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Measuring Output Rates

After reading this supplement, This supplement focuses on measuring the volume of work
you should be able to: produced per unit of time, called an output rate. The rate of
output is influenced by operations strategy, process choice,
1. Provide examples of the uses of technology, and job design. The first step in measuring an
work standards by managers.
output rate is determining a normal level of performance. A
2. Describe procedures for
measuring output rates, using work standard is the time required for a trained worker to
several common approaches. perform a task following a prescribed method with normal
3. Discuss the managerial effort and skill. Robots of the same type perform the same
considerations of work repetitive tasks with little variation in output rate, but human
output is more difficult to evaluate because skill, effort, and
stamina vary from one employee to another.



work standard Managers use work standards in the following ways.
The time required for a trained worker to 1. Establishing Prices and Costs. Managers can use labor and machine time standards to
perform a task following a prescribed develop costs for current and new products, create budgets, determine prices, and
method with normal effort and skill. arrive at make-or-buy decisions.
2. Motivating Workers. Standards can be used to define a day’s work or to motivate workers
to improve their performance. For example, under an incentive compensation plan,
workers can earn a bonus for output that exceeds the standard.
3. Comparing Alternative Process Designs. Time standards can be used to compare differ-
ent routings for an item and to evaluate new work methods and new equipment.
4. Scheduling. Managers need time standards to assign tasks to workers and machines in
ways that effectively utilize resources.
5. Capacity Planning. Managers can use time standards to determine current and pro-
jected capacity requirements for given demand requirements. Workforce staffing deci-
sions also may require time estimates.
6. Performance Appraisal. A worker’s output can be compared to the standard output over
a period of time to evaluate worker performance and productivity. A manager’s perfor-
mance can be measured by comparing actual costs to standard costs of a process.
Work standards often are a source of conflict between management and labor. When an
organization uses output standards as the basis for pay, unions or workers may object if they
believe that standards are set “too high” and management may object if they believe that
standards are set “too low.” Both groups benefit from setting achievable standards because
setting output standards at either extreme makes planning for appropriate capacity levels
difficult, increases costs, and reduces profits.
Managers themselves disagree over the use of engineered work standards to increase
productivity. Some managers believe that employees need to be involved in determining
work standards, that time studies dehumanize workers, and that the costs of large industrial
engineering staffs and the hidden costs of labor–management conflicts outweigh the benefits
of elaborate standards. Others believe that using engineered standards for piecework incen-
tives actually defeats their purpose of increasing worker productivity because employees will
have little incentive to improve their work methods. Workers also may lose sight of quality as
they race to meet standards. However, when firms involve employees in defining their own
work standards, the methods presented in this supplement can still increase productivity.


The key to creating a work standard is defining normal performance. Suppose, for example,
that the manager of a fast-growing company that manufactures frozen pizza wants to create
a standard for pizza assembly. To assemble the pizza, a worker spreads sauce over the pizza
shell, adds pepperoni and cheese, places the pizza in a box, and puts the assembled product
on a cart for fast freezing. The entire process takes 20 seconds. At this pace, a worker could
assemble 1,440 pizzas in an eight-hour day.
Before settling on 20 seconds as the standard, however, the manager must consider
whether all the employees have the skills of the observed worker. He may be exceptionally
energetic, experienced, and efficient. Moreover, the estimate of 20 seconds per pizza did not
account for fluctuations in pace or scheduled rest periods. Generally, the time per unit
observed over a short period for one employee should not be used as a standard for an
extended period of time for all employees.
work measurement Work measurement is the process of creating labor standards based on the judgment of
The process of creating labor standards skilled observers. Managers often use informal methods to arrive at labor standards. They
based on the judgment of skilled can develop simple estimates of the time required for activities or the number of employees
observers. needed for a job on the basis of experience and judgment. Formal methods of work mea-
surement available to the manager include
1. the time study method
2. the elemental standard data approach

3. the predetermined data approach

4. the work sampling method
The method chosen often depends on the purpose of the data. For example, when an
analyst needs a high degree of precision in comparing actual work method results to stan-
dards, a stopwatch study or predetermined times might be required. Alternatively, an analyst
who wants to estimate the percentage of time that an employee is idle while waiting for cus-
tomers or materials requires a work sampling method.
Moreover, an analyst may use more than one approach to obtain needed work measure-
ment information. In the remainder of this supplement, we assume that the worker has fully
learned the work method under study.


The method used most often for setting time standards for a job is called a time study, which time study
consists of four steps. The method most often used for setting
Step 1: Selecting Work Elements Each work element should have definite starting and time standards for a job; it consists of
stopping points to facilitate taking stopwatch readings. Work elements that take less than four steps: selecting work elements,
three seconds to complete should be avoided because they are difficult to time. The work timing the elements, determining sample
elements selected should correspond to a standard work method that has been running size, and setting the standard.
smoothly for a period of time in a standard work environment. Incidental operations not
normally involved in the task should be identified and separated from the repetitive work.
Step 2: Timing the Elements After the work elements have been identified, the analyst
times a worker trained in the work method to get an initial set of observations. The analyst
may use either the continuous method, recording the stopwatch reading for each work ele-
ment upon its completion, or the snap-back method, resetting the stopwatch to zero upon
completion of each work element. For the latter method, the analyst uses two watches, one
for recording the previous work element and the other for timing the present work element.
If the sample data include a single, isolated time that differs greatly from other times
recorded for the same element, the analyst should investigate the cause of the variation. An
“irregular occurrence,” such as a dropped tool or a machine failure, should not be included
in calculating the average time for the work element. The average observed time based only
on representative times is called the select time ( t ). Irregular occurrences can be covered in select time ( t )
the allowances that we discuss later. The average observed time based only
Step 3: Determining Sample Size Typically, those who use the time study method to set on representative times.
standards want an average time estimate that is very close to the true long-range average
most of the time. A formula, based on the normal distribution, allows the analyst to deter-
mine the sample size, n, required:
⎡⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ σ ⎞ ⎤
n = ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ p ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ ⎥⎦
n = required sample size
p = precision of the estimate as a proportion of the true value
t = select time for a work element
s = standard deviation of representative observed times for a work element
z = number of normal standard deviations needed for the desired confidence
Typical values of z for this formula are

Desired Confidence (%) z

90 1.65
95 1.96
96 2.05
97 2.17
98 2.33
99 2.58

For example, a z value of 1.96 represents ±1.96 standard deviations from the mean, leav-
ing a total of 5 percent in the tails of the standardized normal curve. The precision of the
estimate, p, is expressed as a proportion of the true (but unknown) average time for the
work element.

