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Lecture: Introduction

Automatic Control 1
Prof. Alberto Bemporad

University of Trento

Academic year 2010-2011

Faculty of Engineering

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011

Lecture: Introduction Outline

Lecture outline

What is automatic control ?

Application examples

Course information

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 2 /50
Lecture: Introduction What is control ?

What is control ? A real life example ...

water knobs disturbance
desired temperature water inflow water temperature
r(t) u(t) y(t)

skin sensations

Water inflow u(t) must be controlled to reach and maintain

the desired temperature r(t)

Sensors on skin measure water temperature y(t)

Water inflow u(t) manipulated so that y(t)≈r(t) …

… in spite of flow and temperature fluctuations d(t)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 3 /50
Lecture: Introduction What is control ?

What is control ? A real life example ...

steering wheel vehicle on road
desired lateral steering angle lateral displacement
u(t) y(t)
displacement r(t)

eyes watching current displacement

Steering wheel must be controlled to reach and maintain

the desired lateral displacement r(t) within the lane
(e.g.: staying in the middle of the lane)

Eyes measure current later displacement y(t)

Steering wheel u(t) manipulated so that y(t)≈r(t) …

… in spite of changes of road curvature and of r(t)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 4 /50
Lecture: Introduction What is control ?

What is automatic control ?

embedded control unit process
reference manipulated input output
r(t) u(t) y(t)


How to control the inputs u(t) to the process automatically performance

to make the output y(t) track the given reference r(t) ?

How to exploit the measurements of y(t) to track the reference

r(t) in spite of disturbances d(t) acting on the process ? robustness

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 5 /50
Lecture: Introduction What is control ?

What is control ? A real life example …

Mom is washing hands,
she drains hot water

(=disturbance entering
the process)

reference manipulated input output
r(t) u(t) y(t)


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 6 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Application areas of control engineering

Aeronautics & aerospace
Process control (chemical, pharmaceutical,
steel, pulp & paper, ...)
Power electronics
Environmental systems
Financial engineering
Supply chains
Power networks

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 7 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 8 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

Electronic Control Unit vehicle

road slope
d(t) speed/position
desired speed engine torque/brakes y(t)
r(t) u(t)


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 9 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Lane Warning !"#$%&$'$(')*#%+,%-."'/*01%

HALF - HAptical Lane Feedback
Optical sensor detects and tracks lane markings
Incipient lane change signalled!"#"$%&'(#)*+
to the driver
by: components
• Automotive
• Power supply: 12Vbat - 500mA
ptical sensor detects andontracks lane markings.
- Haptic signal driver seat (simulation
6"*()-" of• analogue

- Haptic
gnals the feedback
driver incipient on steering
change by means of:• DSP @ 60Mhz
of lane!&#$%&-
Haptic- feedback
Acousticondirectional signals
steering wheel (HALF)
785$"9 • CAN + RS-232 interface
Haptic signal on driver seat (simulation of rumble strip)
• many configurable Digital I/ Os
Lane can be automatically maintained
Acoustic directional signals


17th Dec. 2002

electric power steering

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Product

Automatic Control 1 & Process Engineering Academic Year 2010/2011 10 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Lane Warning

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 11 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Lane Warning

desired lateral Driver

Electronic Control Unit d(t) !"#"$"%
displacement Torque Vehicle (Fiat Brava 1600)
r(t) Torque Steer
Demand actuated
u(t) Demand


!"#$% &'()*+,-.,)-% /.+%y(t)
&'()*+,-.,)-% /.+% 0''*%
0''*% &'1'2)3'&%
&'1'2)3'&% 04%
04% 5676$6



Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 12 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Idle speed control

maintain the engine speed at a given rpm

Torque disturbance: power steering Power steering + air conditioning

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 13 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Active suspensions

Active Suspension System

Ford Mercur XR 40i


Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 14 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

(Semi)active suspensions
Ms=suspended  mass
Mus=unsprung  mass

x4  sprung  mass
x2  unsprung  mass

active  suspensions
semiactive  suspensions
semiactive  suspensions

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Traction control
Problem:  Improve  driver's  ability  to  control  a  vehicle  under  adverse  
external  conditions  (wet  or  icy  roads)

indoor  tests  at  ice  arena  (μ¼  0.2)

2000  Ford  Focus,  2.0l  4-­‐cyl  engine

5-­‐speed  manual  transmission
Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 16 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) control

Control objectives:
Maintain the stoichiometric Air to Fuel Ratio (AFR) and avoid oxygen saturation
(empty or full catalyst)

Fuel Fuel injector

Tank (Actuator)

Air Exhaust gas Exhaust gas

UEGO Three Way Catalyst

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 17 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Control of suspensions

(Courtesy  of  Daimler-­‐Chrysler)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 18 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Active steering

Courtesy of

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 19 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Segway Human Transporter

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 20 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Segway Human Transporter

The Segway™ Human Transporter (HT) is the first
self-balancing, electric-powered transportation device.
With dimensions no larger than the average adult body
and the ability to emulate human balance, the Segway
HT uses the same space as a pedestrian, and can go
wherever a person can walk.

