolates obtained by alkaline
extraction and subsequent isoelectric precipitation at acidic pH, even if the outcome of such studies is not necessarily
relevant for understanding the role of the native proteins in food processing. Finally, even though establishing in-depth
structure–function relationships seems challenging, it would undoubtedly be of major help in the design of tailor-made
pseudocereal foods.
Keywords: gluten-free, Osborne classification, protein denaturation and aggregation, pseudocereals, techno-functional

Introduction containing gluten from mainly wheat, barley, and rye. Its reported
The growth of the world population (United Nations Dept. prevalence has increased over the years (Lohi and others 2007). In
of Economic and Social Affairs 2015), the increasing concerns addition, the dependence on cereal-based diets in underdeveloped
over sustainability issues as well as the changes in dietary pat- and developing countries contributes to protein malnutrition as
terns, which are driven by health or disease outcomes (El most cereal protein sources, such as wheat or maize, have too low
Nehir and Simsek 2012) necessitate the development of efficient levels of 1 or more of the essential amino acids (Hoffman and Falvo
food systems from vegetable (underutilized) sources (El Nehir 2004).
and Simsek 2012; Raikos and others 2014; Alemayehu and oth- While pseudocereals are dicotyledonous, true cereals such as
ers 2015). Animal proteins such as those in eggs and milk have wheat are monocotyledonous. The seeds of both pseudocereals
high nutritional value and important techno-functional proper- and cereals themselves are rich in starch. Amaranth (Amaranthus
ties, but they are less sustainable than vegetable proteins (Pimentel spp.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.), and quinoa (Chenopodium spp.)
and Pimentel 2003; Nijdam and others 2012). Celiac disease, an are globally the best-known pseudocereals. 2 buckwheat species
autoimmune-mediated disorder, is related to consumption of foods are cultivated worldwide: common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculen-
tum Moench) and tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum). Both
buckwheat types are closely related to one another but have small
MS 20161064 Submitted 5/7/2016, Accepted 26/9/2016. Authors are differences in growth conditions and leaf and flower anatomy (Cai
with Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Leuven Food Sci- and others 2016). Figure 1 shows the phylogeny of some true
ence and Nutrition, Research Centre (LFoRCe), KU Leuven, Kasteelpark cereals, pseudocereals, edible flowering plants, and legumes. Ama-
Arenberg 20, B-3001, Leuven, Belgium. Direct inquiries to author Janssen (E-mail:
ranth and quinoa share a more recent common ancestor and are
thus more closely related to one another than to buckwheat. Both

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12240 Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 1
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Figure 1–Phylogenetic tree for several true cereals, pseudocereals, edible flowering plants, and legumes (Stevens 2001 onwards).

belong to the Amaranthaceae, while buckwheat is a member of the foaming, emulsifying, and gelling). We here provide the 1st com-
Polygonaceae (Bremer and others 2009). In 2014, the world-wide prehensive food science and technology perspective of the cur-
productions of buckwheat and quinoa were estimated at approxi- rent knowledge on these subjects for amaranth, buckwheat, and
mately 2 million and 200000 metric tons, respectively (FAOSTAT quinoa. In addition, an overview is given of the technological im-
2014). Information on the global production of amaranth is not pact of pseudocereals on quality attributes of bread, pasta, noodles,
available in the database of the Food and Agriculture Organiza- and cookies. Finally, crucial knowledge gaps and/or misconcep-
tion of the United Nations (FAO), but in 2004 was estimated to tions are highlighted and perspectives for further research that
approximate between 600000 and 1.7 million metric tons (Corke could benefit the general use of pseudocereals in the food industry
and others 2016). In contrast, the world production of common are suggested. It is expected that a better understanding of the
cereals such as maize, rice, and wheat in 2014 was estimated at process-induced structural changes of pseudocereal proteins, their
1 billion, 740 million, and 728 million metric tons, respectively aggregation, and their techno-functional properties will provide a
(FAOSTAT 2014). solid scientific basis for the design of high-quality food products
Proteins from amaranth (Venskutonis and Kraujalis 2013; based on pseudocereals.
Mota and others 2016), buckwheat (Steadman and others 2001;
Bonafaccia and others 2003; Wei and others 2003; Mota and others Osborne-Type Fractionation and Structural Properties
2016), and quinoa (Vega-Gálvez and others 2010; Mota and oth- Osborne (1907) developed a fractionation scheme which has
ers 2016) have better balanced amino acid compositions and thus stood the test of time. Indeed, it is still frequently used to classify
higher biological values than those of most cereals. Furthermore, cereal grain proteins into different fractions based on their sequen-
they can safely be consumed by people suffering from celiac dis- tial extractability or lack thereof in different media. Albumins are
ease (Bai and others 2013; Colgrave and others 2015) and are more extractable in water, globulins in aqueous salt solutions (such as
sustainable than those from animal sources (Pimentel and Pimentel 0.4 M NaCl), and prolamins in aqueous alcohol solutions (such
2003; Alemayehu and others 2015). Amaranth, buckwheat, and as 60% (v/v) ethanol). The remaining insoluble fraction contains
quinoa not only have unique amino acid compositions, they are the glutelins, which are partly extractable in dilute acids or bases
also rich in other constituents important for human health, such (Belitz and others 2009). The relative distribution of amaranth,
as dietary fiber (Steadman and others 2001; Bonafaccia and oth- buckwheat, and quinoa proteins in Osborne-type fractionation
ers 2003; Vega-Gálvez and others 2010; Venskutonis and Kraujalis schemes reveals that they are more closely related to legume than
2013), antioxidants (Paśko and others 2009; Zhu 2016), minerals to cereal proteins (Table 1) (Segura-Nieto and others 1999).
(Wei and others 2003; Vega-Gálvez and others 2010; Venskutonis In wheat and many other cereals, prolamins and glutelins are
and Kraujalis 2013), and vitamins (Bonafaccia and others 2003; the most abundant protein fractions (Table 1). Especially in wheat,
Vega-Gálvez and others 2010; Venskutonis and Kraujalis 2013). they play a prominent techno-functional role (Delcour and others
Because of the above-mentioned aspects, it is not a surprise that 2012). In contrast, most legume proteins such as those from soy and
numerous studies have been published on the general structure, pea are extractable in water or salt solutions and thus belong to the
denaturation, and aggregation behavior of pseudocereal proteins, albumin or globulin fractions. Literature on protein distributions
and also on their techno-functional properties (such as solubility, in Osborne fractions of pseudocereals is inconsistent (Table 1).

2 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Table 1–Average protein distributions (%) in Osborne fractions of several pseudocereals, cereals, and legumes.

Reference Albumins Globulins Prolamins Glutelins Remaining

Amaranth 1 19 38 13 21 9
2 51 16 2 31 –
3 47 19 1 29 4
4 44 20 36
5 11 51 0 7 31
6 52 16 2 31 –
Common buckwheat 7 22 15 5 14 44
8 25 70 0 4 1
9 18 43 1 23 15
Tartary buckwheat 7 17 5 3 13 62
10 44 8 11 37 –
Quinoa 11 60 4 36 –
12 29 34 4 16 18
5 13 56 0 5 26
Wheat 15 7 33 46 –
Barley 12 8 25 55 –
Rice 11 10 12 77 –
Maize 4 3 48 45 –
Soy 10 90 0 0 –
Pea 21 66 0 12 –
“—” Indicates not determined or not quantifiable.
Considerable adaptations to the Osborne-type fractionation process as described in section “Osborne-type fractionation and structural properties” are listed below in detail:
1 Zheleznov and others (1997). Average values of 24 wild and cultivated amaranth species. Only the proteins from the pellet after the extraction in aqueous ethanol that were extractable in dilute alkali were
classified as glutelins.
2 Segura-Nieto and others (1992); Venskutonis and Kraujalis (2013). Protein distribution for Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Albumins were not extracted with water, but with 0.01 M potassium phosphate
buffer (pH 7.5) containing 0.1 M NaCl, 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, and 0.02 % (w/v) sodium azide. Globulins were extracted with the same buffer containing
1.0 instead of 0.1 M NaCl.
3 Barba De La Rosa and others (1992a). Albumins and globulins were extracted with 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Albumins were then enriched by dialysis in water. Prolamins were extracted with
70% (v/v) 2-propanol and glutelins with potassium borate buffer (pH 10.0) containing 1.0% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 0.6 % (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol.
4 Gorinstein and others (2001). Values are based on an extraction procedure involving both water and aqueous salt solution. A small part (4%) of the globulins was falsely classified as albumin-2. Albumin,
globulin, prolamin, and glutelin were sequentially extracted in water, 0.5 M NaCl, 70% (v/v) 2-propanol, and 0.01 M sodium carbonate buffer (pH 10.0) containing 0.6% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol and 0.5%
(w/v) SDS.
5 Thanapornpoonpong and others (2008). Average values for 2 amaranth varieties and 2 quinoa cultivars Values were based on an extraction procedure involving both water and aqueous salt solution. A part
(4%) of the globulins was falsely classified as albumin-2. Albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin were sequentially extractable in water, 0.5 M NaCl, 70% (v/v) 2-propanol, and 10 mM sodium carbonate buffer
(pH 10.0) containing 0.6% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol and 0.5% (w/v) SDS.
6 Corke and others (2016).
7 Wei and others (2003). Average values for 3 common buckwheat cultivars and 1 tartary buckwheat cultivar. Albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin were extracted with distilled water, 0.5 M NaCl, 50% (v/v)
2-propanol, and 0.1 M KOH, respectively. The remaining protein fraction was not analyzed.
8 Radovic and others (1996, 1999); Milisavljevic and others (2004).
9 Javornik and Kreft (1984). Protein distribution of Fagopyrum esculentum (cultivar Siva dolenjska). Albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin were sequentially extracted with distilled water, 0.5 M NaCl, 70%
(v/v) ethanol, and borate buffer (pH 0.9) containing 1.0% (w/v) SDS.
10 Guo and others (2006). Albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin were extracted with distilled water, 1.0 M NaCl, 55% (v/v) 1-propanol, and 0.05 M KOH, respectively. The remaining protein fraction was not
11 Jancurová and others (2009).
12 Watanabe and others (2003). Protein distribution for Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (cultivar Real). Only the proteins from the pellet after the extraction in aqueous ethanol that were extractable in dilute alkali
were classified as glutelins.
13 Belitz and others (2009).

Still, the most dominant pseudocereal Osborne fractions are albu- In addition, some proteins in amaranth are classified as albumins,
mins and globulins. It is of note here that the traditional Osborne even if they are not extracted from flour with water but enriched
fractionation scheme is not always rigorously applied to pseudoce- in a complex extraction procedure involving both water and salt
reals. For instance, there are important differences in the methods solution. Finally, while it is general practice to classify all proteins
used to obtain pseudocereal globulin fractions (Segura-Nieto and in the residue after the 3rd extraction (as with aqueous alcohol)
others 1999). Various levels and types of salts in extraction media, as glutelin (Belitz and others 2009), some authors only classify the
and with various extraction temperatures and times, likely affect part of these proteins that are extractable in dilute acids or bases as
both the quality and relative quantity of the extracted proteins. glutelin. Table 2 lists some characteristics of albumins, globulins,

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 3
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Table 2–Structural properties reported for Osborne protein fractions from amaranth, common and tartary buckwheat, and quinoa.