EXAMPLE H.1 Estimating the Sample Size in a Time Study

A coffee cup packaging operation has four work elements. A preliminary study provided the following results:

TUTOR H.1 Standard Select

Deviation, S Time, t Sample
Tutor H.1 on the Student CD-ROM
Work Element (min) (min) Size
provides a new example to practice the
approach to determine the appropriate
1. Get two cartons 0.0305 0.50 5
sample size.
2. Put liner in carton 0.0171 0.11 10
3. Place cups in carton 0.0226 0.71 10
4. Seal carton and set aside 0.0241 1.10 10

Work element 1 was observed only five times because it occurs once every two work cycles. The study covered
the packaging of 10 cartons. Determine the appropriate sample size if the estimate for the select time for any
work element is to be within 4 percent of the true mean 95 percent of the time.

For this problem,
p = 0.04 and z = 1.96
The sample size for each work element must be calculated, and the largest must be used for the final study so
that all estimates will meet or exceed the desired precision.
⎡ ⎛ 1.96 ⎞ ⎛ 0.0305 ⎞ ⎤
Work element 1: n = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎥ =9
⎣ ⎝ 0.04 ⎠ ⎝ 0.500 ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ⎛ 1.96 ⎞ ⎛ 0.0171⎞ ⎤
Work element 2: n = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = 58
⎣ ⎝ 0.04 ⎠ ⎝ 0.11 ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ⎛ 1.96 ⎞ ⎛ 0.0226 ⎞ ⎤
Work element 3: n = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎥ =3
⎣ ⎝ 0.04 ⎠ ⎝ 0.71 ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ⎛ 1.96 ⎞ ⎛ 0.0241⎞ ⎤
Work element 4: n = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎥ =2
⎣ ⎝ 0.04 ⎠ ⎝ 1.10 ⎠ ⎦

Decision Point All fractional calculations were rounded to the next largest integer. To be sure that all select
times are within 4 percent of the true mean 95 percent of the time, we must have a total of 58 observations
because of work element 2. Consequently, we have to observe the packaging of 48 (or 58 ⫺ 10) more cartons.

Step 4: Setting the Standard The final step is to set the standard. To do so, the analyst
first determines the normal time for each work element by judging the pace of the observed
worker. The analyst must assess not only whether the worker’s pace is above or below aver-
performance rating factor (RF) age but also a performance rating factor (RF) that describes how much above or below aver-
An assessment that describes how much age the worker’s performance on each work element is. Setting the performance rating
above or below average the worker’s requires the greatest amount of judgment. Usually, only a few workers are observed during a
performance on each work element is. study. If the workers are fast, basing the standard on their average time would not be fair,
particularly if a wage incentive plan is involved. Conversely, if the workers are slow, basing

the standard on their normal time would be unfair to the company. Furthermore, workers
may slow their pace when they are being observed in a time study. Thus, the analyst has to
make an adjustment in the average observed time to estimate the time required for a trained
operator to do the task at a normal pace. Analysts go through training programs to ensure
consistency of ratings over many analyses.
The analyst must also factor in the frequency of occurrence, F, of a particular work ele- normal time (NT)
ment in a work cycle. Some work elements may not be performed every cycle. The analyst
A measurement found by multiplying the
finds the normal time (NT) for any work element by multiplying the select time (t ), the fre-
select time ( t ), the frequency (F ) of the
quency (F) of the work element per cycle, and the rating factor (RF):
work element per cycle, and the rating
NT = t (F )(RF) factor (RF).
Use F = 1 if the work element is performed every cycle, F = 0.5 if it is performed every other normal time for
cycle, and so on. To find the normal time for the cycle (NTC), the analyst sums the normal the cycle (NTC)
time for each element:
A measurement found by summing the
NTC = ΣNT normal time for each element.

Determining the Normal Time EXAMPLE H.2

Suppose that 48 additional observations of the coffee cup packaging operation were taken and the following data
were recorded:

Work Element t F RF Tutor H.2 on the Student CD-ROM
provides a new example to practice the
1 0.53 0.50 1.05 determination of the normal time.
2 0.10 1.00 0.95
3 0.75 1.00 1.10
4 1.08 1.00 0.90

Because element 1 occurs only every other cycle, its average time per cycle must be half its average
observed time. That is why F1 = 0.50 for that element. All others occur every cycle. What are the normal times for
each work element and for the complete cycle?

The normal times are calculated as follows:
Work element 1: NT1 = 0.53 (0.50) (1.05) = 0.28 minute
Work element 2: NT2 = 0.10 (1.00) (0.95) = 0.10 minute
Work element 3: NT3 = 0.75 (1.00) (1.10) = 0.83 minute
Work element 4: NT4 = 1.08 (1.00) (0.90) = 0.97 minute
Total = 2.18 minutes

The normal time for the complete cycle is 2.18 minutes.

Decision Point The normal time only tells us what the specific worker used for the study can do. It must
be modified to get a useful measure of output for a group of workers.
allowance time
The time added to the normal time to
adjust for certain factors.

standard time (ST)

We cannot use the normal time of 2.18 minutes for the cycle as a standard because it
does not allow for fatigue, rest periods, or unavoidable delays that occur during an average A measurement found by incorporating
workday. Hence, we must add some allowance time to the normal time to adjust for these the normal time added for allowances;
factors. The standard time (ST) then becomes ST = NTC(1 + A), where A equals the
proportion of the normal time added for
ST = NTC(1 + A) allowances.

A = proportion of the normal time added for allowances
Most allowances range from 10 to 20 percent of normal time and cover factors that may be
difficult to measure. However, work sampling can be used to estimate some of those factors.

