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2ND PHYSIO Inglés II B (B1.1/B1.

2) Simulation Spring Semester 2021

INSTRUCTIONS – Giving advice to a patient about an injury

Work in pairs. You will be given two injuries. On day of simulation you will perform a short role play between a patient
and physiotherapist about each injury. Students will take turns being the patient and the physiotherapist.


1. Wear your scrubs and be professional (PT).

2. Speak only English.
3. Be able to answer patient’s questions about their injury.
4. Use and understand the appropriate terminology to talk about the specific injury, ask about pain, and give advice
or suggestions to patient about treatment.
5. Be able to use non-technical language to provide the patient with the necessary information.
6. Be able to use interrogative structures accurately to ask questions about pain and keep the interaction going in a
patient-centered manner.


1. Physiotherapist
 Introduces self and greets the patient. Asks them to sit or lie down as appropriate.
 Confirm patient’s diagnosis (sprained ankle, frozen shoulder, etc.) Describe in non-technical language.
 Ask about pain
 Ask about activities patient is able to do
 Give advice about pain using modal verbs of advice/obligation (at least 2 + and 2 -)
 Inform patient about the length of rehabilitation.
 Schedule another appointment with patient.

2. Patient
 Answers physiotherapist’s questions as precisely as possible.
 Describe pain and symptoms related to injury (Prepare answers to physio’s questions using specific vocabulary
about types of pain: burning, stabbing, cramping, etc.)
 Answer questions about what movements you are able to do.
 Ask questions about future activities after rehabilitation. (Will I be able to…(play basketball, lift things, etc.)
 Ask any questions to clarify information.
 Ask about duration of treatment.
Use this checklist to make sure you include the following vocabulary or grammar:
Use at least 4 different modals/expressions for giving advice: should/shouldn’t, ought to /
oughtn’t to/ must, mustn’t, have to/don’t have to, (Patient can ask a question using one of these.)

Use at least 3 different modals/expressions for ABILITY: can/could/be able to
PT asks questions U3 p 8-9) /Patient answers questions using one of these.)

3. VOCABULARY – PAIN Ask patient about pain (Questions from worksheet) Patient should answer
with appropriate type of pain for the injury.
Use 2 of these pain words: (painful, painless, sore, hurt, ache)
Describe TYPE of pain (burning, stabbing, etc.)

4. Describe the injury in non-technical language.

5. Use vocabulary from Book 1 and 2 dialogues (Units 11-15 Book 1, Unit 1-3 Book 2)

6. Inform patient about length of treatment.

7. Greet the patient appropriately and say goodbye to the patient with an appropriate expression.
Schedule another appointment.


Preparation (dialogue in class) 2.5 pts    
Task completion 2.5 pts    
Correct use of target grammar 5 pts    
Correct use of target vocabulary 5 pts    
Fluency 5 pts    
Pronunciation 5 pts    
0-10 = insufficient    
12.5-15 = average    
17.5-20 = above average _____/25 _____/25
22.5-25 = excellent  

The oral grade will be a part of your final exam grade. So, if you want a PASSING + grade, you should some
practice OUTSIDE of class AND practice good pronunciation and intonation.
Write your dialogue here. Upload it to the folder BEFORE you leave class today. Underline the target
vocabulary and grammar.
PT: Hello, X. Come in and have a seat. So, it looks like you have a_____________________ (injury),
which is ….. (explain the injury in NON-TECHNICAL terms) Ask if the patient has any questions.

Patient X: No, I understand. OR Yes, can you explain… ….

PT: OK, So, first, I’m just going to review some questions on the questionnaire with you, then I’ll ask you
about your pain and finally, I’ll give you some advice about your injury.

Patient X: Sure, What do you need to know?

PT: Are you able to ….. (go through the movements on the questionnaire)

Patient X: Answer each question according to injury. (You can say what you can do now, what you’d like to be
able to do and what you used to be able to do)

PT: OK, now I’m going to ask you about your pain. (Ask questions about pain & Patient answers.)
How bad?
Same place or moving?
Getting better/worse?
What helps/makes it worse?
On a scale of…, how …?

Patient X: (Answer each question about the pain using appropriate vocabulary.)
PT: OK, now I’m going to give you some advice about your injury. (Give at least 2 + & 2 – about the injury
using modal verbs.

Patient X: (Ask a question about treatment: Should I ? Do I have to …?,/Will I be able to do X after rehab?)

PT: (Answer question appropriately.)

Patient X: (Ask: How long…rehabilitation?)
PT: (Answer questions & tell patient what type of exercise you will be doing in the next session. Make an
appointment with patient).