Amaranth Buckwheat Quinoa

General structure Common buckwheat:
One major protein with MM of Mostly 2S albumins with MM One major 2S albumin with MM
133 kDa, which consists of 12 between 8 and 12 kDa. A around 12 kDa, with 2 SS-linked
noncovalently, linked subunits minority of the 2S albumins has subunits of 3 and 8 kDa.5
of approximately 10 kDa.1 a MM of 16 kDa. The proteins
were not linked by an SS-bond.3
Tartary buckwheat:
In addition, 1 major protein with Proteins with MMs of 57 and 64 In addition, various proteins within
MM around 34 kDa and several kDa which consist of SS-linked the range of 25 to 83 kDa have
smaller (10 to 18 kDa) and subunits with MMs between 14 been detected.6
larger peptides (>78 kDa) and 22 kDa, and proteins with
have been detected by MMs around 38 and 41 kDa.4
pI 7.57 ? ?
Secondary structure8 Common buckwheat:
4% α-helices 2% α-helices 4% α-helices
37% β-sheets 46% β-sheets 50% β-sheets
55% aperiodic structure 52% aperiodic structure 46% aperiodic structure
General structure Common buckwheat:
Major 11S globulin Major 13S globulin Major 11S globulin
“Amarantin” with MM of 300 kDa Legume-like proteins with MM of “Chenopodin” with MM of 320 kDa
and consisting of 6 similar 280 kDa and consisting of 6 and consisting of 6 similar subunits
subunits (52 to 59 kDa), which nonidentical subunits (43 to 68 (52 to 59 kDa), which each consist
each consist of an acidic (34 to kDa) which interact of an acidic (30 to 40 kDa) and a
36 kDa) and a basic (22 to 24 noncovalently and each consist basic (20 to 25 kDa) protein linked
kDa) protein linked by an of an acidic (30 to 38 kDa) and by an SS-bond.15
SS-bond.9 a basic (23 to 25 kDa) protein
linked by an SS-bond.11
Minor 7S globulin Minor 8S globulin ?
Vicilin-like proteins with apparent Vicilin-like proteins constituted
MM of 186.0 kDa made up of 8 by subunits with high (57 to 58
noncovalently linked subunits: kDa) and low (26 to 36 kDa)
90.1, 70.9, 40.0, 37.4, 35.2, MM.12
31.2, 23.6, and 15.6 kDa.10
Minor 2S globulin
Closely related to the 2S
Tartary buckwheat:
Proteins with MMs of 64, 57, 41,
38, 34, 28, 23, 21, 19, 15 kDa.
The 2 largest proteins consist
of SS-linked subunits.14
pI 11S, acidic: 5.69 13S, acidic: 6.816 11S, acidic: between pH 5.0 and
11S, basic: 9.29 13S, basic: 8.517 6.518
7S: between 5.2 and 5.810 8S: 6.816 11S, basic: ?
2S: ? 2S: ?

Secondary structure 11S globulin10 13S globulin8

7.8% α-helices 16.0% α-helices
57.6% β-sheets 34.5% β-sheets
17.6% β-turns 20.0% β-turns
16.9% random coils 14.4% random coils
7S Globulin10
12.6% α-helices
49.6% β-sheets
12.2% β-turns
24.9% random coils
Globulin8 Globulin8 Globulin8
31% α-helices 25% α-helices 20% α-helices
27% β-sheets 30% β-sheets 35% β-sheets
42% aperiodic structure 45% aperiodic structure 45% aperiodic structure
Albumin-28 Albumin-28 Albumin-28
16% α-helices 14% α-helices 10% α-helices
41% β-sheets 29% β-sheets 37% β-sheets
53% aperiodic structure 57% aperiodic structure 53% aperiodic structure
General structure Common buckwheat: ?
Proteins with MMs around 53, 34 Proteins with MMs around 22, 32,
and 25 kDa, linked by SS 39, 50 and 59 kDa.20

4 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
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Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Table 2–Continued.

Amaranth Buckwheat Quinoa

Tartary buckwheat:
Major protein with MM 15 and
17 kDa that were not impacted
by a reducing agent. In
addition, some minor proteins
with a MM of 14 and 20 kDa
and some SS-linked proteins
with MMs of 26 and 29 kDa
have been observed.14
pI ? 5.5 to 7.319 ?

Secondary structure ? ? ?
General structure Common buckwheat: ?
Major SS-linked proteins with SS-linked proteins with MMs
MMs around 22 and 32 kDa, between 43 and 66 kDa.22
minor SS-linked proteins with
MMs around 16 and 39 kDa, Tartary buckwheat:
and few SS-linked proteins with SS-linked proteins with MMs
MMs between 50 and 65 between 12 and 66 kDa.23
pI Acidic proteins: ? ?
between 5.7 and 6.3.24
Basic proteins: ?
Secondary structure ? ? ?
1 Marcone and others (1994).
2 Gorinstein and others (1991bb, 2001); Barba de la Rosa and others (1992aa, 2009); Drzewiecki and others (2003).
3 Radovic and others (1999).
4 Guo and Yao (2006).
5 Brinegar and others (1996).
6 Thanapornpoonpong and others (2008).
7 Marcone and others (1994).
8 Drzewiecki and others (2003).
9 Konishi and others (1985); Barba de la Rosa and others (1992aa, 1992bb); Valdez-Ortiz and others (2005).
10 Marcone (1999); Quiroga and others (2010).
11 Radovic and others (1996); Milisavljevic and others (2004); Choi and Ma (2006bb); Tang (2007aa).
12 Radovic and others (1996); Milisavljevic and others (2004);
13 Radovic and others (1999); Biacs and others (2002).
14 Guo and Yao (2006).
15 Brinegar and Goundan (1993).
16 Radovic and others (1996).
17 Choi and Ma (2006bb).
18 Mäkinen and others (2016).
19 Barba de la Rosa and others (1992aa).
20 Nał˛ecz and others (2009).
21 Gorinstein and others (1991aa); Barba de la Rosa and others (1992aa); Thanapornpoonpong and others (2008).
22 Gao and others (2008).
23 Javornik and Kreft (1984); Guo and Yao (2006).
24 Vasco-Méndez and Paredes-López (1994).
MM, molecular mass; SDS–PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; SS, disulfide; ?, yet to be determined by future researchers.

prolamins, and glutelins extracted from amaranth, buckwheat, and Aphalo and others 2004; Quiroga and others 2007; Tandang-Silvas
quinoa. and others 2012). Already at low salt concentrations (ࣘ0.01 M),
the structure of the so-called albumin-2 evolves into a partially
Albumins unfolded conformation, which may trigger aggregate formation
Amaranth. Several authors (Konishi and others 1991; Gorin- (Castellani and others 1998). Based on tandem mass spectrometry
stein and others 2001; Drzewiecki and others 2003) have de- of purified albumin-2 single proteins, of albumin-2 aggregates,
scribed 2 amaranth albumin types, which they obtained by a 2-step and of partially purified globulin, Quiroga and others (2009) con-
extraction procedure involving both water and a salt solution. cluded that albumin-2 aggregates are isoforms of 11S globulin, in-
A major protein fraction, correctly classified as albumin-1, is dicating that albumin-2 and 11S globulin are encoded by the same
extracted from flour with salt solutions followed by dialysis against gene. This way, amaranth albumin-2 is most likely a polymeriza-
water and subsequent removal of the globulins (as pellet) by cen- tion product of 11S globulin, which may explain its distinctive ex-
trifugation. A minor protein fraction can then be extracted with tractability in the Osborne fractionation process. Structural charac-
water from the flour residue. The literature often refers to this teristics of the albumin-2 are discussed in the “Globulins” section.
fraction as “albumin-2,” “minor albumin,” or “globulin-P.” How- For the analysis of amaranth albumins, classical sodium do-
ever, even if these proteins are extracted with water, salt is present decyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) is
in the flour as a result of the 1st extraction with salt solution. preferred over chip electrophoresis, which compresses the bands
These proteins are thus most likely globulins, especially because of the very abundant proteins of low molecular mass (MM)
they share several features with other amaranth globulins such as (Džunková and others 2011). However, SDS–PAGE also has some
molecular size and surface reactivity (Drzewiecki and others 2003; limitations. For instance, the bands in an SDS–PAGE profile only

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 5
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

