Name of The Drug Part Used Origin Active Constituents: Krameria

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Name of the drug Krameria

Part used Dried roots

Origin Dried roots of Krameria triandra
FAMILY: Krameriaceae
Active constituents 1- 10-20% tannins include
2- Benzofurans[Rhataniaphenols I
Medicinal actions 1- Astringent
2- Problems of GIT [diarrhea
3- Mouth wash and gargle for
bleeding and infected gums
4- Treating hemorrhoids in foem of
ointment and suppositories
5- Apply to wounds to help stanuch
blood flow to varicose veins and
over area of capillary fragility
6- Used in sun protection
preparations due to benzofurans
are UV-light filters [protecting
Chemical confirmatory test Microsublimation
Powder krameria_colorless droplets
which solidify after some time add
FeCl3_faint red color
Key elements
Name of the drug Rhubarb
Part used Dried rhizomes and big roots
Origin Dried rhizomes and big roots of Rheum
palmatum ,Rheum officinale but Rheum
rhaponticum is toxic
FAMILY: Polygonaceae
Externally: Rhubarb is dusted with a brownish
yellow powder and shows longitudinal reddish
brown lines.
The covering dusting powder gives it:
1- Good appearance
2- Odor and aroma of Rhubarb [although
no V.O]
3- Prevent attack of M.O. and insects.
Rhubarb is very gritty when chewed due to
Ca_oxalate clusters.
Active constituents 1- Anthraquinones[rhein,emodin,aloe-
2- Flavonoids
3- Tannins
4- Starch
5- Calcium oxalate
6- Phenolic acids
Medicinal actions 1- Regulate functions of intestine: used
paradoxically in treatment of
constipation and diarrhea
2- Chinese Rhubarb's medicinal value is
largely due to the irritant, laxative and
purgative properties of the
3- In constipation: large doses of rhubarb
are combined with carminative herbs
and taken as laxative , helping to clear
without causing excessive cramps
4- In diarrhea: small doses of the root are
Side effects:
1- Prolong use of Rhubarb cause
disturbance of electrolyte balance
and loss of high amount of K+
2- Not used in case of pregnancy and
lactation_it causes contaction of
the uterus
3- Not used in renal failure due to
presence of Ca_oxalate clusters
Rhapontic Rhubarb [Rheum rhaponticum]
The main constituents is a crystalline glycoside
called rhaponticin. [toxic substance]
It shows blue fluorescence when examined
under U.V.
Chemical confirmatory test 1- Test for anthraquinones:
A-Borntrager's test: for free anthraquinones
Extract the powder with ether or chloroform;
separate the organic layer and shake with
dilute NH4OH _the aqueous layer is colored
rose red
B_Modified borntrager's reaction: for
combined anthraquinones: a rose red color is
produced in the aqueous layer
2- Test for tannins: FeCl3 test_blue color
Key elements 1- Starch granules
2- Medullary rays with coloring matter
3- Big calcium oxalate clusters
4- Large reticulate xylem vessels
Name of the drug Liquorice [sweet yellow root]
Part used Dried peeled or unpeeled roots and
Origin Dried peeled or unpeeled roots and
rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza glabra
FAMILY: Leguminosae[Fabaceae]
Active constituents 1- Triterpene saponins: Glycyrrhizin
The sweet principle of Liquorice
It is a non_ typical saponin. Because does
not cause blood hemolysis.
2- Flavonides: Isoflavones [liquirtin
and isoliquiritin]
Medicinal actions 1- Demulcent and expectorant in
cough mixtures due to saponins
2- Antibacterial effect in respiratory
tract, therefore it is used in
respiratory disorders [bronchitis
and asthma]
3- Treatment of peptic and
duodenal ulcers[ due to
4- Treat rheumatism, arthritis and
inflammatory conditions due to
corticosteroid effect of its
glycyrrhizin content
5- Treatment of chronic hepatits
and liver cirrhosis
6- Isoflavones are known as
7- Sweeting agent to mask the taste
of bitther and nauseous
Chemical confirmatory test 1- Saponins:
Froth test gives persistant froth
66% H2SO4 gives orange red color
But causes no hemolysis of RBCs.
2- Flavonoides: are the cause of
yellow color of the drug : give
yellow with KOH.
3- Reducing sugars: Fehling's test
give red ppt.
Key elements 1- Starch granules
2- Xylem vessels with borderd pits
3- Crystal sheath
4- Cork cells
Precautions Liquorice is not recommended and
should be avoided by patients
hypertension because it causes H2O
retention and electrolyte imbalance
[cortisone like effect].
The solution: DGL [deglycyrrhizenated
liquorice] is recommended.
Not recommended in case of
Name of the drug Squill
Part used Dried sliced, fleshy scales of the bulb
Origin Dried sliced, fleshy scales of the bulb of
Urginia maritime,Drimia maritime
FAMILY: Lilliaceae
It appears in Egyptian papyrus
Active constituents 1- Cardiac glycosides include
scillaren A
2- Flavonoids
3- Mucilage[callose]
4- Sinistrin sugar
Key elements
Chemical confirmatory test Killer killani test for cardiac glycosides
gives brown ring
Microscopical identification:
Raphides Ca.ox in mucilage cells
Red squill: toxic, used as rodenticide. It
contains scilliroside glycoside[toxic],
readily absorbed from intestine, pass to
blood and make hemolysis to RBCs.
Medicinal actions 1- In small doses the drug causes
GIT irritation causing reflux
secretion from bronchioles and
therefore it is used as
2- In large doses: it is emetic[cause
3- Cardiotonic in heart
Precautions Must be taken due to:
1- The drug is easily deteriorated
due to high content of mucilage,
which gives the drug hygroscopic
2- Presence of cardiac glycosides,
which are easily broken by
presence of moisture[absorbed
due to mucilage]
3- Moisture is a good medium for
the growth of M.O., which
deteriorate the drug.
Therefore it must be dried carefully at
low temperature in vacuum oven then
after drying, rapidly stored with
dehydrating agent[CaCl2 or silica]

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