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ASM Handbook, Volume 4E, Heat Treating of Nonferrous Alloys Copyright # 2016 ASM InternationalW

G.E. Totten and D.S. MacKenzie, editors All rights reserved

DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v04e.a0006276

Heat Treating of Copper and

Copper Alloys*

COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS constitute hardened alloys are tempered to improve tough- its location in the microstructure (solid solution
a major classification of commercial metals. ness and ductility and reduce hardness in a man- or dispersoid). The choice of alloy and condition
They are widely used because of their excellent ner similar to that used for alloy steels. most often is based on the trade-off between
electrical and thermal conductivities, outstand- strength and conductivity. Alloying also changes
ing resistance to corrosion, ease of fabrication, the color from reddish brown to yellow (with zinc,
biofilm and marine applications, and good Copper Alloys as in brasses) and to metallic white or silver (with
strength and fatigue resistance. They generally nickel, as in U.S. cupronickel coinage).
are weakly diamagnetic and when alloyed with The metallurgy of copper alloys is suited for Copper alloys also include a family of so-
paramagnetic elements they can be readily sol- using, singly or in combination, the various com- called high-copper alloys, which are designed
dered and brazed; many coppers and copper mon strengthening mechanisms: solid solution to maintain high conductivity while using disper-
alloys can be welded by various gas, arc, and and work hardening, as well as dispersed particle sions or precipitates to increase strength and
resistance methods. For decorative parts, stan- and precipitation hardening. The relative amount resistance to softening. High-copper alloys are
dard alloys having specific colors are readily of solution strengthening obtained from each ele- unique in combining high strength with high
available. Copper alloys can be polished and ment or particular combination of elements is thermal and electrical conductivity, two proper-
buffed to almost any desired texture and luster. addressed in the section “Strengthening Mechan- ties that are seldom found together in the same
They can be plated; coated with organic sub- isms” in this article. The range of available solid- material. Typical applications for wrought
stances; or chemically colored, patinated with solution compositions of alloying elements is: up high-copper alloys include electrical/electronic
ferric nitrite, sulfurated potash, ammonium chlo- to 35% Zn, 50% Ni (or more as nickel is isomor- connectors; integrated circuit lead frames; elec-
ride, or sodium thiosulfate, to further extend the phous with copper), 50% Mn, 9% Al, 11% Sn, tronic components for severe, automotive,
variety of available finishes. The majority of its and 4% Si. under-the-hood environments; circuit breaker
alloys also are highly workable hot or cold, The elements most commonly alloyed with components; and resistance welding equipment.
making them readily commercially available in copper are aluminum, nickel, silicon, tin, and Cast high-copper alloys are widely used for elec-
various wrought forms: forgings, bar, wire, tube, zinc. Most copper alloys retain a face-centered trical conducting members.
sheet, and foil. Besides the more familiar copper cubic (fcc) structure, but high-zinc brasses
wire, copper and its alloys are used in electrical (>39% Zn) contain mostly the hard body-
and electronic connectors and components, centered cubic (bcc) beta phase. Brasses con- Designations of Copper and
heat-exchanger tubing, plumbing fixtures, hard- taining between 32 and 39% Zn may have a Copper Alloys
ware, bearings, and coinage. duplex (alpha + beta) structure, which makes
The basic types of processes and equipment them easier to hot work and machine. Coppers When naming and designating copper alloys,
for the heat treating of copper and copper alloys with aluminum contents above approximately a comment about the use of the terms brass and
are introduced in this article. Heat treating of 8 wt% also are subject to the formation of a bronze is in order. Generally, brass means
copper and copper alloys includes the processes high-temperature beta phase, which is bcc, like copper-zinc alloys. Originally (from the time
of homogenizing, annealing, stress relieving, the beta phase in the copper-zinc system. Rapid of the Bronze Age), the term bronze referred
and two types of hardening treatments. One type cooling from the high-temperature beta phase to alloys in which tin was the major alloying ele-
of hardening treatment involves alloys that are in copper-aluminum alloys generates a marten- ment. However, today (2016) the term bronze is
softened (or solution treated) at high tempera- sitic transformation (as in steels) to produce a in common use for a number of alloys that con-
ture, quenched, and then hardened at a lower to nonequilibrium phase (b0 ) that has a hexagonal tain other elements with little, if any, tin.
intermediate temperature. Alloys that harden crystal structure and is ordered. Bronzes generally are used to describe many
during low-to-intermediate-temperature treat- Other elements and metals are alloyed in small different copper-base alloys in which the major
ments (after solution treatment and quenching) quantities to improve certain material characteris- alloying addition is neither zinc nor nickel. There
include precipitation-hardening, spinodal- tics, such as corrosion resistance or machinability. is one exception, however, to this rule. A group
hardening, and order-hardening alloys. The other As with other metal systems, copper is intention- of alloys referred to as manganese bronzes do
type of hardening treatment is by quenching ally alloyed to improve its strength without contain zinc as a major alloying element. Manga-
from high temperatures to produce martensitic- unduly degrading ductility or workability. How- nese bronzes are, in fact, high-strength brasses
type (athermal or diffusionless) transformation. ever, it should be recognized that additions of and are included as such in the category of brass
Quench-hardening alloys comprise aluminum alloying elements also degrade electrical and ther- alloys.
bronzes, nickel-aluminum bronzes, and a few mal conductivity by various amounts, depending The most common way to catalog copper and
special copper-zinc alloys. Usually, quench- on the alloying element, its concentration, and copper alloys is to divide them into six families:

* Adapted and revised from A. Cohen, Heat Treating of Copper Alloys, Heat Treating, Vol 4, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1991, p 880–898

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312 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

coppers, high-copper (or dilute) alloys, brasses, jointly by ASTM International and SAE Inter- impurities in some alloys will diminish cast-
bronzes, copper-nickels, and nickel silvers. national. The Copper Development Association ability and can result in castings of lower
However, the bronzes are generally named to administers the registration, numbering, compi- quality.
indicate the principal type of alloying. For exam- lation, and compositions of specific alloys. Another common designation system used
ple, copper-aluminum alloys are referred to as In the UNS, copper and copper alloys are desig- within the International Organization for Stan-
aluminum bronzes, and copper-tin alloys are nated by five-digit numbers preceded by the letter dardization (ISO) is a compositional system
referred to as tin bronzes. This article emphasizes “C.” This system supersedes an older three-digit described in ISO 1190 Part 1, based on the ele-
the specific type of bronze or the alloying ele- system developed by the U.S. copper and brass ment symbols and the descending order of mag-
ment employed, resulting in nine general cate- industry. The older system was administered by nitude of alloying elements. For example, a
gories of copper and its alloys, as follows: the Copper Development Association (CDA), leaded brass containing 60% Cu and 2% Pb is
and alloys are still sometimes identified by their designated CuZn38Pb2. Because this system is
 Coppers: contain a minimum of 99.3% Cu
CDA numbers. The UNS designations are simply unwieldy when used to describe complex
 High-copper alloys: contain up to 5% alloy-
two-digit extensions of the CDA numbers to alloys, a European numbering system has been
ing elements accommodate new compositions. For example, formulated by the Comité Européen de Normal-
 Copper-zinc alloys (brasses): contain up to
free-cutting brass, once known as CDA Alloy isation (CEN). CEN/TC 132 describes a six-
40% Zn No. 360, became UNS C36000. digit alphanumerical system. The first letter,
 Copper-tin alloys (phosphor bronzes): con-
Using the UNS, numbers ranging from “C,” indicates a copper alloy. A second letter
tain up to 10% Sn and 0.2% P C10000 through C79999 denote wrought was introduced to indicate the material state
 Copper-aluminum alloys (aluminum alloys; numbers ranging from C80000 through (i.e., “W” for a wrought material, “C” for cast-
bronzes): contain up to 13.5% Al C99999 denote cast alloys (Table 1). In these ings, and “M” for master alloys). Three num-
 Copper-silicon alloys (silicon bronzes): classes of copper alloys, certain alloy composi- bers are then used to identify the material, and
contain up to 3% Si tions for wrought products have counterparts a final third letter is used to identify the classi-
 Copper-nickel alloys: contain up to 30% Ni among the cast alloys, as outlined in Table 1 fication of individual copper material groups
 Copper-zinc-nickel alloys (nickel silvers): of the UNS for copper and copper alloys. How- and to enlarge the capacity of the designation
contain up to 27% Zn and 18% Ni ever, compositions of copper casting alloys system. A summary of the preferred number
 Special alloys: contain alloying elements to may differ from those of their wrought counter- ranges and letters allocated by the CEN num-
enhance a specific property or characteristic, parts for various reasons. Generally, casting bering system to the different copper alloy
for example, machinability permits greater latitude in the use of alloying groups is shown in Table 2. Comparable CEN
elements because the effects of composition and UNS alloy designations are given in
In this scheme, copper alloys are metals with cop- on hot or cold working properties are not subsequent sections of this article for each of
per contents less than approximately 94%, but not important. However, imbalances among certain the general types of copper alloys (pure copper,
less than 50%, and having no other element speci- elements and trace amounts of certain high-copper alloys, etc.).
fied in excess of the copper content. An exception
to this definition occurs in the case of some cast
copper-lead alloys, where the lead slightly exceeds
the copper content in certain alloys that are com- Table 1 Generic classification of copper and copper alloys
monly designated as copper alloys (e.g., alloy Generic name UNS No. Composition
C98840 containing 44.0 to 58.0 Pb). Wrought alloys
The first family, the coppers, is essentially Coppers(a) C10100–C15815 >99% Cu
commercially pure copper, which ordinarily is High-copper alloys(b) C16200–C19900 >96% Cu
soft and ductile and contains less than approxi- Brasses C20100–C28000 Cu-Zn
mately 0.7% total impurities. The high-copper Leaded brasses C31200–C38500 Cu-Zn-Pb
Tin brasses C40400–C48600 Cu-Zn-Sn-Pb
alloys contain small amounts of various alloying Phosphor bronzes C50100–C52480 Cu-Sn-P
elements, such as beryllium, cadmium, chro- Leaded phosphor bronzes C53400–C54400 Cu-Sn-Pb-P
mium, and iron, each having less than 8 at.% Copper-phosphorus and copper-silver-phosphorus alloys(c) C55180–C55284 Cu-P-Ag
solid solubility; these elements modify one or Aluminum bronzes C60800–C64210 Cu-Al-Ni-Fe-Si-Sn
Silicon bronzes C64700–C66100 Cu-Si-Sn
more of the basic properties of copper. The Other copper-zinc alloys C66300–C69710 Cu-Zn-Mn-Fe-Sn-Al-Si-Co
remaining families of copper alloy contain one Copper-nickels C70100–C72950 Cu-Ni-Fe
of five major alloying elements as its primary Nickel silvers C73500–C79830 Cu-Ni-Zn
alloying ingredient: Cast alloys
Coppers(a) C80100–C81200 >99% Cu
Alloying Solid solubility at 20  C High-copper alloys(d) C81400–C82800 >94% Cu
Family element (70  F), at.% Red and leaded red brasses C83300–C83810 Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb (82–94% Cu)
Brasses Zinc 37 Semi-red and leaded semi-red brasses C84200–C84800 Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb (75–82% Cu)
Phosphor bronzes Tin 9 Yellow and leaded yellow brasses C85200–C85800 Cu-Zn-Pb
Aluminum bronzes Aluminum 19 Manganese bronzes and leaded manganese bronzes(e) C86100–C86800 Cu-Zn-Mn-Fe-Pb
Silicon bronzes Silicon 8 Silicon brasses/bronzes C87300–C87800 Cu-Zn-Si
Copper-nickels, nickel Nickel 100 Copper-bismuth and copper-bismuth-selenium alloys C89320–C89940 Cu-Sn-Zn-Bi-Se
silvers Tin bronzes C90200–C91700 Cu-Sn-Zn
Leaded tin bronzes C92200–C94500 Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb
Nickel-tin bronzes C94700–C94900 Cu-Ni-Sn-Zn-Pb
Aluminum bronzes C95200–C95900 Cu-Al-Fe-Ni
Copper-nickels C96200–C96950 Cu-Ni-Sn
In North America, the Unified Numbering Nickel silvers C97300–C97800 Cu-Ni-Zn-Pb-Sn
System (UNS) is the accepted designation for Leaded coppers C98200–C98840 Cu-Pb
copper and copper alloys. This system was Special alloys C99300–C99750 Cu-Zn-Mn-Al-Fe-Co-Sn-Pb
developed during the 1970s to give a precise (a) Metals that have a designated copper content of 99.3% or higher. (b) For wrought products, those alloys with designated copper contents less than
description of the composition range for each 99.3% but more than 96% that do not fall into any other copper alloy group. (c) Brazing filler-metal alloys. (d) Cast high-copper alloys have
designated copper contents in excess of 94%, to which silver may be added for special properties. (e) Also referred to as high-strength and leaded
alloy, and it is now an internationally recog- high-strength yellow brasses
nized designation system. The UNS is managed