provide an estimation of the MM of a protein. Hence, the term ap- Quinoa. The major seed storage protein of quinoa is the 2S
parent MM should be used in this context. The albumin-1 fraction albumin. Under reducing conditions, an electrophoretically het-
in amaranth, extracted either with a salt solution followed by dial- erogeneous collection of proteins with apparent MMs between 8
ysis against water and removal of the globulins or simply extracted and 9 kDa is observed (Brinegar and others 1996). Since native 2S
with water, has been frequently analyzed by SDS–PAGE. Most albumins in castor bean, rapeseed, and Brazil nut are dimers com-
authors observed a major band corresponding to albumin-1 around posed of a 7- to 9-kDa subunit SS linked to a 3- to 4-kDa subunit,
34 kDa (which withstands reducing conditions), and minor bands it has been suggested that quinoa also contains the smaller 2S sub-
with apparent MMs in the range of 10 to 18 kDa (Gorinstein and units, even if they are not resolved under the electrophoretic con-
others 1991b; Barba de la Rosa and others 1992a; Drzewiecki and ditions employed (Brinegar and others 1996). Very different results
others 2003). A high MM (apparent MM >78 kDa) protein has were presented by Thanapornpoonpong and others (2008) when
also been described (Gorinstein and others 2001; Barba de la Rosa applying a fractionation scheme for amaranth proteins (Gorinstein
and others 2009). Marcone and others (1994) described amaranth and others 1991b). In their hands, it yielded 2 albumin fractions:
albumin-1 as a 133-kDa homo-dodecamer with 12, low-MM sub- the correctly classified albumin-1 and the alleged albumin-2 (cfr.
units held together by noncovalent (for example, hydrogen and hy- supra). When extracted from flour with salt solution followed by
drophobic) bonds. They found no evidence for covalent disulfide dialysis against water to precipitate the globulins, the albumin-1
(SS) linkages between the subunits. According to Shewry (2016), is separated by SDS–PAGE into a wide range of protein subunits
the albumin-1 fraction migrates with a 2S sedimentation coeffi- with apparent MMs between 25 and 83 kDa. The secondary struc-
cient. If so, the homododecameric protein described by Marcone ture of quinoa albumins consists of 4% α-helices, 50% β-sheets,
and others (1994) may be an aggregation product of the 2S al- and 46% aperiodic structure (Drzewiecki and others 2003).
bumin stabilized by noncovalent interactions. If not, it remains to
be investigated whether the higher apparent MM bands observed
by Barba de la Rosa and others (2009) and Gorinstein and others Globulins
(2001) are derived from globulin impurities or whether some albu- Amaranth. The main amaranth protein is a globulin, the 11S
mins were not present in the albumin fraction purified by Marcone globulin or amarantin. It consists of 3 subunits in their pro-form
and others (1994). Based on SDS–PAGE, Segura-Nieto and others (proglobulin). Cotranslational signal peptide cleavage of the sub-
(1992) concluded that, of the Osborne protein fractions, albumins unit in the endoplasmic reticulum induces association of the sub-
are the most polymorphous. Analysis of amaranth albumin-1 by units in a head-to-tail pattern. The proglobulin is subsequently
electrophoretic isoelectric focusing (IEF), electrophoretic titration, transported to the protein storage vacuoles. Herein, its post-
and zeta potential analysis indicated an isoelectric point (pI, the pH translational cleavage by an endopeptidase releases acidic and basic
at which the net charge of the proteins equals zero) of 7.5 (Mar- chains and triggers the assembly of 2 trimers into a homohex-
cone and others 1994). Secondary structure analysis revealed that amer (Tandang-Silvas and others 2012; Carrazco-Pena and others
it has relatively high levels of β-sheets but a very little discernable 2013). This homohexamer is made up of subunits with MMs be-
tertiary structure, as evidenced by relatively low near-ultraviolet tween 52 and 59 kDa, each consisting of an acidic (34 to 36 kDa,
(UV) (240 to 320 nm) circular dichroic (CD) intensities (Marcone pI 5.6) and a basic (22 to 24 kDa, pI 9.2) protein linked by an
and others 1994). The secondary structure of amaranth albumins SS-bond (Konishi and others 1985; Barba de la Rosa and others
has been estimated to consist of 4% α-helices, 37% β-sheets, and 1992a; Barba de la Rosa and others 1992b; Valdez-Ortiz and oth-
55% aperiodic structure (Drzewiecki and others 2003). ers 2005). Martı́nez and others (1997) described the same or at
Buckwheat. Most common buckwheat albumins migrate with least a very similar, protein, but falsely classified it as albumin-2
a 2S sedimentation coefficient and have apparent MMs between (see section “Albumins”), based on data by Konishi and others
8 and 12 kDa as determined by SDS–PAGE (Radovic and oth- (1991). Much as the 11S globulin, this protein has an apparent
ers 1999). A minor fraction of the 2S albumins has an apparent MM of 300 kDa and contains subunits with apparent MMs of 52,
MM close to 16 kDa. These proteins are not linked by SS-bonds 54, and 56 kDa. However, only the 52 and 56 kDa subunits seem
(Radovic and others 1999). The 2S albumins are widely distributed to consist of a larger acidic peptide (31 to 38 kDa) SS-linked to a
in dicotyledonous seeds. They are related to the 2S albumins of smaller basic (19 to 23 kDa) peptide. Gel filtration chromatogra-
wheat and inhibitors of trypsin and α-amylase from cereals (Kreis phy of amaranth proteins yielded 6 main fractions of around 300,
and others 1985). However, the 2S albumins in legumes are present 180, 120, 45, 25, and below 10 kDa (Zheleznov and others 1997;
at higher levels and do contain SS-bonds (Shewry and Pandya Juan and others 2007). The fraction with the highest apparent
1999). The albumins account for about 25% of total proteins ex- MM may correspond to the intact hexameric 11S globulin. We
tractable in salt solution, but this content is drastically reduced speculate that the fraction with apparent MM of 180 kDa repre-
under sulfur-deficiency conditions during growth (Radovic and sents 11S globulin trimers and/or the minor amaranth globulin.
others 1999). Javornik and Kreft (1984) separated albumins of The smaller and larger proteins, as well as the 52 to 56 kDa sub-
common buckwheat by SDS–PAGE into 8 electrophoretic bands units, were also detected by SDS–PAGE. The α- and β-peptides
with apparent MMs between 17 and 67 kDa. Their results seem of 11S globulin appear in the fractions with apparent MMs of
in line with those obtained for tartary buckwheat of which the 45 and 25 kDa (Thanapornpoonpong and others 2008). Elec-
nonreduced albumin fraction showed major bands at 64, 57, 52, trophoretic patterns under denaturing and reducing conditions
41, and 38 kDa (Guo and Yao 2006). Under reducing conditions, showed 3 main fractions with apparent MMs between 50 and
some minor bands at 14 to 22 kDa appeared at the expense of 64 kDa, 33 and 37 kDa, and 18 and 25 kDa, respectively (Juan
the 57 and 64 kDa albumins, while the 38 and 41 kDa protein and others 2007). Chip electrophoresis analysis of reduced ama-
bands remained. The secondary structure of common buckwheat ranth globulins yielded the same 3 fractions (Džunková and others
albumins has been estimated to consist of 2% α-helices, 46% 2011). Again, it was suggested that they represent the 52 to 56 kDa
β-sheets, and 52% aperiodic structure (Drzewiecki and others subunit and the constituting α- and β-peptides respectively, of
2003). the 11S globulin (Juan and others 2007). Marcone and Yada

6 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

(1997) showed that 11S amaranth globulin is both glycosylated and concluded that the globulins in tartary buckwheat consist of a ma-
phosphorylated. jor globulin with apparent MM of 443 kDa globulin, composed
The minor amaranth globulin, the 7S vicilin-like globulin, is a of 2 or 3 proteins of 179 kDa linked by hydrogen bonds, and
hetero-oligomer with an apparent MM estimated by gel filtration a minor 679 kDa globulin. A more recent report mentions that
chromatography of 186 kDa made up of a variety of 8 noncova- SDS–PAGE shows bands at 15, 19, 21, 23, 28, 34, 38, 41, 57, and
lently linked subunits (with SDS–PAGE MMs of 90, 71, 40, 37, 64 kDa, the 2 largest proteins of which are no longer visible under
35, 31, 24, and 16 kDa) (Marcone 1999). Barba de la Rosa and reducing conditions. This indicates that they consist of SS-linked
others (1992b) described a very similar protein containing 7 non- subunits. The same report mentions that reducing conditions
covalently linked subunits with MMs of 72, 67, 52, 38, 34, 32, and did not induce notable changes in the 38 and 41 kDa proteins
25 kDa. More recently, Quiroga and others (2010) reported on the (Guo and Yao 2006). Drzewiecki and others (2003) reported
amaranth 7S globulin subunit structure and observed main subunits 25% α-helices, 30% β-sheets, and 45% aperiodic structure for the
with MMs of 66, 52, 38, and 16 kDa, in reasonable agreement common buckwheat globulin fraction, and 14% α-helices, 29%
with Barba de la Rosa and others (1992b) and Marcone (1999). β-sheets, and 57% aperiodic structure for the so-called albumin-2
Electrophoretic IEF of the 7S amaranth globulin indicated a pI fraction, which probably also contains globulins
between 5.2 and 5.8. At lower pH, the 7S globulin was subjected Quinoa. The major seed storage protein of quinoa is the 11S
to (i) a large surface charge density change and (ii) an acid-induced globulin chenopodin, a hexameric protein with a MM of 320
dissociation of its subunits (Marcone 1999). Near-UV (240 to kDa, of which each subunit consists of a basic (20 to 25 kDa)
320 nm) CD intensities revealed that the purified 7S globulin and an acidic (30 to 40 kDa) peptide covalently linked by an
secondary structure is relatively poor in α-helices, but possesses SS-bond (Brinegar and Goundan 1993; Thanapornpoonpong
high levels of β-sheets (Marcone 1999). The secondary structure and others 2008). It makes up 37% of the total protein content
of the amaranth globulins has been estimated to consist of 31% in quinoa seeds (Abugoch James 2009). SDS–PAGE, N-terminal
α-helices, 27% β-sheets, and 42% aperiodic structure (Drzewiecki sequencing, and amino acid analysis have allowed to conclude
and others 2003), while that of the albumin-2 fraction, which that it is a member of the highly conserved 11S storage globulin
most likely also contains globulins, has been estimated as 16% family (Brinegar and Goundan 1993; Balzotti 2006). The alleged
α-helices, 41% β-sheets, and 53% aperiodic structure (Tandang- albumin-2 fraction is also present in quinoa. It consists of 4
Silvas and others 2012) and less hydrophobic surfaces than the major subunits with apparent MMs of 23, 31, 35, and 52 kDa
albumins, as follows from 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (Thanapornpoonpong and others 2008). All observed protein
fluorescence measurements (Gorinstein and others 2001). bands correspond to the subunits or monomers in the globulin
Buckwheat. The major storage protein of common buckwheat fraction, which again indicates that the albumin-2 fraction, in fact,
is the 13S legume-like globulin. Konishi and others (1985) re- contains globulins. The secondary structure of quinoa globulin
ported that its apparent MM is 440 kDa and that it is composed and the alleged albumin-2 fraction have been estimated to consist
of at least 4 different subunit types (MMs of 18, 20, 32, and 36 of 20% α-helices, 35% β-sheets, and 45% aperiodic structure
kDa). It is now generally accepted that the 13S globulins ex- and 10% α-helices, 37% β-sheets, and 53% aperiodic structure,
ist as proteins with an apparent MM between 280 and 390 kDa respectively (Drzewiecki and others 2003).
(Maksimovic 1995; Marcone and others 1998; Fujino and others
2001; Nair and Adachi 2002; Samardžić and others 2004; Choi Prolamins
and Ma 2006a; Choi and others 2006) made up of 6 nonidenti- A common observation for all pseudocereals is that they contain
cal monomers (Maksimovic and others 1995; Choi and Ma 2005; low levels of prolamins.
Choi and others 2006). The monomers interact noncovalently and Amaranth. The prolamins of amaranth are made up of fewer
each consists of a smaller (16 to 29 kDa) basic subunit SS-linked and less abundant components than all other protein fractions
to a larger (30 to 47 kDa) acidic subunit (Maksimovic and others (Segura-Nieto and others 1992). They cannot be readily ana-
1995; Radovic and others 1996; Rout and others 1997; Bharali lyzed by chip electrophoresis because of their low concentration
and Chrungoo 2003; Choi and Ma 2005; Choi and others 2006; (Džunková and others 2011). Nevertheless, SDS–PAGE under re-
Tang 2007a). In IEF, all larger proteins of the 13S globulin are vis- ducing conditions showed that they have apparent MMs of 52 to
ible in the acidic region of the gel. While a minor fraction of the 54, 33 to 34, and 22 to 27 kDa and are linked by SS-bonds (Barba
small proteins has pIs of about 6.8 (Radovic and others 1996), the de la Rosa and others 1992a). They share common subunits with
majority shows pIs of about 8.5 (Choi and Ma 2006b). Choi and amaranth glutelins, and the differences in solubility between these
others estimated that the secondary structure of the 13S globulin proteins and amaranth prolamins have been ascribed to differences
consists of 34.5% β-sheets, 20.0% β-turns, 16.0% α-helices, and in levels and locations of SS-bonds (Barba de la Rosa and others
14.4% random coils. 1992a).
The minor buckwheat globulin, the 8S vicilin-like globulin, is Buckwheat. Skerritt (1986) separated a common buckwheat
mainly made up of proteins with apparent MMs between 57 and prolamin fraction by SDS–PAGE and observed a dominant range
58 kDa, and to a lesser extent of proteins with apparent MMs of low MM (10 to 28 kDa) proteins without sharp resolution and
between 26 and 36 kDa (Radovic and others 1996; Milisavljevic some minor bands at 32, 35, 68, 75, and 80 kDa. Nałecz˛ and others
and others 2004). The 8S globulin is not affected by reducing (2009) fractionated buckwheat prolamins into 5 two-dimensional
conditions. It has a pI of approximately 6.8 (Radovic and others (2D) SDS–PAGE subregions with proteins with apparent MMs
1996). Separation of buckwheat globulin proteins in a sucrose around (i) 50 kDa and pIs between 6.0 and 7.3, (ii) 39 kDa and
gradient shows a 3rd distinct 2S globulin fraction, which is closely pIs between 6.2 and 6.8, (iii) 32 kDa and pIs around 5.9, (iv)
related to the 2S albumin fraction (Radovic and others 1999; between 31 and 59 kDa and pIs around 5.5, and (v) around
Biacs and others 2002). The globulins in tartary buckwheat 22 kDa and pIs between 5.9 and 6.6. 2D electrophoresis is
have been less well characterized and the reports found they are very useful for detecting buckwheat prolamins, especially since
contradictory. First, Doi and others (1995), based on SDS–PAGE, the lack of their sequences in databases makes it impossible

