Field Experience Report I

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Elvir 1

Mayte Elvir

Professor Medina

EDUC 1301-82002

27 March 2021

Field Experience I

For my field experience report I choose the video classroom observations. In the first

video observation we have Mr. Chandler who is a fifth-grade teacher at Sandhill Elementary

School. The overall unit is developing an understanding of bullying by reading the book

“Wonder,” other books they have read, informational texts, videos and other media to create a

documentary about bullying. At the beginning of the introduction, she first starts by presenting

the book they will be reading which is called “Wonder.” She then goes on to present the essential

question “is it better to fit in or to stand out” and as a class, come up with their own definition of

“fitting in” and “standing out” to ensure they understand what the essential question means.

At the end of the introduction, she also states the purpose of the unit by addressing the

overall project which is to create a documentary video about bullying. Which is good because

during the lessons, students can or may think back and ask themselves “how can I put this in my

documentary” or “can I use this in my documentary.” Ms. Chandler then begins her lessons. The

topic of her lesson is to support texts and thoughts with evidence. Her essential question is “how

do writers create an image in the reader's head” this essential question helps students support

their thoughts with evidence. She makes this lesson interesting and relevant to the students by

using real life situations. She uses the plain sentence “the teacher was mad” and throws a fit,

reenacting an actual “upset teacher.” She then asks students to describe how she was in order to

add detail to the plain sentence.

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She uses one strategy a writer uses in order to create an image in a reader's head. The

topic of this lesson is about senses and how writes use senses to create an image in a reader’s

head and adds her scar lesson. In her scar lesson she defines the physical, mental and emotional

scars and does an assignment where students write about the scars they have and share it. It is

important to build background about scars because it connects students to the lesson and it even

helps them express themselves. It is essential to build background on lessons because it is better

that students relate to the lesson to help them understand the assignment or lesson. The students

then choose a scar and use their senses to describe that scar. When beginning to answer about

whether “it's better to fit in or stand out,” students go back to the lessons in using evidence and

the scar lesson about senses to support their evidence and create their own characters. The

question relates to the subjects' objectives because the question supports the objective. The

question helps form the objective.

In the second video classroom observation, Ms. Bryant is an engineering teacher. She has

made a project-based unit to solve a real-world problem by creating a garden bench for their

school. To create this garden bench, she has divided it into three categories. Determining the

resources needed, interviewing a master gardener, and researching details about benches. The

sequence of this unit has 3 stages. It begins with identifying the desired results. Deciding what

you want the students to learn at the end of this unit. Then determining appropriate evidence,

how will the students understand. Finally, planning learning experiences, what will demonstrate

that students have mastered the learning objective by using the WHERE TO elements.

Ms. Bryant says that she loves to see that her students will use this in the real world to

make it a better place which is an intrinsic reward. She also says that she has industry partners

that are part of their advisory board that helps her with work and that is another intrinsic reward.

I relate to both intrinsic rewards but I believe I will experience the first reward because I love
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helping children and teaching them what they will use in the real-world. As in the purpose of the

school, I believe the schools purposes represented are intellectual because in the class the

students show the ability to know, think, and reason. Economic purpose because they teach

engineering which is something other elementary schools don’t usually teach. Lastly, social

purposes because Ms. Bryant teaches to work together because without it, you can’t get work


The most intelligence discussed in this unit is logical-mathematical intelligence, the

students use the math they know to solve problems, the second one would be verbal-linguistic

intelligence because they have to communicate with each other and understand each other to

work as a group. In my own classroom, I would get to know each one’s individual abilities to

know what teaching method would be best to work in one to one and will try my hardest to use a

variety of teaching methods to work as a whole, as a group in the classroom. It will be a

challenge but slowly we can get the hang of it. The subjects taught in Ms. Bryant unit are

mathematics because the students address real world problems to develop problem solving skills

using mathematics like algebra. I feel like it is also an elective course because not every

elementary student learns engineering and architecture and because it can help them in future

work or workspace. I think this is an example of interdisciplinary curriculum because it

contributes many subjects in one topic. The students make connections between these subjects

and learn how they work together.

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