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Student Wellness Ambassador Team

Strategic Organizational Plan

Prepared by:
Mollie Wilcox, Gabby Devlin, Noah Myers, Sabrina Przytula and Natalie


April 2, 2021


Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………....3
Organization Background ………………………………………………………………....4
1.A Business Definition……………………………………………………………..4
1.B Vision …………………………………………………………………………..4
1.C Mission ………………………………………….……………………………...4
1.D Value Proposition …………………..………………………………………….4
1.E Organization Structure …………………………………………………………5
1.F History & Culture …………………………………………………………...….6-7
Situation Analysis ……………………………………………………………………….....8
2.A Definition & Scope of Situation …………………………………………..…...7
2.B Stakeholders Effected ……………………………………………………..…...8
2.C Competition ……………………………………………………………...…….9
2.D SWOT Analysis ………………………………………………………...……...9
2.E Market Position ……………………………………………………...………...11
Plan ………………………………………………………………………………...……....13
3.A Objectives, Strategies & Tactics ……………………………………...……….13
3.B Critical Success Factors ………………………………………………...……..16
3.C Key Performance Indicators …………………………………………..……....18
3.D Budget & Resource Allocations ………………………………………...…….21
3.E Timeline ………………………………………………………………...……..21
3.F Evaluation Method & Anticipated Results ……………………………...…….21
Appendices …………………………………………………………………………….......25
1.A. SWAT Organizational Chart…………………………………………………..25
1.C SWAT 2019-2020, 2020-2021 Annual Budgets…………………....………….26
References ……………………………………………………………………………...….28



The Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT) is a student organization at Illinois State
University located in Normal, IL. They are a sponsored RSO under the Health Promotion and
Wellness department at ISU and are responsible for following the guidelines associated with
Health Promotion and Wellness. SWAT is driven to help promote healthier lifestyles and
behaviors to students at Illinois State University. SWAT needs a plan to improve their overall
internal communications which will help grow membership participation as well.

This document displays a proposed plan starting this upcoming semester, Spring, 2021 through
Spring, 2022. The plan is to improve the organization's internal communication therefore
enhancing membership participation. The information that was gained to form these
understandings were through interviews with the organization’s advisor and electronic
communication with the president. After critical examination, the plan was created based off of
SWAT’s current internal communication styles and membership participation percentages. For
the plan to be successful the organization should consider the following objectives:

● To create an executive board communication plan incorporating weekly meetings.

● To decrease member’s ambiguity about active member roles and responsibilities.
● To increase member monthly attendance.
● To increase promotion of other events aside from the G-Spot.
● To recruit a more diverse audience within the freshman class.
● To decrease the ambiguity of what SWAT is within the Illinois State University

If each of these objectives are all met by the proposed deadline of Spring 2022, the plan will be
successful to this organization. In order to evaluate how successful the plan is, benchmarks have
been included to compare where the organization currently is in regards to the objectives. Once
role ambiguity decreases and membership participation increases, SWAT will be much more
efficient at properly educating the students of Illinois State University. This efficiency will allow
for SWAT to focus on other aspects of their organizations such as larger promotions of other
events, more productive executive member meetings and a larger vision for what the
organization wants SWAT to look like in a year from now. These objectives will be able to
improve their overall internal communication so they can grow as an organization and be more
successful for the years to come.



This section of the plan starts off by displaying the type of business that is managed throughout
the Student Wellness Ambassador Team at Illinois State University. Also presenting its vision,
mission, value proposition, organizational structure and history and culture within SWAT. For a
better understanding of the situational analysis and plan, this information is crucial to learn.

1.A Business Definition

The Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT) has been a student organization on
campus at Illinois State University for over 25 years. SWAT meets in McCormick Hall near the
Health and Promotion Wellness Office but due to COVID-19, they have all been meeting
virtually via zoom. They are passionate about promoting healthy behavior and lifestyles to
students. These members are supposed to be credible resources for students at Illinois State
University to go to when they need advice or tips for wellness. They are on a mission to educate
students and the community on many wellness dimensions such as sexual wellness, mental
health, safe drinking and substance abuse, healthy relationships and many more. As a registered
on campus organization, they follow the Illinois State Student Conduct Code to conduct
meetings and agendas for students who want to get involved with lifestyle wellness.

