Objekt Strider Rules Rev 07-03-2020

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Strider Rules rev.


As sophisticated, cutting-edge machines on the battlefield, striders require a bit more expertise to use
effectively. As such, strider combat and customization are considered their own segments within

Combat Rules:

A strider is a tool of war, and as such, it’s expected to be able to take a few hits before it’s disabled or
destroyed. Therefore, a strider’s health can be split into two categories: Armor and Structure. Additional
armor can be added or subtracted through modification, but a strider’s structure health cannot be

Armor is the first line of defense for any combat vehicle, taking the brunt of incoming fire. Attacking a
strider or other combat vehicle usually means defeating its armor first. Any successful attack, whether
partial or full, deals damage to a strider’s armor depending on the size of the weapon.

Structure represents the internal mechanisms driving a vehicle, as well as the chassis keeping it all
together. Full successes deal damage to a vehicle’s structure in addition to their armor, usually splitting
the damage halfway between both.

Action Points:

Often, combat vehicles require resources such as fuel and ammunition to operate effectively. This is
represented by a pool of Action Points (AP), which the player must spend to move, attack, and perform
other strider-based actions. Players are not restricted in how they wish to spend their AP and can use
however much or however little they want per turn.

AP Pool:
Action AP Regen
A strider’s AP pool is determined by their size and Passive 1 AP/turn
modifications. Generally, larger striders possess a larger AP Enemy Hit 2 AP
pool, while smaller striders possess a smaller AP pool. Enemy Kill 5 AP
During combat, AP is passively regenerated per turn, but can also be earned by successfully attacking,
defending, or destroying enemy vehicles.

Combo Strings

AP earned from successful hits and kills immediately returns to your AP pool, allowing you to string
together combos and continue fighting for as long as you like, or as long as you still have AP or
ammunition to spare. This will enable a skilled or lucky pilot to extend their turn. However, your luck will
eventually run out...

Movement and Evasion:

Even despite the cutting-edge technology that striders are made with, they still have limitations. One of
the major limitations is their movement. Most striders cannot strafe and are limited to forwards and
backwards movement.

Moving forwards or backwards costs 1 AP per grid square and rotating 90 degrees in any direction costs
1 AP per rotation.

At the end of your movement, an Evasion modifier is given to your strider based on how many squares
you’ve moved from your previous position. This makes it harder to hit you, but also inversely makes it
harder to Aim at the enemy after moving.

Evasion Mod table

Distance (squares) Evasion mod Aim mod

0 - +1
1-3 +1 -
4-6 +2 -1
7-10 +3 -2
11+ +4 -3

Special Movement:

Some striders are equipped with various means of lateral or unconventional movement, but these are
often limited, and repeated use can sometimes lead to excessive strain on a strider’s chassis.

Strafing allows a strider to move horizontally without rotating, usually done with maneuvering thrusters
or some other mechanism. Thrusters can be mounted onto a strider to do so but requires a cooldown
between uses. However, some Thrusters can be supplemented with Heat Sinks or Overdrive Modules
to increase their effectiveness.

Diagonal Strafing is limited to a select few prototype striders. This allows a strider to move one square
diagonally in any direction. This can be done once per turn.

Jumping allows a strider to gain an advantageous position above an enemy. However, this is limited to
light striders and costs more AP the higher the jump. Jumping requires a Boost Pack to be installed.
Elevation Mod table

Elevation AP cost Aim mod

None - -
+1 (Green) 1 +1
+2 (Yellow) 2 +2
+3 (Red) 3 +3


In combat, the best way to deal with an enemy is to shoot at them. Simple as that. All combat actions,
except for unarmed melee attacks, require at least 1 AP to perform based on the weapon being used.
You can attack as many times with any weapon as you have AP to spend, but some weapons and attacks
may have a cooldown between uses. Like any action, attacks require a 1d20 roll for success.


