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Day 1

Grade: 1_____

Date: September 21, 2019

Duration: 21/2 hours

Subject: Integrated Studies

F.Q.: To which group do I belong?

Attainment Target:

 Relationship between man and its environment

 Display an understanding and appreciation of own heritage, and of the culture and
heritage of selected groups.
 Know the value of numeral and associate them with their name and number.
Objectives: Students should be able to:

 Respond appropriately to questions and directions addressed in SJE.

 Recognize sight words appropriate to grade.
 Identify the group to which affiliated.
 Communicate information about a group through song and story
 Display and analyze data using attributes.
Resource Materials

Nature Walk, Story ‘No school today’, Song ‘My Grade group is…’
My Class group….’
Pictograph/ table (Showing number of students in each class)
Sentence strips

 Identify groups, state similarities use home language/SJE.

Key Vocabulary

Group, grade, comparison, similarities, belong, class

Students will:

 Listen to story ‘No school Today’.
 Respond to questions re-story.
 Make comparison with the school in the story with their school.
 Sing song related to their Grade group and their class group.
 Discuss song to bring out the name of their Grade group and their class group.
 Read sentences written on sentence strips mounted on c/b.

 Go on ‘Nature Walk’ to find out the number of classes in the Grade group.
 Use ordinals to count and name classes from top to bottom.
e.g. Grade One Martin is the second class in my Grade group etc.
 Use information from ‘Nature Walk’ to construct a simple pictograph to show the
name and position of each class group in Grade One.
 Interpret pictograph through questioning.
 Join in discussion about the different Grade groups within their school.
 Each Grade is divided into classes.
 Respond to questions to say what little groups are similar to all classes in their Grade
e.g. adult/children; male/ female
 Conduct simple interviews to find out the number of children in each class group.
 Selected students will go the different classes to get that information
 Responds to questions to compare the size of each class re-information on the table.
 Write a sentence to tell how many female teachers are in Grade One group.
 Fill in the sentences with appropriate words.

The name of my class group is ______________.

My class group is ________________ from top.

Day 2
Grade: 1_____

Date: September 24, 2019

Duration: 21/2 hours

Subject: Integrated Studies

F.Q.: To which group do I belong?

Attainment Target

 Relationship between man and its environment

 Display an understanding and appreciation of own heritage, and of the culture and
heritage of selected groups.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of set
Objectives: Students should be able to:

 Compare and contrast groups

 Discuss the responsibilities of members of a group
 Communicate about different groups using songs.

Song ‘ We build our school…’

Picture of school
Word cards, sentence strips


 Identifying the group to which they belong (school).

 Discuss ideas
 Compose sentences
Key Vocabulary

Group, school, belong, children

Procedures/ Activities
Students will:

 Sing the song entitled ‘We build our school…’.
 Discuss the song to bring out the word school, by answering the following questions.
What is the song about?
 Identify the school as another group to which they belong.
 Use structured sentence e.g. I belong to a school group.
 Identify the key word school in the sentence. Hunt for sight words in the sentence
 Give the name of their school group.
The name of my school group is Falmouth All age School.
 Read sentence written on c/b.
 Put Falmouth all age in a set and count the number of member in the set.

 Observe the front of their school.
 They will give words to describe their school.
 Selected students will use words to make sentences orally.
 Join in discussion to explain why they are a part of Falmouth all age school group (i.e.
through registration and their age).

 Name other schools that are in Falmouth and their parish.
 Talk about some things that are different and similar to their school group from the
other schools that they know.
 Identify school that look and shape like theirs.
 Count the number of schools the look and shape like theirs.
Independent group
 Write a sentence to tell the name of their school group.
Teacher Guided Group

 Fill in the sentence with the appropriate words.

The name of my school group is ____________.

Day 3
Grade: 1_____

Date: September 25, 2019

Duration: 21/2 hours

Subject: Integrated Studies

F.Q.: To which group do I belong?

Attainment Target

 Develop an understanding of the interdependent relationship between man and its

 Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets

Objectives: Students should be able to:

 Compare and contrast groups
 Discuss the responsibilities of members of a group
 Group real and representative objects in many ways.
 Describe group using appropriate words.
 Use movement patterns in self space and general space to portray different activities
of groups to which they belong.
Materials/Resources: pictures, manipulative


Identifying the group, State similarities, Use home language, Compose sentences, Draw
Key Vocabulary

Group, school, belong, children, responsibility

Procedures/ Activities
Students will:
 View a video on people doing various activities.
 Talk about the different activities seen in the video.
Explore/ Explain
 In group students will depict different movements while the rest of the class tell the
activity being carried out. E.g. kicking a ball, singing in a choir, playing in a band.
 Talk about the different activities done and what are the responsibility of each group
 Have discussion on being a part of a group and what are their responsibilities.

 Work in groups and use manipulative to show the number of members in a given
 Compare the members in the group using the terms symbols equal, greater than and
less than.
 Given different manipulative to group.
 Give reason for their grouping e.g. colour, shape size).
 Complete pages 101 and 102 of the ‘Getting To Know Me’ Integrated Studies book

Day 5
Grade: 1_____

Date: September 27, 2019

Duration: 2 1/2 hours

Subject: Integrated Studies


F.Q.: To which group do I belong?

Attainment Target:

Develop the aptitude and positive attitude to interact respectfully with others through play.


Students should be able to:

 Demonstrate through play that all members of a group are important and their
opinions and feelings must be respected.
 Demonstrate respect for the views of others.

Text: Getting to know me


 Draw/picture or paint picture write word/ phrase/ sentences, listen to stories role-play
positive values
Key Vocabulary

Feelings, truthfulness, respect, honesty, value, opinions

Content summary:

Procedures/ Activities
Students will:
 Listen to a story about feelings and opinions
 Talk about what they hear in the story.
 Talk with teacher about feelings and opinions.
 Why they should respect each other feelings.
 Teacher will read short stories about different characters (honesty, respect, truthfulness
 Tell what they think each value mean based on the story read.
 Role play one or more of these values and attitude to class mates
 Write one rule of a group to which they belong.

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