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O17 Summer Challenge

2020 Student Handbook


Mentor Labs

Host Universities


Communication Partners

Content Partners
What do I need to know?

● Introduction - OpenSeventeen (O17) Coaching Program

○ Introduction
○ Programme Overview
○ O17 Summer Challenge 2020
● Weekly Thematics
● O17 Summer Challenge Schedule
● Deliverables
● Attendees List
● Workshops
● Lectures: International Geneva
● Planning & Organization Tools
● Useful Resources
● SDG Tool Kit
● Background Literature
● Mentors

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In September 2015, world leaders committed to 17 Sustainable Development
Goals or SDGs. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more
sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including
those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation,
prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave
no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.

From SDG Summer School to O17 Summer Challenge

The SDG Summer School is part of the many programs carried out by the Geneva
Tsinghua Initiative. It is all about team-based problem solving and hands-on
prototype development, going from a conception phase to producing practical
demos. All accepted participants receive intensive mentoring and coaching to
help transform their ideas into impactful projects, and become part of a global
community of civic innovators. The SDG Summer School also includes study visits
to and mini lectures from UN Agencies, International Organisations, NGOs and
other partnering organisations in Geneva.

The motivation of the SDG Summer School is for teams of university students, in
close collaboration with International Organizations in Geneva, to conceive ways
to use open data, crowdsourcing technologies, and low-cost open source
solutions to develop prototypes suitable for deployment and tackle sustainable
development, and ultimately to achieve concrete steps towards the SDGs, at a
local, regional or global level.

In the previous years, the SDG Summer School was a one to two-month long
program, held mainly in Geneva. This year, the SDG Summer School is going
fully online, merging with the OpenSeventeen program to offer coaching to
student projects all over the world.
Program Overview

Open Seventeen (O17) Coaching Program

O17 is a prize-backed, challenge-based, online interactive coaching programme that
supports and rewards teams developing innovative and implementable solutions for
the SDGs. It encourages grassroots public participation and citizen science through
the use of open data and crowdsourcing.

Teams work in close collaboration with mentors and international experts to make
sure that the projects are concrete, achievable and relevant to the SDGs, whether at a
local, regional or global level. Other stakeholders may contribute, from both the
public and private sectors, civil society and academia.

Between sessions the teams complete homework and may have one-on-one
coaching calls. The goal of the coaching is to provide participants with CONTEXT
about the challenge and existing TOOLS necessary to transform good ideas into
viable projects.
O17 Summer Challenge 2020

‘Innovating For A Post-Pandemic World’

This Year’s Challenges
This year’s O17 Summer Challenge is inspired by the theme of INNOVATING FOR A
POST-PANDEMIC WORLD. How can young innovators, like yourself, use
the COVID health crisis and the social, environmental and economic challenges that
the world will face in its aftermath?

Challenge 1- Frugal Medical Equipment for Covid

Challenge Mentor: CRI, University of Paris
How can makerspaces and fab labs around the world contribute to tackling the public
health challenge that Covid presents, in collaboration with hospitals and public
authorities? ( Note: this challenge requires access to a fablab )

Challenge 2- Crowdsourcing for Pandemic Research

Challenge Mentor: Citizen Cyberlab, University of Geneva
Huge amounts of data are being generated about COVID-19. How can simple
crowdsourcing techniques and citizen scientists of all ages extract valuable
information from this, and share the results with policy makers?

Challenge 3- Post-Pandemic Sustainability

Challenge Mentor: X-Lab, Tsinghua University
This option is for applicants who may already working on a project related to the
SDGs, which addresses environmental challenges and opportunities that may arise in
the aftermath of the pandemic
O17 Summer Challenge 2020

Challenge 4- Good Work Through Crowdsourcing

Challenge Mentor: GovLab, NYU
In the wake of the pandemic, as unemployment soars to never seen levels, how can
crowdsourcing help people find good work, help businesses create safer workplaces
and reduce anxiety and isolation among the unemployed.