Dynamic stabilization is the essence of the Segway

Human Transporter (HT). Dynamic stabilization
enables Segway HT to work seamlessly with the body’s

Gyroscopes and tilt sensors in Segway HT monitor a user’s center of

gravity at about 100 times a second. When a person leans slightly
forward, Segway HT moves forward. When leaning back, Segway HT
moves back.

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 21 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Segway Human Transporter

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 22 /50
Lecture: Introduction

Short historical notes

Water level controllers date back to ancient Greece
(Ktesibios of Alexandria, water clock, 270 B.C.), (Philon of Byzantium, 250 B.C.)
(Heron of Alexandria, ≈100 A.D.)

Other examples in the 17th-18th century

(Cornelis Drebbel’s incubator, 1620), (Edmund Lee’s self-regulating wind machine, 1745)
(Thomas Mead’s lift tenter and speed controller, 1787)

James Watt’s flyball governor (1788)

Used to regulate the speed of steam engines.

If speed increases, flyballs spread apart and
the steam flow through the throttle is reduced.
And vice versa.

Frequency domain (1930-1950)

(H. Nyquist, H.W. Bode, N.B. Nichols)

State-space and optimal control (1950-1980)

(R. Kalman, R. Bellman)

Nonlinear, robust, adaptive, optimization-based, (…) control (1980-today)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 23 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Is control needed after all ?

Friday November 7, 1997

Baby Benz falls foul of a moose

“Mercedes is recalling 3,000 brand-new

A Class mini cars to correct stability
problems revealed in Scandinavian
A Class failed the “moose test”, simulating a sudden swerve
to avoid a moose on the road.

The recall of about 3,000 cars followed motoring press

reports which indicated the A Class is unstable, and likely
to roll over, in extreme lane-changing tests.

Problem solved by introducing the Electronic Stability

Program (ESP), which automatically manipulates brakes
(and engine torque) to keep skid under control.

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 24 /50
Lecture: Introduction
EC – DG INFSO – SMART 2007/047
WORKSHOP: Brussels the 9th of October 2

Is control needed Worldwide

after all ?Monitoring & Control Markets
Monitoring and control: today's market, its evolution till 2020 and the impact of ICT on these

EC – DG INFSO – SMART 2007/047

Monitoring and control: today's market, its evolution till 2020 and the impact of ICT on these WORKSHOP: Brussels the 9th of October 2008

Worldwide Monitoringby&application Control Markets

by application Total world: !187,9 bn
Worldwide Monitoring Process &industries,

industries market
Factory automation, the sum of Manufacturing plus
remains the main market with 58 Vehicles 56,4
• billions
Factory euro)
billion euros, comparable to Vehicles (56 billion):
the– sum of Manufacturing plus
Total world: !187,9 bn
With 38 billion euros out of 58, Services dominates with 2/3 of Industry
Process industries,
industries remainstotal
market with 58
56,4 57,8
billion euros, comparable to Vehicles (56 billion):
– Among Services the sub segment Integration
Integration, installation and Industry
Monitoring & control ≈ semiconductor
training accounts for 50% of them. industry
– With 38 billion euros out of 58, Services dominates with 2/3 of Industry
Process 26,3
≈ 2 x mobile phone
total Factory

Automation market. Manufacturing
Together, three application markets, Vehicles,
Healthcare 18,3
– Among Services the sub segment Integration,
Integration installation and Industry Critical
f t i and d Process
P industries
i d t i representt 60% off
Process 26,3 18,0
training accounts for 50% of them. Infrastructures
total Monitoring & Control market.
Still growing, young areas with great potentialsHealthcare Logistics &
• Together, three application markets,
f t i and
• Ranked
d Process
P applications
i d tmarkets
i represent
10 and 20 billion
t 60%
are in order
euros the next three
: off Critical Environment 8,6
Infrastructures 18,0
total Monitoring & Control– market.
Power grids
– Critical infrastructures Logistics & 7,2
– Logistic
g & transport
• Ranked between 10 and 20 billion euros the next three Building 7,2
Environment 8,6
applications markets
• are in one,
Last order :
Home is, for the moment, a small niche market. Household
appliances 4,3
– Healthcare Hard
Power grids 7,2 Soft
– Critical infrastructures Homes 0,7
– Logistic
g & transport
p & a presentation prepared by:
A report
Building 7,2
Available for download: 25
• Last one, Home is, for the moment, a small niche market. Household
appliances 4,3
Homes 0,7 Soft
A report & a presentation prepared by:

