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Formal Paragraph for The White Tiger

You will be writing a formal analytical paragraph responding to one of the prompts
below. Your paragraph must have a topic sentence with a strong argument and
include at least two pieces of evidence (direct quotations) that support your
argument. Your paragraph should be one page, double spaced and include all the
elements of a paragraph that we went over in class.

This is due at 10pm on Friday, October 2nd.

Paragraph Prompts for The White Tiger

1. Does Balram think he is a revolutionary? (A revolutionary is a person who

fearlessly advocates for or works to create radical change)

Your topic sentence will stake a claim and provide the reason.

2. Balram has a lot to say about servitude. Choose one aspect of servitude that
he focuses on and explain how he makes his thoughts clear to us. (Focus on
what he says about the experience, how it feels, what effects it has on a
person, not on what happens.)

A strong argument will name a feeling and identify how it is expressed

3. Is the Balram we see in Bangalore good or bad? (This is limited to what we

see in the last chapter.)

Your topic sentence will stake a claim and provide the reason.

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