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Course: COM 377

Date: March 2021

Group Members: Nehal Shah, Reneé Washington, Courtney McCawley, Julia Kopfman, Salma Vera

Strategic Plan
Easterseals has been a vital resource for people with disabilities, veterans, seniors, and their families
for more than a century. Easterseals members support 1.5 million individuals in communities around
the country through high-quality programs such as autism services, early intervention, workforce
development, adult day care and more. Easterseals is creating environments where everyone is included
and valued in schools, workplaces, and communities. Their goal is to make everyone, regardless of age
or ability to be fully included and empowered. Their mission is “to provide exceptional services to
ensure that all people with disabilities and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work,
and play in their communities.” Since 2009, they have utilized social media to engage stakeholders,
raise funds, and share the impact on the individuals they serve.

Situation Analysis
The Easterseals provide exceptional services to the community, although they do face some obstacles
that could keep them from staying in business. Such as little to no interest from the communities they
are a part of. The Easterseals need help from the community or else they begin to lack in funding,
which then leads to fewer funds that allow them to keep up with the sustainability of the organization.
Like many other organizations, the Easterseals implements that everyone follows the COVID-19
guidelines, as a community that supports and cares for those with disabilities, the Easterseals are aware
of the risk that COVID-19 brings upon them and everyone else. The Easterseals believe it is important
to stick together to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Social Media Audit

Social media is important to their business because it helps Easterseals integrate their mission and
vision, connect with their publics, and spread awareness of what the organization does. They use a
variety of different social media platforms to engage different publics. This is important because
Easterseals works with a wide audience so being able to have a voice on different platforms makes
them more successful when spreading their messages. Easterseals is a non-profit organization that
provides services to the community services, since they depend on donations and funding from the
community, social media is an essential tool at their disposal.

The demographics of Easterseals currently includes both male and female, but more females are
Involved. The age range is mainly 35 to 70 year olds, this creates an opportunity to target a younger
audience. The race is mostly white and location is throughout the whole country, but there is more of
a focus on the Midwest. Generation X, Boomers, Veterans, parents, and social workers make up most
of the demographics.

For the psychographics, the interests include volunteering, community service, providing assistance
to those with disabilities, and those interested in or are parenting. For lifestyle, it includes parents,
veterans, community servers, and family-oriented individuals. The income level is mixed and varies
on the area.

Easterseals current target audience could include:

- Amy, Aged 45, Married, Mother of 3 , White, Accountant, Suburb Accommodations. For
- George, Aged 54, Single father of 1, Veteran, Rural Midwest
- Phylis, Aged 37, Single, Social Worker, No Kids, Urban Location
Facebook Instagra Twitter TikTok Youtube Pinterest Linkedin

URL FB Page IG Page Twitter Tiktok Youtube Pinterest Linkedin

Profile Page Page Page Page

Usernam @easte easterseals @easterse Easters Eastersea Easterseal Eastersea

e rseals hq alshq eals ls s ls

Followers 46,666 3610 20.8K 55 678 805 14556

Average 10 4 14 1 Not as NA 6
Posts per frequent
Platform Purpose-The organization has a huge following on Facebook, this is where they conduct most
of their informational transaction, Facebook is the hub where they post frequently and have the most
active interaction with their publics. They share blogs, related articles and videos, news stories and
information related to the organization and it’s upcoming events.

Engagement and Interaction- Even though their page has over 46000 followers, which is considerably
greater than that of similar organizations, but there is very little engagement and interaction. They
average about 50 likes per post, depending on the nature of content, uplifting blogs and videos have
higher likes. They have very few comments and shares. The shares increase with content targeted
towards parents or children with disabilities.

Influencers- They don’t have any influencers on their Facebook.

Campaigns-They don’t have any set patterns or any campaigns going on their page.

Compared to Competition- Their biggest competition is the Special Olympics organization FB Page,
they have over 830K followers and about 250 people interacting with their posts on an average, a lot
more comments and more interesting content and campaigns, which allows them to have a wider reach.
They even have a more interactive site than Easterseals, by having a video in their heading block and
having active fundraisers in the column blocks.

Platform Purpose-Easterseals does not have the biggest reach on IG, they use this platform to share the
voices of people involved with the organization and share activities and events happening around the
organization. There was some continuation of content between FB and IG.