1.B Vision
Because there is no current vision statement, we have created a vision statement for the
Student Wellness Ambassador Team. SWAT is able to take this vision statement and use it for
their organization or brainstorm a new one based on the recommended vision statement given.

To be a well-educated student organization and establish the best version of students through
health and wellness.

1.C Mission
Student Wellness Ambassador Team’s mission statement is as follows:

To provide trained student volunteers that offer resources for individual well being, and
workshops that focus on mental, social, and racial issues to give students opportunities to find

1.D Value Proposition

A value proposition is a statement, or set of statements that demonstrates why the
customer should do business with your company. It highlights what you can offer and how you


differ from your competitors. SWAT’s overall focus is educating Illinois State’s student body
about their individual wellbeing.
Slogan: “Healthy Life, Happy Life.”
Key Message Platform:

● Health isn't just about eating right

○ “The comprehensive model also identified two groups left out of the
medical model: people with poor mental health, and those with
healed bones that were broken after age 45. Between 14 and 19
percent of people in those classes would likely be dead within five
years, compared to 6 to 16 percent of people in generally good
health.” (“Health and well-being are more than just physical” 2016.)
● Health is just as important as graduating
○ SWAT provides retreats, events and fun activities for students to get
excited about their health
● Health is something you carry for the rest of your life
○ SWAT provides many resources for not only physical health, but
mental,emotional and sexual

1.E Organizational Structure

After speaking with SWAT’s President, Tatum Flores, we were informed that the team
has five executive board positions, one advisor and 1-2 graduate assistants that help the team.
SWAT is a sponsored RSO under Health Promotion and Wellness, so they operate out of their
office and follow the guidelines associated with Health Promotion and Wellness. They tell them
what they can and can’t post on social media and descriptions of what kinds of promotions they
can do on campus (has changed due to the pandemic).
SWAT does not require that their members pay any fees. However, they do require that
members attend a weekend retreat every semester to be trained to peer educate, volunteer to staff
their wellness gazebo, participate in spring events (Consent Day and Denim Day), and help
present workshops upon request from other RSO's and campus organizations. Due to COVID-19,
they have not been able to host the typical retreats, have their wellness gazebo out, or host usual
events and workshops. SWAT has made changes and there are no required commitments for the
members to ease the stress during this time. They still host virtual workshops upon request, but
they are typically presented by members of the executive board. During semesters where the
team is on campus, the Portable Wellness Gazebo, The GSpot, has a paid set-up and take-down
crew of usually 3-5 people. These people are hired by the Health Promotion and Wellness office
and are typically members of SWAT but have also been graduate assistants.

SWAT current executive board:


● President: Tatum Flores

● Vice President: Haley Lemp
● Secretary: Nicole Johnson
● Campus Relations Coordinator: Leticia Erazo
● Education and Outreach Coordinator: Ian Crain
● Advisor: Misia Grzybowski

SWAT has position descriptions and expectations, but they have not been updated in a
few years so they are currently in the process of revising them and getting them up to date. When
a new member takes over an executive board position there is typically a period where the new
member sits in on the executive board meetings to learn how things are done. Positions last for
one year (2 semesters) but can end sooner if the person is unable to attend weekly meetings.
Once a term is up, a member can run for the same position or any other available position again
if they wish. Positions are voted on by the general assembly members only during our elections
towards the end of each semester. A short speech is required to run for any position.

1.F History and Culture

The club was founded in 1992 but instead of going by the name SWAT, the original name
was Pure Education. At first, their main focuses were educating students about alcohol and the
dangers of it, plus practicing and educating students about safe sex. In about 1994, the club
switched their name from Pure Education to SWAT because instead of having such a narrow
focus they wanted to broaden their scope. This is when they started to introduce knowledge
about general health and wellbeing, mechanisms for stress management, understanding and
practicing healthy relationships, nutrition, and other health factors that the students were
interested in.
When the club was created, there were between 15-20 new members and by the time it
was 2000 the club grew over 100% resulting in 45 active members. Due to the pandemic and
lack of on-campus activities, the club shrunk to 15 active members. From the students’
perspective, the reason for the low numbers is because their whole routine has been thrown off
and they’re still adapting to the “new normal”.
Once the club started to grow, they began partnering up with on-campus and off-campus
organizations to put on workshops and presentations promoting sexual health and relationships,
plus alcohol issues. In the past they have partnered with student council, campus recreation,
student health services and Planned Parenthood to name a few.
The club’s culture is very inclusive. They want people who find an interest in this topic to
join and promote/educate their fellow peers. There aren’t any member dues or fees which
highlights that they want people to join and find a place where they belong. Although, there is a
mix of formality and informality when the members join SWAT. They do have meetings once a
week, but they are not mandatory, just highly encouraged. The club trains their members to know