Challenge 5- Caring for the Elderly

Challenge Mentor: Citizen Science Center Zurich, University of Zurich/ ETH Zurich
Assistive solutions for the mental health and well-being of elderly persons isolated
due to the pandemic, including ways to improve their capacity to leverage

Challenge 6- Reinventing Remote Collaboration

Challenge Mentor: OpenFIESTA, Tsinghua University
Exploring new ways for students to collaborate online, using frugal and open source
Weekly Thematics

Team-building and Methodology (Week 1)

As we are all new to the O17 Summer Challenge, let’s get to know each other a bit
better! At the same time, workshops with a focus on methodology will ensure you
could hit the ground running!

Goal: (i) to build project teams, where you would be able to complement each other in
terms of interest, skills and experience

(ii) to equip you with the necessary skills and methodology to excel in your project
and the O17 Summer Challenge deliverables

Testing The Methodology (Week 2)

Goal: (i) Going a little deeper into the methodology- What’s your Theory of Change?
Who are your Stakeholders? How do you give the perfect pitch?

(ii) start to introduce and connect you to the different international organizations,
institutions, startups and nonprofits in Geneva and internationally, and the work they
do, especially in the area of Innovating for the Post-Pandemic World.

Social Entrepreneurship (Week 3)

Now that you’re halfway through the O17 Summer Challenge, it’s time to think, what’s

Goal: (i) start to think about/ build a business strategy for your project- planning &
strategizing & reaching out to the right people

(ii) connect and build synergies with other student-run projects that have moved on to
‘the next step’

Final Pitch & Planning For The Future (Week 4)

It’s the last push- You will need to finalize your prototype and group projects!

Goal: (i) to effectively present your project (in its final form) at the Final Pitch
O17 Summer Challenge Week 1
** The schedule might change periodically. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the O17 Summer Challenge Google Calendar

Theme : Team Building & Methodology

Week 1 Mon 6 July Tue 7 July Wed 8 July Thu 9 July Fri 10 July
Worksheets due daily by 13:00 CEST

Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo
13:00 Game for Impact
13:30 Vincent Roger

14:00 Opening Event Workshop with Reos

Welcome by Francois Workshop with Workshop with
14:30 Partners Weekly Pitching
Grey Geneus OpenSeventeen
15:00 Team Formation/ Session
1) Kevin Lhoste,CRI Value Preposition Crowdsourcing
15:30 Team Building
2) Olivia Keiser,
16:00 Citizen Cyberlab
3) Christina Lee-
Tsinghua X-Lab
4) Beth Noveck, Workshop with
Documentation : Team meeting &
GovLab, NY OpenSeventeen Office Hours @ Remo
16:30 SDG-In-Progress Discussion
5) Burcu Demiray- Problem Definition
Citizen Science Center
6) LeeJi- OpenFIESTA

CEST- Central European Summer Time (UTC +2)

Attendance obligatory

Attendance encouraged. Students who can’t attend should watch the

recording and complete the tasks given

O17 Summer Challenge Week 2
** The schedule might change periodically. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the O17 Summer Challenge Google Calendar

Theme : Testing the Methodology

Week 2 Mon 13 July Tue 14 July Wed 15 July Thu 16 July Fri 17 July
Worksheets due daily by 13:00 CEST

Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo
14:00 Workshop with
Workshop with
14:30 Workshop with Workshop with OpenSeventeen
Pitch Training Weekly Pitching
OpenSeventeen Geneus Theory of Change
15:00 Open Office Hours Session
IkiGai Voice of Stakeholders Design-centric
Team Meeting &
15:30 approach
Documentation : Mini Lecture
Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo

CEST- Central European Summer Time (UTC +2)

Attendance obligatory

Attendance encouraged. Students who can’t attend should watch the

recording and complete the tasks given

O17 Summer Challenge Week 3
** The schedule might change periodically. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the O17 Summer Challenge Google Calendar

