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Nama : Syafadillah Wanodya Ayu Diftu

NPM : 190402090036
Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris’19

1. Give examples of affix morphemes of your own language, and analyze it

2. Does each language have bound and free morphemes? why
3. Take a look at the video in material 2, then create a summary of the contents of the
content of the video!


1. If in English the most common affixes are prefix and suffix, in Indonesian there are also
prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a word to make a new
word with a different meaning. Suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to
make a new word. Some examples of prefix in Indonesian are me, ter, di, ber, and etc. Some
examples of suffix in Indonesian are an, kan, nya, lah, and etc.
For example in my own language (Indonesian).
The word “Menulis” formed from free morpheme “Tulis” and prefix “me”. Other examples:
Membaca (Me + baca), diketik (Di + ketik), tertulis (Ter + tulis), bernafas (Ber + nafas), and
etc. Furthermore, the word “Makanan” formed from free morpheme “Makan” and suffix “an”.
Other examples: Tindakan (Tindak + an), Tulislah (Tulis + lah), Letakkan (Letak + kan).

2. Every language has free morpheme and bound morpheme because morpheme is the
smallest unit in language, and each word must consist of 1 or more morphemes. Free morpheme
is very important in language because it contains many words that have lexical meanings such as
verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Then, the bound morpheme is also very important because it can be
combined with the free morpheme to form new words with different meanings or different
functions. Therefore, of course, every language has a free morpheme and a bound morpheme to
form a word that can be used as a means of communication, either directly or indirectly.

3. Summary of the contents of the content of the video.

Morpheme is the smallest unit in language. There two types of morpheme:

1. Free morpheme is a word that can stand alone and it has lexical meaning.
2. Bound morpheme is a word that can’t stand alone and must be combined with free morpheme
in order to have meaning.

Affix: letter or a group of letters added to the word to make a new word. They are always bound

1. Prefix: Added at the beginning of the word. For example: un, im, in, and etc.

2. Suffix: Added at the end of the word. For example: s, ness, ment, ship, and etc.

3. Infix: Another type of affix that occurs in other languages. For example: bili means buy, and
binili means bought.

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