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Lesson plan for week beginning September 16, 2019

Subject Mathematics

Duration 1 hour

Attainment Targets

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets.

2. Know the value of numerals and associate them with the names and numerals.

Objectives – Pupils will:

1. Recognize the numerals 0 to 10 and associate them with sets having the corresponding
number of members.
2. Identify the empty set/ set with no members.
3. Recognize the number name ‘zero’ through ‘ten’ and associate them with sets having the
corresponding number of members.

Vocabulary: sets, group, members, two, five, zero, four, one, three

Skills Counting, comparing, identifying and associating numbers with words and sets,
writing words and numerals.

Materials Counters, words / number cards, math workbook.


A set is a collection / group of things put together. Some sets are large and some are
small. Things in the set are called members. An empty set has no members. Every
numeral has a name. Numerals can be placed in order from small to large or large to
small. We compare two numbers by identifying the smaller or larger of the two.

Day 1

Activities Pupils will:


1. Be given number cards 0 to 10 (10 students)

2. Say number on cards.


3. Sing number song as students hold up card. (1 2 3 4 5 mother caught a fish alive, 6 7 8 9
10 then I let it go again. Why did you let it go, because it bit my finger so, which finger
did he bite, the little finger on my right).
4. Review what a set is. (a set is a group of things put together.)
5. Using the number cards, make sets with the numbers. Eg 5, 8, 3etc


6. Observe numerals and corresponding words; Eg. 3 – Three.

7. Tell what they notice. (the number has a number)
8. Spell and read numerals names
9. Read number names and make corresponding sets, eg. Two --- 00.
10. Identify words zero though to five on cards.


11. Play games to associate numerals with their names eg. 5 – Five, 0 --- Zero.

12. Observe three sets and identify the set that is empty.

13. Be given a number card, find their partners with the corresponding word and set eg.

BBBBB oooo three two 3 5 five

(this will be done in groups of threes)


14. Read words and draw sets for each number name
Eg. two = , five = ____ One = ____

15. Complete the worksheet below

Day 2 Sept. 17, 2019

Objectives – Pupils will:

1. Recognize the number name ‘zero’ through ‘ten’ and associate them with sets having the
corresponding number of members.
2. Write the numerals 0 through 10 and associate them with the corresponding words.

Vocabulary: sets, group, members, nine, five, seven, ten, eight, three

Skills Counting, comparing, identifying and associating numbers with words and sets,
writing words and numerals.

Materials Counters, words / number cards, math workbook.

Activities – Pupils will:


1. Sing action rhyme.”One two buckle my shoe” /

watch video

2. Count classmates with buckle / lace shoe

3. Review numerals names 0 – 5

Explore: / Explain

4. Be given number name, read the name then choose a numeral from the table that matches
the name.
5. Make sets to match the corresponding number.
6. In group of threes, find numerals, word and corresponding set. eg. /5/ /ddddd/ /five/.
Switch number and names so that each child gets a different name or number.
7. Use counters to make set/s for given number name/s,
eg. seven nine four.
8. Read and spell names from cards. - six, ten, nine, seven, eight.
9. Play game ‘I spy’ to review number names.


10. Identify the number for each word. . eg. seven - 7

11. Match sets with their number name / word card; ( 0000) six
/000000 / eight
12. Listen to teacher then answer / solve each problem. eg. Mother had some apples, she gave
me four of them. How many did she give away? Write the number name ________.

13. Write the numeral for each word;

Six ------------ nine ---------------
Zero -------- seven --------------


Draw a set for each number name;

seven Ten Five.

Write the name of each numeral

2 _____________

5 ____________

7 ____________

0 _________

10 __________

Evaluation 2

Day 3 Sept 18, 2019

Objectives: pupils will

1. Write the numerals 0 through 10 and associate them with the corresponding words.
2. Compare two numbers and tell which is greater.
3. Determine by matching, members in a set with the same, fewer or more members than

Skills: Counting, comparing, identifying and associating numbers with words and sets, writing
words and numerals.

Materials Counters, words / number cards, math workbook.

Activities Pupils will:


1. Say action rhyme “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Mother caught a fish …”

2. Play game to identify number names.


3. Observe two sets, count the number in each set and tell what they notice about them;


(One set has more than the other. One set has fewer/less than the other.) Write the
number name that is more.

