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What is the PASE methodology?

It is a set of normative, conceptual elements, methodological, technical and operational that

are interwoven harmoniously to guarantee the integral formulation of the PTS. The Strategy
was designed in order to strengthen conceptual capacity, operational and technical entities
territorial for the formulation of PTS, according to PDSP 2012-2021.

The dimensions of health in the PDSP 2012-2021

According to the design of the PDSP, the strategic objectives are deployed in actions and
interventions for eight priority dimensions to life and two transversal dimensions.

Estas son las dimenciones

1.Enviromental health

Set of policies, planned and developed in a cross-sectoral manner, with the participation of the
different social actors, which seeks to favor and promote quality of life and health of the
population, of present and future generations, and materialize the right to a healthy
environment, through the positive transformation of social, health and environmental

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2. life and conditions non-communicable

Set of sectoral, cross-sectoral and community policies and interventions that seek the well-
being and enjoyment of a healthy life in the different stages of trans- life course, promoting
healthy ways, conditions and lifestyles in the daily spaces of individuals, families and
communities, as well as access to an integrated care of non-communicable conditions with a
differential approach.

3. Social coexistence and mental health

A space for construction, participation and cross-sectoral and community action, which,
through the promotion of mental health and coexistence, the transformation of problems
more and prevalent disorders in mental health and intervention on the different forms of
violence, contributes to well-being and human and social development in all stages of the life
cycle, with equity and a differential approach, in the territories everyday

4. Food and nutrition security

Set of actions that seek to guarantee the right to healthy food with equity, in the different
stages of the life cycle, by reducing and preventing malnutrition, control of sanitary and
phytosanitary risks of food and cross-sectoral management of food and nutrition security with
territorial perspective.

5. Sexuality, sexual rights and reproductive

Set of sectoral, cross-sectoral and community actions to promote the social, economic,
political and cultural conditions that allow, from an focus on human rights, gender and
differential, free, autonomous exercise and informed of sexuality, the development of people's
potentialities throughout its life cycle and the social development of groups and communities.

6. Healthy life and communicable diseases

Sectorial, cross-sectoral and community action space that seeks to guarantee the enjoyment of
a life healthy in the different stages of the life cycle, promoting ways, conditions and lifestyles
healthy lives in the daily territories of individuals, families and communities, as well as access
to integrated attention to communicable situations, conditions and events, with a differential
approach and social equity, from a sustainable human development perspective.

7. Public health in emergencies and disasters

A space for cross-sectoral, sectoral and community action that seeks to protecttion of
individuals and groups to the risks of emergencies and disasters, procu-aiming to reduce the
negative effects on human and environmental health, through the comprehensive risk

8. Health and work environment

Set of sectoral and cross-sectoral policies and interventions that seek the welfare and
protection of the health of workers, through the promotion of healthy ways, conditions and
lifestyles in the workplace, the maintenance of maintenance of the physical, mental and social
well-being of people in all occupations, and the promotion of interventions that positively
modify situations and conditions of interest to the health of workers in the formal and informal
sectors of the economy.

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