The Theme of Samira Ahmed

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The theme of Samira Ahmed’s “Love, Hate and Other Filters” is to stay strong and

follow your dreams and you will be rewarded. Throughout the story, Maya gathers strength to

tell her parents she does not agree with the future they want for her. They change their minds

back and forth, and even when they say no, she goes to the school and pursues her dreams. The

nervous and fearful Maya seems to disappear when she tells her parents, “I’m not asking for your

permission. I’m informing you of my decision. I’m going to New York in August.” (Ahmed 247)

Maya’s parents kick her out of the house, and her dreams seem to be ruining her life. She does

not give up, however, and goes to her dream college in New York. Maya could have let go of her

home life forever and started a life as a filmmaker. She does the opposite, using her Aunt Hina to

help make amends with her parents. Before heading home to Thanksgiving dinner Maya thinks,

“I know now that I can never really understand how much I hurt them or bewildered they

must’ve been when I left, pondering what they’d done to deserve what they see as a betrayal.

The fact is they didn’t do anything wrong. I see that now. They are my parents. I am their

daughter. And the world between us cracked because of the difference in how we understand that

fundamental bond. But if my mom can extend a peace offering, so can I.” (Ahmed 273) Maya

does not know how her parents will feel about her. She does not know what her relationship with

Phil is or where they stand. Maya does know that she has hope, and a good future ahead of her.

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