 Use less / fewer or more to compare or describe sets.

Set D set E

Set E has less/fewer members than set D

4. Given a specific set, students will make a set that is more than the given set.
5. Look at two sets then tell what they notice about each.

(they have the same number of members)

6. Tell what they understand by the term ‘equal’ set (they have the same number of

Explore / Elaborate:

7. Individuals will be asked to make a set that is the same as a given one; eg. /xxxxx/ /
8. Match members in sets to find out if the sets are equal or not; e .g.

Set A Set B Set P Set R

A----------------A O-------------O
A----------------A O-------------O
A----------------A O
equal not equal

9. Tell which set has more than the other.

10. Practice making two sets equal.

Use lines to match to determine the set with same, fewer, more members

Mark the sets in each row that are equal.


Observe two numbers and tell which is 6 is greater than 4

Listen to story. Pam has 10 mangoes and Donna has 13. Who has more?
Draw sets then match the members to identify the greater / less of the two.

Observe a given set then make other sets that are equal, more or less than the given set.
Eg. Given set More Less Same

pupils will do activity on worksheet. Eg. pupils will complete the diagram .

Given set



More same less

Math Workbook page 10

Evaluation 2

Day 4 Sept 19, 2019

Topic writing numbers in serial order

Objectives: pupils will

1. Compare two numbers and tell which is greater.

2. Place number 1 to 10 in serial order. (ascending / descending )


Serial order is putting numbers in order, whether ascending or descending. Ascending order is
to go from small to large and descending order is to go from large to small.


1. Give students cards with the first six letters of the alphabet. They will be asked to put
them in order as they come in the alphabet. Sing alphabet song. Then tell the letters that
appears just after H I J K L M __


2. Say Sing number song / watch the video

3. Be given number cards to sort in order. Tell what numbers come just after a given one.
Eg . 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3, 4

Explain / Elaborate

4. Students will tell how these numbers are listed, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (from smallest to biggest.)
5. Be give the numbers 1 to 10 they will arrange them in ascending order.
6. Read numbers in ascending order – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.
7. Observe the numbers and tell which is the smallest / biggest number.
8. Compare two numbers/ sets and tell whether they are equal or not and why.

Eg. 4, 5 DDD XXXX

9. Teacher will inform the students that we can also arrange the numbers from biggest to
10. Be given number cards, students will place numbers in descending order.
eg. 5, 9, 7, 8, 6 . identifying the smallest / largest number.
11. Watch video to reinforce serial order.

Evaluate pupils will

Write numbers below in ascending.

A) 3, 6, 4, 2, 5 ____________ B) 8,4,5.7,6_____________________

Day 5

Topic: Shapes

Duration 1 hour

Attainment Target

Explore paths and / or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to everyday life.


1. Model basic shapes (circle, rectangle, square, triangle.


In geometry, a shape can be defined as the form of an object or its outline, outer boundary or
outer surface. ... We can find different basic shapes such as the two-dimensional square,
rectangle, and oval or the three-dimensional rectangular prism, cylinder, and sphere in the
objects we see around us.

Basic Geometric Shapes: Square, Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle. Before moving on to more
advance mathematical concepts in algebra and geometry, it is first important to have a thorough
understanding of geometric shapes. Everyone is familiar with the most common shapes:
square, circle, rectangle, and triangle.

 Mathematics text for the Caribbean bk. 1 page 147-151

 Manipulatives ( sticks, play dough)
 Pictures ,objects


 Identifying, colouring, reading , tracing

Key vocabulary

 Triangle, square, rectangle, circle, shape

Learning activities

Have pupils sing the shape song

Let pupils name the shapes that are mentioned in the song


Have pupils play a scavenger hunt for shape game

Allow pupils to find a shape in the environment that looks like the triangle, square, rectangle
and triangle.

Group Activities

Group1 - use play dough to create things that are circular

Group 2 – use sticks to make triangular objects
Group 3 - use angles to make rectangles
Group 4 – draw things that looks like a square
Let pupils share and explain what they did
Allow pupils to emphasize the attributes of each shape and for example how many different
shape make up the classroom
Let pupils read the information on shapes from the text page 147

Elaborate Independent work

Complete the activity on page 151

Evaluation 1

Pupils identified shapes correctly.

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