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Well Intervention Simulation for Capillary String

Project : TN-E6 Capillary String

Prepared by : Risal Rahman Well : TN-E6

For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE CT : ML5 Trial (0.375 x 0.035)
Client company : BHA : None selected
Simulation date : March 18, 2011 Disconnect : None selected
Comments :

These results are for the use of the authorized Cerberus Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing between the
Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of the Cerberus License Agreement.


A1 The job can probably be performed with the current input parameters.*







4288.0 4000

3386.4 Well name : TN-E6
Total depth : 4313.0 m
Max inclination : 47.9° at 2374.0 m
Max DLS : 4.408 deg/100 ft at 693.0 m
Min ID : 3.750 in at 3365.3 m
WHP : 312 psi

Well Intervention Simulation Project : TN-E6 Capillary String

TM Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Reaching Depth


between 0.0 m and 4288.0 m
-1000 -500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Legend -10 10 20 30 40 50

1000 1000 DLS X 10

2000 2000
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
3000 3000

4000 4000

5000 5000
Surface Weight (lbf) Inclination(°) & DLSx10(°/100ft)
B1 RIH: CT and BHA can reach the target depth of 4288.0 m
- no lockup detected
- pipe yield limit not exceeded
- pipe collapse limit not exceeded
- BHA stress limit not exceeded
B2 POOH: CT and BHA can be retrieved to surface from the target depth of 4288.0 m
- pipe yield limit not exceeded
- pipe collapse limit not exceeded
- BHA stress limit not exceeded

Tractor Requirements
TR1 No tractor pull is needed for the BHA to reach target depth of 4288.0 m with the current input parameters.

Workstring Status
T6 The maximum workstring* OD is 0.375 in, and minimum well ID is 3.750 in at 3365.3 m.
The minimum workstring clearance is 1.688 in either side, or 3.375 in total.
(*CT and BHA)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Working at Depth

Calculations at 4288.0 m
MD1 The maximum available pick-up at 4288.0 m based on 80% of yield strength is 17 lb.
The weight indicator reading will then be 2241 lb.
MD3 The maximum set-down force at 4288.0 m is -32 lbf at the end of the string.
The weight indicator reading will be 181 lbf on surface.

-200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Legend
Max pull at 80%
pipe yield
Max set-down
before lock-up

Depth (m)



Maximum Overpull and Set-down at BHA (lbf)

MD4 CT stretch during steady RIH at 4288.0 m is 4.21 m

CT stretch during steady POOH at 4288.0 m is 5.67 m

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Variation of Set-Down Force with Surface Weight at 4288.0 m

180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270


Set-Down Force (lbf) at 4288.0 m





Surface Weight (lbf)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.

CT Properties

0 6096.0 m
ML5 Trial

Length : 6096.0 m Weight (empty) : 2541.9 lb

Diameter : 0.375 in Weight (water-filled) : 3174.2 lb
Wall : 0.035 in Volume : 75.9 gal
Yield strength : 80.0 kpsi Displacement : 114.7 gal

CT Limits

Differential Pressure (psi) at 0.0 m

10000 von-Mises (80%)

Ovality: 2%
Collapse model: <none>
-3000 -2000 -1000 1000 2000 3000



RIH Axial Force (lbf) at 0.0 m

Differential Pressure (psi) at 0.0 m



-3000 -2000 -1000 1000 2000 3000



POOH Axial Force (lbf) at 0.0 m

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.

Working Beyond the Total Depth

ER1 With the well continuing at 2.77° inclination and 109.3° azimuth, the CT would not lockup even when deployed to its full length of
6096.0 m. If CT length was not a factor, and assuming a surface wall thickness of 0.035 in, yield would eventually occur at depth
of 10303.8 m.

The result indicates conditions that will probably prevent the job being performed.
The result is marginal or calls for special attention.
The result falls within the desired range.
The result is for information only and does not affect the project status.
A warning condition was detected but not included in the project status.
A caution condition was detected but not included in the project status.
The result was within the desired range, but not included in the project status.
The calculation is not applicable to the present scenario, or was excluded by the user.

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Graphs (1)

-1000 -500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Legend

1000 POOH

80% Yield Strength

Depth (m)



Surface Weight (lbf)

-200 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Legend
80% Yield Strength

Depth (m)



BHA Connector Tension (lbf)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Graphs (2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 Legend

Depth (m)



Stretch (m)

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 Legend

Required Pull


Depth (m)



Minimum Tractor Pull Required (lbf)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Graphs (3)

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Legend

1000 Annulus - RIH
Annulus - POOH

Depth (m)



Pressure (psi)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Legend

Depth (m)



Wall Contact Force (lbf/ft)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Graphs (4)

-500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Legend

Helical Buckling Load
Axial Force - RIH
1000 Axial Force - POOH

Depth (m)



Axial Effective Force (lbf)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Legend
Stress - RIH
Stress - POOH

Depth (m)