Unless otherwise stated, a Strider’s weapons are only capable of targeting enemies in front of them:
generally, attacks can only be made to targets within a 180-degree cone in front of the unit, starting
from the row the strider is standing on. However, some weapons have their own targeting cones that
are different from the usual.

Difficulty Rating:

Like in most tabletop games, the success of an attack is determined by the Difficulty Rating of the target.
DR is determined by the size and mobility of the target, so generally smaller, faster targets will have
higher DR, while larger, slower targets will have lower DR.

Partial, Full, and Critical Success:

A successful attack has three outcomes: Partial, Full, and Critical. A Partial Success is when the attack roll
is one under the stated Difficulty Rating (DR -1), while a Full Success is when the attack roll matches the
Difficulty Rating or surpasses it by one (DR +0-1). A Critical Success is always 20. Both Evasion and Aim
modifiers affect Difficulty rolls.

Category Difficulty Rating

Stationary (Bunker, Building, Emplacement) 8
Infantry 8
Heavy Vehicles (Tanks, Mobile Artillery) 10
Light Vehicles (Trucks, Armored Fighting Vehicles) 12
Medium-Heavy Striders 13
Light Striders 14
Shooting is a sure way of engaging an enemy on the modern battlefield. Certain weapons are more
proficient at operating at certain ranges and deal more damage based on how big they are. All weapons
have a minimum and maximum effective range, represented by distance in squares. Generally, ranged
weapons fall into 3 categories: Short, Medium, Long.

Range Category Range Number (Squares)

Short 0-3
Medium 4-6
Long 7-10

Melee Combat is an option when the enemy gets too close for comfort. Melee attacks can be done
using either a strider’s own frame with an unarmed attack, or with some sort of melee weapon, such as
Blast Knuckles, Breach Spikes or a Sword. Melee attacks can only be performed on targets that are
directly in front of the unit being controlled.

Melee Counter:

Especially skilled pilots possess quick enough reaction times to evade incoming melee attacks and even
follow up with an attack of their own. Light Striders are can choose to dodge a melee attack completely
negating incoming damage while Medium and Heavy Striders can choose to counter with their own
melee strike by passing a SKL check, adding whatever Evasion mods they currently possess for the turn.
If a Strider possesses Strafing equipment, they gain a +1 to the check. If successful, Light Striders can
move one square in any direction as a free action, while Medium and Heavy Striders gain a free attack
with any melee weapon equipped, or with an unarmed strike.

Loadout Rules
Strider pilots customize their machine’s loadout to suit various mission profiles, as well as their own
signature piloting style. Most Striders can utilize most forms of weaponry offhand thanks to the
development of hand actuators, though other equipment requires the use of hardpoints, which require
time and effort to replace.


As a mobile weapons platform, Striders are expected to be capable of utilizing an assortment of

weapons. Generally, Strider weapons are equipped using one of two mounting types: Offhand and
Hardpoint. Less powerful Offhand Weaponss can be equipped and removed immediately, while more
powerful Hardpoint Weapons take maintenance time to equip, remove, and reload. Most Striders can
only equip up to two (2) weapons at any one time, unless stated otherwise.


Many Striders come with auxiliary equipment that allows them to fulfill a specialized role more
efficiently, but while they come with their own advantages, they also come with their own
After a battle, it is highly recommended to take the time to repair and rearm your Striders. However,
this costs precious time and resources, and more intense repairs take longer and are far costlier than
light maintenance.

Maintenance is broken up into three segments depending on how much repair and rearmament is going
to be done, based on time and cost. Maintenance Orders can be rushed for an additional cost, allowing
the maintenance time to be reduced by half, however there is a chance that something may go wrong.

Maintenance Orders

Order Effect Time Cost (Rush)

Field Repair +5 Armor 1 Day 5000 USD
+2 Structure 100 000 RUB
½ Reload (2000 USD/30 000
Regular Maintenance +10 Armor 5 Days 10 000 USD
+5 Structure 200 000 RUB
Full Reload (4000 USD/60 000
Full Overhaul +Max Armor 8 Days 15 000 USD
+Max Structure 300 000 RUB
+5 Temp Armor (6000 USD/80 000
Full Reload RUB)


Equipping Offhand Weapons is a free action that can be performed immediately even during combat.

