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This technique also called cultural adaptation. Adaptation itself replaces the cultural elements
of a type in the SL with cultural elements that exist within the TL. It can beused if the element
or elements of those cultures have equivalents in the TL.

e.g :

 As white as snow (SL) or Seputih kapas (TL)

 The epidemic swept the world (SL) or Wabah ini merambah dunia (TL)

This technique adds information that basically does not exist in the SL. Translation techniques
by making explicit or paraphrasing the information implicit in SL. This technique is the same as
explaining, adding, paraphrasing the exclusivist. Footnotes are part of the amplification. The
reduction technique is the opposite of this technique.
e.g :
 The boy came late (SL) or Pria muda itu dating terlambat (TL)
 …and it was put into the Nil (SL) or …dan dibenamkan di sungai Nil (TL)

Borrowing uses words or phrases when translates the SL into the TL. Borrowing can be a pure
borrowing without making any changes or naturalized borrowing with adjustments to spelling or
e.g :

 Hardisk, mixer, blender, setting (SL) or Hardisk, mixer, blender, setting (TL) (Pure
 Computer, information, panic (SL) or Komputer, Informasi, panik (TL) (Naturalized

Calque technique is a literal translation of a word or phrase in translating the SL into the TL.
This technique is similar to the acceptation technique.

e.g :

 She is the new student (SL) or Dia adalah murid yang baru (TL).
 Directorate General (SL) or Direktorat Jendral (TL).

Compensation replaces the item information or position effect in the SL in other parts of the
TL because it cannot be realized in the same section in the SL. This technique is the same as the
conception technique.

e.g :

 You can let your imagination go wild (SL) or Anda dapat membiarkan khayalan
mengembara sejauh mungkin (TL)
 A pair of trouser (SL) or Sebuah celana (TL)
 A grain of rice (SL) or Sebutir padi (TL).

A translation technique by replacing a term or expression with a description of its form and

e.g :

 I like konro (SL) or Saya suka konro, makanan khas orang makassar (TL)
 Green room (SL) or Ruang tunggu para artis sebelum mereka tampil (TL)


Discursive Creation uses of equivalent translation technique while away from their original
context. These techniques often appear in the translation of titles movies, books, and novels.

e.g :

 The Godfather (SL) or Sang Allahbapa (TL)

 The Hunter (SL) or Sang Pemburu (TL)


Established equivalence translated terms in the source language term that is already prevalent
in the TL. The term in the SL is generally based on a dictionary or phrase daily.

e.g :

 Sincerely yours (SL) or Hormat kami (TL)

 Dear Mr. / Mrs. (SL) or Yang terhormat Bapak / Ibu (TL)

Generalization translates a term with the term that is already well known in public and known to
the wider community. This technique is used when a term in the SL refers to a specific section,
which parallels in the TL that doesn’t exist and refers to the same section.

e.g :

 Penhouse, mansion (SL) or Tempat tinggal (TL)

 Bajai (SL) or Vehicle (TL)


Linguistic Amplification adds elements of Linguistics from SL into the TL. This technique is
often used in interpreting or dubbing.

e.g :

 The David you are sculpting is you (SL) or Patung David yang Anda ukir adalah diri
Anda sendiri (TL).
 Everything is up to you (SL) or Semuanya terserah anda sendiri (TL)


Linguistic compression units or collects the linguistic elements that exist in the SL. This
technique is often used in interpreting or dubbing.

e.g :

 The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived (SL) or Akal
membentuk segala sesuatu yang ada (TL)
 Are you hungry ? (SL) or Lapar ? (TL)
 Are you Thirsty ? (SL) or Haus ? (TL)


Literal Translation translates an expression in SL in the word of words into the TL.

e.g :

 I will love you (SL) or Aku akan mencintai kamu (TL)

 Killing two birds with one stone (SL) or Membunuh dua burung dengan satu batu (TL)

Modulation replaces focus the point of view or the cognitive aspect that exist in the SL, either
lexical or structural.

e.g :

 Nobody doesn’t like it (SL) or semua orang menyukainya (TL)

 You are going to have a baby(SL) or kamu akan menjadi seorang ayah (TL)
 The Father’s prayer (SL) or Doa untuk putraku (TL)


Particularization uses terms that are more concrete and specific. The technique contrasts with
the technique of generalization.

e.g :

 The girl likes to collect jewelry (SL) or Gadis itu senang mengoleksi kalung emas (TL).
 I go to Bali with air transportation (SL) or Saya ke Bali naik pesawat (TL)


Reduction condenses the information contained in the SL into the TL. Compacting of
information shouldn’t alter the text of the message in the SL.

e.g :

 The boy got a car accident (SL) or Lelaki itu mengalami kecelakaan (TL)
 SBY the president of republic of Indonesia took a leave in order to campaign for his
party or SBY mengambil cuti agar dapat berkampanye untuk partainya (TL)


Subtitution replaces the linguistic elements into paralinguistic (such as intonation and gesture)
or vice versa.

e.g :

 Gesture such as nodding is translated into setuju, shrugging shoulders is translated into
saya tidak tahu.
 Shake the head is translate into tidak mau atau tidak setuju.

Transposition replaces the grammatical categories of the SL into the TL. For example,
replacing the words to become phrases. This technique is usually used because of a different
grammar between SL and TL.

e.g :

 I have no control over this condition (SL) or Saya tidak dapat mengendalikan kondisi
ini (TL)
 I care not about your problem (SL) or Aku tidak peduli dengan masalahmu (TL)

Variation replaces linguistic elements or paralinguistic which influence the linguistic variable.
For example, a textual change of tone, style, geographical dialect, dialect and social. This
technique is commonly applied in translating drama scripts.
e.g :
 Give it to me now (SL) or Berkan buku it uke gue sekarang (TL)
 For your information (SL) or Asal kalian tau (TL)
 By The Way (SL) or Ngomong-ngomong (TL)

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