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 7
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

to identify them directly with peptide-based mass spectrometry traction media, during IEP, and analysis of amaranth, buckwheat,
˛ and others 2009). Tartary buckwheat prolamin has 2 mi- and quinoa protein isolates.
nor and 2 major protein bands at 14 and 20 kDa and 15 and
17 kDa, respectively, which are not influenced by a reducing agent. Protein denaturation as evaluated by differential scanning
Under reducing conditions, 2 additional bands at 26 and 29 kDa calorimetry
are observed, possibly derived from the high MM proteins which Amaranth. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of ama-
do not enter the gel (Guo and Yao 2006). ranth protein isolates revealed 2 endotherms with denaturation
Quinoa. The prolamins are an insignificant fraction of quinoa temperatures (Td ) readings in the ranges of 70 to 73 °C and 94 to
seed proteins (Fairbanks and others 1990; Thanapornpoonpong 100 °C, respectively (Table 4). The 2nd endotherm was ascribed
and others 2008) and information on their MM distribution is to denaturation of the alleged albumin-2 and globulins, whereas
scarce. albumin-1, glutelins, and the minor components of globulins led
to the 1st endotherm (Martinez and Anon 1996; Gorinstein and
Glutelins others 2001; Bejarano-Lujan and Netto 2010). A small decrease in
Amaranth. 2D gel electrophoresis reveals some glutelins as ma- Td was noted when the extraction pH increased from 8.0 to 11.0.
jor proteins in amaranth seeds (Segura-Nieto and others 1992). It should be stressed that Td values of proteins may be influenced
SDS–PAGE shows some proteins with low apparent MM (ap- by specific prior extraction conditions since alkaline extraction can
proximately 24 kDa), but more proteins of intermediate (32 to 38 induce conformational changes (Martinez and Anon 1996; Castel-
kDa) and high apparent MM (48 to 57 kDa) (Gorinstein and others lani and others 1998; Salcedo-Chávez and others 2002; Abugoch
1991b; Barba de la Rosa and others 1992a; Thanapornpoonpong James and others 2003; Cordero-De-Los-Santos and others 2005;
and others 2008). Gorinstein and others (1991a) reported some- Bejarano-Lujan and Netto 2010). Several authors (Ventureira and
what contradictory results. They found that the majority (83%) of others 2012b; Shevkani and others 2014a; Shevkani and Singh
the proteins of amaranth extracted in 55% (v/v) 2-propanol, con- 2015) reported similar Td readings for such amaranth protein
taining 5% (v/v) mercaptoethanol, supposedly mostly are glutelins isolates. While 2 distinct denaturation peaks were visible at pH 8.0,
and have MMs around 10 to 14 kDa, that a 2nd fraction (7%) con- no such peaks were observed at pH 2.0. This indicates that low pH
sists of proteins of 20 kDa, and that the remaining 10% is made up induces extensive unfolding of amaranth proteins extracted under
of minor fractions. Chip electrophoresis provided more detailed alkaline conditions (Abugoch James and others 2010; Ventureira
information. Of all the protein fractions, amaranth glutelins form and others 2012b; Bolontrade and others 2013a). Furthermore,
the clearest patterns under reducing conditions with several clearly Salcedo-Chávez and others (2002) noted that 10 different com-
separated proteins which can be used to identify amaranth hybrid binations of extraction pH and pH of IEP of amaranth protein
accessions and wild species (Džunková and others 2011). Glutelins isolates (Table 3) had no significant effect on their Td readings.
of various amaranth species show polymorphism not only in the DSC of amaranth protein isolates obtained by extraction at pH
position of the bands in the patterns, but also in their intensity. 7.0 and subsequent precipitation by micellization revealed 2 en-
Amaranth glutelins have 2 bands of medium intensity (15 and 17 dothermic transitions of which the Td readings were 75.6 and 97.2,
kDa), 3 intense bands (21 to 23 kDa), 2 intense bands (31 and respectively (Cordero-De-Los-Santos and others 2005). Martinez
33 kDa), 1 polymorphic low-intensity band (38 or 39 kDa) and and Anon (1996) reported on the Td of amaranth protein frac-
a polymorphic area (50 to 65 kDa) (Džunková and others 2011). tions purified under relatively mild conditions. DSC Td readings of
Part of the amaranth glutelin subunits (pI 5.7 to 6.3) show struc- 64 °C for albumin-1 and 94 °C for the falsely classified albumin-
tural homology to the acidic globulin subunits (Vasco-Méndez and 2 and most of the globulins were noted. The glutelin fraction
Paredes-López 1994). showed endothermic peaks at 70 °C and 96 °C. Amaranth glob-
Buckwheat. There is high glutelin polymorphism among dif- ulins also extracted under mild conditions showed endothermic
ferent common buckwheat cultivars. Their glutelins consist of transitions at 80.2 and 94.3 °C. These were attributed to the 7S
3 to 5 SS-linked subunits with apparent MMs between 43 and and 11S globulins, respectively (Table 4) (Marcone 1999). The Td
66 kDa (Gao and others 2008). Glutelins from tartary buckwheat of extracted proteins depends on pH. The so-called albumin-2
in many cases only show minor and poorly defined SDS–PAGE fraction has the highest Td between pH 6.0 and 8.0.
bands. Some of these proteins do not enter the gel and/or are not High-pressure treatment (200 to 600 MPa) also provokes de-
soluble in the gel sample buffer (Guo and Yao 2006). Neverthe- naturation of amaranth proteins. The protein fractions with the
less, 9 electrophoretic subfractions with MMs ranging from 12 to lower Td readings (70 to 73 °C range, see above) have greater
66 kDa, with little polymorphism, can be distinguished (Javornik sensitivity to high-pressure treatment than proteins characterized
and Kreft 1984; Guo and Yao 2006). by Td readings in a 94 to 100 °C range. Whereas the proteins
Quinoa. SDS–PAGE of quinoa glutelins yields few protein with lower Td are almost completely denatured after treatment at
bands and great differences are noted between cultivars. Apparent 200 MPa, those of higher thermal stability partially retain their
MMs of the subunits range from 16 to 94 kDa (Thanapornpoon- native structures. Furthermore, the proteins with low and high Td
pong and others 2008). All proteins in the glutelin fraction have that resist high-pressure treatment have lower and higher thermal
electrophoretic mobility identical to that of albumins and globulins stability, respectively, than the untreated protein fractions (Condes
(Fairbanks and others 1990). and others 2012; Condes and others 2015).
Buckwheat. Common buckwheat proteins show a minor and a
major denaturation peak at about 80 °C and about 102 °C, which
Denaturation and Aggregation Behavior have been ascribed to the 8S and 13S globulins, respectively (Table
In the studies cited below on protein denaturation and ag- 4) (Tang 2007a). The Td values were not affected by prior lipid
gregation, the studied protein isolates were obtained by alkaline extraction, indicating that endogenous lipids do not affect the
extraction and subsequent isoelectric precipitation (IEP) at acidic thermal stability of buckwheat proteins (Tang 2007c). Extreme
pH, unless otherwise stated. Table 3 lists the pH values of the ex- acidic and alkaline pH conditions induce a decrease in Td of the

8 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Table 3–Overview of pH of extraction, pH of isoelectric precipitation, and pH of analysis reported for protein isolates used in studies on denaturation,
aggregation, and solubility as well as foaming, emulsifying, and gelling properties of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa proteins.

Pseudocereal pH of extraction pH of IEP pH of analysis Reference

Protein denaturation Amaranth 8.0 to 11.0 5.0 7.0 1
9.0 3.0 to 7.0 3.0 to 7.0 1
9.0 and 11.0 5.0 7.0 2
9.0 5.0 7.0 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
8.0 4.5 4.5 8
9.0 4.5 4.5
8.0 5.5 5.5
9.0 5.5 5.5
7.8 5.0 5.0
9.2 5.0 5.0
8.5 4.3 4.3
8.5 5.7 5.7
8.0 5.0 5.0
8.5 5.0 5.0
9.0 – 7.0 9
11.0 5.0 7.0 10, 11
Buckwheat 8.0 4.5 7.0 12
quinoa 9.0 and 11.0 5.0 7.0 13
9.0 5.0 7.0 14
8.0 to 11.0 4.5 7.0 15

Protein aggregation Amaranth 9.0 5.0 7.0 4, 16

9.0 to 11.0 5.0 7.0 17
11.0 5.0 7.0 10, 11, 18
Quinoa 8.0 to 12.0 – 8.0 to 12.0 19
9.0 5.0 7.0 20, 21

Solubility Amaranth 0.25% NaOHa – 3.0 to 9.0 22

9.0 5.0 7.0 and 8.5 23
9.0 5.0 7.0 5
9.0 – 3.0, 4.5, and 7.0 9
Buckwheat 0.25% NaOHa – 3.0 to 9.0 22
8.0 4.5 7.0 24, 25
Quinoa 0.015 M NaOHa 4.5 3.0 to 8.0 26
9.0 and 11.0 5.0 3.0 to 11.0 13
5.0 to 10.0 3.0 to 6.0 1.0 to 10.0 27
9.0 5.0 3.0 to 11.0 14

Foaming properties Amaranth 0.25% NaOHa Ȅ 7.0 22

9.0 and 11.0 5.0 4.0, 7.0, and 9.0 2
9.0 5.0 7.5 28
9.0 5.0 2.0 and 8.0 4, 29
9.0 5.0 2.0 to 9.0 5
Buckwheat 0.25% NaOHa – 7.0 22
Quinoa 0.015 M NaOHa 4.7 7.0 30
0.015 M NaOHa 4.5 3.0 to 8.0 26

Emulsifying properties Amaranth – – 7.0 22

9.0 5.0 2.0, 6.3, and 8.0 31
9.0 5.0 2.0 and 8.0 3
9.0 5.0 2.0 to 9.0 5

Buckwheat – – 7.0 32
8.0 4.5 2.0 to 10.0 24, 33
Quinoa 0.015 M NaOHa 4.7 7.0 30
0.015 M NaOHa 4.5 3.0 to 8.0 26
5.0 to 10.0 3.0 to 6.0 10.0 27

Gelling properties Amaranth 9.0 4.5 7.0 34

9.0 5.0 7.0 35, 36

Quinoa 9.0 5.0 8.5 and 10.5 20

8.0 to 11.0 4.5 6.5 15
a The authors mention NaOH concentration instead of pH.
“—” Indicates not specified.
References: 1. Martinez and Anon (1996), 2. Abugoch James and others (2010), 3. Ventureira and others (2012b), 4. Bolontrade and others (2013a), 5. Shevkani and others (2014a), 6. Shevkani and Singh
(2015), 7. Cordero-De-Los-Santos and others (2005), 8. Salcedo-Chávez and others (2002), 9. Bejarano-Lujan and Netto (2010), 10. Condes and others (2012), 11. Condes and others (2015), 12. Tang (2007cc),
13. Abugoch James and others (2008), 14. Steffolani and others (2015), 15. Ruiz and others (2016), 16. Scilingo and others (2002), 17. Avanza and Anon (2007), 18. Condes and others (2013), 19. Valenzuela
and others (2013), 20. Mäkinen and others (2015), 21. Mäkinen and others (2016), 22. Bejosano and Corke (1999), 23. Condes and others (2009), 24. Tomotake and others (2002), 25. Tang and others (2009),
26. Aluko and Monu (2003), 27. Elsohaimy and others (2015), 28. Ventureira and others (2012a), 29. Bolontrade and others (2013b), 30. Chauhan and others (1999), 31. Ventureira and others (2010), 32.
Zheng and others (1997), 33. Tang (2007b), 34. Bejarano-Lujan and others (2010), 35. Avanza and others (2005a), 36. Avanza and others (2005b).
IEP, isoelectric precipitation.