what resources the University provides so that they can carry-on that knowledge to other
students. Pre-covid, each semester the club would have a weekend-long retreat that assists in
building the members confidence skills, team building skills, communication skills and listening
skills. Which resulted in better leadership skills. If you’re unable to attend a meeting that doesn’t
mean that you’re kicked out of the club, you would just have to ask what you missed during the
meeting. The advisors and president also want their members input when brainstorming new
event ideas or promotional plans. They believe that the members are what drive this club into
becoming something more than just another club, but a place where students can feel safe.



Implementing a situational analysis in regards to SWAT is crucial for the success of the RSO.
This analysis will give an overall scope of the organization, show internal and external
stakeholders that are impacted and competition that the RSO faces. The stagnant membership
rate is damaging to the organization because it shows an inconsistent dedication to SWAT and its
members. This problem is creating a ripple effect in terms of ambiguity and monthly attendance
which creates confusion when trying to understand what SWAT actually does. Our situational
analysis will provide SWAT with a detailed plan on how to increase membership rates and
decrease ambiguity so that they can operate to the best of their abilities.

2.A Definition & Scope

SWAT is an on campus organization (RSO) in which advocates for health and wellness in all
forms from mental, physical to emotional for college students at Illinois State University. SWAT
does not require that their members pay any fees, yet they do require that members attend a
weekend retreat every semester. These retreats could be to educate their peers, volunteer or even
participate in spring events like Denim Day or Consent day as well as other workshops.

SWAT needs to change their way of internal communications so that they can grow in
membership participation. With only a small team of five executive board positions, one advisor
and 1-2 graduate assistants, they now only have 15 active members in the club for 2020-2021.
There is a high fluctuation of membership participation from 45 members now down to 15
within the last two years, which infers their internal communications are lacking in many
different ways. This is due to their strategies in which they are not fully structured as they are
more so objectives and goals versus needed strategies and tactics.

Even though they have a small team which communicates on a regular basis, their internal
communications lack structure therefore causing problems in membership. These problems
dissolve down to their direction of where they would like to see SWAT be. With a smaller team,
there is less likely to have someone be the outside moderator to help direct the organization as a
whole leaving their executive members to lead the path that they want. This may be a student
driven organization but the disarray of opinions misdirects the mission of the organization
leading to issues in different areas of their organization.

To fix their internal communication, the executive team needs to sit down and create a plan
which indicates their organizational direction they intend to go through whether it be in person or
through ZOOM. This is not only the events they want to hold but to discuss the matters of what


they would like to see from the organization and how they can evolve. To do this, they must
come to a consensus in which each person must advocate for what they personally want the
organization to do then proceed to delegate a newer alternated version of each of their requests to
a direct noted lead they can take.

This will lead SWAT to a consistent plan in which all members are on board with one another
and are able to communicate freely via ZOOM, text or GroupMe. Each person must take the time
to delegate and be diligent when staying focused to internally communicate with their team
members so they do not lose track of their directed strategies to gain successes. By having this
concise plan, SWAT will be able to advocate their necessities from their external members and
allow for them to have a path in which they follow. This can be done through a membership fee
or mandatory meetings at least once a month so that their members can feel the need to be there
and present with the direction of the organization.

2.B Stakeholders Effected

Although SWAT’s public is not largely known amongst the Bloomington-Normal community,
there are still internal and external stakeholders impacted by the club’s current complications.

The internal stakeholders impacted would be the team’s members, ambassadors and any
volunteers that happen to work alongside SWAT. This is an issue because without SWAT, the
members would obviously have nothing to contribute to. Without its members, the club would
not necessarily have a purpose and it most likely would not even exist at Illinois State as a
program. SWAT’s members are essential because any club or program needs to have members. If
there are none then there simply is no point. All of this connects back to their main issue at hand;
growing membership.