EXAMPLE H.3 Determining the Standard Time

Management needs a standard time for the coffee cup packaging operation. Suppose that A = 0.15 of the nor-
mal time. What is the standard time for the coffee cup packaging operation, and how many cartons can be
expected per eight-hour day?
Tutor H.3 on the Student CD-ROM SOLUTION
provides a new example of determining For A = 0.15 of the normal time,
the standard time. ST = 2.18(1 + 0.15) = 2.51 minutes/carton
Decision Point For an eight-hour day, this translates into a production standard of
480 minutes/day
= 191 carto ns/day
2.51 minutes/carton
Management can now use that estimate to make production plans and cost estimates.

Overall Assessment of Time Study Time study methods have some limitations. They
should not be used to set standards for jobs in which the nature of the task is different each
time, such as a student solving a problem, a professor preparing a lecture, or an automobile
mechanic diagnosing the cause of a nonroutine problem. In addition, an inexperienced per-
son should not conduct time studies because errors in recording information or in selecting
the work elements to include can result in unreasonable standards. Finally, some workers
may object to time study because of the subjectivity involved. Nonetheless, time studies
conducted by an experienced observer usually provide a satisfactory, although imperfect,
tool for setting equitable time standards.


If a plant requires thousands of work standards, the time and cost required for the time
study method may be prohibitive. When a high degree of similarity exists in the work ele-
elemental standard data ments of certain jobs, analysts often use elemental standard data to derive standards for
A type of data used by analysts to derive various jobs. In this approach, analysts use a work measurement approach, such as time
standards for various jobs when a high study, or management opinions, to compile standards for the common elements. The stan-
degree of similarity exists in the work dards are stored in a database. If the time required for a work element depends on certain
elements of certain jobs. variable characteristics of the jobs, an equation that relates these characteristics to the time
required can also be stored in a database. Once established, the database can provide the
data needed to estimate the normal times for jobs requiring these work elements with vary-
ing characteristics. However, allowances still must be added to arrive at standard times for
the jobs.
In addition to reducing the number of time studies or informed opinions needed, the
elemental standard data approach can help managers develop standards for new work
before production begins. This feature is helpful in product costing, pricing, and produc-
tion planning.
Although the use of the elemental standard data approach reduces the need for time
studies or opinions, they cannot be eliminated. The analyst should periodically use work
measurement methods to check the standards developed by the elemental standard data
approach. Specifying all the job variables that affect times for each work element may be dif-
ficult; consequently, this method may not produce good estimates for the normal time.


The predetermined data approach eliminates the need for time studies altogether. The ana-
lyst divides each work element into a series of micromotions common to a variety of tasks.
The analyst then consults a published database that contains the normal times for these
micromotions, along with modifications for job variables. The normal time for any task can
be developed by accessing the database.
One of the most commonly used predetermined data systems is methods time mea- methods time
surement (MTM). Actually, there are several MTM databases, but we focus on the most accu- measurement (MTM)
rate, MTM-1. In MTM-1 the basic micromotions are reach, move, disengage, apply pressure, A commonly used predetermined data
grasp, position, release, and turn. The normal times for these micromotions, modified for job system.
variables, were developed by trained observers, who applied performance ratings to obser-
vations of motion picture studies of workers in various industrial settings.
Each micromotion is measured in time measurement units (TMUs). One TMU equals
0.0006 minute. Setting standards from predetermined data involves several steps.
1. Break each work element into its basic micromotions.
2. Find the proper tabular value for each micromotion. Tabular values account for mitigat-
ing factors such as weight, distance, size of object, and degree of difficulty.
3. Add the normal time for each motion from the tables to get the normal time for the total job.
4. Adjust the normal time for allowances to give the standard time.
For example, suppose that a worker must move an 18-pound object with both hands to
an exact location 20 inches away. The hands are not in motion prior to the move. To find the
TMU value for this action, we first go to Table H.1, which describes the move motion. The table
allows for differences in weight, distance moved, and circumstances of the move. Note that
case C describes the circumstances of this move. Under column C, the entry for 20 inches is
22.1 TMUs. Now make adjustments for the weight of the object. The worker is using two hands,
so the weight per hand is 9 pounds, which is greater than 7.5 pounds and less than 12.5 pounds
in the weight allowance columns. The dynamic factor is 1.11, and the static factor is 3.9 TMUs.
To find the final TMU value for this activity, we multiply the tabular TMU value for the dis-
tance moved by the dynamic factor and add the static factor: 22.1(1.11) + 3.9 = 28 TMUs.
Similar tables are available for other motions.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Predetermined Data Approach The pre-
determined data approach offers some advantages over the other approaches that we have
discussed. First, standards can be set for new jobs before production begins, which cannot
be done with the time study method. Second, new work methods can be compared without
conducting a time study. Third, a greater degree of consistency in the setting of time stan-
dards is provided because the sources of error in time studies, such as data recording errors,
are reduced. Finally, this approach lessens the problem of biased judgment because perfor-
mance ratings are no longer needed in the derivation of a standard.
The predetermined data approach also has its drawbacks. Work must be broken into
micromotions, making this method impractical for products or services with low repeata-
bility. Moreover, the sample of workers used to develop the predetermined data may not be
representative of the workers in a particular facility.
Furthermore, performance time variations can result from a complex array of factors.
For example, the time needed to move an object may depend on the shape of the object, but
the MTM-1 charts do not recognize this factor. Also, the method assumes that the times
associated with the micromotions simply can be summed to get the total time for a task. This
assumption disregards the possibility that the actual time may depend on the specific
sequence of motions. Finally, there is a danger that the approach will be misused. Although
the approach appears to be easy to use, considerable training and experience are required to
identify all the micromotions and accurately judge the mitigating factors of the motion.


Work sampling involves estimating the proportions of time spent by people and machines work sampling
on activities, based on a large number of observations. These activities might include pro- The process of estimating the
ducing a service or product, doing paperwork, waiting for instructions, waiting for mainte- proportions of the time spent by people
nance, or being idle. The underlying assumption is that the proportion of time during which and machines on activities, based on a
the activity is observed in the sample will be the proportion of time spent on the activity in large number of observations.