Engagement and Interaction- Although they have a much lower following on Instagram, they have the
same level of interaction and engagement, they average about 40 likes per post, 140 views per video.
Engagement was higher on posts about Easterseals ambassadors.

Influencers- Easterseals Ambassadors could be considered Influencers for the Easterseals.

Campaigns- Easterseals Ambassadors sharing their story is a great campaign idea, this was also posted
on Facebook but it was not given as much attention by the public. They need to promote more
campaigns like these.

Compared to Competition- Like FB, IG of Special Olympics are far well put together and far more
followed than that of Easterseals. They have over 150K followers and get about 2k likes on each post.

Platform Purpose- Easterseals

Engagement and Interaction



Compared to Competition

For many years, Easterseals has been highly involved on both Facebook and Twitter. In recent years,
they have tried to incorporate other platforms like Instagram, Tik Tok, and Pinterest into their
marketing efforts. The overall strategic focus is not very effective because their content is the same
across all platforms. It would be more effective if they created personalized content for each platform
to receive more engagement. This would encourage more people to want to follow all of their accounts
instead of just seeing the same content on every platform. Also, they focus a lot of their marketing
efforts on Twitter and Facebook. These platforms do not target a younger audience. Based on their
competition, Easterseals uses their social media well to engage an older audience but is lacking when
it comes to engaging the younger audiences in comparison to their competition. For example, Special
Olympics features challenges and videos on their platform because that is what engages the younger
audience. Whereas Easterseals shares more articles on their platforms, which will attract an older
audience. On the other hand, EaterSeals engages their audience by telling stories on their social media
to create empathy and relevance which appeals to all audiences, and they are unique when it comes to
that aspect of social media posts.

Easterseals should target Gen Z in order to receive more engagement among the younger audiences.
They should create more interactive content on platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok because that is
where Gen Z spends most of their time (“Digital Media Solutions”, 2020). There is then an
opportunity to expand. If individuals are supporting Easterseals, volunteering, and donating more then
Easterseals could expand their programs and facilities.
Competitive Analysis
Some competitors to Easterseals would be American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD),
Special Olympics, and Arc of the United States. They all represent non-profit, disability organizations.

The first organization that is a competitor for Easterseals is AAPD. AADP “advocates for full civil
rights for the over 60 million Americans with disabilities by promoting equal opportunity, economic
power, independent living, and political participation.” This organization is dedicated to ensuring equal
rights specially for people living with disabilities by hosting advocacy events. Whereas Easterseals
provides programs for individuals with disabilities, veterans, and seniors. Both organizations are
advocating for equal rights among those with disabilities, but Easterseals provides the resources and
everyday assistance whereas AADP provides the large-scale advocacy. On Twitter, AADP has a similar
amount of followers to Easterseals, however, they mainly share articles and information about their
events. They do not feature any members like Easterseals does. On Instagram, AADP has a small
following with not a lot of engagement. They post advocacy posts with hashtags and promote their
events. On Facebook, AADP shares articles and events. AADP does not have a Tik Tok. Overall,
AADP gets less overall engagement than Easterseals and they do not come up with a lot of their own
content like Easterseals does.

The next competitor for Easterseals is Special Olympics. Special Olympics provides “year-round sports
training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with
intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate
courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families,
other Special Olympics athletes and the community.” The Special Olympics focuses on athletics for
individuals with disabilities whereas Easterseals provides autism services, early intervention, workforce
development, and adult day care programs. On Twitter, Special Olympics has an interactive social
media presence, creates their own content, and retweets other organizations' events to help support
them. On Instagram, Special Olympics, uses many hashtags,utilizes the features on Instagram, and
features member stories. On Facebook, Special Olympics posts articles that relate to the organization.
For Tik Tok, Special Olympics has a Tik Tok for each state to divide up the different events and make it
more specific to each location. This also divides up the audience as well. Overall, Special Olympics has
high engagement and uses a mix of their own content and user generated content to create an
interactive social media presence.

