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Every year peoples from different countries of the world migrate to worlds most

development countries. One of the world’s most developed countries is Australia.

Because of heavy pressure of migrants the country has to face some economic, cultural

and political problem. In this paper I have tried to point out those problems briefly. In this

paper I have tried to highlight both skilled and unskilled migration in Australia. Because

of migrations this country is not facing only problems, this country has benefits also. In

fact the weight of benefits is much bigger than the problems. The benefits are also

highlighted in this paper. This country is very much concerned regarding the migration

rules and regulations. This paper briefly highlights the recent change in migration rule

and its success.


Each country’s main objective is to develop its economic status in the world, to be a
global leader. For the betterment of a country the leaders of a particular country has to
cook some strong policies. There are several sectors where a country has to pay attention
to hold a competitive position in the globe. One of them is migration.

The existence of Australia came to realty through migration 40,000 to 60,000 years ago.
At the time of British settlement approximately .3 million people inhabited Australia. So
the history of Australia started with the term migration. This is one of the main concerns
for this country form very ancient ages.

This country always welcomes skilled migrants so that they can contribute for their
economic betterment. And because of this countries good economic, political and cultural
position peoples from different countries especially developing countries becomes
desperate to migrate to Australia. If we analyze closely then we will find that from every
four person there will be at least one who born in abroad. These peoples have contributed
for the betterment of the country and its economy. The skill level of the migrant depends
on his gender culture language and education. Currently Australia is one of the main
immigrant receiving countries in the world. Australia has adopted point system to allow
immigrants to migrate. This shows their seriousness. The skill visa category is also a
main point by which overseas students get permanent resident ship. Currently both
skilled and unskilled type of migration is going on to Australia.

Even Australian immigration minister Chris Evans thinks that Australia needs some
unskilled foreign labors to meet some critical needs of Australian industries. He thinks
that Australian business may be forced to shut down if they cannot fill the occupations
with the help of overseas. Currently Australian government increased the number of
skilled migrants. Australia has both skilled and unskilled migration policy. That also
indicates that they are concerned about both skilled and unskilled migrations.

The academy of social science in Australia also known as ASSA has unconfined a report
that the labor requirement in Australia is growing and the native workforce can’t meet the
requirement sufficiently that means Australia needs foreign workers to join the
workforce. ASSA estimated that with the labor force participation rate steady at July
2007 levels and net migration remaining high at 160,000 migrations per year, the labor
force growth rate will continue to fall by 0.7 percent by 2021. And the trend will continue
to fall till 2051 with almost 0.50 percent. The study also mentioned that the next 20 years
Australia will need foreign workers to act as a major helping hand for the Australian
economy. According to one of the popular news of Australia, the prime minister of
Australia is planning to make some changes in the national migration program to meet
their need. Australia’s general skill migration program has been very successful for the

The reason behind writing the literature review related to the impact of multicultural
environment to business communication practice to Australia is it will create a better
understanding about the mixed culture of Australia. Doing business in a multicultural
environment is not a easy task, only better understanding of the field can give the
business a success. So this writing is done with a hope that it will help the person who
wants to be the gainer in multicultural business context.

The report contents discussion regarding the following issues;

 Environmental factors in Australia, economic, cultural and political.
 The impact of multicultural environment to business communication practices.
 A brief and short conclusion of the overall topic.
Environmental factors in Australia:

A countries environmental factor consists of political factors, legal factors, economic

factors, technological factors, social factors and cultural factors. All of these issues are
somehow affected by the migration in Australia. Because it’s the human being who
affects the environment. As we previously realized that the population of Australia is
build up by the foreigners. And this is the main source of power for Australia. Australia is
currently planning its long run plan regarding migration. One of the best harvests is point
based system regarding migration. But the country is receiving both skilled and unskilled
migrants, and that is somehow affecting their environments.

There are some economic implications that have been faced by the settler populations of
Australia. Every year people from different countries like China, India and many more
countries migrate to Australia to cherish their lifestyle. Their hard work also cherishes the
economic stability of that host country. The settler population is contributing from the
starting point of Australia. It’s an age old fact. The country is also trying to engage more
and more skilled migrants to the workforce.

Because of the multilingual and multicultural migrations to Australia, the culture of

Australia is becoming stronger and stronger year after year. Australia is a country of
multi cultures. From the beginning of Australia that means from eighteenth century till
now the Australian culture is cherished by its foreign immigrants.

There are three levels of government’s leadership in Australia. The first level is prime
minister in federal government; the second level is the state premiers and finally the
mayors acting as local governments. The eligible person from the settler population is
also taking part in the betterment of the political system of Australia.

Australia is a multilingual and multicultural nation. The practice of business

communication is different here comparing with the other nations. To deal with an
Australian it is better to act direct. This is because most of the people like directness in
business communication. The culture of Australia is becoming more and more multi in
nature because of the increasing trend of the migrations. The business in Australia is
getting more and more challenging. The main reason behind the challenges is business
has fix the deal with people from multi-cultural background. But there are also some
good outcomes of it. Just because of the multicultural environment the country has the
ability to deal with any country of the world with their home country business
experience. The ultimate success of business is measured by its global performance. And
this is only caused by migration. People from the globe becoming desperate to join the
Australian workforce, and this are making Australian economy stronger than before.
Communication is the heart of business, and because of migration Australia is becoming
a multi cultural place finally the field of business is getting tougher because the
communication is also getting tougher. But this has a very positive site, if the Australian
people and its business can adopt with this environment it is sure that the Australian
economy will be the strongest economy in the world.

Migration has a very important insinuation for the welfare of the state. Young migrants
but with small skill can pay more benefit for the country and its economic welfare. But it
can’t be concluded that the older people creates an adverse effect. Largely migrants are
regarded as the net benefit provider for the whole country. Every year a remarkable
number of peoples from round the globe become desperate to migrate to developed
countries, one of the major giant is Australia. Becoming a giant is not a easy task, and it’s
tough to maintain the gigantic position. Implications and problems for the giant also
come in giant size. The economy of Australia is proceeding to remarkable position by the
help of these migrants and this is also a fact. According to me the company should
concentrate on its immigration policy tightly so that we can sentence Australia as thee
number one economic country of the world.

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