The external stakeholders affected would be the students of Illinois State University.
Specifically, they should be targeting sophomores, juniors and seniors to find the need for safe
sex knowledge. They should also figure out if freshmen have opportunities outside of campus
resulting in less knowledge on the topic. Developmental workshops can also come into play
when talking about educating ISU students. Without a consistent and reliable program, the
university may decide that they do not want to fund SWAT anymore and may see it as a waste of
time and money. Of course we do not want this to happen considering SWAT provides the
campus with great information, but that could be at stake.

2.C Competition
SWAT’s originality comes from its ability to study and discuss various topics regarding overall
well being. Its use of educational workshops, community outreach events, and accessible


assistance through Illinois State University provide the community with resources that would not
exist otherwise.

Some of the competitors of SWAT include: Food Nutrition and Dietetics Club, Students Ending
Rape Culture (SERC), The Mental Wellness Center and Progression of Generation.

● Food Nutrition and Dietetics Club

○ The Food Nutrition and Dietetics Club offers guest speakers, volunteer
events, and social night events to promote nutritional wellbeing. All ISU
students are allowed to participate in these events.
● Students Ending Rape Culture (SERC)
○ Students Ending Rape Culture is an RSO with a mission to educate the
Illinois State student body on rape culture, sexual violence, and
empowering survivors, in hopes to educate the community to recognize
these situations when they take place.
● The Mental Wellness Center
○ The Mental Wellness Center in Bloomington offers a vast array of tools to
help community members achieve mental wellness. These include
workshops on trauma, depression, anxiety, and shame.
● Progression of Generations
○ Progression of Generations, or POG, works towards uniting young men
through mentoring. Giving them tools to develop as young men through
their academics, sports, and overall mental wellbeing.
2.D SWOT Analysis

Aspects Implications Possible Actions

Strengths 1. Commitment to be 1. Great resource for 1. SWAT can be known

inclusive students on campus as a safe space and a
2. Dedicated members to join organization place to learn and
3. Amazing advisor and 2. Members show up grow with other
graduate assistants to meetings and take students
initiative within 2. This pushes SWAT to
SWAT do bigger and better
3. These people help things
SWAT run smoothly 3. They are able to reach
out to presenters that
other members in
SWAT wouldn't know

Weaknesses 1. Keeping consistent new 1. People are losing 1. Start giving incentives
members interest in the club to attend meetings


2. Getting participation after being involved 2. Ask members what

from members in events for some time events they would
they host and put on 2. Since Covid-19, want to host, that will
3. G-Spot location members motivation increase engagement
4. Controversial nature of to attend meetings and motivation.
the G-Spot has decreased 3. Post on social media
3. G-Spot moves the day’s G-Spot will
around campus so be out and where to
sometimes students find them on campus.
are unsure where to 4. Start spreading the
find. word about SWAT and
4. People think SWAT what else they do on
only hands out social media
condoms and it's
hard to get
promotions from
other organizations

Opportunities 1. Partnerships 1. Partner up with 1. New members will

2. External events other RSO’s to get join once introduced
3. Giveaways more involvement to RSO
and word out 2. Reach people via
2. Promote more social media to
events to get promote events
involvement up 3. People will recognize
3. Have people follow SWAT on social media
and share posts with through these
their followers in giveaways and decide
order to be drawn to follow and share as
into giveaways well

Threats 1. COVID-19 1. SWAT has struggled 1. Meet via zoom for

2. Long term continuity with staffing meetings and do
3. Number of members workshop presenters workshops virtually
and getting the word 2. Find ways to keep
out members active and
2. Members tend to engaged in the
drop after some time organization.
in the organization 3. Stand out and promote
3. Been hard getting themselves more at
new members Festive ISU to draw in
involved, members students early in their
mainly consists of college careers
upperclassmen and
graduate students


2.E Market Position

SWAT serves the entire ISU community while promoting healthy lifestyle habits and puts an
emphasis on diversity. They provide the student body with interactive programs and a trained
staff that is willing to help and offer useful information to hopefully create positive habits. The
SWAT team is different from other clubs on campus because it has a portable wellness gazebo
that the team calls “The GSpot”. Contrary to other clubs on campus, this allows the team to
move around campus while providing students with helpful information.

