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Name : Syafadillah Wanodya Ayu Diftu

NPM : 190402090036
Prodi : English Education’19

1. Give examples of derivational and inflectional morphemes of your own language, and
analyze it
2. Does each language have derivational and inflectional morphemes? why
3. Take a look at the video in material 2, then create a summary of the contents of the video!


1. Derivational morpheme when combined with the root words will form new words
with different meanings, and the word class can also change. While inflectional
morpheme is a morpheme that functions as grammatical information in a word. The
inflectional morpheme cannot form new words, the meaning and class of the words also
do not change. . For example, in the root word "jual" if you add suffixes such as me, di,
and lah, it will become “Menjual, “Dijual”, “Juallah”. This does not change the meaning
of the root word, and the word class also remains the same, namely verbs. Therefore, it is
an example of a derivational morpheme. Whereas in this root word "beli" if you add a
prefix like “pe”, it becomes “pembeli". The two words have different lexical meanings
and different classes of words. The word "beli" is a verb while the word "pembeli" is a
noun. Therefore, it is an example of inflectional morpheme.
2. Every language must have a derivational and inflectional morpheme because in
every language there is always the formation of word patterns with lexical meanings,
usage, and word classes that are different. It is impossible in a language to only use root
words to form sentences in communication, of course in each sentence it will require a
combination of words with different lexical meanings and usage. For this, the root word
needs a combination with affixes. Therefore, derivational and inflectional morphemes
must exist in every language.
3. Summary of the contents of the video
- Derivational morphology:
The addition of a morpheme, which is an affix (prefix and suffix) to a root word
that can change the lexical meaning or change the word class of the root word.
- Inflectional morphology:
The addition of a morpheme to a root word that carry grammatical information.
This does not change the lexical meaning and word class of the root word.

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