Equipping Hardpoint Weapons, however, takes time and money to complete based on the size and
complexity of the weapon. Equipping Hardpoint Weapons counts as a Maintenance Order, but for an
additional cost, they can be added to an existing Order. Like regular Maintenance Orders, Rearmament
Orders can be rushed at extra cost.

Weapon Size Cost (Rush) Addon Cost Time

Small 500 USD/10 000 RUB 1000 USD/20 000 RUB 1 Day
(250 USD/5000 RUB)
Medium 1000 USD/20 000 RUB 2000 USD/40 000 RUB 2 Days
(500 USD/ 10 000 RUB)
Large+X-Large 2000 USD/40 000 RUB 5000 USD/ 100 000 3 Days.
(1000 USD/20 000 RUB
Weapons and Equipment
Offhand Weapons – Melee

Weapon Damage Cost Size Ammo/Max

Sword 1d8 Crash 2000 USD/40 Large N/A
000 RUB
Blast Knuckles 1d6 Blast 1000 USD/ 20 Small 10/30 (250
000 RUB USD/4500 RUB)
Breach Spike 1d10+1 5000 USD/ 100 Medium 5/5 (500
Blast 000 RUB USD/10 000

Sword – Standard Issue Anti-Strider sword: made of high-strength steel. More a club than an actual
sword. No one is quite sure when people started using these.

Blast Knuckles – Wrist-mounted cannons firing short-range canister rounds. Packs a bigger punch than
regular… punches.

Breach Spike – Arm-mounted pile driver tipped with high-explosive shaped charges. Descended from the
Bangalore Torpedo. Can be used by infantry in a pinch.
Offhand Weapons – Guns

Weapon Damage/AP Cost Size Range Ammo/Max

20mm 1d4 Kinetic/1 2000 USD/ 40 Small 1-5 20/40 (250
Machine 000 RUB USD/4500
Cannon RUB)
120mm Tank 1d6+1 4000 USD/80 Large 1-10 5/15 (500
Gun Kinetic/2 000 RUB USD/9000
RGMS 1d8 Blast/2 4500 USD/85 Medium 3-10 3/6 (800 USD/
000 RUB) 15 000 RUB)
Gauss Cannon 1d10+2 10 000 X-Large (Fills Unlimited 1/10 (2000
Kinetic/5 USD/200 000 Arm+Shoulder USD/40 000
RUB Slots) RUB)
Canister Gun 3d4 Kinetic/2 7000 USD/120 Medium 1-4 Line 5/15 (500
000 RUB USD/9000

20mm Machine Cannon – Autocannon originally made for use on attack helicopters. Effective against
Light Armor or Infantry.

120mm Tank Gun – Originally designed for tank turrets but fitted with a chassis system allowing for
offhand use.

RGMS – Reusable Guided Missile System. Holds three wire-guided missiles in a single magazine at the
back of the launcher.

Gauss Cannon – Experimental weapon utilizing electromagnetic propulsion. Too large to be wielded
offhand and requires additional mounting on the frame of the Strider.

Canister Gun – Pump-action anti-armor weapon. Fires a spread of pellets capable of striking multiple
targets at once.
Hardpoint Weapons