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Table 4–Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) protein denaturation temperatures reported for Osborne fractions from amaranth, common and tartary
buckwheat, and quinoa.

Reference Protein fracon
temperature (°C)
Amaranth Marnez and Anon (1996) Albumin-1, minor components of
70 to 73
globulins, and glutelins
94 to 100 Albumin-2, and 11S globulin

Marcone (1999) 80.2 7S globulin

Common buckwheat Tang (2007a) 80 8S globulin

102 13S globulin

Tartary buckwheat ? ?
Quinoa Abugoch James and others (2009)
98 to 99 11S globulin
DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; Td , denaturation temperature; ?, yet to be determined by future researchers.

buckwheat globulin fraction, thus indicating lower protein thermal 2005; Tang 2007a). While Cl− and Br− ions stabilize the protein,
stability (Choi and Ma 2005). I− and SCN− ions destabilize it (Tang 2007a). The presence of
Quinoa. Heat-induced denaturation of quinoa proteins has only the protein denaturant urea led to a decrease in Td of amaranth
sporadically been investigated. Quinoa protein isolate denatures at globulins, whereas 2 mercaptoethanol, an SS-reducing agent, did
about 98 °C (Abugoch James and others 2008; Steffolani and oth- not affect it (Gorinstein and others 1996; Bolontrade and others
ers 2015; Ruiz and others 2016). Protein isolates extracted at pH 2013a). Hence, hydrogen bonds are more important for the ther-
11.0 did not show any endotherm, indicating that such alkaline mal stability of amaranth globulins than SS-bonds (Gorinstein and
extraction resulted in complete denaturation (Abugoch James and others 1991b; Gorinstein and others 1996). Much as it is the case
others 2008; Ruiz and others 2016). Gorinstein and others (1996) for amaranth proteins, the Td readings of common buckwheat
reported a Td of 58 °C for quinoa globulins. However, the main globulins decrease with increasing levels of protein denaturants
quinoa globulin, namely the 11S globulin (see section “Globu- (including urea and SDS), confirming the importance of hydro-
lins”), and 11S globulins of other protein sources (such as soy) gen bonds and hydrophobic interactions for their thermal stability
typically denature at much higher temperatures (> 85 °C) (Mar- (Tang 2007a). It is of note here that sufficiently high concentra-
tinez and Anon 1996; Tarone and others 2013). Abugoch James tions of 2-mercaptoethanol are necessary to decrease the Td of
and others (2009) reported a Td of 99 °C for quinoa proteins in buckwheat 13S globulin (Choi and Ma 2005; Tang 2007c).
flour (Table 4). Since quinoa starch gelatinizes at around 60 °C
(Li and others 2016), it cannot be excluded that the gelatinization Protein aggregation
endotherm overlaps with an endotherm of proteins with lower Little information is available on heat-induced aggregation of
Td . pseudocereal proteins, especially so for proteins extracted under
Effect of salt, reducing agents, and protein denaturants. Other mild conditions.
constituents present can affect protein denaturation. Salt increases Amaranth. Thermal treatment (10 min at 90 °C) of amaranth
the thermal stability of amaranth proteins (Bolontrade and oth- proteins suspended in a potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.5) causes
ers 2013a), amaranth albumin-2 (Castellani and others 1998), and a decrease in protein solubility. This is mainly due to aggrega-
buckwheat globulins (Choi and Ma 2005; Tang 2007a), as evi- tion of the globulin fraction (Scilingo and others 2002). Moder-
denced by higher Td readings. At ionic strength of 0.54 M, the ate heating (50 °C) of amaranth proteins during alkaline extrac-
Td of amaranth albumin-2 reaches a maximum at pH 6.0, but it is tion induces partial protein unfolding and, as a consequence, the
much lower below pH 5.0 and above pH 8.5. Thus, both acid and formation of high MM aggregates, as evidenced by DSC, size-
alkaline pH conditions induce conformational changes in its struc- exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC),
ture, which lower its thermal stability. Furthermore, at alkaline pH a lower free thiol (SH) content, and a reduction in protein sol-
values and ionic strength of 0.54 M, a 2nd endotherm appears at ubility (Bejarano-Lujan and Netto 2010). Mild heating (70 °C)
about 73 °C. This points to the formation of new molecules of of aqueous dispersions of amaranth proteins decreases their sur-
lower thermal stability than that of the undivided albumin-2 (Td of face hydrophobicity. The effect of longer heating times and higher
102 °C, pH 7.5). In this context, sedimentation and gel filtration temperatures on surface hydrophobicity depends on the pH (9.0
elution patterns have shown that alkaline pH triggers the dissocia- compared with 11.0) at which the proteins are extracted. Both
tion of the so-called albumin-2 into its trimeric subunits (see sec- protein denaturation and aggregation likely affect their surface hy-
tions “Albumins” and “Globulins”). These subunits are probably drophobicity. High MM aggregates are formed during heating,
less thermostable than the undivided molecules (Castellani which are stabilized by both SS-bonds and noncovalent bonds.
and others 1998). The Td of common buckwheat globulins de- A protein isolate obtained at pH 9.0 is more sensitive to thermal
pends on the type of salt and decreases in the lyotropic series of treatment than one obtained at pH 11.0 (Avanza and Anon 2007;
anions (thus in the order Cl– , Br– , I– ,and SCN– ) (Choi and Ma Condes and others 2013).

10 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

High-pressure treatment of amaranth protein isolates affects the Techno-functional Properties

degree of dissociation or association of amaranth proteins ob- The techno-functional properties of amaranth proteins have
tained by alkaline isolation. High-pressure treatment induces the been more extensively studied than those of their buckwheat and
formation of insoluble aggregates, triggers the dissociation of sol- quinoa counterparts. As above, protein isolates in the studies de-
uble aggregates, and increases surface hydrophobicity (Condes and scribed below were obtained by alkaline extraction and subsequent
others 2012, 2015). IEP at lower pH (Table 3), unless otherwise stated. We again stress
Protein aggregation can also occur at room temperature when that the techno-functional properties of the extracted proteins are
altering the pH and/or ionic strength of the solution, which evi- likely impacted by the specific extraction conditions since these
dently affects protein solubility (see section “Solubility”). Higher can trigger conformational changes.
ionic strength in a pronounced way reduces the solubility of
amaranth proteins, especially for proteins 1st isolated at pH 9.0
and subsequently dispersed in a pH 2.0 buffer, indicating the Solubility
importance of charge-shielding for protein aggregation and sub- Protein isolates. Protein solubility is important for its techno-
sequent precipitation (Bolontrade and others 2013a). functional properties in different (food) applications. In general,
Buckwheat. DSC, SDS–PAGE, and SE-HPLC analyses have the solubility of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa proteins is
shown that heat treatment of common buckwheat globulin dis- poor (range of 2 to 35% range) in a pH ranging from 3.0
solved in 10.0 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 1.0 M to 5.0. Maximum solubility, with percentages ranging from 50
NaCl induces (i) the dissociation of proteins with apparent MM to almost 100%, is found at alkaline pH values (Bejosano and
in a 34 to 36 kDa and a 21 to 22 kDa range and (ii) association Corke 1999; Tomotake and others 2002; Aluko and Monu 2003;
of proteins with subsequent aggregate formation (Choi and Ma Silva-Sanchez and others 2004; Cordero-De-Los-Santos and oth-
2006a; Choi and others 2006). During thermal aggregation, in- ers 2005; Tömösközi and others 2008; Tang and others 2009;
termolecular SS-bonds are formed (Choi and others 2006). In the Bejarano-Lujan and Netto 2010; Elsohaimy and others 2015; Stef-
presence of N-ethylmaleimide, an SH-blocking agent, aggregates folani and others 2015; Ruiz and others 2016). Depending on the
of higher MM and hydrodynamic radius are formed than in its ab- particular study, very good solubility has also been observed at pH
sence (Choi and Ma 2006a). Transmission electron microscopy 2.0 (Tomotake and others 2002; Tang and others 2009; Shevkani
demonstrated the formation of strand-like small aggregates as and others 2014a). Part of the differences in optimal pH values
well as that of large compact globular soluble macroaggregates and solubility percentages can be explained by differences in cul-
(Choi and Ma 2006a; Choi and others 2006). Protein aggregation tivar (Silva-Sanchez and others 2004; Shevkani and others 2014a;
also occurs during puffing (Mariotti and others 2008) or auto- Steffolani and others 2015) and extraction procedure (such as the
clave treatment (Tomotake and others 2012) of dehulled common extraction pH). However, the latter has only been demonstrated
buckwheat seeds. Puffing reduces the surface hydrophobicity of for quinoa proteins. In this case, proteins extracted at pH 9.0 are
common buckwheat flour proteins. Protein aggregation presum- more soluble at pH values exceeding 5.0 than those extracted at
ably makes its surfaces less accessible for the hydrophobic fluores- pH 11.0 (Abugoch James and others 2008; Ruiz and others 2016).
cent probe used in the analysis due to increasing mutual interac- Finally, no significant differences in solubility were observed be-
tions between hydrophobic protein surfaces (Mariotti and others tween amaranth, buckwheat, or quinoa proteins over a pH range of
2008). 3.0 to 11.0. Hydrolysis of amaranth proteins with trypsin (Condes
Quinoa. The effect of heat treatment (0 to 15 min, 100 °C) and others 2009), of amaranth and buckwheat proteins with pepsin
on quinoa proteins isolated at pH 9.0 depends on the pH during (Bejosano and Corke 1999), and of quinoa proteins with Alcalase
heating (Mäkinen and others 2015, 2016). Heating at pH 8.5 or (Aluko and Monu 2003) improved solubility. The solubility of
10.5 disrupts the SS-bond connecting the acidic and basic subunits quinoa protein hydrolysates (degree of hydrolysis [DH] of 48%)
of 11S globulin (Table 2), while the covalent bond remains intact hardly depends on pH, in contrast to what has been observed for
when heating is at pH 6.5. Large aggregates with intermolecular their nonhydrolyzed counterparts (Aluko and Monu 2003).
SS-bonds are formed by heating at pH 6.5 and 8.5, while no Osborne-type fractions. Amaranth albumins and globulins and
aggregates are formed at pH 10.5, which are extractable in SDS- proteins extracted under alkaline conditions show similar low sol-
containing medium. The results also indicate that a low degree ubility at pH values between 3.0 and 5.0. Above pH 5.0, its albu-
of protein hydrolysis occurs during heating at pH 10.5 (Mäkinen mins (maximum solubility of 90% at pH 11.0) are more soluble
and others 2016). The free SH-content of the globulin fraction than its globulins (maximum solubility around 50% at pH 11.0
increases during the 1st 5 min of heating at pH 8.5 and 10.5, but it (Tömösközi and others 2008). According to Carrazco-Pena and
decreases with prolonged heating to a level lower than that of the others (2013), the amaranth 11S globulins, which are the major
nonheat-treated globulin fraction. Heating at pH 6.5 results in a proteins of amaranth (Table 2), show minimal solubility between
slight increase in the level of free SH. The surface hydrophobicity pH 2.6 and 4.6 (around 10% and 20% at low and high ionic
increased during the 1st 5 min of heating (100 °C) at all tested strength, respectively). Approximately 90% of the 11S globulin
pH values. Upon prolonged heating, a small increase in surface fraction is soluble at pH values exceeding 6.1. The introduction of
hydrophobicity was observed at pH 6.5 and 8.5, while at pH 4 successive methionine residues in the variable region V of recom-
10.5 it decreased almost to the reading observed for the nonheat- binant amaranth 11S proglobulin drastically reduces its solubility
treated globulins (Mäkinen and others 2016). Heating of quinoa due to an increase in surface hydrophobicity. Here, it is of benefit
proteins obtained under alkaline conditions (pH 8.5 or pH 10.5) to mention that the properties of the recombinant unmodified 11S
may trigger deamidation of glutamine and asparagine residues and proglobulin differ from those of the native protein purified from
thereby drastically affect protein surface properties. The degree of amaranth seeds, most likely due to the lack of co- and/or post-
deamidation after heating was about 30% at both pH 8.5 and 10.5 translational cleavages of the recombinant unmodified protein (see
(Mäkinen and others 2015). section “Globulins”) (Carrazco-Pena and others 2013).

