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Ronell A.

Cantos EAPP
G-11 Gagnaire Week 4

Task 1 :
Unacceptable: There are three basic reasons why drinking milk is good for our health
Improved: Drinking Milk is good for our health
Unacceptable: Mechanical engineers are slowly becoming in demand.
Improved: Mechanical engineers are slowly becoming in demand because of the increase
number of taking engineering mechanical courses
Unacceptable: There are benefits of university education
Improved: There are benefits of university education such as wider employment option, positive
impact on society and cultural and social experiences
Unacceptable: Deforestation is bad
Improved: Deforestation is bad because we loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of
Unacceptable: Teachers are supposed to be versatile
Improved: Teachers are supposed to be versatile to help and create excellent and quality
Task 2:
1. If you are defeated by your weaknesses and tensions, your fears and inferirorities, the reason
may be that you have never discovered that radiant quality of enthusiasm.
2. Enthusiasm cannot live in a mind filled with dull, unhealthy ideas and blunted by destructive
3. You can, by your thoughts and your attitude, lift any aspect of life out of drabness,
mediocrity, or ineptitude.
Task 3:
1. To show your love for your parents, you must respect your siblings, treat your friends nicely,
and remember important dates.
2. Ms. Santos is known for his courage, wisdom and being passionate
3. I was sure something was wrong when my friend did not arrive on time, did not show sign of
contacting me, and did not tell me where she was.
Task 4:
1. Our mind, the greatest creation on earth, can generate for us
a. sublime happiness for its owner—
b. or it can destroy him
2. Our mind is like a garden which we may

b.or allowed to run wild;

C. but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.

3. Many times, people are afraid of

A.Public speaking
C. and venturing into unfamiliar territories

Task 5
My learnings about from this module is all about thesis statement. The thesis statement is the
most important sentence in an essay, because it identifies the main point or main idea that you
want to say in your composition. A thesis sentence governs the content and structure of a whole
composition, whereas a topic sentence guides only one of its paragraphs. The thesis statement
should be unified, meaning. It has only one main thought. The thesis should be exact or specific.
Its words must not be open to several interpretations. The thesis statement is best developed by
adding at least two supports to the main idea. In other words, it is best to divide the thesis into
two or three parts. When you divide the thesis into two or three parts, you give your reader, as
well as yourself, a more precise view of the composition as a whole. When writing divided thesis
statements, maintaining parallelism is very important. Parallel supports maintain balance by using
the same part of speech (for instance, all are adjectives) or the same structure (for instance, all
are clauses).

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