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Heat Treating of Copper and Copper Alloys / 313

Temper Designations good conductivity. Another family of heat treat- the amount of ductility required for the applica-
able copper alloys is aluminum bronzes contain- tion. Whether applied by processing to shape
The temper designations for wrought copper ing more than 10% Al, as described further in the and thickness, as a rolled strip or drawn wire, or
and copper alloys were traditionally specified article “Heat Treating of Bronzes” in this by forming into the finish component, as an elec-
on the basis of cold reduction imparted by rolling Volume. trical connector, the amount of work hardening
or drawing. This scheme related the nominal The commonly used solid-solution hardening applied is limited by the amount of ductility
temper designations to the amount of reduction elements are zinc, nickel, manganese, aluminum, required by the application. Worked copper can
stated in Brown & Sharpe gage numbers for tin, and silicon, listed in approximate order of be recrystallized by annealing at temperatures
rolled sheet and drawn wire (Table 3). However, increasing effectiveness. As a general compari- as low as 250  C (480  F), depending on prior
heat treatable alloys and product forms such as son, Table 5 is a list of selected wrought copper degree of cold work and time at temperature.
rod, tube, extrusions, and castings were not read- alloy compositions and their mechanical proper- While this facilitates processing, it also means
ily described by this system. To remedy this situ- ties in the annealed and hard (work-hardened) that softening resistance during long-time expo-
ation, ASTM B601, “Standard Practice for condition. The relative amount of solution sures at moderately elevated temperatures can
Temper Designations for Copper and Copper strengthening obtained from each element or be a concern, especially in electrical and elec-
Alloys—Wrought and Cast,” was developed. particular combination of elements is roughly tronic applications where I2R heating is a factor.
This standard established an alphanumeric code indicated by the increase in tensile strength for For applications above room temperature, but
that can be assigned to each of the standard various alloys in the annealed condition. In this at temperatures lower than those inducing
descriptive temper designations (Table 4). table, the alloys are arranged in their common recrystallization in commercial heat treatments,
alloy group: the coppers (99.3% min Cu), the thermal softening can occur over extended
high coppers (94% min Cu), brasses (copper- periods, and characteristics such as the half-
Strengthening Mechanisms zinc), bronzes (copper-tin, or copper-aluminum, softening temperature should be considered; that
or copper-silicon), copper-nickels, and the nickel is, the temperature for which the worked metal
Solid-solution strengthening and work hard- silvers (Cu-Ni-Zn). softens to half its original hardness after a spe-
ening are the principal strengthening mechan- cific exposure time, usually 1 h. If resistance to
isms of copper alloys. Few types of copper Work Hardening of Copper softening at slightly elevated temperature is
alloys are hardenable by heat treatment, such as required, C11100 often is specified. This copper
high coppers containing beryllium or chromium Work hardening is the only strengthening contains a small amount of cadmium, which
that are heat treated to obtain high strength and mechanism used with pure copper, limited by raises the temperature at which recovery and
recrystallization occur.
Oxygen-free copper, electrolytic tough pitch
Table 2 Summary of preferred designators for copper alloys in the Comité Européen de copper, and fire-refined tough pitch copper also
Normalisation (CEN) system are available as silver-bearing coppers having
specific minimum silver contents. The silver,
Number ranges available for Final letter, designating Number range allocated to
Material groups positions 3, 4, and 5 material group materials preferred by CEN which may be present as an impurity in anode
copper or may be alloyed intentionally to mol-
Copper 001–999 A 001–049A
001–999 B 050–099B ten cathode copper, also imparts resistance to
Miscellaneous copper alloys 001–999 C 100–149C softening to cold-worked metal. Silver-bearing
001–999 D 150–199D coppers and cadmium-bearing coppers are used
001–999 E 200–249E for applications such as automotive radiators
001–999 F 250–299F
Copper-aluminum alloys 001–999 G 300–349G and electrical conductors that must operate at
Copper-nickel alloys 001–999 H 350–399H temperatures above approximately 200  C
Copper-nickel-zinc alloys 001–999 J 400–449J (400  F). Silver imparts modest annealing resis-
Copper-tin alloys 001–999 K 459–499K tance to copper without significantly affecting
Copper-zinc alloys, binary 001–999 L 500–549L
001–999 M 550–599M its electrical conductivity. This is why coppers
Copper-zinc-lead alloys 001–999 N 600–649N containing residual silver have been used for
001–999 P 650–699P electrical products that must not soften as a
Copper-zinc alloys, complex 001–999 R 700–749R result of exposure to soldering temperatures.
001–999 750–799S
Copper material not standardized 800–999 A–S(a) 800–999(a) Arsenic, cadmium, and zirconium coppers
by CEN/TC 133 (C14200, C14300, and C15000, respectively)
(a) Letter as appropriate for the material group have similar properties. Cadmium also imparts
wear resistance, a useful property for sliding
electrical contacts. Arsenic improves resistance
to both corrosion and high-temperature oxida-
Table 3 Temper designations for wrought copper and brass based on cold reduction tion; these properties are required for products
such as heat-exchanger tubing. Tellurium-
Rolled sheet Drawn wire
bearing coppers (C14500 and C14510) and
Nominal temper Increase in B & S gage Reduction in thickness True Reduction in Reduction in True
designation numbers(a) and area, % strain(b) diameter, % area, % strain(b)
sulfur-bearing copper (C14700) are free-
machining and are supplied as rods for making
¼ hard 1 10.9 0.116 10.9 20.7 0.232 high-conductivity parts by screw machining.
½ hard 2 20.7 0.232 20.7 37.1 0.463
/4 hard 3 29.4 0.347 29.4 50.1 0.694 Coppers C15715 through C15760 are disper-
Hard 4 37.1 0.463 37.1 60.5 0.926 sion strengthened with aluminum oxide to
Extra hard 6 50.1 0.696 50.1 75.1 1.39 inhibit softening at elevated temperatures
Spring 8 60.5 0.928 60.5 84.4 1.86 (Fig. 1). The combination of thermal stability
Extra spring 10 68.6 1.16 68.6 90.2 2.32
Special spring 12 75.1 1.39 75.1 93.8 2.78 and high electrical conductivity is useful in
Super spring 14 80.3 1.62 80.3 96.1 3.25 applications such as heavy-duty electrical con-
(a) B & S, Brown & Sharpe. (b) True strain equals ln A0/A, where A0 is the initial cross-sectional area, and A is the final area. nectors, vacuum tube components, and resis-
tance welding electrodes.