Weapon Damage/AP Cost Size Range Ammo/Max

(Cone) (Cost)
75mm 1d4+1 Kinetic 2500 USD/45 Medium 3-7 5/10 (450
Autloader 2 Radius/2 000 USD USD/6500
Micro MLRS 3d4 Blast 4500 USD/85 Medium 1-3 3/3 (1000
2x4 Line/4 000 RUB USD/20 000
Micro CIWS 1d6 to Infantry 3000 USD/60 Small 3x3 Square 10/30 (100
only*/1 000 RUB) USD/ 2000
(360°) RUB)
155mm G5 1d6+2 Kinetic 5000 USD/90 Large 4-8 3/6 (1000
Howitzer 3 Radius/5 000 RUB USD/20 000
Heavy Laser 2d6 Energy/5 20 000 Large Unlimited – Unlimited – 2
USD/400 000 Line of Sight shots/2 turn
Plasma 2d6+2 Energy 40 000 X-Large (Fills 3-6 2/6 (2000
Projector 3 Radius/7 USD/800 000 both Shoulder USD/40 000
Cannon RUB slots) RUB)

75mm Autoloader – Medium-caliber gun utilizing airburst concussion rounds. Capable of attacking
multiple targets at once with a single shockwave.

Micro MLRS – Multiple Launch Rocket System equipped with small unguided rocket propelled grenades.
Rapid sequential launch allows for a carpet bombing-like effect.

Micro CIWS – Close-in Weapon System chambered for intermediate rifle rounds for use against infantry
and RPGs. (*Talent: Trophy Defense – Spend an ammo charge to roll 1d20+Skill. Full success nullifies
incoming missile-based attacks to any unit within the firing cone.)

155mm G5 Howitzer – Long-range Artillery System originally developed for SPGs. -1 to attack rolls unless
a Stabilizer Arm is equipped.

Heavy Laser – Experimental optical laser weapon. Generates significant heat after firing, requiring a
cooldown between uses. Equipping a Heat Sink reduces Cooldown by 1 turn and equipping a Liquid
Cooling System eliminates Cooldown entirely.

Plasma Projector Cannon – Experimental energy weapon. Fires a stream of superheated protons at a
target for severe melting damage: the following explosion can catch multiple targets within. Equipping a
High-Efficiency Ionization Chamber extends range to 8 squares.
Equipment – Armor

Item/Description Cost Effect

Chobham Armor 3000 USD/50 000 RUB +5 Temp Armor
Additional armor capable of -2 AP until removed.
being purged when damaged
beyond use. Kind of heavy.
Ablative Armor 5000 USD/ 90 000 RUB +5 Armor
Armor designed to disperse heat -2 incoming Blast damage
by burning away in layers.
Spaced Armor 5000 USD/90 000 RUB +5 Armor
Armor built with gaps inside of -2 incoming Kinetic damage
the plating to catch shrapnel. -2 AP

Equipment – Mobility

Item/Description Cost Effect

Magnetic Coating 2000 USD/40 000 RUB +2 AP
Specialized coating designed to
improve joint response.
Strafe Thrusters 5000 USD/90 000 RUB Strafe: Move 1 square
High-power maneuvering horizontally without rotating. 1
thrusters attached to the hips. AP/1 turn CD.
High-Speed Bearings 10 000 USD/180 000 RUB Rotating two turns now costs 1
Ball Bearing rings designed to AP.
withstand intense workloads.
Overdrive Module 7000 USD/120 000 RUB Unlimited Strafe. Any
Black market computer movement over 2 inflicts 1
component that deactivates a Structure Damage per
Strider’s safety limiters. movement.
Equipment – Targeting

Item/Description Cost Effect

High-Gain Antenna 2000 USD/40 000 RUB Talent: Focus Fire – For 1 Turn,
Communications antenna choose a target within line of
usually given to command sight. Any attacks made to this
Striders. target by allies gain +1 to
success. 2 turn CD
Radome 10 000 USD/180 000 RUB +1 Aim for every turn you are
Allows for live movement not moving. Stacks to +4.
tracking. -2 AP
-2 Structure
Large Radome 20 000 USD/ 360 000 RUB +2 Aim for every turn you are
Increased size provides more not moving.
accurate readouts and finer -4 AP
tracking. -5 Structure
Stabilizing Arm 15 000 USD/ 270 000 RUB Talent: Deploy – Take 1 Turn to
Hydraulic stabilizer designed for deploy. Until Stabilizing Arm is
use with artillery. Stabilization retracted, you are immobile.
spike not recommended for use +1 Aim.
as a weapon. 155mm G5 Howitzer no longer
has -1 to success.