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 11
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Foaming properties conformational rearrangements at the interface (Ventureira and

Protein isolates. The pH affects both amaranth protein foam others 2012a). Protein hydrolysis is indeed a frequently used pre-
formation and stability. At pH 2.0, amaranth proteins foam better treatment to improve foam formation (Bejosano and Corke 1999;
than at pH 8.0 due to faster diffusion to and/or faster adsorp- Aluko and Monu 2003; Condes and others 2009). Limited hy-
tion at the air/water interface. The higher flexibility of amaranth drolysis of amaranth proteins (DH of 6.4%) results in foams that
proteins at acid than at alkaline pH facilitates their diffusion to are more stable than those produced with their nonhydrolyzed
and adsorption at the air/water interface, thereby reducing the counterparts, while foams prepared from moderately hydrolyzed
interfacial tension (Bolontrade and others 2013a). Ventureira and amaranth (DH varying between 11.6% and 17.0%) or buckwheat
others (2012a) further showed that acid-treated amaranth extract (DH of 11.8%) (Bejosano and Corke 1999) proteins, or from
contains an endogenous peptidase which is active at pH 2.0. (Par- severely hydrolyzed quinoa (DH of 48%) (Aluko and Monu 2003)
tial) hydrolysis of amaranth proteins into smaller fragments im- proteins, are less stable than those from their native counterparts.
proves their diffusion to the air/water interface. Amaranth protein The latter proteins are probably too small to form viscoelastic
foams are more stable at pH 2.0 than at pH 8.0, due to their interfa- interfacial layers with sufficient mechanical strength.
cial protein films being more viscoelastic and flexible at the former Effect of endogenous constituents. Other constituents in pseu-
pH (Bolontrade and others 2013b). However, the pH at which docereal protein isolates can also affect foaming properties. For
foaming is optimal seems to be cultivar-dependent (Shevkani and amaranth, Fidantsi and Doxastakis (2001) found that interactions
others 2014a; Steffolani and others 2015). In addition, differences between proteins and polysaccharides can enhance both foam for-
in foaming may also be explained by differences in protein ex- mation and stabilization. Prior defatting of amaranth flour has,
traction procedures. Abugoch James and others (2010) showed depending on the cultivar, no or a positive impact on foam for-
that whether amaranth proteins are isolated from flour at pH 9.0 mation, while foam stabilization clearly improves as a result of
or 11.0 influences their conformation and surface hydrophobicity flour-defatting (Shevkani and others 2014b). Mixed protein-lipid
and, as a consequence, their foaming properties. While their foam- interfaces are inherently unstable as they compete for the air/water
ing capacity was similar, foams prepared from extracts obtained at interface and weaken each other’s ability to stabilize it (Wilde
pH 11.0 were more stable than those from extracts obtained at 2000). Depending on the cultivar, quinoa may contain saponins,
pH 9.0, especially under acidic conditions (Abugoch James and which are a complex mixture of triterpene glycosides with surface-
others 2010). High ionic strength favors amaranth protein foam active properties. Removing saponins from alkali-extracted pro-
formation at pH 2.0 and pH 8.0 (Bolontrade and others 2013a). teins reduces foam formation, but makes the obtained foams more
However, the obtained foams are less stable than those produced stable (Chauhan and others 1999).
at low ionic strength (Bolontrade and others 2013b). At low ionic
strength, the protein film at the interface is thicker. This retards Emulsifying properties
gas diffusion and, hence, bubble disproportionation and coales- Protein isolates. Similar to what is described above for foaming
cence. Furthermore, there is more electrostatic repulsion at low properties (see section “Foaming properties”), the pH also affects
than at high ionic strength (Bolontrade and others 2013b). Ama- emulsification and stabilization by amaranth proteins. In general,
ranth proteins foam better than soy protein isolates obtained under emulsification by amaranth protein isolates is low at their pI, as
similar conditions, due to a faster reduction in interfacial tension under such conditions proteins cannot diffuse rapidly to the in-
in the former case (Bejosano and Corke 1999; Ventureira and oth- terface (Shevkani and others 2014a). While Bejosano and Corke
ers 2012a). Bejosano and Corke (1999) reported better stability of (1999) reported better emulsifying properties for amaranth than
amaranth than of soy protein foams, while Ventureira and others for soy proteins, Cordero-De-Los-Santos and others (2005) and
(2012a) observed amaranth protein foams to have lower stability Shevkani and others (2014a) found both protein types to behave
than those of soy proteins. Buckwheat (Bejosano and Corke 1999) similarly in this respect. In addition, amaranth proteins obtained
and quinoa (Aluko and Monu 2003) protein isolates show optimal via alkaline extraction and subsequent IEP produce a more stable
foaming properties at higher pH than do amaranth proteins. emulsion than do proteins obtained by alkaline extraction at the
Osborne-type fractions. Papers dealing with foaming of pro- same pH and subsequently dialyzed against water. This is likely due
teins isolated in a mild way are rather limited. Amaranth albu- to a lower coalescence rate as shown by monitoring the oil droplet
mins foam better and yield foams with better stability than ama- size distribution with light microscopy (Fidantsi and Doxastakis
ranth proteins extracted under alkaline conditions. The latter, in 2001). The emulsion stability between pH 7.0 and 10.0 of buck-
turn, foam better than amaranth globulins (Tömösközi and oth- wheat proteins is lower than observed for soy protein isolate and
ers 2008). The foaming properties of amaranth albumins are even casein (Tomotake and others 2002). In contrast, while Bejosano
similar to those of casein (Tömösközi and others 2008) and egg al- and Corke (1999) reported that commercial soy protein isolates
bumins at acidic pH values (Silva-Sanchez and others 2004). Both have emulsifying properties inferior to those of buckwheat pro-
protein types are frequently used in industrial applications for their teins, Zheng and others (1997) reported both protein emulsions to
foaming behavior. behave in a similar way. In addition, below pH 4.0 and above pH
Effect of (pre)treatments. (Pre)treatments of pseudocereal pro- 6.0, emulsification and stability of spray-dried buckwheat protein
tein isolates have been applied for improving their foaming prop- emulsions are comparable to those formed from spray-dried soy
erties. Amaranth proteins 1st treated with acid (pH 2.0 for 3 h) protein isolates (Tang 2007b). With regard to quinoa protein emul-
and then neutralized to pH 7.5 reduce the interfacial tension faster sions, Elsohaimy and others (2015) studied the effect of protein
than their untreated counterparts. This results in improved foam concentration (0.1% to 3.0%). At higher protein concentrations,
formation and stability. The acid-treated proteins are partially un- emulsification increases, but the obtained emulsions are less stable.
folded and undergo limited hydrolysis due to the presence of an en- Osborne-type fractions. Amaranth albumins show optimal
dogenous peptidase (see above). Limited hydrolysis by the endoge- emulsification around pH 5.0 (Silva-Sanchez and others 2004).
nous peptidase thus favors migration of proteins to the air/water At pH 8.0, Tömösközi and others (2008) reported superior emul-
interface and renders them more flexible, thereby enhancing sifying properties for amaranth albumins than for its globulins.

12 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
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Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