TABLE H.1 MTM Predetermined Data for the Move Micromotion

Time TMU Wt. Allowance

Distance Hand in Static

Moved Motion Wt. (lb) Dynamic Constant Case and
(in.) A B C B Up to Factor (TMU) Description

3/4 or less 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.7

1 2.5 2.9 3.4 2.3 2.5 1.00 0
2 3.6 4.6 5.2 2.9
3 4.9 5.7 6.7 3.6 7.5 1.06 2.2 A Move object to other hand
4 6.1 6.9 8.0 4.3 or against stop.
5 7.3 8.0 9.2 5.0 12.5 1.11 3.9
6 8.1 8.9 10.3 5.7
7 8.9 9.7 11.1 6.5 17.5 1.17 5.6
8 9.7 10.6 11.8 7.2
9 10.5 11.5 12.7 7.9 22.5 1.22 7.4
10 11.3 12.2 13.5 8.6 B Move object to approximate
12 12.9 13.4 15.2 10.0 27.5 1.28 9.1 or indefinite location.
14 14.4 14.6 16.9 11.4
16 16.0 15.8 18.7 12.8 32.5 1.33 10.8
18 17.6 17.0 20.4 14.2
20 19.2 18.2 22.1 15.6 37.5 1.39 12.5
22 20.8 19.4 23.8 17.0
24 22.4 20.6 25.5 18.4 42.5 1.44 14.3 C Move object to exact
26 24.0 21.8 27.3 19.8 location.
28 25.5 23.1 29.0 21.2 47.5 1.50 16.0
30 27.1 24.3 30.7 22.7
Additional 0.8 0.6 0.85 TMU per inch over 30 inches

Source: Copyright © by the MTM Association for Standards and Research. No reprint permission without written consent from the MTM Association, 16–01 Broadway,
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410.

general. Data from work sampling also can be used to estimate how effective machines or
workers are, estimate the allowances needed to set standards for use with other work mea-
surement methods, determine job content, and help assess the cost of jobs or activities.
Work Sampling Procedure Conducting a work sampling study involves the following
1. Define the activities.
2. Design the observation form.
3. Determine the length of the study.
4. Determine the initial sample size.
5. Select random observation times using a random number table.
6. Determine the observer schedule.
7. Observe the activities and record the data.
8. Decide whether additional sampling is required.
A work sampling study should be conducted over a period of time that is representative
of normal work conditions, in which each activity occurs a representative number of times.
For example, if an activity occurs only once a week, the study should probably span several

months. However, if the activity occurs continuously throughout the week and from week to
week throughout the year, the study might cover only several weeks.
Sample Size The goal of work sampling is to obtain an estimate of the proportion of time
spent on a particular activity that does not differ from the true proportion by more than a
specified error. That is, the analyst wants to take a sample, calculate the sample proportion,
p̂ , and be able to say that the following interval contains the true proportion with a specified
degree of precision:

pˆ − e ≤ pˆ ≤ pˆ + e

p̂ = sample proportion (number of occurrences divided by the sample size)
e = maximum error in the estimate

The sample size affects the degree of precision that can be expected from work sampling
for any desired level of statistical confidence. Work sampling involves estimating propor-
tions, so the sampling distribution is the binomial distribution. However, large sample sizes
are required for this approach, and the normal approximation to the binomial distribution
can be used to determine the appropriate sample size. Figure H.1 shows the confidence
interval for a work sampling study. The maximum error can be computed as

pˆ(1 − pˆ )
e =z


n = sample size
z = number of standard deviations needed to achieve the desired confidence

Because n is in the divisor of the equation, as n increases, the maximum error decreases. To de-
termine the proper sample size for a given error, the analyst uses the formula for e to solve for n:
n = ⎜ ⎟ pˆ(1 − pˆ )

Initially, the analyst may have to make a reasonable guess for the proportion of time an
activity takes, use the formula to determine n, and then compute an estimate of the propor-
tion based on the sample. The new estimate for the proportion can be used in the formula
for n to determine whether additional sampling is required.

Sampling Schedule The times of day the analyst gathers the sample data should be
selected at random over the length of the study. This approach reduces the amount of bias in
the data. For example, if employees know that they will be observed each day at 2:30 P.M.,

Confidence Interval for
a Work Sampling Study

Probability that true

proportion will fall
within confidence interval

v v v
p–e p p+e

Confidence interval

some of them may alter their behavior at that time. If that happens, the data will not repre-
sent actual performance. After determining the observation times to be used, the analyst can
develop a schedule for the observer.

EXAMPLE H.4 Using Work Sampling Data for Decision Making

The hospital administrator at a private hospital is considering a proposal for installing an automated medical
records storage and retrieval system. To determine the advisability of purchasing such a system, the administra-
tor needs to know the proportion of time that registered nurses (RNs) and licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) spend
accessing records. Currently, these nurses must either retrieve the records manually or have them copied and
sent to their wards. A typical ward, staffed by eight RNs and four LVNs, is selected for the study.
a. The hospital administrator estimates that accessing records takes about 20 percent of the RNs’ time and
about 5 percent of the LVNs’ time. The administrator wants 95 percent confidence that the estimate for
each category of nurses falls within ±0.03 of the true proportion. What should the sample size be?
b. The hospital administrator estimates that the annual amortization cost and expenses for maintaining the
new automated medical records storage and retrieval system will be $150,000. The supplier of the new
system estimates that the system will reduce the amount of time the nurses spend accessing records by
25 percent. The total annual salary expense for RNs in the hospital is $3,628,000, and for LVNs it is
$2,375,000. The hospital administrator assumes that nurses could productively use any time saved by the
new system. The pilot work sampling study resulted in the data shown in Figure H.2. Should the adminis-
trator purchase the new system?