SWAT is an extremely reliable resource but students could also consider just going to the
recreation center or speak to a health professor since they know where that will always be. A
downfall of “The GSpot” is that it is obviously portable so students may have trouble finding
where they are located at times. Although this could be a potential downfall for the team, I
believe that it makes SWAT unique and recognizable.


This section provides a formal and specific objective plan of action for SWAT within the
upcoming semesters (Spring, 2021-Spring, 2022). This builds upon the last two sections and is a
guided plan in which SWAT can make the necessary adjustments. The plan will help achieve all
mission, goals, objectives and reach the vision in which SWAT is looking for with an inclusion of
budget, obstacles, and key performance indicators.

3.A Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics

The following table below illustrates the objectives, strategies and tactics in which SWAT needs
to use in order to proceed with this plan. Within each of the sub-sections, all compartments work
in cohesion to further the plan. Objectives are the ultimate goal in which an organization would
like to have, and to do this you will need strategies as well as tactics to achieve these objectives.
Strategies are different methods that assists the objectives in order to reach our overall goals.
They are a variety of approaches that are used as a baseline to connect back to complete the
objectives. Lastly, tactics are the basis of proactive action to lead forward the strategies of the
objectives. They are specific discourses to target the audience and publics.

Objectives Strategies Tactics

1. To implement weekly meetings by 1. Two-Way 1. Meetings every week

Fall 2021 for SWAT executive Communication 2. Executive board members
members. 2. Audience bonding trips
Participation 3. Use one of the first meetings to
(Rationale: The executive board go over Office 365 and do a
feels as though they are not being zoom training session so the
heard or seen by the students of executive board knows how to
Illinois State leading to a lack of give information and create
communication between one entertaining meetings.
another. A meeting every week will 4. Bi-monthly focus groups
allow for the executive team to bond
and create new plans and ideas.)

(Benchmark: Their last executive

meeting was on March 8th, 2021.)

2. To decrease member’s ambiguity 1. Social Media 1. 4-5 bi-weekly Instagram stories

about active member roles and 2. Verbal Cues highlighting who is holding the
responsibilities by 25% within the position and what their
next semester. responsibilities are.


2. Monthly position spotlights

(Rationale: Executive members have indicating who is holding the
raised concern on active position and what the
participation due to the lack of responsibilities are.
communication. Weekly reminders 3. 1-3 daily TikTok posts regarding
and posts will be created to remind who holds the position and what
active members.) their responsibilities are

(Benchmark: No benchmark has

been established. It will be
established after Objective 1 is

3. To increase member monthly 1. Verbal Cues 1. Encourage members to attend

attendance by 45% by Spring 2. Audience meetings by bringing in food
Semester, 2022. Participation from popular restaurants, doing
raffles, doing give-aways with
(Rationale: With only 15 people gift cards and merchandise
attending the last meeting, this through games and events
indicates there need to increase 2. 4-5 bi-weekly Instagram stories,
monthly attendance.) Facebook posts, RedBirdLife
posts going over what there is to
come in the meeting
(Benchmark:The attendance of the 3. Bathroom, hallway and student
last meeting was five people.) residence hall flyers

4. To increase promotion of other 1. Social Media 1.1 Post 3-4 Instagram posts
events aside from the G-Spot by 2. Audience promoting the events.
50% by Spring Semester, 2022. participation 1.2 Create 5-7 tweets promoting the
3. Provide salient event with a branded hashtag.
(Rationale:The stigma behind SWAT information about 1.3 Create 3-4 Tik-Tok’s promoting
is about sex education leaving the the events to those the events
rest of the RSO’s purpose left outside of the club
behind, leading them to divse a plan 2.1 Members posting 5-6 content
in which can astray from just one posts to their social media accounts.
area of health.) 2.2 Creating a contest among active
members. Whoever brings the most
(Benchmark: The last promotion amount of people to the event receives a
from another event other than the prize
G-Spot was two years ago.)
3.1 Create flyers and post in


bathrooms behind bathroom doors. Also

post in student residence halls.
3.2 Create pamphlets and distribute
them at the “G-Spot”.