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314 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

Table 4 ASTM B601 temper designation codes for copper and copper alloys
Temper Temper Temper
designation Temper name or material condition designation Temper name or material condition designation Temper name or material condition

Cold-worked tempers(a) Annealed tempers(d) TL04 TF00 cold worked to full hard
H00 1
/ 8 hard TL08 TF00 cold worked to spring
O10 Cast and annealed (homogenized)
TL10 TF00 cold worked to extra spring
H01 ¼ hard O11 As-cast and precipitation heat treated
H02 ½ hard O20 Hot forged and annealed Mill-hardened tempers
H03 3
/4 hard O25 Hot rolled and annealed
H04 Hard TM00 AM
O30 Hot extruded and annealed
H06 Extra hard TM01 ¼ HM
O31 Extruded and precipitation heat treated
TM02 ½ HM
H08 Spring O40 Hot pierced and annealed
H10 Extra spring TM04 HM
O50 Light annealed
H12 Special spring O60 Soft annealed
H13 Ultra spring TM08 XHMS
O61 Annealed
H14 Super spring O65 Drawing annealed Quench-hardened tempers
O68 Deep-drawing annealed
Cold-worked tempers(b) TQ00 Quench hardened
O70 Dead-soft annealed
TQ50 Quench hardened and temper annealed
H50 Extruded and drawn O80 Annealed to temper, 1/ 8 hard
H52 Pierced and drawn TQ55 Quench hardened and temper annealed, cold
O81 Annealed to temper, ¼ hard
drawn and stress relieved
H55 Light drawn; light cold rolled O82 Annealed to temper, ½ hard
H58 Drawn general purpose TQ75 Interrupted quench hardened
H60 Cold heading; forming Annealed tempers(e)
Precipitation-hardened, cold-worked, and thermal-stress-
H63 Rivet OS005 Average grain size, 0.005 mm relieved tempers
H64 Screw OS010 Average grain size, 0.010 mm
TR01 TL01 and stress relieved
H66 Bolt OS015 Average grain size, 0.015 mm
H70 Bending TR02 TL02 and stress relieved
OS025 Average grain size, 0.025 mm
TR04 TL04 and stress relieved
H80 Hard drawn OS035 Average grain size, 0.035 mm
H85 Medium-hard-drawn electrical wire OS050 Average grain size, 0.050 mm Solution-treated and spinodal-heat-treated temper
H86 Hard-drawn electrical wire OS060 Average grain size, 0.060 mm
TX00 Spinodal hardened
H90 As-finned OS070 Average grain size, 0.070 mm
OS100 Average grain size, 0.100 mm Tempers of welded tubing(f)
Cold-worked and stress-relieved tempers
OS120 Average grain size, 0.120 mm
HR01 H01 and stress relieved WH00 Welded and drawn to 1/ 8 hard
OS150 Average grain size, 0.150 mm
HR02 H02 and stress relieved WH01 Welded and drawn to ¼ hard
OS200 Average grain size, 0.200 mm
HR04 H04 and stress relieved WH02 Welded and drawn to ½ hard
HR08 H08 and stress relieved Solution-treated temper WH03 Welded and drawn to 3/4 hard
HR10 H10 and stress relieved WH04 Welded and drawn to full hard
TB00 Solution heat treated
HR20 As-finned WH06 Welded and drawn to extra hard
HR50 Drawn and stress relieved
Solution-treated and cold-worked tempers WM00 As welded from H00 (1/ 8-hard) strip
WM01 As welded from H01 (¼-hard) strip
Cold-rolled and order-strengthened tempers(c)
TD00 TB00 cold worked to 1
/ 8 hard
WM02 As welded from H02 (½-hard) strip
TD01 TB00 cold worked to ¼ hard
HT04 H04 and order heat treated WM03 As welded from H03 (3/4-hard) strip
TD02 TB00 cold worked to ½ hard
HT08 H08 and order heat treated WM04 As welded from H04 (full-hard) strip
TD03 TB00 cold worked to 3
/4 hard
WM06 As welded from H06 (extra-hard) strip
As-manufactured tempers TD04 TB00 cold worked to full hard
WM08 As welded from H08 (spring) strip
M01 As-sand cast Solution-treated and precipitation-hardened temper WM10 As welded from H10 (extra-spring) strip
M02 As-centrifugal cast WM15 WM50 and stress relieved
TF00 TB00 and precipitation hardened
M03 As-plaster cast WM20 WM00 and stress relieved
M04 As-pressure die cast Cold-worked and precipitation-hardened tempers WM21 WM01 and stress relieved
M05 As-permanent mold cast WM22 WM02 and stress relieved
TH01 TD01 and precipitation hardened
M06 As-investment cast WM50 As welded from annealed strip
TH02 TD02 and precipitation hardened
M07 As-continuous cast WO50 Welded and light annealed
TH03 TD03 and precipitation hardened
M10 As-hot forged and air cooled WR00 WM00; drawn and stress relieved
TH04 TD04 and precipitation hardened
M11 As-forged and quenched WR01 WM01; drawn and stress relieved
M20 As-hot rolled Precipitation-hardened and cold-worked tempers WR02 WM02; drawn and stress relieved
M30 As-hot extruded WR03 WM03; drawn and stress relieved
TL00 TF00 cold worked to 1/ 8 hard
M40 As-hot pierced WR04 WM04; drawn and stress relieved
TL01 TF00 cold worked to ¼ hard
M45 As-hot pierced and rerolled WR06 WM06; drawn and stress relieved
TL02 TF00 cold worked to ½ hard

(a) Cold-worked tempers to meet standard requirements based on cold rolling or cold drawing. (b) Cold-worked tempers to meet standard requirements based on temper names applicable to specific products. (c) Tempers
produced by controlled amounts of cold work followed by a thermal treatment to produce order strengthening. (d) Annealed to meet specific mechanical property requirements. (e) Annealed to meet prescribed nominal average
grain size. (f) Tempers of fully finished tubing that has been drawn or annealed to produce specified mechanical properties or that has been annealed to produce a prescribed nominal average grain size are commonly identified
by the appropriate H, O, or OS temper designation.

Work Hardening of Copper Alloys alloying element and whether the alloying ele- hardening depends on the type and amount of
ment remains in solid solution or forms a dis- alloying element. For the leaner alloys (below
Work hardening is the principal hardening persoid or precipitate phase. The degree of approximately 12% Zn, or approximately 3% Al,
mechanism used for most copper alloys, and work hardening seen with cold working several for example), processing generates dislocations
most wrought alloys are available in various selected single-phase copper alloys is illustrated that develop into entanglements and into cells,
cold-worked conditions. Even those alloys that by the cold rolling curves in Fig. 2. with some narrow shear band formation beyond
are precipitation hardenable often are provided Figure 2 plots the tensile strength of various approximately 65% cold reduction in thickness.
in the mill-hardened tempers; that is, they have alloys for different degrees of worked tempers. After approximately 90% cold work, the distinct
been processed by cold working before or after As an example, the variation in tensile properties copper or metal deformation crystallographic
precipitation hardening. The degree of work with cold working of an annealed Cu-30Zn alloy texture begins to develop. With the richer solid-
hardening depends on the type and amount of (C26000) is shown in Fig. 3. The degree of work solution alloys that lower the stacking-fault

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Heat Treating of Copper and Copper Alloys / 315

Table 5 Compositions and properties of selected wrought copper alloys

Tensile strength Yield strength
Alloy UNS No. Nominal composition Treatment MPa ksi MPa ksi Elongation, % Rockwell hardness

Pure copper
Oxygen-free high conductivity C10200 99.95 Cu ... 221–455 33–66 69–365 10–53 55–4 ...

High-copper alloys
Beryllium-copper C17200 97.9Cu-1.9Be-0.2Ni or Co Annealed 490 71 ... ... 35 60 HRB
Hardened 1400 203 1050 152 2 42 HRC
Gilding, 95% C21000 95Cu-5Zn Annealed 245 36 77 11 45 52 HRF
Hard 392 57 350 51 5 64 HRB
Red brass, 85% C23000 85Cu-15Zn Annealed 280 41 91 13 47 64 HRF
Hard 434 63 406 59 5 73 HRB
Cartridge brass, 70% C26000 70Cu-30Zn Annealed 357 52 133 19 55 72 HRF
Hard 532 77 441 64 8 82 HRB
Muntz metal C28000 60Cu-40Zn Annealed 378 55 119 17 45 80 HRF
Half-hard 490 71 350 51 15 75 HRB
High-lead brass C35300 62Cu-36Zn-2Pb Annealed 350 51 119 17 52 68 HRF
Hard 420 61 318 46 7 80 HRB
Phosphor bronze, 5% C51000 95Cu-5Sn Annealed 350 51 175 25 55 40 HRB
Hard 588 85 581 84 9 90 HRB
Phosphor bronze, 10% C52400 90Cu-10Sn Annealed 483 70 250 36 63 62 HRB
Hard 707 103 658 95 16 96 HRB
Aluminum bronze C60800 95Cu-5Al Annealed 420 61 175 25 66 49 HRB
Cold rolled 700 102 441 64 8 94 HRB
Aluminum bronze C63000 81.5Cu-9.5Al-5Ni-2.5Fe-1Mn Extruded 690 100 414 60 15 96 HRB
Half-hard 814 118 517 75 15 98 HRB
High-silicon bronze C65500 96Cu-3Si-1Mn Annealed 441 64 210 31 55 66 HRB
Hard 658 95 406 59 8 95 HRB
Cupronickel, 30% C71500 70Cu-30Ni Annealed 385 56 126 18 36 40 HRB
Cold rolled 588 85 553 80 3 86 HRB
Nickel silver
Nickel silver C75700 65Cu-23Zn-12Ni Annealed 427 62 196 28 35 55 HRB
Hard 595 86 525 76 4 89 HRB

energy, planar slip is the dominant dislocation

mechanism, with associated higher work harden- Precipitation Hardening
ing. Beyond approximately 40% cold work in
Annealing temperature, °F these richer alloys, stacking faults, shear band- As previously noted, some alloys can be
30 390 750 1110 1470 1830 ing, and deformation twinning become important hardened during low-to-intermediate-temperature
700 105 deformation mechanisms that, beyond 90% cold treatments (after solution treatment and quench-
Brazing and
glass-metal work, lead to the brass or alloy type of crystallo- ing). These alloys include precipitation-hardening,
600 sealing 90 graphic deformation texture and accompanying spinodal-hardening, and order-hardening alloys.
anisotropy of properties. For purposes of comparison, Table 6 lists exam-
ODS copper
Dispersion strengthening is used in copper ples of the various types of low-temperature-
500 75 alloys for hardening, controlling grain size, and hardening alloys, as well as typical heat treat-
providing softening resistance, as exemplified by ments and attainable property levels for these
Yield strength, MPa

Yield strength, ksi

ODS copper iron particles in copper-iron alloys, C19200 or alloys.

