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Possessive Case

‘s – possessivo. Seguido de um nome/substantivo, significa do/da/dos/das


Mary’s dog. – O cão da Mary

John’s sandwich – A sanduiche do John

The children’s bags – Os sacos das crianças.


A seguir a um nome, utiliza-se o “ ‘s”

The girl’s friends. – Os amigos da menina.

A seguir a um nome no plural, acrescenta-se só o ‘

The girls’ friends – Os amigos das meninas

Nota: Plurais que não acabem em “s”, acrescenta-se o “ ‘s “

The children’s books. Os livros das crianças

Nomes/substantivos singulares que acabem em “s”:

Charles’ books – Os livros do Charles

Charles’s books – Os livros do Charles

Estas regras não se aplicam a objetos/coisas

The legs of the table – As pernas da mesa

The arms of the sofa – Os “braços” do sofá

The cover of the book – A capa do livro

The books’ cover – The cover of the book.

It’s a good day. It’s = It is.

It’s não é “possessive case”. É o diminutivo de “It is”.

Julia’s husband – O marido da Julia.

Julia’s a nice lady. Julia is a nice lady – A Julia é uma mulher simpática

Julia’s nice lady – A mulher simpática da Julia

Julia’s got a lot of friends – Julia has got a lot of friends – A Julia tem muitos

The wheels of the car.

The window of the bedroom.

Bedroom – béderume

Bathroom – bát-rume

The legs of the chair.

The storeys of the building

The garage of the house.

Complete using the Possessive Case (‘s):

1. There is Tim. He is Tina___ brother.

2. This is John__ piano. He plays very well.
3. Look! That is Rita___ lost dog!
4. Charles___ friends are really nice.
5. Adam is Sarah___ best friend.
6. The children___ teacher is quite strict.
7. Everybody____ attitude changed after the accident.
8. My friends____ bikes were stolen.
9. The people____ ideas were not heard.
Complete using “ ‘s “ or “of the”:

1. (a glass) milk → ______________________

2. (my friend) bike → ______________________
3. (the window) room → ______________________
4. (Mr Smith) car → ______________________
5. (ten minutes) walk → ______________________
6. (the headteacher) office → ______________________
7. (the number) house → ______________________
8. (two days) work → ______________________
9. (the waiter) shoes → ______________________
10. (Britain) economy → ______________________

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