The last competitor is the Arc of the United States. The Arc “promotes and protects the human rights of
people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and
participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.” The Arc focuses on the equal rights of those
with disabilities, they do this by determining policies and positions on important issues. Easterseals
provides the day-day programs for individuals and the Arc provides the big picture policy
procedures.On Twitter, the Arc posts frequently but does not receive a lot of interaction. On Instagram,
they have a very small following because they just recently created their account. They post user
generated content and share current events. On Facebook, they do not get a lot of interaction and post
mainly about current events. The Arc does not have a Tik Tok so they are not receiving any interaction
on that platform. Overall, the Arc does not have a major social media presence and they post the same
content on all social media platforms, which mainly includes them sharing current events articles
SWOT Analysis

Subject Aspects Implications Possible Actions

Strengths 1. Competitors 1. Does not have 1. Higher 1. Monopolize

2. Multiple many direct opportunity market for
Publics competitors for expansion fundraising
3. Positive 2. Vital growth opportunities
image to organization to 2. Funding 2. Help more
publics. multiple umbrella to people in the
groups. assist Bloomington-
3. Strong social individuals Normal
media with Community.
presence. disabilities, 3. Utilize image
veterans, and to promote
seniors. overall brand
3. Spread messages.
awareness to
and other

Weaknesses 1. Funding 1. No in-person 1. More debt, 1. With the

2. Affordability fundraisers the higher the vaccines,
for clients 2. Each client risk of a hopefully the
3. Wide range must pay for shutdown spread of
of services program 2. If clients can COVID-19
3. Easterseals not afford will decrease
offers a variety programs so fundraising
of services they may not opportunities
which might want to ask can resume
make it for financial 2. Create more
difficult to help/ unique ways to
provide Easterseals fundraise to be
specific and may not have able to provide
targeted the funds to the funds for
support to provide for clients who
individuals. them. can not afford
3. Individuals programs.
may not feel 3. Create
as cared for or different
supported programs and
because each locations for
person needs specific needs.
very specific
needs that
may or may
not be able to

Opportunities 1. Expansion 1. Expand the 1. More people 1. Provide

2. Social Media programs they will benefit support and
have and be from partner with
able to provide Easterseals other
support to programs. organizations
individuals 2. Gen Z would that are similar
that have get more to Easterseals.
disabilities and involved by 2. Increase
also veterans. interacting awareness and
2. Build their with apps like volunteers for
social media Tik Tok and Easterseals.
presence and Instagram.

Threats 1. COVID-19 1. Temporarily 1. Adapt to the 1. Create online

2. Sustainability halted current versions of the
fundraising pandemic and once in-person
events. play to the events.
2. Lack of regulations in 2. Reach out to
funding due to order to stay more donors
COVID functioning. and host online
realities. 2. Depletion of fundraisers.
resources for
and events.
Key Insights
Based on the research conducted, list key insights
1. COVID-19 has impacted in-person fundraising which helps provide funding for clients who
can not afford programs.
2. Easterseals’ target audience is large and broad which can make people feel less connected.
3. Clients may not be aware that Easterseals’ offers financial help for programs.
4. Easterseals’ must plan virtual events and fundraising accordingly to maintain current audience
while increasing their target audience.

Our goals for Easterseals is to get the Gen Z audience more engaged on social media by creating more
interactive content. Also, to have the Gen Z audience more aware of Easterseals as a whole.
Target Audience:
Easterseals chosen target audience for our campaign is Generation Z. Gen Z includes people ages 7-22.
Easterseals creates an environment for people of all ages. However, Easterseals currently attracts the most
social media engagement from adults ages 35-70, which includes the baby boomers and Generation X.
Our team has recognized that there is a need for more engagement among the younger audience. This
audience would include people who enjoy volunteering and more specifically, want to assist those with
disabilities. Creating a campaign that targets the generation filled with independent digital natives,
increases the likelihood of the organization being shared with higher engagement on social media.

Key Message Platform:

The key message platform (KMP) embodies the core messages for Easterseals. These messages establish
consistency for both Easterseals and its customers that we want our campaign to express to our target

Tagline & Slogan: All abilities. Limitless Possibilities.

Statement of Purpose:
Easterseals' wants to work to help people with disabilities, veterans, caregivers and their families
live full, independent lives and reach their goals.

Vision Statement:
Our vision is to build a world where all people with disabilities and their families are equal in
every way, and can realize their goals, dreams and aspirations.

Mission Statement:
to provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities and their families have
equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Positioning Statement: Easterseals provides services to help children and adults with disabilities and/or
special needs as well as support to their families.