400 (C15715) 60
C19400, and in aluminum bronzes, C61300 or Age-hardening mechanisms apply to a few
C63380. Cobalt silicide particles in alloy C63800 but important copper systems that offer a
300 45 (Cu-2.8Al-1.8Si-0.4Co), for example, provide fine decreasing solubility for hardening phases.
grain control and dispersion hardening to give this The beryllium-copper system offers a series of
Cu-Zr alloy high strength with reasonably good formabil- wrought and cast age-hardening alloys, UNS
200 30
(C15000) ity. Alloy C63800 offers an annealed tensile C17000 to C17530 and C82000 to C82800.
copper strength of 570 MPa (82 ksi) and rolled temper ten- The wrought alloys contain 0.2 to 2.0% Be
100 (C10200) 15 sile strengths of 660 to 900 MPa (96 to 130 ksi). and 0.3 to 2.7% Co (or up to 2.2% Ni). They
Alloys offering exceptionally good thermal stabil- are solution heat treated in the range 760 to
ity have been developed using powder metallurgy 955  C (1400 to 1750  F) and age hardened to
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 techniques to incorporate dispersions of fine produce the beryllium-rich coherent precipi-
Annealing temperature, °C Al2O3 particles (3 to 12 nm in size) in a basically tates when aged in the range 260 to 565  C
copper matrix, which is finish processed to rod, (500 to 1050  F), the specific temperature being
Fig. 1 Softening behavior of oxide-dispersion-strengthened wire, or strip products. This family of alloys, chosen for the particular alloy and desired prop-
(ODS) coppers compared to oxygen-free (OF) C15715 to C15760, can resist softening up to and erty combination (Fig. 4). The precipitation
copper and copper-zirconium alloy above 800  C (1470  F). sequence during aging consists of the formation

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316 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

of solute-rich Guinier-Preston zones, followed example, can be processed to reach high alloys produce arrays of pure chromium precipi-
in sequence by coherent platelets of the meta- strength: that is, tensile strengths after solution tates and dispersoid particles when aged. The
stable intermediate phases g0 and g00 . Overaging treatment (470 MPa, or 68 ksi), after cold roll- Cu-Ni-Si alloys, C64700 and C70250, age
is marked by the appearance of the B2 ordered ing to the hard temper (755 MPa, or 110 ksi), harden by precipitating the Ni2Si intermetallic
equilibrium g-BeCu phase as particles within and after aging (1415 MPa, or 205 ksi). While phase (Fig. 5). Compositions in the Cu-Ni-Sn
grains and along grain boundaries, large enough they are commercially available in the heat system, C71900 and C72700, are hardenable by
to be seen in the light microscope. The cobalt treatable condition, the beryllium-copper alloys spinodal decomposition, a mechanism that pro-
and nickel additions form dispersoids of equi- commonly are provided in the mill-hardened vides high strength and good ductility through
librium (Cu, Co, or Ni)Be that restrict grain temper with the optimal strength/ductility/con- the homogeneous formation of a periodic array
growth during solution annealing in the two- ductivity combination suitable for the of coherent, fcc solid-solution phases. Each of
phase field at elevated temperatures (Fig. 4b). application. these alloys, including the beryllium-coppers,
A cold working step following solution anneal- Other age-hardening copper alloys include can be thermomechanically processed to provide
ing often is used to increase the age-hardening the chromium-coppers, which contain 0.4 to unique combinations of strength, formability,
response. Alloy C17200 (Cu-1.8Be-0.4Co), for 1.2% Cr (C18100, C18200, and C18400); these electrical conductivity, softening resistance,
and stress-relaxation resistance.
Most copper alloys of the precipitation-
hardening type find use in electrical and heat-
conduction applications. Therefore, the heat
treatment must be designed to develop the nec-
essary mechanical strength and electrical con-
ductivity. The resulting hardness and strength
depend on the effectiveness of the solution
quench and the control of the precipitation
(aging) treatment. It should be noted that the
terms age hardening and aging are used in heat
treating practice as substitutes for the terms
precipitation hardening or spinodal hardening.
Copper alloys harden by elevated-temperature
treatment rather than ambient-temperature

Fig. 2 Tensile strength of single-phase copper alloys as affected by percentage reduction in thickness by rolling Fig. 3 Effect of cold rolling on the strength, hardness,
and ductility of annealed copper alloy C26000
(temper). Curves of lesser slope indicate a low rate of work hardening and a higher capacity for redrawing.
when cold rolled in varying amounts up to 62% reduction
ETP, electrolytic tough pitch
in thickness

Table 6 Typical heat treatments and resulting properties for several low-temperature-hardening alloys
Aging treatment
Solution treating temperature(a) Temperature
Alloy C F C F Time, h Hardness Electrical conductivity(b), %IACS

Precipitation hardening
C15000 980 1795 500–550 930–1025 3 30 HRB 87–95
C17000, C17200, C17300 760–800 1400–1475 300–350 575–660 1–3 35–44 HRC 22
C17500, C17600 900–950 1650–1740 455–490 850–915 1–4 95–98 HRB 48
C18000(c), C81540 900–930 1650–1705 425–540 800–1000 2–3 92–96 HRB 42–48
C18200, C18400, C18500, C81500 980–1000 1795–1830 425–500 800–930 2–4 68 HRB 80
C94700 775–800 1425–1475 305–325 580–620 5 180 HB 15
C99400 885 1625 482 900 1 170 HB 17
Spinodal hardening
C71900 900–950 1650–1740 425–760 800–1400 1–2 86 HRC 4–4
C72800 815–845 1500–1550 350–360 660–680 4 32 HRC ...

(a) Solution treating is followed by water quenching. (b) IACS, International Annealed Copper Standard. (c) Alloy C18000 (81540) must be double aged, typically 3 h at 540  C (1000  F) followed by 3 h at 425  C (800  F)
(U.S. Patent 4,191,601), to develop the higher levels of electrical conductivity and hardness.

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Fig. 4 Phase diagrams for beryllium-copper alloys. (a) Binary composition for high-strength alloys such as C17200. (b) Pseudobinary composition for C17510, a high-conductivity
alloy containing Cu-1.8Ni-0.4Be

beyond those that correspond to the hardness fabrication of parts is not required. However, it
aging peak. Cold working prior to precipitation may be desirable to stress relieve parts to remove
aging tends to improve heat treated hardness. In stresses induced during fabrication, particularly
the case of lower-strength wrought alloys such for highly formed cantilever-type springs and
as C18200 (copper-chromium) and C15000 intricate, machined shapes that require maxi-
(copper-zirconium), some heat treated hardness mum resistance to relaxation at moderately ele-
may be sacrificed to attain increased conductiv- vated temperatures.
ity, with final hardness and strength being
enhanced by cold working. Two precipitation Spinodal-Hardening Alloys
treatments are necessary to develop maximum
electrical conductivity and hardness in alloy Alloys that harden by spinodal decomposition
C18000 (Cu-Ni-Si-Cr) because of two distinct are hardened by a treatment similar to that used
precipitation mechanisms. for precipitation-hardening alloys. The soft, duc-
Certain guidelines can be used to diagnose tile spinodal structure is generated by a high-
problems encountered in producing desired temperature solution treatment followed by
properties in precipitation-hardening alloys: quenching. The material can be cold worked or
Fig. 5 Micrograph showing the dispersion of Ni2Si pre- formed in this condition. A lower-temperature
cipitates in the quenched and aged condition of Problem Diagnosis
copper alloy C64700, Cu-2Ni-0.7Si. Original magnifica-
spinodal-decomposition treatment, commonly
tion: 500 Low hardness Solution temperature too low; solution referred to as aging, then is used to increase the
quench delayed or cooling rate too hardness and strength of the alloy. Spinodal-
low; aging temperature too low
and/or time too short (underaging) hardening alloys are basically copper-nickel
(natural) aging, as in the case of some alumi- or temperature too high and/or time alloys with chromium or tin additions. The hard-
num alloys. As dissolved atoms proceed too long (overaging) ening mechanism is related to a miscibility gap in
through the coagulation, coherency, and precip- Low hardness; low Inadequate solution treatment and/or the solid solution and does not result in precipita-
conductivity underaging
itation cycle in the quenched alloy lattice, hard- Low hardness; high Inadequate solution treatment and/or tion. The spinodal-hardening mechanism does
ness increases, reaches a peak, and then conductivity overaging result in the chemical segregation of the a crystal
decreases with time. Electrical conductivity High hardness; low Underaging; contaminated material matrix on a very fine (Ångström) scale and requires
increases continuously with time until some conductivity the use of the electron microscope to discern the
maximum is reached, normally in the fully pre- metallographic effects. Because no crystallo-
cipitated condition. The optimum condition graphic changes take place, spinodal-hardening
generally preferred results from a precipitation When precipitation hardening is performed at alloys retain excellent dimensional stability during
treatment of temperature and duration just the mill, further treatment following the hardening.