5. To recruit a more diverse audience 1. Social media 1. Bathroom and student residence
within the freshman class by 20% by 2. Audience hall flyers
Fall Semester, 2022. Participation 2. Instagram Stories/Posts,
Facebook Posts. RedBirdLife,
(Rationale: With a very small even Tik-Tok’s
amount of diversity within SWAT, 3. Holding events for diverse range
they can only really discuss the of students
health issues between the majority of 4. Pop-up reminders sent to email
those in the organization, by for anyone subscribed
increasing the number of diversity,
they will be capable of expanding
their health knowledge through a
more diverse community.)

(Benchmark: The amount of diverse

ethnicity within SWAT is only at

6. To decrease the ambiguity of what 1. Social Media 1. Post about the other aspects of
SWAT is among the freshman class 2. Audience SWAT on all social media
and above at Illinois State University Participation platforms: Twitter, Instagram,
by 50% by Spring Semester, 2022. 3. Verbal Cues Facebook, RedBirdLife
a. 3-4 Twitter posts with
(Rationale: The internal and external branded hashtag
communication of SWAT needs a b. 2-3 weekly Instagram
rebranding of what they are known posts describing
for leaving for members to indicate upcoming events
the other importances of health.) c. 2-4 Facebook posts
reminding friends what
(Benchmark: No current 2. Have polls within these social
benchmark.) media’s
3. Verbalize in meetings what
SWAT is and how they can
advocate it to a larger audience
4. Bathroom, hallway and student
residence hall flyers


3.B Critical Success Factors

The following table describes four categories of factors which could benefit or drawback of
SWAT when trying to fulfill these objectives.

- Opportunities are the ideas involving improvements among the RSO that would
increase attendance and give a more clear idea of what SWAT actually does.
- Barriers would be anything getting in the way of these improvements.
- Environment includes the internal and external factors that go into making the
changes suggested among SWAT.
- Resources provide a list of suggested materials that would help the RSO
effectively fulfill objectives.

Objectives Opportunities Barriers Environment Resources

1. To create an Gives SWAT a Members are Members’ are Finding a space big
executive board chance to offer not consistent wanting to feel enough for members
communication plan their services to with attending engaged and to meet
incorporating weekly the students of motivated to
meetings for executive ISU in an Some may not come to Have a consistent
members by Fall effective way have reliable meetings. meeting place that is
Semester, 2021. that makes them transportation easy to locate
feel heard.
Agenda for meetings
with set to-do lists
and coordinate roles
for members

2. To decrease More Role Members can Charts with names

member’s ambiguity organization responsibilities start to get and roles provided
about active member throughout can possibly get along better for who is doing
roles and SWAT confused and take what
responsibilities by 25% SWAT more
within the next Set Members must seriously Those in charge
semester. responsibilities take their role must be consistent
among members seriously Positive and serious about
would ensure change may wanting to
that every role is Too many persuade implement change
taken care of people working existing
on one task (job members to


overlap) tell others

resulting in about it which
losing a would increase
position or member
having too attendance
information on
one topic

3.To increase member Gives SWAT the Overwhelming Members Finding a big
monthly attendance by chance to grow feeling of new would start to enough space for
45% by Spring as an RSO and roles and feel more members to meet
Semester 2022. increase members within connected an
retention rates. the RSO appreciated Paper used for flyers
to advertise new
The awareness of Consistency SWAT would meetings
SWAT will among finally start to
continue to members (sick feel like an Providing snacks,
increase around days, reliable RSO rather water, etc for all
the ISU transportation, than having members during
community. family inconsistent meetings
emergencies) meetings


4. To increase The RSO will Some students’ The Club and A consistent plan to
promotion of other break away from don’t care its members post on different
events aside from the just being known enough to learn are wanting social media
G-Spot by 50% by as the “G-Spot” more about the their events to platforms
Spring Semester, 2022. coordinator. club. be more
known around Paper used for flyers
Students will Some students’ campus. to promote new
understand that might find events
SWAT offers themselves not Member
more events. wanting to satisfaction Graphic design for
change their posts
thoughts about

5.To increase a more SWAT would be Not having Increased Having a more


diverse audience more inclusive members who inclusivity inclusive staff

within the freshman are open to the among SWAT
class by 20% by Fall ISU students idea/resistant to and audience
Semester, 2022. would feel more change
welcomed and Motivation to
have a sense of work together
belonging within as a team
the RSO.
Making sure
they have a
leader who can
effectively lead
in a way that
everyone and
can adapt to
different needs

6.To decrease the There is Misinterpretatio New/active Paper advertisement

ambiguity of what confusion on ns could arise. member and graphic design
SWAT is among the what the RSO is. satisfaction ideas for new and
freshman class and Students’ still improved RSO
above at Illinois State With less have questions Strengthening (raising awareness of
University by 50% by confusion, more about the RSO, relationships the change)
Spring Semester, 2022. members would not meeting full between active
be interested in clairity. members and
joining, therefore ISU student
raising community.