Equipment – Special

Item/Description Cost Effect

Heat Sink 5000 USD/90 000 RUB Strafe no longer has CD.
Improved heat dissipation Heavy Laser has -1 CD
system. Comes with improved
air conditioning.
Liquid Cooling System 7000 USD/120 000 RUB Heavy Laser no longer has CD.
High-efficiency coolant and pure +4 AP
copper piping. Works wonders
for keeping drinks cold.
High-Efficiency Ionization 10 000 USD/ 180 000 RUB Particle Projector Cannon +2
Chamber Maximum Range
Prototype component that
delivers a stronger ionization to
extend the lifetime of a particle
Not all Striders are created equal. Every Strider will have their own Quirks that make them different
from other models. Quirks are split into two categories: Positive Quirks and Negative Quirks.

Positive Quirks
Accurate (Strider, Vehicle)

Through superior fit and finish, this unit possesses exceptionally accurate targeting systems. Gain +1 Aim
to any ranged attack.

Battle Tested (Strider, Vehicle)

Years of deployment across multiple battlefields has proven this unit to be extremely reliable. Gain +1 AP,
+1 Armor, +1 Structure.

Cheap to Run (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit is a common sight, and therefore parts are cheap and plentiful. Maintenance cost is cut in half
for all Maintenance Orders.

Commander Variant (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit possesses a high-end communications suite. When a High-Gain Antenna is equipped, Focus
Fire’s CD is reduced by 1.

Dense Armor (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit’s armor is made of an especially dense alloy, providing superior protection. Gain +2 Armor.

Easy to Fix (Strider, Vehicle)

The uncomplicated layout of this unit’s chassis makes it simple to conduct repairs on. Maintenance time
is reduced by 2 Days for Maintenance Orders above Field Repair.

Focused Cockpit Design (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit’s cockpit is designed to provide a streamlined piloting experience. Gain +1 to any SKL check.

Good Reputation (Strider, Vehicle)

For some reason, this unit has gained a good reputation, making it more desirable. This unit’s value is
increased ¼ more when selling.

High-Efficiency Engine (Strider, Vehicle)

The engine this unit comes with has great fuel economy. Gain an additional +1 AP regeneration per turn.

Improved Targeting (Short/Medium/Long) (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit’s targeting systems are tuned for operation at a specific range. Gain +2 Aim when attacking
within the specified range.
Spherical Joints (Strider)

This unit’s chassis is built around an experimental spherical joint system. Horizontal Strafing does not
incur damage past 1 square, and Diagonal Strafing is unlocked. This unit can now move 1 square diagonally in
any direction per turn.

Negative Quirks
Bad Reputation

This unit is perfectly sound and operable, but for some reason it has gained a bad reputation. This unit is
only worth half of the purchased value when selling.

Cluttered Cockpit Design (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit’s cockpit was poorly designed, making it harder to operate. Gain -1 to any SKL check.

Difficult to Fix (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit possesses a complicated chassis layout, making it more difficult to conduct maintenance on.
Maintenance Time is increased by 1 day for Field Repair, and 2 days for all Maintenance Orders above.

Expensive to Run (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit is, for some reason or another, hard to source parts for which are either rare or especially
expensive. Maintenance cost is increased by half for all Maintenance Orders.

Inaccurate (Strider, Vehicle)

A mistake in the manufacturing process has left this unit with a shoddy targeting system. Gain -1 Aim to
any ranged attack.

Poor Performance (Strider, Vehicle)

This unit possesses an engine that is lacking for its purpose. From a standstill for 1 turn, movement costs
2 AP per square.

Thin Armor (Strider, Vehicle)

The manufacturer of this unit decided to cut corners and build it with lower-quality armor than usual.
Gain -2 Armor.

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