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318 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

Order-Hardening Alloys during normal process working and annealing. any particular alloy. The furnace atmosphere
Rarely is it necessary to apply homogenization should be selected for the control of both surface
Certain alloys, generally those that are nearly to finished or semifinished mill products. and internal oxidation. Where there is apprecia-
saturated with an alloying element dissolved in A characteristic of high cooling rates is the ble danger of liquefying segregated phases, the
the a phase, undergo an ordering reaction when uneven distribution of the alloy elements in the materials, particularly castings, should be well
highly cold-worked material is annealed at a rela- interior of the dendritic microstructure. These supported and heated slowly through the final
tively low temperature. Alloys C61500, C63800, differences increase with higher cooling rates 100  C (180  F).
C68800, and C69000 are examples of copper and greater differences in composition between Typical applications of homogenization are:
alloys that exhibit this behavior. Strengthening melt and solid phase at the onset of crystalliza-
 Alloy C71900 (Cu-Ni-Cr) billets: 1040 to
is attributed to the short-range ordering of the tion. This difference may be equalized in some
dissolved atoms within the copper matrix, an alloys by long-time homogenization as a result 1065  C (1900 to 1950  F) for 4 to 9 h, to
ordering which greatly impedes the motion of dis- of diffusion processes taking place in the solid prevent cracks, seams, and excessive wood
locations through the crystals. phase. fiber structure in extrusions
 Alloy C52100 and C52400 (phosphor
The low-temperature order-annealing treat- The time and temperature required for the
ment also acts as a stress-relieving treatment, homogenization process vary with the alloy, bronzes, 8 and 10% Sn): 775  C (1425  F)
which raises yield strength by reducing stress con- the cast grain size, and the desired degree of for 5 h, to reduce embrittlement in billets
centrations in the lattice at the foci of dislocation homogenization. Typical soak times vary from and slabs that are to be cold rolled
 Alloy C96400 (cast 70Cu-30Ni): 1000  C
pileups. As a result, order-annealed alloys exhibit 3 to over 10 h. Temperatures normally are
improved stress-relaxation characteristics. above the upper annealing range, to within (1830  F) for 2 h under a protective atmo-
Order annealing is done for relatively short 50  C (90  F) of the solidus temperature. sphere and then cooled to 400  C (750  F),
times at relatively low temperatures, generally in Homogenization changes the mechanical followed by air cooling
the range from 150 to 400  C (300 to 750  F). properties: Ultimate tensile strength, hardness,
Because of the low temperature, no special pro- and yield (proof) strength all slowly decrease, For the precipitation-hardenable alloys,
tective atmosphere is required. Order hardening whereas elongation at fracture and necking homogenization may involve a prolonged solu-
frequently is done after the final fabrication step increase by as much as twice the initial value. tion treatment.
to take full advantage of the stress-relieving Figure 6 shows a typical example of these
aspect of the treatment, especially where resis- changes taking place at a homogenizing time of
tance to stress relaxation is desired. 4 h for alloy C52100, a wrought phosphor bronze Annealing
alloy containing nominally 92% Cu, 8% Sn, a
Quench Hardening and Tempering small amount of phosphorus, and trace amounts Annealing is a heat treatment intended to
of several other elements. soften and to increase the ductility and/or tough-
Quench hardening and tempering (also The normal precautions that apply to anneal- ness of metals and alloys. The process includes
referred to as quench and temper hardening) is ing should be used for the homogenization of heating, holding, and cooling, and a proper
used primarily for aluminum bronze and nickel-
aluminum bronze alloys, and occasionally for
some cast manganese bronze alloys with zinc
equivalents of 37 to 41%. Aluminum bronzes
with 9 to 11.5% Al, as well as nickel-aluminum
bronzes with 8.5 to 11.5% Al, respond in a prac-
tical way to quench hardening by a martensitic-
type reaction. Generally, alloys higher in alumi-
num content are too susceptible to quench
cracking, whereas those with lower aluminum
contents do not contain enough high-temperature
b phase to respond to quench treatments.

Homogenizing is a process in which pro-
longed high-temperature soaking is used to
reduce chemical or metallurgical segregation
commonly known as coring, which occurs as a
natural result of solidification in some alloys.
Homogenizing is applied to copper alloys to
improve the hot and cold ductility of cast billets
for mill processing, and occasionally is applied
to castings to meet specified hardness, ductility,
or toughness requirements.
Homogenization is required most frequently
for alloys having wide freezing ranges, such as
tin (phosphor) bronzes, copper-nickels, and sili-
con bronzes. Although coring occurs to some
extent in a brasses, a-aluminum bronzes, and
copper-beryllium alloys, these alloys survive pri-
mary mill processing and become homogenized Fig. 6 Effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of an alloy C52100 slab. Annealing time: 4 h

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process description should include heating rate, Table 7 Annealing temperatures for widely used cold-worked copper and copper alloys
temperature, time at temperature, atmosphere,
Annealing temperature
and cooling rate, because each may affect results.  
Alloy Common name C F
Annealing is applied to wrought products, dur-
ing and after mill processing, and to castings. Wrought coppers
The annealing of cold-worked metal involves C10100–C10300 Oxygen-free copper 375–650 700–1200
heating to a temperature that produces recrystal- C10400–C10700 Oxygen-free silver-bearing copper 475–750 900–1400
C10800 Oxygen-free low-phosphorus copper 375–650 700–1200
lization and, if desirable, by heating beyond the C11000 Electrolytic tough pitch copper 250–650 500–1200
recrystallization temperature to initiate grain C11100 Electrolytic tough pitch, anneal-resistant copper 475–750 900–1400
growth. Temperatures commonly used for C11300, C11400, C11500, C11600 Silver-bearing tough pitch copper 400–475 750–900
annealing cold-worked coppers and copper C12000 Phosphorus-deoxidized copper, 375–650 700–1200
low residual phosphorus
alloys are given in Table 7. C12200 Phosphorus-deoxidized copper, 375–650 700–1200
Annealing is applied to castings of some high residual phosphorus
duplex alloys, such as manganese bronzes and C12500, C12700, C13000 Fire-refined, tough pitch copper with silver 400–650 750–1200
aluminum bronzes, to correct the effects of mold C14500 Phosphorus-deoxidized, tellurium-bearing 425–650 800–1200
cooling. The extremely slow cooling of sand and C14700 Sulfur copper 425–650 800–1200
plaster castings, or the rapid cooling of perma- C15500 ... 475–525 900–1000
nent mold or die castings, can produce micro- Wrought copper alloys
structures resulting in high hardness and/or low
C16200 Cadmium copper 425–750 800–1400
ductility and occasionally inferior corrosion C17000, C17200, C17500, C17510 Beryllium copper 775–925(a) 1425–1700(a)
resistance. Typical annealing treatments for cast- C19200 ... 700–800 1300–1500
ings are in the range of 580 to 700  C (1075 to C19400 ... 375–650 700–1200
1300  F) for 1 h at temperature. For aluminum C19500 375–600 750–1100
C21000 Gilding metal 425–800 800–1450
bronzes, rapid cooling by water quenching or C22000 Commercial bronze 425–800 800–1450
high-velocity air is advisable. C22600 Jewelry bronze 425–750 800–1400
Annealing is primarily a function of metal tem- C23000 Red brass 425–725 800–1350
perature and time at temperature. Except for mul- C24000 Low brass 425–700 800–1300
C26000 Cartridge brass 425–750 800–1400
tiphase alloys, including certain precipitation- C26800, C27000, C27400 Yellow brass 425–700 800–1300
hardening alloys, and alloys susceptible to fire C28000 Muntz metal 425–600 800–1100
cracking, rates of heating and cooling are rela- C31400, C31600 Leaded commercial bronzes 425–650 800–1200
tively unimportant. On the other hand, the source C33000, C33500 Low-leaded brass 425–650 800–1200
C33200, C34200, C35300 High-leaded brass 425–650 800–1200
and application of heat, furnace design, furnace C34000, C35000 Medium-leaded brass 425–650 800–1200
atmosphere, and shape of the workpiece are C35600 Extra-high-leaded brass 425–650 800–1200
important because they affect finish, cost of C36000 Free-cutting brass 425–600 800–1100
annealing, and uniformity of results obtained. C36500, C36600, C36700, C36800 Leaded Muntz metal 425–600 800–1100
C37000 Free-cutting Muntz metal 425–650 800–1200
The multiplicity of influential variables (such C37700 Forging brass 425–600 800–1100
as temperature, time, and furnace load) make it C38500 Architectural bronze 425–600 800–1100
difficult to tabulate a definite annealing schedule C41100 ... 425–600 800–1100
C41300 ... 425–750 800–1400
that will result in completely recrystallized metal ...
C42500 475–750 900–1400
of a specific grain size. The effects of annealing C44300, C44400, C44500 Inhibited admiralty brasses 425–600 800–1100
temperature on the tensile strength, elongation, C46200, C46400–C46700 Naval brass 425–600 800–1100
and grain size of hard-drawn (63%) C27000 (yel- C48200, C48500 Leaded naval brass 425–600 800–1100
low brass) wire annealed for 1 h and the effect of C50500 Phosphor bronze 475–650 900–1200
C51000, C52100, C52400 Phosphor bronze 475–675 900–1250
annealing time on the grain size of C27000 strip C53200, C53400, C54400 Free-cutting phosphor bronze 475–675 900–1250
are shown in Fig. 7. C60600, C60800 Aluminum bronze 550–650 1000–1200
The annealing response of alloy C26000 (car- C61000 Aluminum bronze 615–900 1125–1650
tridge brass) strip after a reduction of 40.6% by C61300, C61400 Aluminum bronze 750–875 1400–1600
C61800, C62300–C62500 Aluminum bronze 600–650(b) 1100–1200(b)
cold rolling is shown in Fig. 8. Time at tempera- C61900 ... 550–800 1000–1450
ture was 1 h. The actual increases in hardness and C63000 Aluminum bronze 600–700(c) 1100–1300(c)
tensile properties shown at temperatures below C63200 Aluminum bronze 625–700(c) 1150–1300(c)
the recrystallization range are typical of alloys C64200 Aluminum bronze 600–700 1100–1300
C63800 ... 400–600 750–1100
such as brasses, nickel silvers, phosphor bronzes, C65100 Low-silicon bronze 475–675 900–1250
and a-aluminum bronzes. Depending on the indi- C65500 High-silicon bronze 475–700 900–1300
vidual alloy, these increases are attributable to C66700 Manganese brass 500–700 930–1300
phenomena of the strain-aging and/or lattice- C67000, C67400, C67500 Manganese bronze 425–600 800–1100
C68700 Aluminum brass 425–600 800–1100
ordering type. C68800 ... 400–600 750–1100
Methods of rapid recrystallization have gained C70600 Copper-nickel, 10% 600–825 1100–1500
importance in heat treatment technology. Soften- C71000, C71500 Copper-nickel, 20%; 650–825 1200–1500
ing time can be significantly reduced, compared copper-nickel, 30%
C72500 ... 675–800 1250–1475
to conventional annealing processes, by C74500, C75200 Nickel silver 600–750 1100–1400
increased heating rates using higher tempera- C75400, C75700, C77000 Nickel silver 600–815 1100–1500
tures. However, these heat treat parameters may C78200 Leaded nickel silver 500–620 930–1150
affect the mechanical properties of the materials. Cast copper alloys
An increased amount of cold work prior to C95300–C95800 Aluminum bronze castings 620–670 1150–1225
annealing lowers the recrystallization tempera-
(a) Solution treating temperature. (b) Cool rapidly (cooling method important in determining result of annealing). (c) Air cool (cooling method
ture. The lower the degree of prior deformation, important in determining result of annealing)
the larger the grain size after annealing. For a