3.C Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPI’s are the necessary steps in which SWAT must take throughout this plan to ensure a
successful organization. SWAT’s Executive Board should consistently revise these proposed
measures and compare them to their benchmark, to see the improval of their comparison.


● Objective 1: To create an executive board communication plan

incorporating weekly meetings for executive members by Fall Semester,


○ Benchmark- There last executive meeting was on March 8th, 2021

○ KPI: Conduct meetings every week with focus groups once a

month to track responses and progress of internal communication.

■ Analyze this qualitative data on a bi-monthly schedule to

see where new logistics need to be made

● Objective 2: To decrease member’s ambiguity about active member roles

and responsibilities by 25% within the next semester.

○ Benchmark-No benchmark has been established. It will be

established after objective 1 is completed.

○ KPI: Analyze member’s positions and allow for once a month

verbal cues of responsibilities to see if there was progress.

■ Conducting on a monthly basis will allow for the executive

members to recognize how their verbal cues and media

relations are corresponding with responsibilities

■ Conduct surveys for members to complete during the

meetings and on social media to see what people know

● Objective 3: To increase member monthly attendance by 45% by Spring

Semester 2022.


○ Benchmark- The attendance of the last meeting was five people.

○ KPI: Analyze the attendance rate from Spring Semester 2021 and

compare it to Spring Semester 2022 to see if attendance rates have

increased or decreased.

■ When looking at year-long data, SWAT will be able to

receive applicable numbers and recognize if their

attendance rates have increased, decreased or maintained.

They will also be able to see if the attendance numbers are

from new members or returning members.

● Objective 4: To increase promotion of other events aside from the G-Spot

by 50% by Spring Semester, 2022.

○ Benchmark- The last promotion from another event other than the

G-Spot was two years ago.

○ KPI: Set deadlines for projects/events aside from the G-Spot

beginning of Fall Semester

■ Analyze and proceed with what needs to be accomplished

for it to be successful.

■ Evaluate what kind of audience you want to attend these


● Objective 5:To increase a more diverse audience within the freshman class

by 20% by Fall Semester, 2022.


○ Benchmark- At the moment, SWAT’s members are at 2% diverse


○ KPI: SWAT should increase by 4% increments each month over

the summer and upcoming semester by October, 2022

■ Look at the diversity within SWAT each month and adjust

percentages to get a more diverse audience

● Objective 6: To decrease the ambiguity of what SWAT is among the

freshman class and above at Illinois State University by 50% by Spring

Semester, 2022.

○ Benchmark- No current benchmark

○ KPI: SWAT should decrease the ambiguity by 15% increments

each month til Spring Semester 2022.

■ Adjust and proceed with percentages by looking at the rates

of how many people attend events, interviewing students,

Festival ISU

■ Conduct online surveys for students to complete through

their emails, asking them what SWAT is

3.D Budget & Resource Allocations

SWAT is a department sponsored student organization, so they are considered a program

within the department of Health Promotion and Wellness. They do not function as an
independent RSO. SWAT has been a sponsored student organization for 25 years.
The budgeted items for this plan are subject to change each fiscal year based on what
programming SWAT desires each year. The budget listed is from the 2019-2020 fiscal


year and for the 2020-2021 fiscal year (see appendix 1.C). This budget will also focus on
expenses from merchandise (shirts, face coverings, hand sanitizer etc.), CPE manuals,
educator training, retreats, programs and events. SWAT’s budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal
year has seen various changes in spending. Many programs, events, and volunteer
opportunities have not taken place this fiscal year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

3.E Timeline

If SWAT does choose to accept this proposed plan, it will plan to start this upcoming semester,
Spring, 2021 and run until Spring, 2022. The timeline will be an elaborate plan for how things
should be done and when within their organization. It is there to help assist members and give
them guidance within the organization. The timeline will display how the organization will
complete their objectives at a timely manner.