Available for download: 25

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 25 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Process control

y y
Control is heavily used in the process industries
Ifwj » wi ! jthe controller does its best to track rj, sacrificing ri tracking if
necessary. If w j = 0 , on the other hand, the controller completely ignores
Usually slow processes (heat transfer, chemical reactions, distillation, etc.)
deviations rj–yj.
Choosing the weights is a critical step. You will usually need to tune your
controller, varying the weights to achieve the desired behavior.
Usually several input and output variables
As an example, consider Figure 1-3, which depicts a type of chemical reactor (a
CSTR). Feed enters continuously with reactant concentration CAi. A reaction
takes place inside the vessel at temperature T. Product exits continuously, and
contains residual reactant at concentration CA (<CAi).
The reaction liberates heat. A coolant having temperature Tc flows through
Example: Continuous stirred-tank reactor
coils immersed in the reactor to remove excess heat.



Figure 1-3: CSTR Schematic

Manipulated inputs:
From thereactant concentration
Model Predictive CAi inpoint
Control Toolbox feedfor view, T and CA would be
plant outputs, and temperature Tcbe inputs. More specifically, CAi would be
CAi and Tc would
an independent disturbance input, and Tc would be a manipulated variable
Controlled outputs:
There is one concentration
manipulated variable (the Ai in vessel
Ccoolant temperature), so it’s impossible
to hold both T and
vessel CA at setpoints.
temperature T Controlling T would usually be a high
priority. Thus, you might set the output weight for T much larger than that for
CA. In fact, you might set the CA weight to zero, allowing CA to float within an
acceptable region (to be
operating (University
Prof. A. Bemporad of defined
Trento) by constraints). Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 26 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Control systems example: Ball and plate

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 27 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Control systems example: Ball and plate

control ball &
station measurements plate

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems


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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems


Snake Robot (Biorobotics and Biomechanics Lab, Technion, Israel)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 30 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Functional electrical stimulation

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Aeronautics and aerospace

Control systems heavily used in:

Aircrafts (roll, pitch, yaw)



Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 32 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Aeronautics and aerospace. Quadcopter example

Parrot AR Drone
• 6 DoF Inertial Measurement Unit
(3 accelerometers, 3 gyros)

•468MHz ARM9 CPU running Linux

•Ultrasound altimeter/ground detector
•Two cameras:
- Vision-based stabilization (176x144)
- Wifi streaming (640x480) 7 (27)

Prepared Title
M. Lefébure AR Drone Developer Guide
Approved Date Revisio File

05/01/2010 1.0 AR Drone Developer Guide Release 1.0.doc

flight control unit

desired angles engine torques angles/positions

r(t) u(t) y(t)

• 2D-tag: magnetic cylindrical tag

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 33 /50
Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Aeronautics and aerospace. Quadcopter example

z ψ y
• Manipulated inputs f2

f3 τ2
– total force u f1
– torques τ̃θ , τ̃φ, τ̃ψ τ3
f4 l τ1 x
• Outputs to regulate τ4 θ
x, y, z, θ, φ, ψ, ẋ, ẏ, ż, θ̇, φ̇, ψ̇

mẍ = −u sin θ − β ẋ
mÿ = u cos θ sin φ − β ẏ
mz̈ = u cos θ cos φ − mg − β ż
θ̈ = τ̃θ
φ̈ = τ̃φ
ψ̈ = τ̃ψ

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Aeronautics and aerospace. Quadcopter example

Outputs: position (x,y,z) Inputs: torques and force

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Aeronautics and aerospace. Quadcopter example

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Lecture: Introduction Examples of control systems

Financial engineering. Example: Option hedging

• The  financial  institution  sells  a  synthetic  option  to  a  customer  and  gets  y(0) (€)

• Such  money  is    used  to  create  a  portfolio  y(t) of  underlying  assets  (e.g.  stocks)
whose  quantities  at  time  t  are  u1(t),  u2(t),  ...,  un(t)

• At  the  expiration  date  T,  the  option  is  worth  the  payoff  r(T)  =  wealth  (€)  to  be  
returned  to  the  customer
Portfolio (*) vs. Payoff
20 100