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320 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

fixed temperature and duration of annealing, the

larger the original grain size before working,
the larger the grain size after recrystallization.
In commercial mill practice, copper alloys
usually are annealed at successively lower tem-
peratures as the material approaches the final
anneal, with intermediate cold reductions of at
least 35% and as high as 50 to 60% in single
or multiple passes wherever practicable. The
higher initial temperatures accelerate homoge-
nization, and the resulting large grains permit
a more economical reduction during the early
working operation.
During subsequent anneals, the grain size
should be decreased gradually to approximate
the final grain size required. This point usually
is reached one or two anneals before the final
anneal. With such a sequence and with suffi-
ciently severe intermediate reductions, it is pos-
sible to produce a uniform final grain size
within a lot and from lot to lot.
The grain size and mechanical properties
required for further cold working vary consider-
ably with the alloy and with the amount and
kind of further cold work to be done. The goal
of annealing for cold working is to obtain the
optimum combination of ductility and strength.
However, when press-drawn parts are to be fin-
ished by polishing and buffing, the grain size
should be as fine as practicable to keep the sur-
face texture smooth and thus to avoid the need
for excessive buffing and the attendant costs.
The anneal must be governed by definite speci-
fications and coordinated with cold working
operations to yield the desired finished
Fig. 7 Effects of annealing temperature and time on characteristics of C27000 wire and strip. Effects of annealing
Because the annealing of closed strip in tightly
temperature (annealing time, 1 h) on (a) tensile strength, (b) grain size, and (c) elongation of C27000 wire
hard drawn 63%. (d) Effect of annealing time on grain size of C27000 strip 1.3 mm (0.050 in.) thick wound coils of large weight causes uneven heat-
ing in the individual layers corresponding to the
direction of heat flow, uneven deep-drawing
properties and variations in size may result.
These difficulties led to the development of
the continuous-strip furnace (Fig. 9a) through
which the material to be annealed passes in a
single strip. The annealing temperature for the
entire length is dependent only on the furnace
temperature and the speed of travel of the strip
through the furnace.
The very large surface area with respect to
weight permits extremely rapid heating of the
metal strip in comparison to previous annealing
methods. The annealing time can be measured

Wound coils of
sheet or strip


Unwound sheet
or strip
(a) (b)

Fig. 8 Annealing data for alloy C26000. Finish rolling reduction: 40.6% Fig. 9 Types of annealing. (a) Continuous. (b) Batch

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accurately in seconds by controlling the speed General Precautions metal. For temperatures lower than approxi-
of travel. mately 480  C (900  F), the hydrogen content
For best results in annealing copper and cop- of the atmosphere preferably should not exceed
per alloys, the precautions discussed subse- 1%, and as the temperature is increased, the
Annealing to Specific Properties quently should be observed. hydrogen content should approach 0.
Sampling and Testing. Test specimens must Impurities. Occasionally, it is difficult to
Although specific properties are most fre- represent the extreme conditions of the furnace obtain proper grain growth by annealing under
quently produced by the controlled cold work- load. For copper alloys that do not contain standard conditions that previously have resulted
ing of annealed material, there are occasions grain-growth inhibitors, the best and most accu- in the desired grain size. This difficulty some-
in which annealing to temper is necessary or rate test for the extent of annealing is the size of times may be traced to impurities in the alloy.
advantageous. In the hot rolling of copper alloy the average grain. Grain size usually is the Loading. It usually is inadvisable to anneal a
plate—particularly plate of large pattern—the basis for acceptance or rejection of the material. variety of different sizes or types of material in
finishing temperature may not be consistent or This¢determination requires special equipment the same charge because of the different rates of
controllable, and varying degrees of work hard- not always available in the plants of consumers heating and the resulting final metal temperatures.
ening may occur. Also, small quantities and/or or fabricators. For convenience in testing, Fire cracking occurs when some alloys that
odd sizes of required drawn or roll-tempered Rockwell-type hardness testers are used to contain residual stresses are heated too rapidly.
materials may not be readily available, while approximate the grain size; ASTM International Leaded alloys are particularly susceptible to fire
appropriate stocks of harder material may be. specifications correlate Rockwell hardness with cracking. The remedy is to heat slowly until the
Thin-gage strip (0.25 mm, or 0.010 in., thick) grain size values for many copper alloys. stresses are relieved. Special types of cold
for radiator fabrication produced by annealing Effect of Pretreatment. Because the amount deformation, such as springing (flexing or reel-
to temper is more closely controlled and more of cold working and the anneal prior to cold ing through a straightener), aid considerably in
suitable for fabrication than strip in cold- working greatly affect the results of annealing preventing fire cracking by inducing counter-
worked tempers. In each case, an anneal is used after cold working, any schedule that is set up vailing mechanical stresses.
to alter hardness and tensile properties to levels must take this pretreatment into account. Once Thermal shock or fatigue takes place when
between those of the hard and fully annealed a schedule has been established, both the anneal rapid and extreme changes in temperatures
tempers, with reasonably predictable results. and the pretreatment must be adhered to for occur. Stresses that result in thermal shock are
For most copper alloys, the rapid drops in ten- consistent results. influenced by thermal expansion, thermal con-
sile properties and hardness that occur with an Effect of Time. In most furnaces, there is an ductivity, strength, toughness, the rate of temper-
increase in temperature in the annealing range appreciable difference between the temperature ature change, and the condition of the material.
necessitate the very close control of the anneal- of the metal and that of the furnace. Conse- Brasses containing lead, lead and tin, or lead
ing process to produce the desired results. Tem- quently, time in the furnace greatly affects the and certain impurities including bismuth or tellu-
peratures used are those in the lower annealing final temperature of the metal. For a fixed rium may be hot short. If they are repeatedly sub-
range, with special precautions taken to avoid anneal and furnace temperature, time must vary jected to extreme temperature changes, they may
any overheating. The resultant microstructures with the type of work load. be subject to thermal shock, especially if highly
may indicate incomplete recrystallization for Oxidation should be held to a minimum to stressed in tension on the surface.
the harder tempers and grain sizes generally reduce the loss of metal and the cost of pick- Cooling. Alpha brasses containing less than
up to 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) for softer tempers. ling, and to improve surface finish. In some 70% Cu may contain some b phase that is formed
Tensile strengths and hardness levels similar instances, specially prepared atmospheres are during casting or during heat treatment above
to those of 1/ 8, ¼, and ½ hard cold-worked tem- used to produce a bright-annealed material. 600  C (1110  F), especially if the metal section
pers can be produced by annealing hard-worked Usually the control of furnace atmosphere also is massive. Quenching rapidly will entrap the
brasses, nickel silvers, and phosphor bronzes. results in better furnace economy. b phase in the brass. Slow cooling will permit
While the yield strength for a given final hard- Effect of Lubricants. Lubricants on metal to the time and temperature to convert the b to the
ness tends to be lower for alloys annealed to be annealed may cause staining that is difficult a phase.
temper than for those cold worked to temper, to remove. Regardless of the type of furnace or Sulfur Stains. Excessive sulfur in the fuel or
the fatigue resistance of some phosphor bronze the article to be annealed, it is advisable to elimi- lubricant will cause discoloration of the metal;
spring materials in annealed ½ hard tempers nate as much of the lubricant as possible before red stains appear on yellow brass, and black
appears to be superior to that of cold-worked the metal is heated by degreasing or washing. or reddish-brown stains on copper-rich alloys.
material. Table 8 gives typical properties of Hydrogen Embrittlement. When copper that
annealed-to-temper mill materials. The success- contains oxygen (tough pitch copper) is to be
ful use of annealing to provide specific tempers annealed, the hydrogen in the furnace atmo- Stress Relieving
in mill products requires well-regulated work- sphere must be kept to a minimum. This reduces
ing and annealing schedules designed to pro- the embrittlement caused by the combination of Stress relieving is a process intended to
duce homogeneous material with controlled the hydrogen in the atmosphere with the oxygen relieve internal stress in materials or parts with-
grain size, such that the final anneal can pro- in the copper, forming water vapor under pres- out appreciably affecting their properties.
duce a uniform result throughout a given lot. sure and resulting in minute porosity in the Stress-relieving heat treatments are applied to
wrought or cast copper and copper alloys as
one means of accomplishing this objective.
Table 8 Typical properties of copper alloys annealed to temper During the processing or fabrication of copper
Annealed temper or copper alloys by cold working, strength and
Standard Former
Tensile strength
Approximate hardness,
hardness increase as a result of plastic strain.
Alloy Common name designation designation MPa ksi HR30T Because plastic strain is accompanied by elastic
C26000 Cartridge brass O81 ¼ hard 340–405 49–59 43–51 strain, residual stresses remain in the resultant
O82 ½ hard 395–460 57–67 56–66 product. If allowed to remain in sufficient magni-
C51100, C53200, C53400, Phosphor bronze O82 ½ hard 380–485 55–70 57–73 tude, residual surface tensile stresses can result in
C54400 stress-corrosion cracking of material in storage
C75200 Nickel silver O81 ¼ hard 400–495 58–72 49–67
O82 ½ hard 455–550 66–80 62–72 or service, unpredictable distortion of material
during cutting or machining, and hot cracking