Patient X: (Agree to appointment and thank the physio and say goodbye)

PT: (Say goodbye)


Are you able to perform the following motions with ease? If the answer is no, please explain further. Also
indicate if your level of function has changed.



Jhonathan, This looks good, though there are many spelling mistakes! Please revise my corrections, make the
corrections and finish the dialogue.
Fran should do the other one.

Frozen Shoulder
PT: Hello, Fran. Come in and have a seat. So, it looks like you have a Frozen shoulder , which is
An inflammation OF your tissue around your shoulder joint. Fran if you have any doubt you can ask /do
you have any questionS about it?

Patient X: *No i Undestand

PT: OK, So, first, I’m just going to review some questions on the questionnaire with you, then I’ll ask you about
your pain and finally, I’ll give you some advice about your injury.

Patient X: Sure, What do you need to know?

PT: Are you able to lift your arm?
Are you able to bend your arm ?
Patient X: - No i can bend my arm more than this (Fran did a little abduction)
- Yes i can Lift my arm but i can´t bend it all the way
PT: OK, now I’m going to ask you about your pain. (Ask questions about pain & Patient answers.)
1. Where does it hurt?
2. When did it start to hurt?
3. Does it hurt all the time?
4. Can you describe the pain?
5. On scale of one to ten, how bad it the pain?
6. does the pain stay in one place or move around?
7. what makes it worse
8. how much it hurts
Patient X: 1. I have a sore shoulder
2. It´s start 2 months ago
3. It hurts all day and gets worse at night, making it difficult for me to sleep
4. It´s severe and constant pain than when i move shoulder it shooting to the muscle of arm and
limited me the Rom
5. It like a 8 when i stay awake but when i try to sleep it a 9 it´s very painful
6. It moves and travels up my right arm
7. When i go to sleep
8. It hurts all the time
PT: OK, now I’m going to give you some advice about your injury. (
you should take a rest
You have to go to the physiotherapist
You shouldn´t lif a lot of weight
you don't have to move too much that arm
Patient X: (Ask a question about treatment: Should I ? Do I have to …?,/Will I be able to do X after rehab?)
Should i need to rest all the time?
Should i need to do some therapeutic exercise?
How much time i need to recuperate? 6 months to 2 years
PT: If you can rest a lot of time it´s good but if you can´t try to don´t move a lot
Patient X: How long should be the rehabilitation of shoulder freeze?
PT: (Answer questions & tell patient what type of exercise you will be doing in the next session. Make an
appointment with patient).
It depends on the recovery then you have maybe needed 3 or 4 weeks to be recover.
The next session started whit strench exercise than entail short-arc exercise in a submaximal loading
Patient X: (Agree to appointment and thank the physio and say goodbye
That sounds great, thanks for the information and see you soon
PT: Bye

achilles tendinopathy
PT: Hello, Jhonathan. Come in and have a seat. So, it looks like you have a achilles tendinopathy, which
is the inflamation of your ankle.
Jhonathan do you have any questions about it?
Patient X: No, I understand.
PT: OK, So, first, I’m just going to review some questions on the questionnaire with you, then I’ll ask you
about your pain and finally, I’ll give you some advice about your injury.

Patient X: Sure, What do you need to know?

PT: Are you able to (go through the movements on the questionnaire)
Patient X: Answer each question according to injury. (You can say what you can do now, what you’d like to be
able to do and what you used to be able to do)

PT: OK, now I’m going to ask you about your pain.
Where does it hurt?
When did it start to hurt?
Does it hurt all the time?
Can you describe the pain?
On scale of one to ten, how bad it the pain?
does the pain stay in one place or move around?
what makes it worse
how much it hurts?

Patient X: 1. I have a sore ankle

2. It started one week ago.
3. It hurts all day, it makes it difficult for me to walk
4. It´s a severe and constant pain that appears when I start to walk but in rest, it doesn't hurt
5. It likes a 4 when I stay rest but when I try to walk it a 9 it´s very painful
6. It moves and travels up my leg
7. When I walk
8. It hurts all the time when I start to move
PT: OK, now I’m going to give you some advice about your injury. (Give at least 2 + & 2 – about the
injury using modal verbs.
You must keep rest
You should wear a shoe with a heel
You should stretch your gastrocnemius
Patient X: Should I walk to my work
Should I ride my bike
Should I run slowly?
PT: No, if you want to recuperate your injures you must keep rest

Patient X: How long should be the rehabilitation of achilles tendinopathy?

PT: It deepends on you, if you do all the thinks that i told you you recuperate as soon as posible, if you
don't do my rdcomendation you you will remain injured for a long time
Patient X: (Agree to appointment and thank the physio and say goodbye)
Well perfect see you next sesión
PT: Goodbye

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