Saint Francis University Loretto, PA 15940 Education Department Lesson Plan Format Teaching Date: Tuesday, February 9

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Loretto, PA 15940



Teaching Date: Tuesday, February 9
Student Teacher Allison Appleton
Grade Honors LA 12
Subject Language Arts
Time Needed for Lesson 35 minutes
Lesson Concept Analyzing setting

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

CC.1.3.11-12.B Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as
well as inferences and conclusions based on and related to an author’s implicit and explicit assumptions and


1. Big Idea: Nature reflects the human desire to find answers.
2. EQ: How do the environments around us reflect our moods?


OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

The students will analyze the role that nature plays for Victor’s troubled mind to 85% accuracy.

● Frankenstein novel
● Canvas assignment

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

● Students in class will break into groups and “jigsaw” the letter from Elizabeth
○ Whip around the room to each group the contents of the letter
● Students on zoom will be put in breakout rooms and “jigsaw” the letter from Alphonse
○ Whip around online (chat if sound is not working) and share the contents of the letters

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

● I will talk about the other half of the chapters and have students take notes
○ Something important about chapter seven specifically is the use of nature
● Students will work independently on their response for Canvas that states, “Nature is an
important part of the setting of the novel. At times, it soothes Victor’s troubled mind; at other
times, it mirrors his agitation. Choose a scene that takes place out of doors and analyze the role
that nature plays.”

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
● Students will write their responses which we will share with the class on the following day for a

No students in this course require accommodations or modifications.

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
● Student responses on Canvas will be graded, 10 points.

10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Paraphrasing No more than 4 One sentence Two sentences 3+ sentences All sentences
words in a row contains more contain more contain more contain more
taken directly than four words than four words than four words than four words
from the story. in a row taken in a row taken taken directly taken directly
directly from directly from from the story. from the story.
the story. the story.

Organization Summary Summary Summary Main idea of the Summary

consists of main consists of main consists of main story is not contains no
idea and idea and some idea and only addressed. evidence of the
important minor detail minor details. story.
details only

Grammar No more than 2-3 punctuation, 4-5 punctuation, 6+ punctuation, 10+

one punctuation, grammar, or grammar, or grammar, or punctuation,
grammar, or spelling errors spelling errors spelling errors grammar, or
spelling error spelling errors

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):

● Student discussions
● Grouping students to split up the letter was good as each student provided a summary

● Too many students provided a summary
● Should have gone into more detail on the differences between a summary and paraphrase before
assigning the work

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