FIGURE H.2 Activity

Results of the Initial Study Accessing Attending to Other support Idle or Total
records patients activities break observations
RN 124 258 223 83 688
LVN 28 251 46 19 344

a. Using estimates for the proportion of time spent accessing records of 0.20 for RNs and 0.05 for LVNs, an
error of ±0.03 for each, and a 95 percent confidence interval (z = 1.96), we recommend the following sam-
ple sizes:
⎛ 1.96 ⎞
RN: n = ⎜ ( 0.20 )( 0.80 ) = 683
⎝ 0.03 ⎠⎟
⎛ 1.96 ⎞
LVN: n = ⎜ ( 0.05 )( 0.95 ) = 203
⎝ 0.03 ⎟⎠
Eight RNs and four LVNs can be observed on each trip. Therefore, 683/8 = 86 (rounded up) trips are needed
for the observations of RNs, and only 203/4 = 51 (rounded up) trips are needed for the LVNs. Thus, 86 trips
through the ward will be sufficient for observing both nurse groups. This number of trips will generate 688
observations of RNs and 344 observations of LVNs. It will provide many more observations than are needed
for the LVNs, but the added observations may as well be recorded as the observer will be going through the
ward anyway.
b. Before using the estimates from the work sampling study, we must be sure that additional sampling is not
required. Figure H.2 shows that RNs accessed records 124 times and LVNs only 28 times. The computer
output shows that the proportion of working time spent on accessing records is 0.1802 for the RNs and
0.0814 for the LVNs. Thus, the original estimates were off the mark. The computer uses the new estimates
for the proportions in the same formulas we used in part (a) to revise the sample sizes. However, the new

sample sizes are smaller than those already used, so no additional sampling is required. If the sample sizes
were too small for the proportions found, additional sampling would have to be performed. In addition, the
confidence interval shows the range possible in the “true” proportions, based on the results of the pilot
study. For example, the actual proportion of time spent by the RNs on accessing records could be as low as
0.15 and as high as 0.21.

Confidence Interval
Total Activity Proportion Required
Workgroup Obs. Obs. of Total Lower Upper Sample Size

RN 688 124 0.1802 0.15151 0.2090 631

LVN 344 28 0.0814 0.05250 0.1103 320

Because the nurses will not be using the system all the time, we accept the supplier’s estimate of 25 per-
cent to determine the value of the time spent accessing records. Estimated annual net savings from the pur-
chase of the automatic medical records storage and retrieval system are
Net savings = 0.25[($3,628,000)(0.18) + ($2,375,000)(0.08)] ⫺ $150,000
= $60,760
Decision Point The confidence intervals indicate that the true proportions could be as low as 0.15 for RNs
and 0.05 for LVNs. If that “worst-case” situation occurred, the net savings would be
Net savings = 0.25[($3,628,000)(0.15) + ($2,375,000)(0.05)] ⫺ $150,000
= $15,737

Based on the results of the work sampling study, the new system appears to be a good investment, provided
the nurses can spend the time saved productively on other duties.

Overall Assessment of Work Sampling The work sampling method is used frequently
to estimate the proportion of time that people or machines spend on particular activities
because it offers certain advantages over other approaches. No special training is required
for the observers, no stopwatches are needed, and several studies can be conducted simulta-
neously. In addition, workers themselves often prefer this method of work measurement
because it typically is directed at the activities of groups rather than individuals.
The major disadvantage to work sampling is the large number of brief observations
required to provide a reasonable degree of precision for the estimate. Unlike the other
approaches discussed, this method usually is not used for setting standards for repetitive,
well-defined jobs.


In light of new technologies and management philosophies, managers should carefully evalu-
ate work measurement techniques to ensure that they are used in ways that are consistent
with the firm’s competitive priorities. Balancing the need to control operations and the need
for employee involvement is a difficult task. Traditional work measurement techniques often
are viewed as repressive and not conducive to good management–employee relations.
Nonetheless, management needs the data in order to measure outputs and the results of
process improvements.
Technological change is another reason to reexamine work measurement techniques.
For example, when a firm increases its level of automation, its methods of work measurement

must also change. The need to use traditional work measurement techniques to develop
work standards is less for automated operations because many computer-controlled machines
can gather data on their operations. Hence, standards for machines can be set without hav-
ing to sample unit processing times. Application of the techniques discussed in this supple-
ment can then focus on less prevalent activities that are largely controlled by the pace of


⎡⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ σ ⎞ ⎤
2 4. Standard time: ST = NTC(1 + A)
1. Required sample size in a time study: n = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ 5. Required sample size in a work sampling study:
⎢⎣ ⎝ p ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ ⎥⎦ 2
2. Normal time for a work element: NT = t (F )(RF) n = ⎜ ⎟ pˆ(1 − pˆ )
3. Normal time for the cycle: NTC = ΣNT


For a time study of a health insurance claims-adjusting process, the analyst uses the continuous
method of recording times. The job is divided into four work elements. Shown in Figure H.3
are the performance rating factors, RF, and the continuous method recorded times, r, for each
work element.

Operation: Insurance claim processing Date: 10/07 Observer: Jennifer Johnson
Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 t RF ␴
1. Check form completion t 0.50 0.55 0.45 0.60 0.50 0.52 1.1 0.0570
and signatures r 0.50 3.30 5.70 8.20 10.85
2. Enter claim amounts, t 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.25 0.24 1.2 0.0742
check math r 0.70 3.45 5.95 8.55 11.10
3. Determine proportion of t 0.75 0.60 0.55 0.70 0.65 0.65 1.2 0.0791
claim to be disallowed r 1.45 4.05 6.50 9.25 11.75
4. Generate form letter, t 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.10 1.30 1.20 0.9 0.1000
enter data for check r 2.75 5.25 7.60 10.35 13.05

a. Calculate the normal time for this job.

b. Calculate the standard time for this job, assuming that the allowance is 20 percent of
the normal time.
c. What is the appropriate sample size for estimating the time for element 2 within ±10 per-
cent of the true mean with 95 percent confidence?

a. To get the normal time for this job, we must first determine the observed time, t, for
each work element for each cycle. We calculate the time for each observation by finding
the difference between successive recorded times, r. For example, the time for the fifth
observation of the first work element is the difference between the recorded time when
that element was completed (at 10.85 minutes) and the time when the fourth observa-
tion of the fourth work element was completed (at 10.35 minutes): 10.85 minutes ⫺
10.35 minutes = 0.50 minute. Similarly, the time for the fifth observation of the second

work element is 11.10 minutes ⫺ 10.85 minutes = 0.25 minute. With no extreme varia-
tion in the observed times for the work elements, they are representative of the process.
All the data can be used for calculating the average observed time, called the select
time, t , and the standard deviation of the observed times, σ. The results of those calcu-
lations are given in Figure H.3. Every work element occurs during every cycle, so the
frequency, F, equals 1. The normal times are calculated as
NT = t ( F )(RF)
Work element 1: NT1 = (0.52)(1)(1.1) = 0.572 minute
Work element 2: NT2 = (0.24)(1)(1.2) = 0.288 minute
Work element 3: NT3 = (0.65)(1)(1.2) = 0..780 minute
Work element 4: NT4 = (1.20)(1)(0.9) = 1.080 minutes
Total = 2.720 minutes

b. Standard time = (Normal time per cycle)(1.0 + Allowances), or

ST = NTC(1.0 + A) = 2.72(1.0 + 0.2)
= 3.264 minutes
c. The appropriate sample size for 95 percent confidence that the select time for work ele-
ment 2 is within ±10 percent of the true mean is
2 2
⎡ ⎛ z ⎞ ⎛ σ ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 1.96 ⎞ ⎛ 0.0742 ⎞ ⎤
n = ⎢⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = ⎢⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ p ⎠ ⎝ t ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎝ 0.10 ⎠ ⎝ 0.24 ⎠ ⎦
= 36.72, or 37 observations


