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Week 7: Ethics

Week 7 Assignment: Ethics

Madison Alba

Brandman University

Week 7: Ethics


Murdering someone is one of the worst acts one person can do to another, because it is

unchangeable and completely brings the existence of man to an ultimate ending, no act two, no

sequel. Done. Finito. These words should ring so loudly in every single person’s mind. No matter

what religion anyone is or no religion at all, it does not change the fact that no one, and I mean

no one really knows what happens after we die. It is a known fact that when a life leaves its

body and this planet, it does not come back in that same form or maybe even at all. Taking the

life of another is irreparable and binding. Having that responsibility could and should weigh

heavily on an individual who decides to make the decision of taking someone’s life. There are

times and places that do make it justifiable, but those determining the factors should really

think strongly about their choice. It should not be based off something so frivolous or selfish, as

in the case of the main character in Dostoyevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. The character

plots and carries out the murder of a mean rich old lady who he finds to be useless to herself

and society. He also decides to do so because he would benefit from it more by utilizing it

towards higher education for himself.

If were setting aside the fact that murder is illegal, there are other reasons one should

not commit this sort of act. One being it is plain inhumane. I am not huge in religion, but I do

like any rational person, know right from wrong. When you do something and you get that

sickly feeling or that little voice in the back of your head starts to get louder and louder, there is

a reason for that. It is way for us to check our moral compasses. We must put to question, why

we are doing what we are doing. The reason someone kills should be the main question in

focus. Are they doing it to protect themselves or others? Are they doing it out of hatred of

Week 7: Ethics

someone different? Was it accidental or on purpose? Many reasons influence the actions we

make. As Dr. Roger Walsh states “the key factor in ethics is the intention that underlies our

behavior. The intentional, motivational driving behavior This is not a new idea. 1500 years ago

Mohammed said, all actions are judged by the motives prompting them.”(Walsh, 2011)

As humans we flourish more if we run on ethics and morals. What kind of world would it

be if everyone ran amuck and did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted? Would there

be a world at all? Would you even want to live in that type of world? “Unethical practices.

Ultimately, poor decisions and unethical conduct can create a ripple effect of negative

consequences, ruining not only reputations but destroying peoples' lives.”(Ethical Leadership,

2011) The character may think he is only effecting the old woman’s life as well as his own but in

actuality it is not. Everything we do even the tiniest bit will have an effect on others, good or

bad. That is why I strongly suggest think before you act. Murder does not only end that

individual’s life but could alter many others drastically. He might have seen the old woman as

useless, but he is not seeing it through other people’s eyes, just his own. Everyone must

remember you have to think about actions, know that they all have repercussions, and in the

end must take full responsibility for all of them.

We can feel and it may have been true, that the old woman was mean and greedy. “It

isn’t so easy, however, to decide on the proper approach to take to those who limit their

contribution to their fair share when they could easily do more and when, because others are

not playing their part, a further donation would assist many in desperate need. In the privacy of

our own judgment, we should believe that it is wrong not to do more.” (Singer, 2006) Everyone

is free to their own opinion, and could judge others however they see fit but when they go the

Week 7: Ethics

extra step of acting upon it that’s when everything shifts. At that moment, he was no better

then the old woman. He was even worse, on top of being greedy he was also a thief. He stole

her life from her, it is as simple as that.

Murder is a specific type of killing. It planned and thought out. It is not just something

that happened, it is done with intent. It is meant to purposefully hurt someone. The main

character intended to end a life for all the wrong reasons. Doing it for selfish reasons is the

lowest of lows. In What is Ethics YouTube video, Walsh insist “that an intention is ethical to the

extent it aims at enhancing the welfare and well-being of everyone, including oneself” (Walsh,

2011). The main character is only doing half of this logic, looking out for the welfare of only

himself. He may cover it up by saying she is a bad and malicious person, but what does robbing

her have to do with that? Especially, if it is not just to help himself. He is trying to blanket his

real motives of greed by justifying it with this excuse. He took the easy way and the cowardice

way. “It takes a lot of moral courage to step up and say something's not right when something

isn't right.” (Ethical Leadership, 2011) “Saying” something is the key word here. Do not take it

upon yourself to “take out the trash” by ending someone’s life. Rather take it upon yourself to

change what is happening because all you can control is your own actions.

Week 7: Ethics


Ethical leadership. (2011, April 30). Ethical Leadership. Retrieved December 13, 2020, from

Singer, P. (2006, December 17). What Should a Billionaire Give – and What Should You?
Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

Walsh, D. (2011, January 22). What Is Ethics, and What Is An Ethical Life? (1). Retrieved
December 13, 2020, from

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