18 payoff r(T)

14 option price 60

How  to  adjust  dynamically  


10 portfolio wealth 40

8 the  portfolio  so  that  

6 wealthy(T) = payoff  r(T)  ?  ... 20


wealth y(T)

0 !20
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
time  (years) asset  price  at  expiration
Stock price at expiration

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 37 /50
Lecture: Introduction Control systems technology

A typical control system

D 1001
A 1001 D

D/A converters actuators sensors A/D converters


control unit

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 38 /50
Lecture: Introduction Control systems technology

Most used sensors and actuators in control systems

velocity, position
force (strain) / deformation

electrical motors (DC, brushless, step)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 39 /50
Lecture: Introduction Control systems technology

Sensors and actuators in control systems

angular position thermocouple pressure sensor

brushless motor
strain gage

liquid flow sensor pump

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 40 /50
Lecture: Introduction Open-loop vs. closed-loop control

Open-loop vs. closed-loop control

Closed-loop control (feedback control)
Measurements of the output variables are fed back to the process through the controller

reference manipulated input output


Open-loop control (feedforward control)

The manipulated input variable is generated without measuring the output variable

reference manipulated input output

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 41 /50
Lecture: Introduction Control systems design

How to design a (modern) control system

Understand the automation problem:
- Which variables can be manipulated by actuators ?
- What are the output variables of interest ?
- What should we measure ?
- Which are the disturbances ?

Get a reliable simulation model

Get a simplified mathematical model of the main process dynamics

Use design techniques to synthesize the control algorithm

Test in simulation, validate on real process

Control design requires a dynamical model of the open-loop process

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 42 /50
Lecture: Introduction Course contents

What you will learn in this course

The tools to study the mathematical properties of dynamical
systems (control theory is often called “systems theory”)

Building simple dynamical models of common physical


Computer-aided tools for analysis, simulation, and control of

dynamical systems (in MATLAB™)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 43 /50
Lecture: Introduction Course contents

What you will learn in this course

Analysis of dynamical systems in continuous time
(differential equations, Laplace transform, stability)

Models of dynamical systems (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,...)

Analysis of dynamical systems in discrete-time

(difference equations, Zeta transform)

State-feedback control synthesis in the time domain (pole-placement)

State estimation

Output feedback control (dynamic compensator)

Integral action

Automatic Control 2: Frequency-domain analysis and synthesis (loop shaping)

and more advanced control techniques (optimal, nonlinear, predictive, ...)
Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 44 /50
Lecture: Introduction Textbooks

Suggested references
A. Bemporad - Lecture notes (what you’re looking at right now …)
(maybe enough …)

K.J. Åström, B. Wittenmark, Computer-controlled Systems,

Theory and Design, Prentice-Hall
(good classical textbook on digital control)

G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, M. Workman “Digital Control of

Dynamic Systems”, Addison-Wesley Longman.
(good classical textbook on digital control)

T. Kailath, “Linear Systems”, Prentice-Hall

(advanced textbook for state-space concepts)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 45 /50
Lecture: Introduction Textbooks

Suggested references
E. Fornasini, G. Marchesini, “Appunti di Teoria dei Sistemi” ,
Edizioni Libreria Progetto (in Italian)
(advanced textbook for state-space concepts)

P. Bolzern, R. Scattolini, N. Schiavoni, “Fondamenti di

controlli automatici” (in Italian)
(good textbook for frequency-domain)

K.J. Åström, R.M. Murray, “Feedback Systems: An Introduction

for Scientists and Engineers”, (available on-line for download)
(new textbook, plenty of examples)

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 46 /50
Lecture: Introduction Logistics


Midterm exam: April 21, 2011. No expiration date.

= Final exam of Automatic Control 1 (TLC)
= Exam of AC2 for those elder mechatronic students that already
passed AC1.

Final exam: sometimes in June 2011 (AC1 + AC2).

Note: Submitting a new AC1 test automatically kills the midterm test !

Classroom exercises

Classroom exercises in MATLAB™

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 47 /50
Web site
Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) 30 novembre 2010
Lecture: Introduction Logistics


Lectures Wednesday 10.30 13.00 Room A102

Thursday 10.30 13.00 Room A102
Friday 10.30 13.00 Room A102

Appointments for questions & explanations: send an email

Teaching assistants:

Matteo Rubagotti

Sergio Trimboli

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 49 /50
Lecture: Introduction End of lecture

Questions ???

Prof. A. Bemporad (University of Trento) Automatic Control 1 Academic Year 2010/2011 50 /50

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