Stress (kpsi)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Graphs (5)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Legend
Annular Flow
CT Flow

Depth (m)



Flow Velocity during RIH (ft/min)

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Legend
Annular Flow
CT Flow

Depth (m)



Flow Velocity during POOH (ft/min)

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Input Data

Measured Depth : 4288.0 m

CT Speed : 75.0 75.0 ft/min
Stripper Friction : 500 500 lbf
Reel Back Tension : 150 150 lbf
Delta Pressure Downhole : 0 0 psi
Wellhead Pressure : 312 312 psi
Liquid Flowrate : 0.0 0.0 gal/min
Force On End : 0 0 lbf

Max. Calculation Length : 30.5 m Ovality : 2.0 %

Percentage Error : 0.01 Collapse Model : Ignore Collapse
Yield Safety Factor : 80 % Collapse Safety Factor : 80 %
Eccentricity : 0.75 Gooseneck Radius : 72 in
Tool Model : 1 Include Tool : No
Use Roughness : Yes Pressure Calculation : Circulating
Pipe Roughness : 0.00186 Include Cable : No
Annular Roughness : 0.00186 Lockup Definition : Version 2.0
Stress Model : von-Mises Stress (w/ bending) Weight Transfer : 1.0%
Helical Buckling Stress : On Force Differential : 1 lbf
Lockup in compression : Yes
Friction included in HBL : Yes
Include Disconnect : No

Coiled Tubing Input - ML5 Trial

Section Start Position End Position Top Wall Bottom Wall Yield Strength Youngs Modulus Density
(m) (m) (in) (in) (kpsi) (kpsi) (lb/in³)
1 0.0 6096.0 0.035 0.035 80.0 27500 0.285

CT Diameter : 0.375 in CT Length : 6096.0 m

CT Fluid Input
Section Depth (m) Fluid Name
1 6096.0 Fresh Water

Fluid Name Fluid Type Rheology Model Density Viscosity Plastic Visc Yield Point Flow-Behavior Consistency Index
(lb/gal) (cp) (cp) (lb/100 ft²) Index (lb-sec^n/100 ft²)
Fresh Water Liquid Newtonian 8.33 0.8799 - - - -

Well Description - TN-E6

Section Depth (m) Hole Dia. (in) Friction in Friction out
1 3386.4 3.958 .3000 .2500
2 4313.0 4.090 .3000 .2500

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Well Fluid Input
Well Fluid Input
Section Depth (m) Fluid Name
1 4313.0 Fresh Water

Fluid Name Fluid Type Rheology Model Density Viscosity Plastic Visc Yield Point Flow-Behavior Consistency Index
(lb/gal) (cp) (cp) (lb/100 ft²) Index (lb-sec^n/100 ft²)
Fresh Water Liquid Newtonian 8.33 0.8799 - - - -

Reservoir Depth : 4313.0 m

Temperature Profile
Depth (m) Temperature (°F)
Surface - 0.0 86
3.0 86
Total Depth - 4313.0 246

Temperature Gradient : 0.0426 °F/m

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Survey Data

Survey Point Data - Input Parameters

Depth Inclination Azimuth True Vertical Depth Dogleg Severity
(m) (°) (°) (m) (deg/100 ft)
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000
2 17.0 0.0 193.1 17.0 0.000
3 112.0 0.4 193.1 112.0 0.141
4 203.0 0.6 186.0 203.0 0.058
5 289.0 0.5 217.3 289.0 0.111
6 376.0 0.5 221.6 376.0 0.028
7 405.0 0.9 168.4 405.0 0.810
8 434.0 3.0 138.1 434.0 2.459
9 463.0 5.6 134.8 462.9 2.672
10 492.0 8.2 136.5 491.7 2.784
11 520.0 10.5 135.2 519.3 2.547
12 549.0 11.4 136.7 547.8 0.981
13 578.0 12.8 132.0 576.1 1.782
14 607.0 14.6 128.0 604.3 2.126
15 636.0 16.5 127.8 632.2 2.061
16 665.0 19.4 127.1 659.8 3.055
17 693.0 23.3 124.1 685.9 4.408
18 722.0 24.7 124.6 712.4 1.422
19 751.0 25.4 123.4 738.6 0.913
20 780.0 27.2 122.9 764.7 1.857
21 809.0 27.2 123.8 790.4 0.467
22 838.0 29.1 122.7 816.0 1.999
23 867.0 33.0 121.5 840.9 4.247
24 895.0 34.0 121.9 864.2 1.111
25 924.0 36.1 122.7 887.9 2.222
26 953.0 38.7 122.4 911.0 2.687
27 982.0 42.2 120.5 933.1 3.950
28 1011.0 42.2 120.8 954.5 0.253
29 1040.0 42.5 121.2 976.0 0.490
30 1068.0 42.8 121.8 996.6 0.527
31 1134.0 42.7 123.8 1045.0 0.647
32 1192.0 42.5 124.7 1087.7 0.335
33 1336.0 42.1 129.2 1194.3 0.639
34 1480.0 42.3 130.5 1301.0 0.196
35 1624.0 42.5 130.7 1407.5 0.058
36 1768.0 43.8 130.7 1512.5 0.277
37 1912.0 44.8 131.0 1615.6 0.203
38 2056.0 45.7 131.4 1716.9 0.214
39 2201.0 46.7 131.9 1817.2 0.218

