Case Study - Developing Professional Development Capacity

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Audrey Karr

April 21, 2021


Case Study- Developing Professional Development Capacity

Case Analysis 1-3: Summary, Issues, Stakeholders


A K-8 school with a diverse population of students has shown negative academic trends.

This was even after the implementation of a new observation tool that was devised by the staff to

show growth in meeting classroom expectations and professional behavior. Lack of quality

instructional methods, minimal use of differentiated instruction and low levels of student

engagement were the main areas of concern, leading to poor student achievement. To increase

student engagement and maximize instruction, professional development needs to be the main

focus with the support of staff, students, administration, special teachers and parents (Grand

Canyon University, 2019).

Case Analysis 4-5: Laws and Policies

Nevada’s “Statewide Plan for the Improvement of Pupils” (STIP) is a 5-year commitment

invested by all NV districts, educational partners and stakeholders, within the state, which aligns

with the Nevada statute (NRS) 385.111-113 improving teacher values, goals and strategies. This

includes student achievement and educator effectiveness by providing multiple learning

opportunities through master educators who promote instructional excellence (State of Nevada

Department of Education, 2020).

Elko County School District’s policy of curriculum development rests on each school’s

decision providing they coordinate a plan that gives common direction and effectively

communicate information to all staff and students. This is then reported to the Board of Trustees

periodically (Elko County School District, 2021).

Case Analysis 6-8: Solutions and Action Steps

The action steps start with spending the first year identifying essential content in each

grade level, knowing the curriculum and assessments being used, along with how standards are

incorporated effectively. This would help determine where the break downs are within the

lessons being taught. Then finding teaching methods that have differentiated options to

challenge all learners will help maximize instruction and enable students to use higher order

thinking skills (Marzano, 1984). Within the second year, professional development sessions

targeting the negative trends could support positive instructional changes and be used in all

subject areas. Seeing this process through will take an additional two or three years knowing that

the school will be in the process of building a culture of trust (Modoono, 2017). However, with

the help of the instructional team and assistant principals who are trained in looking for quality

instruction, teachers could receive more frequent feedback, adjust accordingly and see growth

within the first year or two of continual change. This is where researched based sites: Achieve

the Core, Teacher Networks and scholarly resources provide the most incite and meaning giving

teachers the tools to work with new or revamped techniques in the classroom.

Case Analysis 9: Consequences

Moral consequences of this process are: taking ownership of the negative trends and

shifting staff mindsets by creating trusting relationships. This will create marked improvements

within student learning (Modoono, 2017) and realizing that a change has to happen. Teachers

who understand the “why” behind change will adapt quicker to “what” needs to happen and

“how” the data can be a reference point when adapting their instructional practices (Crites,



In determining what is the best solution for this scenario, starting with essential content

and blending in interim assessments that are tailored for the curriculum being taught is key.

Teachers and grade level teams who design their own assessments see results immediately

because they are specifically made for their students using the correct content areas, depth of

knowledge and instructional strategies. All of these components require critical thinking skills

that prepare students for college and career opportunities. Once this process has been laid out,

time is spent sifting through high-leverage data (state testing), to enhance the level of school

commitment and focus, which drives teachers in assuring that standards are being assessed

correctly and mastered using detailed data reports. This includes incorporating all levels of rigor

and that students are given multiple chances to practice on similar formats they will experience

through high stakes tests (Crites, 2016).

Making these school improvement decisions in developing professional capacity comes

from listening to teachers and the school community (Grand Canyon University, 2019).

Building a school that promotes diverse cultures, seeks out new ideas, creates trust, encourages

collaboration, motivates learning for all and sets the bar high to meet the demanding needs of

student achievement, will be able to overcome any obstacle. As mentioned earlier, this process

has to begin with trust. Trusting others means respecting their values and worth in any

profession. Believing in a teacher’s ability means they will be more willing to take risks and

seek out new ways to better their instruction (Modoono, 2017). In return this will open up their

ability to accept constructive criticism and use feedback given to support other educators through

a time of change.

Unfortunately, there will always be resistance to change and struggle with accepting the

reality of a newly designed failed process like reforming teacher observations. This is part of

becoming better learners. Identifying the areas that need improvement (in this case theoretical

modeling for classroom instruction) and working together to develop an effective professional

development plan (flipped classrooms, backwards design, theory of multiple intelligences, etc.)

could help teachers enhance their current knowledge. This will help teachers acquire new ideas

and try out new instructional techniques that will not only engage learners, but also bring life

back into the lessons being taught (Kurt, 2021). This process will also help avoid the legalities

of not showing steady growth in an already diverse culture with highly certified teachers and

large number of classified personnel who are capable of mastering their skill.

A team is only as good as the leader that is preaching and living within their true self.

They must show positive relationships by interacting with staff, students, parents and school

representatives. Reaching out to community partners is vital for a school’s success in not only

meeting the school’s improvement plan, but also for the longevity of a school. Schools need the

outreach of all entities in order for it to succeed.


Crites, E. (2016). 7 Steps to Becoming a Data-Driven School: Learn to access the right data:

the why (why do your students not get it?) and the how (how can you reteach content to

stick?). George Lucas Educational Foundation.


Elko County School District (2021). Instructional Program: Curriculum Development. Board


Grand Canyon University (2019). Case Study: Developing Professional Capacity.

Kurt, S. (2021). Instructional Design Models and Theories. Educational Technology.

Marzano, R. (1984). The Theoretical Framework for an Instructional Model of Higher Order Thinking

Skills. Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory.

Moodono, J. (2017). The Trust Factor. Educational Leadership (74)8.


State of Nevada Department of Education (2020). What is a Statewide Plan for the Improvement

of Pupils?

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