However, the purity of the albumin fraction was much lower Gelling properties
than that of the globulins (49.0 compared with 87.0%). It may Although protein gelation is important in food processing, the
have been contaminated with polysaccharides, which positively literature on pseudocereal protein gelation is scarce and limited to
affect both the formation and stability of interfaces (Patino and a few studies on amaranth and quinoa proteins.
Pilosof 2011). The overall emulsification by amaranth globulins is Protein isolates. Avanza and others (2005a) found a protein
strongly pH-dependent. Emulsification and stabilization are poor concentration of 7.0% (w/v) and a temperature of 70 °C to be
at pH < 5.0, but they improve substantially between pH 5.0 and the minimal requirements to induce gel formation by amaranth
7.0 (Konishi and Yoshimoto 1989; Marcone and Kakuda 1999). proteins. At high protein concentrations, amaranth proteins form
Under mildly alkaline conditions, they are inferior to those mea- ordered gel structures, which are stabilized by intermolecular SS-
sured at pH > 9.0 (Konishi and Yoshimoto 1989). Between pH bonds formed as a result of SH/SS-interchange reactions between
3.0 and 9.0, amaranth globulins show better emulsification than denatured 11S globulins and the alleged albumin-2 (see section
their soy counterparts (Marcone and Kakuda 1999). This may be “Albumins”). Noncovalent bonds (primarily hydrogen bonds and
due to the high degree of glycosylation and phosphorylation of hydrophobic interactions), mainly between monomeric proteins
amaranth globulins (see section “Globulins”). Furthermore, the of apparent MM 42 kDa, stabilize the gel structure, but to a lower
protein-stabilizing layer, which encloses the oil droplets, is highly extent than do SS-bonds. Proteins with an apparent MM below
charged when the amaranth globulins are further from their pI, 20 kDa are present in the interstitial spaces of the gel matrix
which may enhance charge repulsion between emulsion particles. (Avanza and others 2005b), which is elastic, hard, and displays
In addition, high levels of glycosylation and phosphorylation also high fracturability and cohesiveness (Avanza and others 2005a). At
generate a more hydrated layer, which retards droplet coalescence lower protein concentrations (< 15% w/v), temperatures close to
(Marcone and Kakuda 1999). At pH 7.0 or 8.0, the emulsification 70 °C and short heating times, more disordered gel structures are
by amaranth globulins is lower than that by casein protein isolate formed in which the proportion of noncovalent bonds is higher
(Konishi and Yoshimoto 1989; Tömösközi and others 2008). than in gels formed at high protein concentration, higher temper-
Effect of (pre)treatments. The emulsifying properties of pseu- atures, or longer heating times (Avanza and others 2005a, 2005b).
docereal protein isolates can be improved by (pre)treatments. Heat Whether amaranth proteins are isolated under acid or alkaline con-
treatment of a solution of amaranth globulins (50 to 100 °C) at ditions has a strong impact on the structure and rheology of the
pH 7.5 improves emulsification due to (partial) denaturation of formed gels. Gels from proteins extracted at pH 4.5 are inferior
the globulins (Table 3), which goes in hand with the exposure to those formed from proteins extracted at pH 9.0 due to lower
of hydrophobic groups, as evidenced by 8-anilinonaphthalene-1- globulin levels in the former extract (Bejarano-Lujan and others
sulfonic acid fluorescence measurements (Konishi and Yoshimoto 2010). Higher temperatures during extraction at pH 9.0 further
1989). Acid treatment (pH 2.0 for 3 h) and subsequent neutral- improve amaranth protein gelation. This likely results from partial
ization to pH 7.5 of amaranth proteins obtained under alkaline protein denaturation and aggregation (Bejarano-Lujan and others
conditions improves their adsorption kinetics to and the elastic- 2010).
ity of the oil/water interface obtained. CD intensities and DSC Gels prepared from quinoa proteins isolated under alkaline con-
data have revealed that acid treatment induces extensive unfold- ditions and heated (15 min at 100 °C) at pH 10.5 are more elastic
ing of amaranth proteins. This may stabilize the interface. More- and show a finer and more regular structure than when produced
over, higher elasticity of the interfacial oil/water layer results in by heating at pH 8.5. Heating at pH 10.5 forms small soluble ag-
higher resistance of the prepared emulsions against coalescence gregates, while at pH 8.5 it produces larger aggregates, which then
and, hence, in improved emulsion stability (Ventureira and oth- leads to coarse gel structures (Mäkinen and others 2015). Very re-
ers 2012b). At a pH of 2.0, enzymatic hydrolysis of amaranth cently, Ruiz and others (2016) demonstrated that the (alkaline) pH
proteins with trypsin to a DH of 2.2% or with Alcalase to DHs at which quinoa proteins are isolated has a strong impact on their
of 1.7 or 9.5% slightly improves their emulsification (Ventureira gelation. Proteins isolated at pH 8.0 or 9.0 (followed by IEP at
and others 2010). Severe enzymatic hydrolysis of quinoa proteins pH 4.5) formed dense semisolid gels already during heating (from
with Alcalase (DH of 48%) lowers emulsification between pH 20 to 90 °C at 1 °C/min), while under such conditions no gel
3.0 and 8.0, but improves the stability of the formed emulsion was formed from proteins isolated at pH 10.0 or 11.0. A soft gel
(Aluko and Monu 2003). This indicates that some peptides were was formed only during cooling (from 90 to 20 °C at 3 °/min)
still large enough to form a stable viscoelastic layer at the oil/water when quinoa protein extraction was done at pH 10.0 or 11.0.
interface. More protein is denatured during extraction under very alkaline
Effect of endogenous constituents. Other constituents in pseu- conditions, which likely results in aggregation and sedimentation
docereal protein isolates can also affect emulsifying properties. of large particles and reduced aggregation of smaller particles.
Polysaccharides contribute to emulsion stability by crosslinking Osborne-type fractions. In contrast to gel formation by ama-
proteins that are adsorbed at the interface (Fidantsi and Doxas- ranth protein isolates (see above), native amaranth 11S globulin
takis 2001). Removing saponins from alkaline protein extracts forms ordered gels when its concentration exceeds 21.8% and
of quinoa reduces their emulsification, while the obtained emul- when heat-treated at a temperature of at least 100 °C (Carrazco-
sions are more stable (Chauhan and others 1999). The presence of Pena and others 2013). The introduction of 4 methionine residues
lipids in buckwheat protein isolates negatively affects the protein in the variable region V of the 11S amaranth proglobulin decreases
emulsifying properties, especially at pH > 6.0 (Tang 2007c). As the elastic (G ) and viscous (G ) moduli of the obtained gel. Here
observed for foaming (see section “Foaming properties”), mixed again, differences between gelling properties of native and re-
protein-lipid interfaces negatively affect the emulsifying properties, combinant 11S globulins are ascribed to the lack of co- and/or
as proteins and lipids interfere with each other in the stabilization post-translational cleavages of the recombinant protein (see section
of the interface (Wilde 2000). “Globulins”) (Carrazco-Pena and others 2013).

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 13
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

Pseudocereal-Based Cereal End Products that of control bread from 25% maize starch, 25% maize flour,
The growing demand for high-quality and nutrient-dense and 50% rice flour. The authors suggested that surface-active con-
gluten-free products has increased the incorporation of pseu- stituents such as proteins and/or polar lipids might be essential
docereals in wheat and gluten-free food formulations (Capriles for gas cell stabilization. Inclusion of quinoa bran at levels be-
and Arêas 2014; Pellegrini and Agostoni 2015). Even though low 30% in a gluten-free control formulation based on maize
wheat and gluten-free products supplemented with pseudocereals starch, and maize and rice flour increased gluten-free bread spe-
are more attractive from a nutritional point of view, mimicking cific volume and decreased crumb mean pore size (Föste and others
the unique functionality of wheat gluten remains technologically 2014).
challenging. We here provide an overview of the technological
impact of including pseudocereal flour in wheat and gluten-free Wheat and gluten-free pasta and noodles
bread, pasta, noodles, and cookies. Recipes used in the literature Pasta and noodles are produced from nonfermented dough
to study the, often empirical, effect of incorporating pseudoce- (Delcour and Hoseney 2010) either by lamination or extrusion.
reals in wheat and gluten-free foods greatly differ in the studies Their quality attributes such as appearance, texture, and cook-
cited below and often contain many ingredients. As synergistic ing quality to a dominant degree rely on the unique ability of
effects cannot be excluded, it is challenging to unravel the func- wheat gluten to provide strong and viscoelastic dough (Bruneel
tional role of pseudocereal proteins in such complex food matrices. and others 2010; Delcour and Hoseney 2010; Hou and others
Strategies to affect the functionality of pseudocereal flour proteins 2013).
and concomitant, the quality of the end product, include the use As already mentioned for bread making, the incorporation of
of enzymes aiming at cross-linking (transglutaminases and glu- pseudocereals in pasta and noodle recipes aims at improving their
cose oxidases) or proteolysis (proteases), high-pressure treatments, nutritional profile. Protein extracts obtained under alkaline con-
and sourdough fermentation (Taylor and others 2016). Strategies ditions from amaranth or buckwheat flour were incorporated in
with an explicit direct effect on flour proteins (enzymes and high- a wheat noodle formulation (Bejosano and Corke 1998). Even
pressure treatment) will be discussed in detail (see section “Strate- though the overall effect on noodle quality was limited, inclusion
gies to improve the functionality of pseudocereal proteins in dough of buckwheat protein isolate strengthened the dough, as observed
systems”). with mixography and dynamic oscillatory measurements. This was
mainly due to the water-insoluble fraction of the protein extract.
Wheat and gluten-free bread Increasing levels of whole meal amaranth in a wheat pasta formu-
Pseudocereals have been incorporated in wheat bread formula- lation resulted in pasta properties which were inferior in terms of
tions in order to improve its nutritional profile (Schoenlechner and firmness and cooking losses (Martinez and others 2014). Substi-
others 2008). Partial substitution of wheat by pseudocereal flour tution of 50% durum wheat semolina by 30% buckwheat flour
weakens the strength of the viscoelastic gluten network and, con- and 20% durum wheat bran in a spaghetti recipe did not signif-
comitant, its gas-holding capacity. This results in bread of lower icantly affect cooking losses or overall acceptability (Chillo and
volume and a coarse and heterogeneous crumb structure (Lorenz others 2008a). Han and others (2013b) studied the effect of incor-
and Coulter 1991; Rosell and others 2009; Garcı́a-Mantrana and porating Tartary buckwheat flour in a wheat noodle formulation.
others 2014; Bilgiçli and İbanoğlu 2015). Higher substitution levels (10% to 30%) resulted in less firm noo-
Flour from amaranth or buckwheat and flour or bran from dles, while tensile strength and cooking losses were comparable to
quinoa have been incorporated in gluten-free bread formulations observations on ‘control’ wheat noodles made without buckwheat
(Masure and others 2016). The inclusion of amaranth, buckwheat, flour.
or quinoa flour in gluten-free bread recipes containing rice flour Gluten-free pasta made from amaranth flour is less firm and
and potato starch improves bread specific volume and crumb soft- needs shorter cooking time than such pasta based on quinoa or
ness (Alvarez-Jubete and others 2010). Schoenlechner and others buckwheat flour (Schoenlechner and others 2010b). The inclu-
(2010a) used a response surface methodology to study the effect of sion of amaranth flour in gluten-free rice pasta increases pro-
water (60%,70%, and 80% flour basis), egg white albumen (0.0%, tein solubility, but does not affect cooking losses. Extrusion-
2.5%, and 5.0% flour basis), and (vegetable) fat ((0.0%)0.0%, 2.0%, cooking of both rice and amaranth flour prior to production of
and 4.0% flour basis) on quality characteristics of gluten-free bread the amaranth-enriched rice pasta has beneficial effects on pasta
made from 40% amaranth flour and 60% gluten-free flour (consist- firmness and, in contrast to their nonextrusion-cooked counter-
ing of maize and potato starch, rice flour, and locust bean gum). parts, reduces cooking losses (Cabrera-Chávez and others 2012).
Increasing levels of egg white albumen and fat decreased bread Recently, D’Amico and others (2015) observed higher cooking
crumb firmness. Torbica and others (2010) substituted 10% to losses and inferior elasticity for pasta made from a 20/20/60 blend
30% of rice flour by 90% to 70% of hulled or dehulled buckwheat of amaranth flour, quinoa flour, and whole meal buckwheat, re-
flour. Using dynamic oscillations, they observed that the dough spectively, rather than from durum wheat. They also studied the
elastic modulus is optimal at substitution levels of 10% and 20% for impact of predrying and/or high-temperature drying on the qual-
hulled and dehulled buckwheat flour, respectively. As the authors ity of such pasta. Longer predrying times and higher drying tem-
did not report on the elasticity of 100% rice dough, the effect peratures have beneficial effects on gluten-free pasta firmness, elas-
of buckwheat flour on the elasticity of gluten-free control dough ticity, and cooking losses. However, cooking such pasta resulted in
cannot be considered. Replacing up to 40% of a commercially more cooking losses than did durum pasta, which resulted in infe-
available gluten-free bread mixture by dehulled buckwheat flour rior elasticity readings. Protein solubility values of the pasta indi-
increased the net amount of carbon dioxide released, the maxi- cated that protein aggregates are only formed when drying above
mum dough height (Mariotti and others 2013), and loaf specific 100 °C. The authors speculate that the effect of predrying and
volume (Wronkowska and others 2013). Elgeti and others (2014) high-temperature drying on the formation of a firm and elastic
reported that the specific volume of gluten-free bread from 25% protein network during the production of pasta supplemented
maize starch and 75% quinoa white flour was 33% higher than with pseudocereals results from the high levels of accessible

