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History Station – Weight Loss Total Score: ………….

(15pts) for 30 questions. Check Score

1. Duration. 0.5
2. Documented or not? And how much kg? 0.5
3. Course? Progressive or what? 0.5
4. Intentional weight loss? 0.5
5. Diet and calorie intake? 0.5
6. Change in appetite? 0.5
7. Physical activity? 0.5
8. Malnutrition, heartburn, dyspepsia, Indigestion? 0.5
9. Change in bowel habit? 0.5
10. Blood in stool or melena? 0.5
11. Difficulty swallowing? 0.5
12. Palpitations? 0.5
13. SOB/ Orthopnea/ PNDs? 0.5
14. Nausea and vomiting? 0.5
15. Abdominal pain? 0.5
16. Fever or chills? 0.5
17. Night sweats? 0.5
18. Palpable lumps anywhere? 0.5
19. Energy level? 0.5
20. Polyurea? 0.5
21. Polydypsia? 0.5
22. Mood? 0.5
23. Heat intolerance? 0.5
24. Lack of interest in life/ sleep disturbances? 0.5
25. Tremor? 0.5
26. Any drugs or herbal medications? / smoking? 0.5
27. PMHx: history of DM or thyroid problems? 0.5
28. PMHx of HTN? 0.5
29. Family history of thyroid problems? 0.5
30. Family Hx of depression? 0.5
31. Family Hx of Malignancy? 0.5
32. Menstrual cycle history? Heavy or frequent menses? 0.5
Q1: a 32 year old female patient complaining of weight loss. Please
take a relevant history.

Q2: mention 3 possible causes of this patient’s weight loss?

Q3: Blood work up that you would like to obtain in this patient.
Mention 2 ?

Q1: what is the most likely etiology of this patient’s weight loss? (3pts)
1) Thyrotoxicosis.
2) Drug abuse.
3) Pheochromocytoma.
4) Depression.

Q2: Blood work up that you would like to obtain in this patient? (2pts)
1) CBC.
2) Thyroid function test.
3) LFT.
4) Urine VMA metanephrine.
5) Urine Drug Screen.
My name is Mona.
I have lost some of my weight.
My original weight is 56.
I have lost 5 kgs.
Not intentional.
It was progressive and started 3 months ago.
Normal diet, but decrease appetite.

no exercise.
I have heart burn. +
I have no change in bowel habit.
I don’t have blood in stool.
no difficulty swallowing.
I have palpitations. +
no SOB.

GI symptoms negative -
I have low mood +
I have normal energy.
normal urinary symptoms.
I have heat intolerance. +
decrease in sleep. +
Tremor. +

Drug Hx. -
Family Hx of thyroid disease +
past medical history of depression +
menstrual history negative -
social History: smoker.
sexual Hx: decrease in libido.

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