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Survey Point Data - Input Parameters
Depth Inclination Azimuth True Vertical Depth Dogleg Severity
(m) (°) (°) (m) (deg/100 ft)
40 2374.0 47.9 132.6 1934.6 0.225
41 2431.0 44.8 132.4 1973.9 1.660
42 2488.0 42.6 133.3 2015.1 1.239
43 2546.0 38.7 134.7 2059.1 2.078
44 2604.0 36.2 135.1 2105.2 1.357
45 2690.0 32.1 135.1 2176.3 1.425
46 2777.0 26.4 136.4 2252.2 2.019
47 2782.0 26.8 136.5 2256.7 2.145
48 2811.0 25.3 137.9 2282.7 1.684
49 2840.0 23.9 138.1 2309.1 1.474
50 2869.0 22.4 138.4 2335.8 1.602
51 2898.0 21.0 138.9 2362.7 1.484
52 2927.0 19.5 139.3 2389.9 1.552
53 2956.0 18.1 139.8 2417.4 1.513
54 2985.0 16.5 139.5 2445.1 1.632
55 3014.0 15.2 139.5 2473.0 1.419
56 3043.0 13.7 140.4 2501.1 1.573
57 3072.0 12.3 140.9 2529.3 1.497
58 3101.0 11.4 141.7 2557.7 0.900
59 3130.0 10.4 139.7 2586.2 1.114
60 3159.0 9.7 137.6 2614.7 0.849
61 3188.0 8.9 135.8 2643.4 0.914
62 3217.0 8.0 133.7 2672.1 0.980
63 3246.0 7.3 131.6 2700.8 0.792
64 3275.0 6.4 129.9 2729.6 1.011
65 3304.0 5.5 127.2 2758.4 0.931
66 3333.0 4.7 125.7 2787.3 0.894
67 3362.0 3.9 123.9 2816.2 0.863
68 3391.0 3.1 123.0 2845.2 0.864
69 3420.0 2.7 122.2 2874.1 0.402
70 3449.0 2.3 121.6 2903.1 0.369
71 3478.0 2.1 121.7 2932.1 0.284
72 3507.0 2.0 120.6 2961.1 0.067
73 3536.0 1.9 121.2 2990.1 0.097
74 3565.0 1.9 97.9 3019.0 0.807
75 3594.0 1.9 110.1 3048.0 0.423
76 3614.0 1.9 100.2 3068.0 0.498
77 3622.0 1.6 97.5 3076.0 1.112
78 3646.0 2.1 97.6 3100.0 0.622
79 3675.0 1.9 90.0 3129.0 0.327
80 3704.0 2.0 86.6 3158.0 0.143
81 3733.0 2.4 94.3 3186.9 0.505
82 3762.0 2.0 91.2 3215.9 0.438
*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.
Survey Point Data - Input Parameters
Depth Inclination Azimuth True Vertical Depth Dogleg Severity
(m) (°) (°) (m) (deg/100 ft)
83 3791.0 2.2 91.4 3244.9 0.179
84 3820.0 2.5 93.5 3273.9 0.348
85 3849.0 2.5 93.1 3302.9 0.056
86 3878.0 2.6 93.8 3331.8 0.090
87 3907.0 2.7 94.9 3360.8 0.091
88 3936.0 2.5 96.6 3389.8 0.159
89 3965.0 2.5 94.6 3418.7 0.106
90 3994.0 2.8 96.0 3447.7 0.364
91 4023.0 2.6 98.5 3476.7 0.245
92 4052.0 2.3 96.9 3505.7 0.365
93 4081.0 2.6 99.2 3534.6 0.372
94 4110.0 2.5 95.5 3563.6 0.241
95 4139.0 2.5 95.0 3592.6 0.025
96 4168.0 2.4 100.3 3621.5 0.240
97 4197.0 2.7 105.9 3650.5 0.420
98 4226.0 2.7 109.1 3679.5 0.175
99 4255.0 2.8 109.2 3708.4 0.179
100 4284.0 2.7 112.4 3737.4 0.249
101 4313.0 2.8 109.3 3766.4 0.193

*These results are intended for the use of the authorized Cerberus Project : TN-E6 Capillary String
Well Intervention Simulation Licensee and their client(s) only, subject to any Agreement existing
TM between the Parties, and subject also to the Terms and Conditions of
Prepared by : Risal Rahman on 3/18/2011
Cerberus v 9.5.209
the Cerberus License Agreement. For : TOTAL E&P INDONESIE
*No warranty is expressed or implied by CTES
as to data results calculated by this software.

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