14 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety r Vol. 00, 2016 
C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

cysteine residues present in their proteins (D’Amico and others fractions (Renzetti and others 2008a). SE-HPLC chromatograms
2015). As illustrated in the section “Denaturation and aggregation confirmed that high MM protein structures are formed in the
behavior,” high-temperature treatment provokes the denaturation common buckwheat albumin and globulin fraction when treated
of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa proteins and, as a conse- with transglutaminase, but not in the prolamin and glutelin frac-
quence, triggers the formation of high MM aggregates stabilized tions. The positive effect of transglutaminase treatment on net-
by intermolecular SS-bonds. Hatcher and others (2011) studied work formation between buckwheat proteins most likely results
textural attributes of soba noodles [that is, noodles that are com- from the high levels of accessible lysine and glutamine residues.
monly made from a blend of wheat flour and at least 60% buck- In the presence of molecular oxygen, glucose oxidase (EC
wheat flour and water (Giménez-Bastida and others 2015)] made acts as a catalyst for the oxidation of β-d-glucose to hy-
from 80% whole meal buckwheat from different cultivars. The drogen peroxide and d-gluconic acid. The hydrogen peroxide,
inclusion of dehulled, whole meal brown Tartary buckwheat re- an oxidizing agent, interacts with the free SH-groups of cysteine
sulted in noodles of improved texture compared to those produced residues to give rise to the formation of SS-bonds (Joye and others
from whole meal green testa or from common buckwheat flour 2009). Only 1 study deals with the effect of a glucose oxidase
(Hatcher and others 2011). The incorporation of quinoa flour treatment on the formation of cross-links between proteins from
(16, 50, 100, 150, and 184 g/kg flour basis) in a maize gluten- pseudocereal flour (Renzetti and Arendt 2009). The addition of
free formulation resulted in a product which, when cooked, had glucose oxidase did not significantly affect buckwheat batter vis-
acceptable stickiness (Caperuto and others 2001). In addition, in- cosity or buckwheat bread specific volume and crumb texture.
clusion of whole meal quinoa in an amaranth spaghetti recipe This is likely due to the low availability of free SH-groups in
showed beneficial effects on overall cooking quality and texture the major globulin fraction, as their subunits are intramolecularly
parameters (Chillo and others 2008b). linked via an SS-bond (Table 2) (Renzetti and Arendt 2009; Taylor
and others 2016).
Wheat and gluten-free cookies Peptidases (EC 3.4), act by hydrolyzing the peptide bonds link-
Only few studies deal with the incorporation of amaranth or ing amino acids in proteins. Treatment with a commercial protease
quinoa in cookie systems. Sindhuja and others (2005) included lowered buckwheat batter viscosity as a result of protein hydrol-
increasing levels of whole meal amaranth in short dough wheat ysis, but significantly increased buckwheat loaf specific volume
cookies and noticed that, even at substitution levels of 25%, cookie (Renzetti and Arendt 2009). In addition, the center of the crumb
dimensions and texture were substantially better than those of showed a very large void.
the wheat control. Incorporation of amaranth or quinoa flour in High-pressure treatment. In general, high-pressure treatment
oat (Inglett and others 2015) or wheat cookies (Chauhan and reduces the large number of noncovalent bonds, resulting in (par-
others 2016) increased dough elasticity. Higher substitution levels tial) unfolding of the protein. This way, the SH-groups of cys-
of amaranth whole meal increased cookie diameter and spread teine residues become more accessible to SH-interchange reactions
ratio, but decreased cookie hardness (Chauhan and others 2016). (Vallons and others 2011). Hence, high levels of free SH-
More has been published on the production of cookies containing groups are a prerequisite to induce structure formation be-
buckwheat. Addition of increasing levels of buckwheat flour to a tween proteins by high pressure, which is not the case for
wheat flour recipe resulted in inferior properties of short dough buckwheat flour proteins. Consequently, the impact of high-
cookies (Baljeet and others 2010; Jan and others 2015) and ginger pressure treatment on these proteins is rather limited (Vallons
nut biscuits (Filipčev and others 2011). and others 2011). This observation is in agreement with the
Substitution of increasing levels of dehulled buckwheat flour negative effect of glucose oxidase (see subsection “Enzymes”)
in a gluten-free cookie formulation based on rice flour provided on the formation of covalent bonds between buckwheat flour
more viscous and less extensible dough. Furthermore, the overall proteins.
cookie quality decreases when the buckwheat flour substitution
level was raised from 10 to 30% (Hadnađev and others 2013). Conclusions and Perspectives
The incorporation of buckwheat flour in gluten-free sugar-snap The well-balanced amino acid composition and the high levels
cookies resulted in cookies with an oven spread comparable to that of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals make pseudo-
of sugar-snap cookies produced from maize flour or whole-meal cereals interesting raw materials for highly nutritious cereal-based
teff (Mancebo and others 2015). food systems. An asset is that people with celiac disease can con-
sume pseudocereals. While prolamins and glutelins are the most
Strategies to improve the functionality of pseudocereal abundant protein fractions of true cereals (such as wheat), the
proteins in dough systems proteins of pseudocereals are predominantly albumins and globu-
Enzymes. Transglutaminase (EC, a glutamine-γ - lins. Although it is general practice to classify cereal grain proteins
glutamyl transferase, catalyzes the formation of iso-peptide by using an Osborne fractionation scheme, such scheme is not
bonds between ε-amino groups of lysine residues and always rigorously followed for pseudocereals. Especially pseudo-
the γ -carboxyamide functional group of glutamine residues cereal globulins and glutelins are in most instances not extracted in
(Reinikainen and others 2003). Renzetti and others (2008a,b) a standard Osborne protocol. Furthermore, research outcomes on
prove that a transglutaminase promotes covalent cross-links be- structural properties of pseudocereal proteins are often contradic-
tween common buckwheat proteins. In addition, confocal laser tory. Here, the application of mass spectrometry for characterizing
scanning micrographs showed that the application of transglutam- pseudocereal protein sequences (Qian and others 2008; Gao and
inase improves the homogeneity of the protein network. This others 2010; Lagrain and others 2013) would be helpful. Pseudo-
results in more elastic buckwheat dough (Han and others 2013a) cereals are classified as nonmodel plant species since their genome
and in buckwheat bread of improved crumb softness and elasticity sequence is currently not available. Hence, only scarce protein
(Renzetti and others 2008b). Transglutaminase treatment trig- sequences are available in online databases. A more thorough un-
gers the formation of high-MM polymers in all Osborne protein derstanding of the primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of

C 2016 Institute of Food Technologists® Vol. 00, 2016 r Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 15
Proteins of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa . . .

pseudocereal proteins is required to establish in-depth structure– Author Contributions

function relationships. Frederik Janssen, Anneleen Pauly, Ine Rombouts, Koen J.A.
As demonstrated in this review paper, the basic foaming, emulsi- Jansens, and Lomme J. Deleu wrote the manuscript with critical
fying, and gelling properties of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa input and corrections by Jan A. Delcour. Frederik Janssen did the
proteins have been investigated. These techno-functional proper- final editing. All authors contributed to locating and to interpret-
ties are often similar to or even better than those of industrially ing the literature sources.
important protein sources such as soy protein and casein, which
makes them a promising alternative in many food applications.
In most cases, in-depth studies on, among others, the kinetics of
protein adsorption to the interface and properties of the film at References
the interface, are missing. Moreover, the majority of the studies Abugoch James LE. 2009. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): composition,
on pseudocereal protein functionality cited in this paper focus on chemistry, nutritional, and functional properties. Adv Food Nutr Res
protein isolates obtained by alkaline extraction and subsequent 58:1–31.
IEP at acidic pH. The extraction is, in fact, a pretreatment that Abugoch James LE, Martinez EN, Anon MC. 2003. Influence of the
can induce changes in protein conformation and/or structure and extracting solvent upon the structural properties of amaranth (Amaranthus
hypochondriacus) glutelin. J Agric Food Chem 51(14):4060–5.
in some cases can cause (partial) denaturation and thereby affect Abugoch James LE, Romero N, Tapia CA, Silva J, Rivera M. 2008.
techno-functional properties, as already demonstrated for foaming Study of some physicochemical and functional properties of quinoa
and gelling properties. Hence, the outcomes of such studies are not (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) protein isolates. J Agric Food Chem 56:4745–
necessarily predictive for the properties of proteins in pseudocereal 50.
flour. Abugoch James LE, Castro E, Tapia C, Anon MC, Gajardo P, Villarroel A.
2009. Stability of quinoa flour proteins (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) during
Strategies to affect the functionality of pseudocereal flour pro- storage. Intl J Food Sci Tech 44(10):2013–20.
teins and, concomitantly, to improve the quality of the end prod- Abugoch James LE, Martinez NE, Anon MC. 2010. Influence of pH on
ucts include the use of enzymes (such as transglutaminases, glucose structure and function of amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) protein
oxidases, and peptidases), high-pressure treatments, and sourdough isolates. Cereal Chem 87(5):448–53.
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treatments. In contrast, transglutaminase mediates the formation of parameters: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 56(3):445–73.
cross-links between buckwheat flour albumins and globulins, likely Alemayehu FR, Bendevis MA, Jacobsen SE. 2015. The potential for utilizing
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crop to support food security and climate change mitigation. J Agron Crop
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of pseudocereal dough systems. Alvarez-Jubete L, Auty M, Arendt EK, Gallagher E. 2010. Baking properties
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Aphalo P, Castellani OF, Martinez EN, Añón MC. 2004. Surface
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Acknowledgments Balzotti MRB. 2006. Identification, sequencing, expression and evolutionary
Frederik Janssen, Anneleen Pauly, and Ine Rombouts grate- relationships of the 11S seed storage protein gene in Chenopodium quinoa
fully acknowledge the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO – Willd [PhD thesis]. Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah.
Vlaanderen, Brussels, Belgium) for positions as doctoral (FJ) and Barba de la Rosa AP, Gueguen J, Paredes-Lopez O, Viroben G. 1992a.
Fractionation procedures, electrophoretic characterization, and amino acid
postdoctoral (AP and IR) researchers. Jan A. Delcour is W.K. Kel- composition of amaranth seed proteins. J Agric Food Chem 40(6):
logg Chair in Cereal Science and Nutrition at KU Leuven. This 931–6.
work is part of the Methusalem program “Food for the Future” at Barba de la Rosa AP, Paredes-Lopez O, Gueguen J. 1992b. Characterization
KU Leuven. of amaranth globulins by ultracentrifugation and chromatographic
techniques. J Agric Food Chem 40(6):937–40.

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