A library administrator wants to determine the proportion of time the circulation clerk is
idle. The following information was gathered randomly by using work sampling:

Number of Times Number of Times Total Number of

Day Clerk Busy Clerk Idle Observations

Monday 8 2 10
Tuesday 7 1 8
Wednesday 9 3 12
Thursday 7 3 10
Friday 8 2 10
Saturday 6 4 10

If the administrator wants a 95 percent confidence level and a degree of precision of ±4 per-
cent, how many more observations are needed?

The total number of observations made was 60. The clerk was observed to be idle 15 times.
The initial estimate of the sample proportion is pˆ = 15 / 60 = 0.25 . The required sample size for
a precision of ±4 percent is
z 2pˆ(1 − pˆ ) (1.96)2(0.25)(0.75)
n= =
e2 (0.04)2
= 450.19, or 451 observations
As 60 observations have already been made, an additional 391 are needed.


1. During a time study in a machine shop, five observations b. Determine the sample size necessary if the estimate
of a milling operation performed by an operator whose of the select time for the work elements is to be within
rating factor is 95 percent yielded the following times (in 3 percent of the true mean 95 percent of the time.
minutes): 40, 48, 48, 46, and 42. The allowance for this c. Is the sample size chosen to determine the standard
type of operation is 15 percent. time adequate? If not, how many additional cycles
a. Determine the normal time for this operation. should be observed?
b. Determine the standard time for this operation. 3. A time study involving the preparation of hamburgers at
2. The manager of Stetson and Stetson Company is trying to Bill’s fast-food restaurant used the snap-back method to
develop a time standard for the powder filling and pack- obtain the data (in minutes) shown in Table H.2. Allow-
ing operation. This operation has five work elements, ances typically constitute 15 percent of normal time. The
each of which is performed once every cycle. The schedule calls for 300 hamburgers to be prepared during
allowance for each work element is 18 percent. The oper- the lunch rush. If each part-time employee works 190
ation was studied for 20 cycles, and the following sum- minutes per day, how many employees will be needed?
mary data were obtained: 4. A cook at Bill’s restaurant (see Problem 3) has devised a
new method of quickly flipping and pressing hamburgers
that he believes will save time in cooking the second side of
Work Select Time Standard Deviation hamburgers (work element 3 in Table H.2). The cook asked
Element (minutes) (minutes) a peer to conduct a time study for this work element, with
the results shown in Table H.3. This cook is renowned for
1 0.40 0.021 superior strength and speed in hamburger flipping and
2 0.20 0.011 pressing. The rating factor for this study is 1.2. Allowances
3 0.31 0.018 typically constitute 15 percent of the normal time.
4 0.15 0.005 a. What is the average of select times for revised work
element 3? For the revised normal time?
5 1.25 0.085
b. What is the revised normal time per cycle? The revised
standard time?
a. Determine the standard time for the filling and pack- c. The managers seem very interested in this revised
ing operation. Assume the rating factor = 1.0. method for work element 3. They say that if they could

TABLE H.2 Time Study Results of Hamburger Preparation


Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 t F RF NT

1. Prepare patty 0.45 0.41 0.50 0.48 0.36 1 0.9

2. Cook first side 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.89 0.83 1 1.2
3. Flip, press, and cook other side 0.60 0.55 0.59 0.58 0.63 1 1.2
4. Assemble 0.31 0.24 0.27 0.26 0.32 1 1.0
Normal time per cycle (NTC) =

TABLE H.3 Work Element 3 Time Study


Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Revised work element 3 0.45 0.31 0.50 0.48 0.39 0.31 0.44 0.29 0.33 0.40

be sure the average of the select times for this study 7. A time study has been conducted on a cellular telephone
was within ±13 percent of the true average time for assembly operation. The data shown in Table H.6 (in
this new method, they could afford to buy health minutes) were obtained. A standard time within ±3 per-
insurance for the part-time cooks. How many obser- cent of the true mean with 95 percent confidence is
vations would be required to be 98 percent confident desired.
that the average of select times for this study was a. Calculate the standard time for the assembly
within ±13 percent of the true mean? operations.
d. The cook is not only quick with a spatula but also b. How many more observations will be required?
quick with a calculator and a bit suspicious of man-
agement’s motives. If the average of the select times 8. Consider the recorded observations of 10 cycles
found in part (a) were inflated by 13 percent, how of the cup packaging operation, shown in Fig-
many cooks would Bill’s restaurant need? ure H.4.
5. The information (in minutes) shown in Table H.4 pertains a. Determine the select times for each work ele-
to a package filling operation at the Black Sheep Wool ment, the normal time for the cycle, and the
Company. When three bags are full, the third work ele- standard time per package.
ment involves transporting the three bags down the lane. b. Suppose that we want a sample size that gives an
What is the normal cycle time for this operation? average time within ±5 percent of the true
6. A time analyst for the Super-Fast speedway pit crew average 95 percent of the time. Did we make
observed the mechanic in charge of changing both front enough observations? If not, how many more
tires during a pit-stop practice session. Her job is divided should we make?
into six work elements and a preparation time between c. Suppose that all we wanted was a precision of
drills. The element times (in seconds) for the first six ±10 percent. How many additional observations
cycles are shown in Table H.5. would we need?
a. Calculate the normal time for changing tires.
9. Management in a large hospital is planning to install
b. What sample size is appropriate for estimating the a computer to reduce the time spent by nurses doing
average time for work element 3 within ±1 percent of paperwork. First, management needed to know how
the true mean with 99 percent confidence? much time nurses spend doing paperwork in order to
c. What is the standard time for changing tires if the estimate the potential savings from the computer
allowance is 20 percent? installation. A work sampling study comprising