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322 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

of materials during processing, brazing, or weld- than the temperatures in Table 9. In the case of stress-relieving treatments, samples of material
ing. In brasses that contain more than 15% Zn, the weld repair of ship propellers, for example, may be tested with mercurous nitrate solutions,
stress-corrosion cracking, or season cracking, care must be exercised to prevent the buildup of as described in ASTM B154. This test method
can occur if sufficient amounts of residual tensile excessive residual stresses in the weld zone, is an accelerated test for detecting the presence
stress and trace amounts of atmospheric ammo- because such stresses may lead to accelerated of residual (internal) stresses, which may result
nia are present. Other copper alloys, such as corrosion attack. Current propeller repair speci- in failure of individual parts in storage or in ser-
cold-worked aluminum bronzes and silicon fications require postweld treatment for the alu- vice due to stress-corrosion cracking. It is not
bronzes, also may suffer stress-corrosion crack- minum and manganese bronze weldments. Heat intended for testing assemblies of fabricated
ing under more severe environments. treatment of aluminum bronze at 565 to 650  C parts from mill products. Because of the
Although mill practice for stress relief fre- (1050 to 1200  F) imparts the best overall cor- hazards of mercurous salts, tests in high con-
quently involves mechanical means such as rosion resistance to the heat-affected zone. centrations of moist ammonia also have been
flexing, cross-roll straightening, or shot peen- Manganese bronze weldments are not suscepti- used. Warping of rod or tube during longitudi-
ing, stress-relief heat treatments are employed ble to stress-corrosion cracking when subjected nal saw slitting also has been used as a crude
for some tubular products and odd shapes. to yield stress loading in flowing seawater. Heat field test for residual stress.
Thermal stress relief also is used for formed treatment in the range of 200 to 540  C (400 to
parts and fabrications made by material users. 1000  F) does not significantly change the ten-
It is important to recognize that thermal stress sile, corrosion-fatigue, or general corrosion
relief reduces residual stress by eliminating part properties of manganese bronze. Heat Treating Equipment
of the residual elastic strain, whereas mechani- From a practical standpoint, higher-temperature/
cal stress relief merely redistributes residual shorter-time treatments are preferable. However, Although basic furnace design is similar for all
stress into a less detrimental pattern. to guarantee the preservation of mechanical copper alloys, consideration must be given to the
Stress-relief heat treatments are carried out at properties, lower temperatures and longer times annealing temperature range and method of cool-
temperatures below those normally used for are sometimes necessary. The optimum cycle ing. Solid-solution alloys that do not precipitation
annealing. Typical process stress-relieving tem- produces adequate stress relief without adversely harden usually are annealed at temperatures
peratures for selected coppers and copper alloys affecting properties. As shown in Fig. 7, some below 760  C (1400  F) and may be cooled at
are given in Table 9 (wrought products) and alloys may undergo slight increases in property any convenient rate. Precipitation- or spinodal-
Table 10 (cast products). Temperatures for the values during stress-relief heat treatment. hardenable alloys are solution treated at tempera-
treatment of cold-formed or welded structures To detect the presence of significant residual tures up to 1040  C (1900  F) and require rapid
generally are 50 to 110  C (90 to 200  F) higher stress and to evaluate the effectiveness of quenching to ambient temperatures.

Table 9 Typical stress-relieving temperatures for wrought coppers and copper alloys
Stress-relief temperature for:
Sheet and strip Rod and wire Tube(d)
Copper or copper alloy number Name Flat products(a),  C ( F) Parts,  C ( F) Rod(b),  C ( F) Wire(c),  C ( F) Parts,  C ( F) Tube(e),  C ( F) Parts,  C ( F)

C11000 Electrolytic tough pitch 180 (355) 180 (355) 180 (355) 180 (355) 180 (355) ... ...
C12000 Phosphorus deoxidized DLP ... ... ... ... ... 220 (430) 200 (390)
C12200 Phosphorus deoxidized DHP ... ... ... ... ... 240 (465) 220 (430)
C14200 Phosphorus deoxidized DPA ... ... ... ... ... 260 (500) 240 (465)
Copper alloys
C21000 Gilding, 95% 275 (525) 275 (525) ... ... ... ... ...
C22000, C22600 Commercial bronze and jewelry 275 (525) 275 (525) 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) ... ...
C23000 Red brass, low brass 275 (525) 275 (525) 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) 330 (625) 275 (525)
C26000 Cartridge brass 260 (500) 260 (500) 290 (555) 250 (480) 260 (500) 320 (610) 260 (500)
C27000 Yellow brass, 65% 260 (500) 260 (500) 290 (555) 250 (480) 260 (500) 290 (555) 260 (500)
C31400 Leaded commercial bronze ... ... 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) ... ...
C33000, C33200 High- and low-leaded brasses ... ... ... ... ... 320 (610) 260 (500)
C33500 Low-leaded brasses ... ... 290 (555) 250 (480) 260 (500) ... ...
C34000, C35000 Medium-leaded brasses 260 (500) 260 (500) ... ... ... ... ...
C35300, C35600, C36000, Leaded, free-cutting, and forging ... ... 290 (555) 250 (480) 260 (500) ... ...
C37700 brasses
C43000 ... 275 (525) 275 (525) 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) ... ...
C43400 ... 275 (525) 275 (525) ... ... ... ... ...
C44300–C44500 Admiralty brasses ... ... ... ... ... 320 (610) 260 (500)
C46200, C46400–C46700 Naval brasses ... ... 290 (555) 250 (480) 260 (500) ... ...
C51000 Phosphor bronze A 275 (525) 275 (525) 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) ... ...
C52100 Phosphor bronze C ... ... 300 (570) 260 (500) 275 (525) ... ...
C54400 Phosphor bronze B-2 ... ... 300 (570) ... 275 (525) ... ...
C65100, C65500 Silicon bronzes ... ... 300 (570) 275 (525) 275 (525) ... ...
C68700 Aluminum brass, arsenical ... ... ... ... ... 330 (625) 290 (555)
C69700 ... ... ... 360 (680) 360 (680) 360 (680) ... ...
C70600 Copper-nickel, 10% 420 (790) 420 (790) ... ... ... 480 (895) 420 (790)
C71500 Copper-nickel, 30% 460 (860) 460 (860) ... ... ... 520 (970) 460 (860)
C73500 ... 380 (715) 380 (715) 400 (750) 350 (660) 380 (715) ... ...
C74500 Nickel silver, 65–10 ... ... 340 (645) 290 (555) 320 (610) ... ...
C75200 Nickel silver, 65–18 380 (715) 380 (715) ... ... ... ... ...
C75400 Nickel silver, 65–15 ... ... 400 (750) 350 (660) 380 (715) ... ...
C75700 Nickel silver, 65–12 ... ... 350 (660) 300 (570) 340 (645) ... ...
C77000 Nickel silver, 55–18 340 (645) 340 (645) ... ... ... ... ...
Note: Annealing time is 1 h, with the exception of tube. (a) Extra hard. (b) ½ hard. (c) Spring. (d) Annealing time for tube is 20 min. (e) Hard drawn

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Heat Treating of Copper and Copper Alloys / 323

