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Subject: Integrated Studies

Topic/ Unit Title: Who am I?

Focus Question: To which group do I belong?
Grade: 1__
Duration: 2 ½ hour x 5 days
Skills: Identify groups, state similarities and differences, compose sentences, write/ copy/
trace sentences, read sentences, compare sets, associate numbers with sets, draw pictures of

Content Summary:

A group has many members. Group members are alike in some ways. There are many kinds
of groups. Each person belongs to a group. Sometimes a person belongs to more than one
We can use other words to mean a group. A Special group has a special name.
Example: A bunch of flowers, a line of boys, A swarm of bees, A herd of cows, etc.
Members of a group have rules. A rule tells us how to behave. It tells us what we should do
and what we should not do.
Integrated Readers, Integrated Mathematics & Language Arts textbook, Integrated Studies
text, worksheets, charts, flashcards, and pictures.
Day 1

Objectives: Students should be able to:

 Describe groups using appropriate words

 Identify groups to which they belong
 Express their understanding of a story/ poem relating to groups in any form of the
creative arts.
 Write sentences about rules.

Skills: Describing various groups, identify groups to which they belong, identifying rules,
writing simple sentences

Materials: Integrated Studies text, flashcards,

Vocabulary: rules, house, church, school, family, class

Content: Members of a group have rules. A rule tells us how to behave. It tells us what we
should do and what we should not do.


Students will:


 Sing song/recite poem related to group which I belong. Recall groups to which they
belong. Tell what a person in a group is called. Identify other groups, e.g. a bunch of
flowers, a line of cars.
 Identify words from flashcards


 Lead discussion about rules. Let pupils tell what a rule is

 Discuss the rules and responsibilities of a group to which they belong and how these
rules affect members of the group. E.g. family, class, church.
 Have pupils observe pictures on page 111 of Integrated Studies text.
 Talk about class rules listed and tell why these are necessary.
 In groups formulate and discuss some class rules and say how these rules affect
members of the class.
 Play game – Simon says and follow the leader to demonstrate their understanding of


Members of a group have rules. A rule tells us how to behave. It tells us what we should do
and what we should not do.


 Tell why it is important to observe and obey rules.

 Listen to story of Adam and Eve and have a discussion that allow students to express
their opinions of what was learnt from the story.
 Express their understanding of the story by drawing and writing a sentence about their

Copy sentence from chalkboard.

A rule tells us how to behave. It tells us what we should do and what not to do.

Days 2-3

Objectives: Students should be able to;

 Respond appropriately to questions and direction addressed in SJE
 Recognize basic sight words appropriate to grade
 Use basic word recognition strategies to decode words related to different groups to
which they are affiliated
 Write sentences about group to which they belong.

Skills: Discuss ideas, write sentences, and identify groups


Students will:

 Sing song entitled ‘I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God’. Revise previous
lesson taught through prompts and questions
 Tell what each person in a group is called.
 Recall groups to which they belong


 Use home language to discuss the concept of tradition. E.g. Celebration activities for
Christmas and Easter.
 Observe pictures of how various groups such as schools, families and religious
 Observe certain traditions. Talk about it, let students talk about their family members
in relation to its composition. E,g. male/female and the activities they do together.
 Write sentences about tradition which are celebrated.
 Read sentences to class.
 Identify basic sight words appropriate to grade. e.g. group, members, school, class,
family, etc.


 Each person belongs to a family. Each family observe certain tradition. e.g.
Christmas, Easter and certain religious activities. A tradition is the passing down of
beliefs or customs from one generation to another. (It’s the way of doing things)


 Watch short clips about how different group such as school, religious group and
families observe traditions
 Tell how family members celebrate one of the following: Easter, Christmas. Talk
about Religious practice how they worship.


Write a simple sentence.

I belong to a family. We worship in a church. We worship on a Saturday or Sunday.


Days 4-5


Students should be able to;

 Communicate information about different groups through songs.

 Demonstrate that they are part of a class/school group by singing together
 Demonstrate respect for the view of others
 Read with fluency grade appropriate text
 Use capital and common letters appropriate as they write simple sentences about
different groups.

Skills: perform as a choir, respond to musical cues, draw and write sentences

Materials: Integrated Studies text, flashcards

Vocabulary: Jamaican, Jamaica, tourists, country

Content: People who live in Jamaica are called Jamaican. We are Jamaicans which is
another group. We are proud of our culture, sunshine, beaches, etc.


Students will:


 Play game ‘Simon says’ where students will follow the leader .Let students mime
groups to which they belong


 Observe the map on page 104 of Integrated Studies text. Let them tell what country
the map represent
 Guided into reading the sentence.
 Point out that people on the map represent a group of Jamaican of which we are a
 Let them tell what name is given to the people who belong to Jamaica.
 Let them tell what make us proud
 Sing the folk song ‘I’m a proud Jamaican’
 Respond to basic musical cues as they sing to reflect dynamics such as loud/soft,


Discuss with teacher who are Jamaican.

People who live in Jamaica are called Jamaican. We are Jamaicans which is another group.
We are proud of our culture, sunshine, beaches, etc.


 Draw a picture of themselves on the map of Jamaica ,

 Discuss the special group of people on page 105 in Integrated Studies text
‘The Tourist’
 Let them tell where they think the tourist come from.
 Where they think they will stay? How should Jamaican treat them? Where they have
seen tourist?


Write sentence in best handwriting. People who live in Jamaica are called Jamaicans. I am a

Revise work done during the week.


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