3.F Evaluation Method & Anticipated Results

To measure the success of our plan, we will make sure that steps are taken to prove its usefulness
in accordance with SWAT. To do this, we will compare log books from before implementing our
plan versus after, make sure that SWAT membership has increased by 45%, take surveys to
evaluate member satisfaction and ask ISU students if they know what SWAT is and what they do
by Spring of 2022. For a more detailed description of our team’s goals and measurements, see
section 3.B and 3.C that entail success factors and KPIs.

➔ Objective 1: To create an executive board communication plan incorporating weekly

meetings for executive members by Fall Semester, 2021.

● If members effectively create an efficient and meticulous plan to meet every week

the objective will be successfully met .

● If the objective is unsuccessful, plan for less meetings. Either plan for twice a

month or once a month.

➔ Objective 2: To decrease member’s ambiguity about active member roles and

responsibilities by 25% within the next semester.


● If member’s have decreased these roles and responsibilities by the expected

percentage, the objective was met.

● If the objective is unsuccessful, efforts will have to be remade to decrease

member’s ambiguity.

➔ Objective 3: To increase member monthly attendance by 45% by Spring Semester 2022.

● If there is an increase in member monthly attendance by 45% before the expected

time, the objective was successfully met.

● If the objective is unsuccessful, more effort will have to be done by members to

gain more members (i.e. social media, hanging flyers on campus)

➔ Objective 4: To increase promotion of other events aside from the G-Spot by 50% by

Spring Semester, 2022.

● If there is an increase in recognition based on promoting other events (besides the

G-Spot) before the deadline, the objective was successfully met.

● If the objective is unsuccessful, members will have to make more of an effort to

raise recognition for other events on campus (i.e. social media, flyers)

➔ Objective 5: To increase a more diverse audience within the freshman class by 20% by

Fall Semester, 2022.

● If SWAT meets their percentage and has an increase in a more diverse audience

before the deadline, the objective was successfully met.

● If the objective is unsuccessful, members will have to adjust their performance to

meet the percentage by next school year (Fall Semester, 2022).

➔ Objective 6: To decrease the ambiguity of what SWAT is among the freshman class and

above at Illinois State University by 50% by Spring Semester, 2022.


● If ambiguity is decreased by 50% within or before the Spring Semester,

2022, the objective was successfully met.

● If the objective is unsuccessful, members will have to put in more effort in

advertising their services and making efforts more clear (i.e. paper flyers

and graphic designs of upcoming events).


1.A SWAT Organizational Chart


1.C SWAT 2019-2020, 2020-2021 Annual Budgets

General FY 19-20 FY 20-21


Certified Peer Educator Training

(CPE) $4,500.00 0

CPE Manuals for SWAT Members $416.00

($25.00 each) 0

SWAT T-shirts $795.00 $800.00

Fall Retreat $610.00 $0

Spring Retreat $311.00 $0

Consent Day event $3,095.00 $0

SWAT Team Building $405.00 $0

Gazebo Parts/Displays $2,271.00 $110.00

Denim Day Event $265.00 $0

SWAT Info Cards $73.00 $134.00

Redbirds Together Wellness

Ambassador Program – Response
to COVID 19 ↓


Redbirds Together Program – $1,960.00


Redbirds Together – Shirts $2,277.00

Redbirds Together – Face $1,207.00


Student Workers– G-Spot Set up $5,372.00 $250.00

G-Spot Candy x

Quite Tobacco Kits x

Pens and Highlighters x

SWAT is a department sponsored student organization, so they are considered a
program within the department of Health Promotion and Wellness. They do not
function as an independent RSO. SWAT has been a sponsored student organization
for 25 years.
The budgeted items change with each fiscal year based on the programming SWAT
wants to hold. They plan in the spring semester so I can include additional items
with my budget for the next fiscal year. We remain very flexible with the group to
allow for creativity.


Redbird Life. (n.d.).

- Redbird Life. (n.d.).

Redbird Life. (n.d.).

Helping you achieve mental wellness in every area of your life. The Mental
Wellness Center - Bloomington IL Therapists. (n.d.).

Seaman, A. M. (2016, May 16). Health and well-being are more than just physical.

Student Wellness Ambassador Team. Student Wellness Ambassador Team | Health

Promotion and Wellness - Illinois State. (2021, February 8).


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