Hashtags: #AbilityNotDisability, #EndlessOpportunities, #TeamLimitless, #InclusivityMatters,


1. Increase engagement on Tik Tok among Gen Z by 20% by April 1st, 2022.
2. Increase engagement on Instagram among Gen Z by 15% by April 1st, 2022.
3. Increase awareness among Gen Z within the Bloomington-Normal location by April 1st,

Objective 1: Increase engagement on Tik Tok among Gen Z by 20% by April 1st, 2022.
1. Strategy: Influencer-@spintheglobe
Tactic #1: Collab with @spintheglobe and create a hashtag to go along with all her posts. The
hashtag would be #explorethepossibilities to have a play on words with her account name and
Easterseals slogan.

Tactic #2: @spintheglobe would create posts that would feature members of Easterseals to show
her support of the organization.
Objective 2: Increase engagement on Instagram among Gen Z by 15% by April 1st, 2022.
1. Strategy:Instagram
Tactic #1: Create an Instagram filter for people to use. The filter will incorporate Easterseals logo.

Tactic #2: Do a giveaway with the “Shoot for the Stars Pack.” This pack will include an
Easterseals shirt, mug, stickers, and mask.

Tactic #3:Create a Member story highlight. Each week will focus on a member and their
experience with Easterseals.

Tactic #4: Create Instagram stickers for stories.

Objective 3: Increase Awarenewss among Gen Z within the Bloomington-Normal location by April
1st, 2022.
1. Strategy: Media Relations
Tactic #1: Partner with Best Buddies at ISU for giveaway. Hold a giveaway with the “Shoot for
the Stars Pack.”

Tactic #2: Have a basketball event for Disability Awareness month called “ Easterseals Shooting


Public Relations Budget 2021

Budget Budget Differenc
Budget Categories Account Name ($) 2020 ($) e ($) % Notes

each costing
Press Conference $10,000 10,000 0 1.25 $2,500
Mailing Costs

Based on
200,000 200,000 0 25.12 Historic Costs

Based on
Print Advertisement 450,000 450,000 0 56.52 Historic
Based on
Other Advertisements 40,000 40,000 0 5.02 Costs
Influencer Costs Tiktok 20,000 0 20,000 2.5
Social Media
Advertising Instagram 18,000 0 30,000 3.75
Tiktok 12,000 0
$10000 venue
costs for
small junior
high stadium,
$4000 for
stand and
EasterSeals Shooting other
Stars Event Venue Costs 14,000 0 46,000 5.78 expenses
Event Costs 30,000 0 snacks, etc
$20 prizes
giveaway to
Giveaway 2000 0 100 people
Partnered with Best
Sponsorships Buddies 200 0 200 0.02

Total 796,200 700,000 96,200 100

Executive summary

The Easterseals, America’s largest nonprofit healthcare organization, was founded in 1919, to
ensure the needs of all children and adults with disabilities. They are committed to serve,
support, and help all children and adults to live, learn, work and play in their communities. This
nonprofit organization brings support from many people around the world by focusing on
creating opportunities for those who are in need of it. Today the Easterseals continue to impact
millions of people’s lives each day and plan to do so for the next 100 years.

JSRNC Agency has created a month long social media campaign that enforces awareness and
brings support from people all over the world to the Easterseals organization, it will begin
October 1st, 2021. Our main focus for this campaign is to introduce the great things Easterseals
does in hopes of receiving support from thousands if not millions of people. Our two main goals
are to get a younger target audience engaged and to create more interactive content.

According to our research, our campaign will focus on the Easterseals current audience which
happens to be all children and adults who are in need of welcoming and supporting community,
that pushes everyone to do their best.

To achieve our goals, JNRNC Agency has created three objectives, which are:

1. Increase engagement on Tik Tok among Gen Z by 20% by April 1st, 2022.
2. Increase engagement on Instagram among Gen Z by 15% by April 1st, 2022.
3. Increase awareness among Gen Z within the Bloomington-Normal location by
April 1st, 2022.

For this campaign to be successful, we have also implemented strategies and tactics that will gain
awareness and encourage people to support and engage with this wonderful organization. Let
people know that they too can belong to a welcoming and supporting community.

AAPD. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

Our mission. (2020, September 15). Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

Our mission and core values. (2019, August 28). Retrieved April 18, 2021, from

The story of Easterseals. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2021, from

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