Batch-type atmosphere furnaces (Fig. 9b) length to ensure complete solution treating, but usually are operated between 540 and
may be heated electrically or by oil or gas. When and a cooling or quenching chamber that also 650  C (1100 and 1200  F).
nonexplosive atmospheres are used, electrically serves as an atmosphere seal. The sodium chloride-carbonate mixtures (not
heated furnaces permit the atmosphere to be Because the work usually is conveyed at a fixed true neutral salts) are used between 595 and
introduced directly into the work chamber. rate through the furnace, moderate temperature 925  C (1100 and 1700  F), primarily for
Furnaces that are heated by gas or oil and that gradients are less harmful than in batch furnaces. annealing. For operating temperatures below
employ protective atmospheres sometimes have When long heating chambers are required, the 540  C (1000  F), the only practical mixtures
a muffle to contain the atmosphere and protect furnace may be divided into more than one are the nitrate-nitrite salts. Cyanide-base salts
the work from the direct fire of the burners. temperature-controlled heating zone. It is practi- have limited application for heating copper
A properly constructed and safely operated cal to develop a high temperature in the entrance alloys. Although copper is soluble in cyanide,
muffle that prevents the infiltration of air by zone to facilitate the heating of the work to the these salts can be used, with caution, when a
maintaining positive pressure is always required desired temperature. The cooling chamber may very bright finish is required.
when explosive atmospheres, such as hydrogen, be either a long tunnel through which cool, protec- None of the aforementioned salt mixtures can
are used. tive atmosphere is circulated or a water-quench be used for the solution treating of standard
When protective atmospheres are used during zone supplied with a protective atmosphere. beryllium-copper alloys because of intergranu-
annealing, the work must be cooled in the atmo- Products such as stampings, machined shapes, lar attack, pitting, or discoloration.
sphere almost to room temperature to prevent castings, and small assemblies are conveyed Aging and stress-relieving operations
surface scale or discoloration. Metal tempera- through the furnace on an endless belt or con- require furnace equipment that can be con-
tures above 65  C (150  F) in air may result in veyor chain. Long sections such as tubing, bar, trolled to within 3  C (5  F) throughout the
light tarnishing. If some degree of surface oxida- and flat products, or heavy sections that permit work zone. Unless cleaning after heating is per-
tion and discoloration can be tolerated, direct- stacking on trays, may be conveyed on a roller missible, it may be necessary to use controlled-
natural-gas-fired furnaces may be used. The pro- hearth. In rolling-mill operations, the product is atmosphere or vacuum equipment.
ducts of combustion from the gas-air burners are uncoiled at the entrance of the furnace and pulled Because of the necessity for close tempera-
controlled to yield reducing combustion pro- through the furnace by terminal equipment at the ture control, forced-convection (recirculating-
ducts similar in composition to manufactured exit end; thus, there are no moving parts within air) and salt bath furnaces commonly are used
protective atmospheres. Parts annealed in reduc- the furnace. For wire products, either annealing for aging and stress relieving. Forced-convection
ing atmospheres developed by the control of the is carried out in bell furnaces, with the wire reel furnaces may be of the box, bell, or pit type.
furnace air-to-gas ratio require cleaning to wound, or in-line resistance annealing is per- Each is equipped with a fan that recirculates
restore luster. formed upon exit of the product from the draw- the constant-temperature atmosphere over the
Continuous atmosphere furnaces (Fig. 9a ing machine prior to reel winding. work. When forced-convection furnaces are fired
and 10) offer versatility for solution heat treat- Salt Baths. Molten neutral salts may be used by gas or oil and protective atmosphere or vac-
ing a wide variety of products. Usually, the fur- for the annealing, stress relieving, solution heat uum is used, the work must be contained in a
nace consists of a vestibule that provides a seal treating, or aging of copper alloys. The compo- properly operating muffle chamber or retort to
for the atmosphere and in some instances pre- sition of the salt mixture depends on the tem- seal off all products of combustion and to pre-
heats the work, a heating chamber of sufficient perature range required. For heating between vent air infiltration. Temperature variations and
705 and 870  C (1300 and 1600  F), mixtures heating and cooling times are compared in the
of sodium chloride and potassium chloride following example.
commonly are used. Various mixtures of bar- Example 1: Comparison of Atmosphere
Table 10 Typical stress-relieving ium chloride with sodium and potassium chlor- Furnaces and Salt Bath Treatment. A com-
temperatures for cast copper alloys ides are used for a wider temperature range parison was made of temperature variations in
Temperature (595 to >1095  C, or 1100 to >2000  F). The a bell furnace and in a pit retort furnace during
Copper alloy number C F latter mixtures are compatible with each other the heat treating of small, flat springs made of
C81300–C82200 260 500 and commonly are used in multiple-furnace beryllium copper (Fig. 11). Both furnaces were
C82400–C82800 200 390 operations when it is advantageous to preheat rated at 30 kW. The load in each furnace
C83300–C84800 260 500 the work in one mixture at a low temperature weighed 90 kg (200 lb) and contained 55,000
C95200–C95800 315 600 and then transfer the work to a high-temperature to 60,000 springs. An exothermic gas, produced
C96600–C97800 260 500
C99300 510 950 bath. The least common neutral salts are mix- by a generator using an air-to-gas ratio of
Note: Time is 1 h per 25 mm (1 in.) of section thickness except for
tures of calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and 6.75:1 (capacity, 10 m3/h, or 350 ft3/h), was
copper alloy C99300, for which it is 4 h per 25 mm (1 in.). barium chloride. They have an operating temper- used as the protective atmosphere. The compo-
ature range of 540 to 870  C (1000 to 1600  F) sition of the atmosphere was 6.5% CO, 6%
CO2, 10% H2, balance N2, and the dewpoint
was 2  C (35  F) after refrigeration (18 to
Atmosphere 21  C, or 65 to 70  F, as generated).
Salt baths can reduce total furnace time by
Water Seal up to 30%, compared to that required with
atmosphere furnaces (Fig. 12). Salt baths are
particularly valuable when the age-hardening
time is of short duration and when the precise
control of time at the aging temperature is
Heating zone
Coveyor belt Commercially available nitrate-nitrite salt
mixtures (40 to 50% sodium nitrate, balance
Gas burners sodium or potassium nitrite) that melt at 143  C
Seal (290  F) are used for aging and stress relieving.
Cooling zone All material to be heated in salt should be prop-
erly cleaned and dried before being immersed
Fig. 10 Continuous conveyor furnace for heat treating copper alloys in a controlled atmosphere in the molten salt; any organic substance (such

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324 / Heat Treating of Copper and Its Alloys

Thickness of strip, 0.001 in.

0 20 40 60 80
Solution annealed,
aged at 370 °C (700 °F)

Aging time, min

Aged in air

Aged in salt

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Thickness of strip, mm

Fig. 12 Effect of metal thickness and heating medium

on aging time required to develop maximum
strength in C17200 strip

Dissociated ammonia can be partly or

completely burned with air to reduce cost and
flammability. The hydrogen content can be con-
trolled within a range of 1 to 24%, the balance
being nitrogen saturated with water vapor.
Water must be removed to maintain a reducing
Hydrogen is highly reducing to copper oxide
at elevated temperatures and is recommended
for elevated-temperature bright annealing and
Commercial hydrogen contains approxi-
mately 0.2% oxygen, which, if not removed,
may cause internal oxidation of the reactive
alloying elements in the copper.
When mixed with air, hydrogen is explosive
at elevated temperature. Therefore, the furnace
must be purged before being heated to high
temperature, and air must not enter the furnace.
Heating below 705  C (1300  F). Combusted
gas (lean exothermic atmosphere) is the most
widely used protective atmosphere for the
anneal of copper and copper alloys. Because
of its low sulfur content, natural gas is the pre-
ferred fuel for the production of combusted gas.
The air-to-gas ratio is adjusted to produce a
Fig. 11 Temperature variations in two types of furnaces (Example 1). (a) Bell furnace. (b) Retort furnace
hydrogen content of 0.5 to 1%. Combusted
gas is dried before entering the furnace to pre-
as oil or grease) will react violently with the Usually, combusted gases are dried with a sur- vent discoloration and staining of the metal by
nitrate-nitrite salt. face cooler, using tap water to keep the water-to- water vapor during the cooling cycle.
Protective Atmospheres. The selection of hydrogen ratio reducing throughout the heating Steam is the most economical atmosphere for
protective atmospheres for heat treating copper and cooling cycle. It may be necessary to lower protecting copper alloys during annealing.
and copper alloys is influenced by the tempera- the dewpoint further by refrigerating the gas. If Although the annealed metal is not as bright
ture used in the heat treating process. the furnace atmosphere is not sufficiently reduc- as when heated in a combusted fuel-gas atmo-
Heating above 705  C (1300  F). An exo- ing, or if the muffle leaks air, a subscale, or inter- sphere, it is satisfactory for some applications.
thermic atmosphere is the least expensive protec- nal oxidation of the hardening elements below For products such as tightly wound coils of
tive atmosphere for the heat treatment of copper the surface of the metal, results. Subscale forma- strip, steam can be used during the heating
alloys. The air-to-gas ratio is adjusted to produce tion can occur rapidly above 845  C (1550  F) if cycle, and combusted fuel gas can be used dur-
a combusted gas that contains 2 to 7% hydrogen the atmosphere becomes oxidizing. ing cooling.
for use in muffle furnaces operating at 705 to Dissociated ammonia is used primarily for Inert gases, dissociated ammonia burned with
995  C (1300 to 1825  F). This atmosphere is annealing and brazing operations. The gas is air, and vacuum are more expensive and are not
used successfully for solution treating alloys very flammable and can explode if air enters in common use for the annealing of copper
such as beryllium-coppers, chromium-coppers, the furnace while at an elevated temperature alloys. A major disadvantage of vacuum is that
zirconium-coppers, and copper-nickel-silicon or if the furnace is improperly purged before heating and cooling are slow because heat is
alloys. reaching the elevated temperature. transferred by radiation only.

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