TABLE H.4 Time Study Results of the Package Filling Operation


Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F RF

1. Fill bag 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.18 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.19 0.24 0.18 0.19 0.25 1.00 1.2
2. Sew closed 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.36 0.37 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.36 1.00 0.8
3. Transport 0.82 0.84 0.73 0.85 0.33 1.1

TABLE H.5 Pit Crew Time Study Data


Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 F RF

1. Wait for car lift 2.9 3.2 2.6 0.5 1.0

2. Remove lugs 3.3 3.8 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 1.0 0.9
3. Switch tires 6.4 7.1 6.8 7.3 6.2 6.4 1.0 1.2
4. Tighten lugs 4.1 3.8 3.5 4.9 3.5 4.2 1.0 0.8
5. Move to right side 3.8 — 4.3 — 3.2 — 0.5 1.2
6. Clear away for drop — 2.1 — 2.7 — 2.0 0.5 0.9

TABLE H.6 Cellular Telephone Time Study Data


Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F RF

1. Assemble unit 0.78 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.79 0.82 0.81 0.80 1.0 1.2
2. Insert batteries 0.20 0.21 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.26 1.0 1.0
3. Test 0.61 0.60 0.55 0.57 0.63 0.61 0.62 0.60 1.0 0.9
4. Package 0.41 0.36 0.45 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.43 0.44 1.0 1.1

Operation: Coffee cup packaging Date: 1/23 Observer: B. Larson

Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t F RF

1. Get two t
cartons r 0.48 4.85 9.14 13.53 17.83 0.5 1.05

2. Put liner t
in carton r 0.59 2.56 4.94 6.82 9.25 11.23 13.61 15.50 17.93 19.83 1.0 0.95

3. Place cups t
in carton r 1.33 3.24 5.65 7.51 9.98 11.93 14.29 16.24 18.64 20.55 1.0 1.10

4. Seal carton, t
set aside r 2.43 4.39 6.72 8.60 11.10 13.04 15.38 17.32 19.74 21.68 1.0 0.90
Normal time for cycle:
Allowances (% of total time): 15 % Standard time: minutes per piece


500 observations taken at random over a week yielded 10. The manager of a loading dock is concerned about the time
the following data: spent by his crew in nonproductive activities (e.g., waiting for
paperwork, idle time, etc.). Although he is not sure what the
true proportion of nonproductive time is, he believes that it
Activity Number of Observations is close to 20 percent. If he wants to use work sampling to
estimate this proportion with 95 percent confidence, a maxi-
Attending to patients 180 mum error of 3.5 percent, how many samples should he take?
Moving between stations 40 11. Mayor Jonathan (Johnny) Johnson of Graft City is running
Consulting with doctors 60 for reelection. At a big rally in the city park, volunteers will
assemble signs, “A vote for Johnny is a vote for Graft,” to
Taking a break or idling 50
be placed on front lawns and city property. To ensure that
Doing paperwork 170 the rally will go smoothly, the mayor directs the public
works department to conduct a preliminary time study to
estimate the rate of work and number of city workers that
a. Estimate the proportion of time that the nurses spend will be needed to make signs during the rally. The results
doing paperwork. (in seconds) are shown in Figure H.5.
b. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for your a. Because of the chaos and uncontrolled environment
estimate. at the city park rally, allowances will be 25 percent of
c. If an hour of a nurse’s time costs the hospital $40, es- the normal time. Determine the normal time for the
timate the annual savings in cost if the installation of cycle and the standard time.
the computer cuts time spent on paperwork by 80 per- b. The mayor doesn’t like to leave things to chance.
cent. Assume 24 hours per day, 365 days per year of Suppose that he wants 99 percent confidence that
operation. each work element’s average time from the study is

Operation: Yard sign assembly Date: 9/27 Observer: Jerimiah (Jerry) Johnson
Work Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t F RF

1. Get stake t
and sign r 8 39 70 1 07 1 42 1 81 207 254 282 31 2 1 .0 1 .05

2. Put glue t
on stake r 14 46 75 112 1 51 1 85 21 4 259 285 31 6 1 .0 0.8

3. Place sign, t
four staples r 25 60 90 1 26 1 68 1 96 236 270 298 338 1 .0 0.9

4. Check assem., t
set aside r 30 64 97 1 32 1 76 1 99 245 276 303 343 1 .0 1 .2
Normal time for cycle:
Allowances (% of total time): 25% Standard time: seconds per piece


within ±5 percent of the true average. Did the public passports? What proportion of time do the clerks
works department make enough observations? If not, spend on each activity?
how many more should be made? b. If a machine to sell special stamps could be purchased
12. The information systems department of Universal Life outright for $3,500, would you recommend buying it?
Insurance Company wants to determine the proportion of Discuss.
time that the data entry operator is idle. The following 14. As manager of an encoding department in a bank, you are
information was gathered randomly using work sampling: concerned about the amount of time your encoder clerks
have to spend cleaning their machines because of mal-
Number Number Total functions. You obtained a proposal to modify the design
of Times of Times Number of of the machines to reduce the number of malfunctions.
Date Clerk Busy Clerk Idle Observations The modification will reduce the amount of time spent
cleaning the machines by 75 percent. You employ 20
8/22 11 2 13 encoder clerks at an average salary of $36,000 for working
2,000 hours per year. To help you decide whether the pro-
8/23 12 3 15
posal is worth considering, you had a pilot work sampling
8/24 11 3 14 study made, which provided the following results:
8/25 12 4 16
8/26 13 1 14
8/27 13 3 16 Activity Observations
8/28 6 6 12 Processing checks 52
Cleaning machine 15
If the department wants a 99 percent confidence level
Other duties 25
and a degree of precision of ±0.01, how many more obser-
vations are needed? Breaks 8
Total 100
13. The manager of the Valley Forge post office is interested
in the amount of time that window clerks spend on ancil-
lary services such as selling special issue stamp sets or
commemorative T-shirts and helping customers with a. Estimate the value of the annual labor savings from
passport applications. Three clerks, each earning $36,000 modifying the encoding machine design.
per year, staff the windows. When they are not needed at b. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for
the window, they sort mail for the carriers. The results of a your estimate. Would you suggest a larger sample
preliminary work sampling study are shown in Table H.7, size? Why? (Hint: Base your confidence interval
where entries reflect number of occurrences. on the normal approximation to the binomial
a. For a degree of precision of ±0.05, is the sample size distribution where the standard error is
adequate for special stamp sets? For T-shirts? For σ p = pˆ(1 − pˆ )/ n .)