Theme : Social Entrepreneurship

Week 3 Mon 20 July Tue 21 July Wed 22 July Thu 23 July Fri 24 July
Worksheets due daily by 13:00 CEST

Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo
14:00 Workshop with Reos
Workshop with Reos Workshop with
14:30 Partners Workshop with
Partners Geneus Weekly Pitching
How to embrace and OpenSeventeen
15:00 Lean & Agile Where To Play- Market Session
work with conflict Review
15:30 Innovation Opportunities
How to fail and pivot
Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo

CEST- Central European Summer Time (UTC +2)

Attendance obligatory

Attendance encouraged. Students who can’t attend should watch the

recording and complete the tasks given

O17 Summer Challenge Week 4
** The schedule might change periodically. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the O17 Summer Challenge Google Calendar

Theme : Final Pitch & Planning For The Future

Week 4 Mon 27 July Tue 28 July Wed 29 July Thu 30 July Fri 31 July
Worksheets due daily by 13:00 CEST

Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo
14:00 Workshop with Workshop with Reos
Workshop with
14:30 Geneus Partners
UN Virtual Tour OpenSeventeen Final Pitching Session
15:00 Business Model Continuous
15:30 Design Improvement

Office Hours @ Remo Office Hours @ Remo

CEST- Central European Summer Time (UTC +2)

Attendance obligatory

Attendance encouraged. Students who can’t attend should watch the

recording and complete the tasks given


1. SDG-In-Progress
Deliverable: Document your project through the SDG-In-Progress platform,
twice a week
Purpose: Documenting your project helps in reflecting on your goals and your
progress; sharing your project with your collaborators; getting feedback; and
reusing or re-purposing the project.

2. Worksheets
Deliverables: (i) Complete the worksheets given out to you after every
workshop. (ii) Peer-review the worksheets completed by other O17 Summer
Challenge participants/ teams.
Purpose: The worksheets are a great practice for you to apply the concepts you
would have learned in each workshop
Deadline: 13:00 CEST the next day after each workshop

3. SDGZine
(i) A one-page write up about your project and the work you would have
accomplished during the O17 Summer Challenge
(ii) 20 high-quality photos of your group/ your prototype
Purpose: Your contributions will be put together to produce a portfolio in the
form of a ‘O17 Summer Challenge Magazine’.
Deadline: Wednesday (29 July) 22:00 CEST

4. Pitches (Friday 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st)

Deliverable: Weekly pitches. Depending on the week, you (in groups) will pitch
according to the different criteria given.
Purpose: Pitching is a great way to ensure your project is right on track and to
receive constructive feedback! It gives you the opportunity to practice your
presentation skills, especially on delivering a presentation in a concise and
interesting manner. Also, If you have an ‘ask’ from the O17 Program-something
you might need to move your projects further- this is a great time to do it!

**Final Pitch (Friday 31st)

Deliverable: One of the final culminations of your O17 Summer Challenge
project. External participants will be invited to attend and provide feedback.

5. Weekly Videos
Deliverable: A weekly short video on the progress of your project.
Purpose: To document your progress in an accessible and easy-to-share format
Deadline: Sundays (12th, 19th, 26th) 22:00 CEST & Friday (31st) 22:00 CEST
O17 Summer Challenge 2020 attendees

