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* Soru sayısı ve türlerinde değişiklik yapılabilmektedir!

**Changes could be made in terms of question type/number!

Questions 1-20: Fill in the blanks with the correct options.

1) A few relatives of _____ live in the USA, so we can stay with _____ when we go there.
a) me/him
b) my/his
c) mine/them (*)
d) theirs/their
e) them/they

2) The Universe is the whole cosmic system of matter and energy, ______ the Earth is a part.

a) whose
b) of which (*)
c) for whom
d) that
e) how

3) ……
4) ……
5) ……
6) ……
7) ……
8) ……
9) ……
10) ……
11) ……
12) ……

13) At my daughter’s piano class, girls _________ boys eight to one.

a) undermine
b) outnumber (*)
c) upturn
d) eliminate
e) exterminate

14) Lisa makes beautiful flowers out of icing for her Christmas cake, but I am too ______ to attempt anything

a) fragile
b) frank
c) flank
d) futile
e) clumsy (*)

15) ……
16) ……
17) ……
18) ……
19) ……
20) ……

Questions 21 – 25: Choose the correct words/phrases to fill in the blanks in the passage.

Calculators are mechanical, electromechanical or electronic devices (21) _____ perform arithmetic operations
automatically. Calculators perform the basic mathematical functions - addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division – and many can do more complicated calculations (22) _____ such as normal and inverse trigonometric
functions. (23) _____ inventions of recent times (24) _____ such a profound influence on daily life in
industrialised nations as the hand-held, or pocket, electronic calculator. These calculators are used to save time
and to reduce the chance of making mistakes and are found (25) _____ numbers people deal frequently with in
stores, offices, banks, schools, laboratories and homes.


a) that (*)
b) when
c) how much
d) in addition
e) more than


a) or else
b) either
c) rather
d) just as
e) as well (*)


a) Every
b) None
c) Few (*)
d) A little
e) Only one

a) had been having
b) are having
c) were having
d) had had
e) have had (*)


a) whoever
b) whichever (*)
c) whatever
d) however
Questions 26 – 30: Choose the correct words/phrases to fill in the blanks in the passage.

e) whenever

26) …..
27) ……
28) ……
29) …..
30) …..

Questions 31 – 35: Choose the correct words/phrases to fill in the blanks in the passage.

31) …..
32) …..
33) …..
34) …..
35) …..

Questions 36 – 39: Choose the correct words/phrases to fill in the blanks in the passage.

36) ……
37) ……
38) ……
39) …....

Questions 40 – 45: Find the suitable phrase that completes the sentence.

40) If I hadn’t found a job so soon, _______.

a) I don’t know what I would have done. (*)

b) it was impossible to make ends meet without a proper job.
c) my father was about to lose patience with me.
d) it was because I didn’t have enough qualifications.
e) I had had so many interviews by then.

41) It was only since the early 20th century _________.

a) where scientists are producing many kinds of wheat by crossbreeding

b) when interior design reached the stage in which "almost anything goes
c) that fingerprint systems have been used by police forces for the identification of criminals (*)
d) what a great role folk music had in political, social and nationalistic movements
e) as a type of fiction, the short story was becoming a wide ranging as the novel

42) ….
43) …..
44) …..
45) …..

Questions 46 -51: Find the most suitable phrase for the situation.

46) You are sitting in your office and an old lady comes and asks you for help. She can’t see enough to read and
fill the document in her hand. As you are not free at the moment, you say:

a) Is this the goal of your visit?

b) I don’t want to know anything about this.
c) I see no reason for not doing so.
d) Please go to the first floor and the counsellor will help you.
e) Well, okay, but a few minutes later. (*)

47) …..
48) …...
49) ……
50) ……

Questions 51 – 58: Complete the dialogues with the most suitable phrases.

51) Fran: Mark! I haven't seen you in years.

Mark: ________
Fran: Really? I didn't know. What have you been doing?
Mark: Oh, this and that. Whatever it took to support my travels.

a) That's true, even though we have been in the same town during all this time.
b) I haven't got out much since the kids came along.
c) You know how it is. My law practice takes up most of my time.
d) That's because I haven't been around for years. I've been abroad.
e) Oh, I am no longer a tour guide. I have started my own travel agency. (*)

52) …..
53) …..
54) …..
55) …..
56) …...
57) ……
58) …..

Questions 59 – 65: Choose the best answer that has the closest meaning to the sentence.

59) It is difficult to keep one’s cool in the heat of an argument.

a) It is natural that no one can stay calm during a heated argument.

b) To avoid verbal fights, you should try hard to control your anger.
c) Everyone loses their temper when an argument goes out of control.
d) It is not easy to stay calm during an intense dispute. (*)
e) Trying to keep calm is the best way to stay out of control.

60) …..
61) …..
62) ….
63) ….
64) …..
65) …..

Questions 66- 68: Answer the questions according to the following text.

Most great cities have beautiful fountains, but in Rome, they are a living part of the city. Italian poets have
immortalised them in verse. One of Italy's major composers, Ottorino Respighi, enshrined them in two richly
descriptive symphonic poems. Books about Rome's fountains published in Italian, French and English have
contributed to their fame. The best known is Niccolo Salvi's 18th-century Fountain of Trevi. It is a tradition for
visitors to cast small coins into its churning waters, allegedly to ensure their eventual return to Rome for
Christians, and for others, to ensure that their dreams have come true. The most imaginative fountain is probably
Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers. Another by Bernini is the graceful Fountain of the Triton on the Piazza
Barberini. In the Piazza della Repubblica is the colossal Fountain of the Naiads. Its charming beauties wrestle
with seaborne monsters. Bernini’s father, Pietro, designed the Fountain of the Barcaccia in the Piazza di Spagna
like a leaking boat. One of the pleasures of a visit to Rome is a night tour of the city's numerous illuminated

66) From the details in the passage, it is clear that Rome's fountains ___ .

A) are not as well-known as those of many other cities

B) have been the subject of poetry, music and prose (*)
C) have helped to immortalize their designers
D) were all built by the Bernini family
E) are the main reason why tourists visit the city

67) The custom of throwing money into the Fountain of Trevi is supposed to ___ .

A) provide the needy in the city with some money to spend

B) help people realize their wishes (*)
C) pay for all the other fountains to be illuminated
D) give the person immortality
E) ensure the person becomes rich

68) According to the passage, one of the joys of a visit to Rome is ___ .

A) touring around the lit up fountains at night (*)

B) listening to Ottorino Respighi's symphonies
C) reading books about the famous fountains
D) visiting the famous 18th century shrines
E) strolling around the Piazza Barberini at night

Questions 69- 71: Answer the questions according to the following text.

69) ….
70) ….
71) ….

Questions 72- 74: Answer the questions according to the following text.

72) ….
73) …..
74) ….

Questions 75- 77: Answer the questions according to the following text.

75) …..
76) …..
77) …..

Questions 78- 80: Answer the questions according to the following text.

78) …..
79) …..
80) …..


Choose ONE of the topics and write a well-organized essay. (At least 250 Words)

1. The advantages/disadvantages of living in a big city

2. Should all citizens be required to vote by law?
3. Compare/contrast buying a house and renting a house.

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