TABLE H.7 Valley Forge Work Sampling Data

Day Selling Postage Priority Mail Special Stamp Sales T-Shirt Sales Passports Other Total

1 6 1 1 2 10
2 6 1 1 1 1 10
3 9 1 10
4 6 1 1 1 1 10
5 8 1 1 10
6 7 2 1 10
7 7 1 1 1 10
8 6 1 1 2 10
9 8 1 1 10
10 6 3 1 10

ADVANCED PROBLEM from the sample with the actual proportions and explain
Problem 15 requires prior reading of the Simulation supplement. how to obtain estimates corresponding to any desired confi-
dence level and within any specified maximum error.
15. You have been asked by your boss to make a presentation at a. Use a random number table to select 20 times during
the next management committee meeting on the methodol- the week you will “observe” the punch press. Use a
ogy of work sampling and its use in your machine shop. A random number first to select the day and then use
consultant has recommended this approach to manage- another random number to select the time of day.
ment for use in estimating the proportion of nonproductive Omit the time period 12 P.M. to 1 P.M. each day because
time for production equipment, such as a punch press. The that is lunchtime, during which the machine will be
committee members want an insider to brief them on this shut down. Put these 20 times in an observation
method. Sampling in real time is not possible during the schedule.
meeting, so you decide to develop a chart that is a “virtual b. Using your observation schedule, determine from
representation” of use of the punch press in the “real Figure H.6 what the machine is doing from Figure H.6
machine” shop. The chart is to cover all time intervals during at these times. Determine the sample proportion of
the five working days of the week. To develop this virtual the time spent in each category.
representation of the actual operation, you ask an assistant
c. What are the actual proportions of time spent in each
to observe it each day of the week and record running,
category from Figure H.6 ? How do they compare with
setup, idle, and breakdown times along a time line from 8:00
the sample estimates?
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. After making the observations, your assistant
summarized his findings in a chart, as shown in Figure H.6. d. Determine the sample size needed to ensure accuracy
You intend to use this chart to simulate work sampling, within 4 percent with 95 percent confidence.
thereby executing a work sampling plan in minutes that e. Based on your experiment, what can you tell manage-
would normally take a week. You can then compare the pro- ment about sample sizes and the accuracy of the
portions of time devoted to different activities estimated estimates?

Time 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5

Monday S R I R B S R S R
Tuesday R S R R I S R
Wednesday I R B R R B S R B
Thursday S R S R R S R I
Friday R S R I R S R
S = Setup R = Running I = Idle B = Breakdown
> CASE < H.19

CASE The Facilities Maintenance Problem at Midwest University

Sean Allen is the manager in charge of facilities maintenance pleted because more than one type of craft was required. For
at Midwest University. Located on a 500-acre tract of land instance, repairing a set of wall-mounted bookshelves in a
outside St. Louis, Missouri, Midwest University is home to dormitory room required both a carpenter and a painter.
15,000 students. Allen is responsible for maintaining all the Personnel in each craft were scheduled independently.
physical facilities on campus, which comprise 60 buildings. As Allen thought about what to do, he kept coming back
They include dormitories, academic buildings, administra- to what he had learned in the continuous improvement work-
tion and office buildings, two athletic stadiums, and a basket- shops about “getting closer to the customer” and establishing
ball coliseum. To carry out this function Allen manages a large, cross-functional work teams that focus on processes, not out-
diverse workforce that has traditionally been segmented by puts. A new structure with enhanced job responsibilities
skilled craft into electricians, carpenters, plumbers, painters, might just be the answer. The big questions were “What kind
heating and air conditioning specialists, masons, dry wallers, of organizational structure would make sense?” and “How
and so on. Allen also is responsible for the custodial and could he minimize time spent traveling back and forth across
cleaning crews for each facility. campus and more effectively utilize his skilled craftspeople?”
A recurring nightmare for Allen has been the inability of Finally, there was the issue of implementation. After he
facilities maintenance to respond quickly to work-order had designed a new organizational structure and established
requests. A review of the data indicated that a response time new job responsibilities, how could he get the facilities main-
of 5 to 10 days was not unusual. This was unacceptable. tenance personnel to support the changes? One phrase kept
Allen applied what he had learned in a series of continu- going through Allen’s mind: “You get what you measure.” In
ous improvement workshops that focused on problem iden- addition, any reorganization would mean a realignment of
tification, data collection and analysis, and problem resolu- employee performance evaluation and recognition procedures.
tion. He soon discovered that 85 percent of the work-order
requests took less than an hour to handle. Furthermore, QUESTIONS
almost 40 percent of the requests were for routine mainte-
nance items such as clogged drains, burned-out light bulbs, 1. How would you restructure the facilities maintenance
and loose towel racks. His analysis led him to the conclusion organization at Midwest University?
that an ineffective organizational structure was a primary 2. What can Sean Allen do to alleviate the problem of exces-
cause of the long response times. sive travel time for work crews?
Facility maintenance personnel were grouped by craft 3. As Allen redesigns job responsibilities, how should he
and centrally located at the physical plant offices. As work evaluate his personnel’s performance? What should he
orders were received, Allen would try to prioritize the requests measure? How should he reward employees?
and allocate craft personnel to fix the problem. Scheduling
work to be done was complicated. Both the importance of the
job and the location had to be considered. Maintenance per-
sonnel often spent a large portion of their time traveling back
and forth across campus, going from one job to the next. Source: This case was prepared by Dr. Brooke Saladin, Wake Forest
Allen also discovered that jobs frequently could not be com- University, as a basis for classroom discussion.


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