Name Last Name Institution

Adit Kaneria Syracuse university
Akeaba Singh UWC Red Cross Nordic
Alejandra Durán Colegio Santa Francisca Romana
Alejandra estefanía Garza Martinez Universidad de Monterrey
Aleke chinedu Emmanuel Niger Delta University
Alexandre Gold Université de Paris
Alexia Vanneste Université de Paris
Ammar Hdaifeh Université de Paris
Angel Woo University of Hong Kong
Anjali Chintam Syracuse University
Arturo Arellano Cruz Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Catherine Truong Université de Paris
Chaohan Que Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
Chloe Fruy Chimie ParisTech-PSL
Chor kiu (phoebe) Woo University of Cambridge
Claire Spitzlei École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris
Clara-louise Mourier Université de Paris
Denyse Iradukunda African Leadership University, Rwanda
Doriane Ferrandez Université de Paris
Elena Maj Université de Paris
Emmanuel Samuel Agbedejobi National Open University of Nigeria
Ephrem Hatungimana Regis University
Evan Millard Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University
Fangyi Gu Georgetown University
Fanny Morvan Chimie ParisTech - PSL
Flore Miomandre Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris
Gaetan Ossard Chimie ParisTech - PSL
Gokul Rajendran Kerala University of Health Sciences
Habiba Erinfolami University of Ilorin
Haifeng Wang Shenzhen University
Hemanth reddy Kodakandla Syracuse University
Herynah Andrianarahina Université de Paris
Hugo Mármol Sánchez University of Geneva
Huixin Wu University of Liverpool
O17 Summer Challenge 2020 attendees

Name Last Name Institution

Ingrid karoline Neres Dias Universidade de Goiás
Irina Delamare Université de Paris
Jiehua Zeng Shenzhen University
Jingyi Liao Tsinghua University
Josefine Lynggaard University of Geneva & Tsinghua University
Juliette Lebel Université de Paris
Kate Mahalia Alvarez St. Scholastica's College - Manila
Konstatin Blondeau Université de Paris
Laure Manach Université de Paris
Manon Miran ENSCP (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris)
Mariam El Balq Université de Paris
Marie Perrillat Université de Paris
Mona Guedidi Université de Paris
Nan Chao Beihang University
Natalia Angel SMA Regina Pacis Bogor (Regina Pacis Senior High School Bogor)
Nell Dausse Université de Paris
Nour Ben Salem Université de Paris
Pollyana Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás
Qixuan Shi university of Queensland
Ricardo Perez Castillo Tecnologico de Monterrey
Sabrina Octon Université de Paris
Snc Rashi Université de Paris
Sofia Ordonez Université de Paris
Tenzin Tsomo UWC Red Cross Nordic
William Du Université de Paris
Xavissa Molina United World College Red Cross Nordic
Xi Chen Tsinghua university
Xiaolin Jiang Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University
Xiaozhe Wang Tsinghua University
Yawen Zheng Tsinghua University
Yiqi Yan Tsinghua University
Yirong Qin Shenzhen University
Yujin Zhou Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University
Yutong Wu McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University
Zhuldyz Begassilova UNICAM, University of Camerino
Zixi Yang Tsinghua University

Reos Partners has more than 20 years of experience

helping teams of people, from across the same
organisation or across multiple organisations, work
together to address their

most critical and difficult issues. These have included issues of economic inclusion;
education; energy and climate; health and equity; natural resources, land, and food; and
peace, democracy, and governance.

We use tried-and-tested collaboration methods to deal with systemic challenges like those
posed by the COVID-19 crisis. Reos’ diverse and seasoned staff can deliver this support
virtually, across languages, cultures, and time zones, to teams that are spread out across a
city or around the world.

Geneus is a collaborative co-working space for life science entrepreneurs, and it is a

partnership of Switzerland’s leading innovation incubators.

They support life science entrepreneurs in their first steps from idea to a viable business with
an ecosystem, coaching and provision of offices.

The goal of Crowd4SDG is to research how citizen science can provide

data for tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
and to study how grassroots innovation can help achieve such

Crowd4SDG is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action

supported by the European Commission's Science with and for Society
(SwafS) programme.

The CRI is co-constructing and sharing new ways of learning, teaching,

conducting research and mobilizing collective intelligence in the fields
of life, learning and digital sciences, in order to face the world's
sustainable development goals (SDGs).

O17 is a challenge-based, online interactive coaching programme to

help young global innovators connect and shape good ideas into
viable social innovations projects. O17 supports projects that enable
grassroots public participation and citizen science through the use of
open data and crowdsourcing.
Lectures International Geneva

Housed at the Palais des Nations, the United

Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) serves as the
representative office of the Secretary-General at
Geneva. A focal point for multilateral diplomacy,
UNOG services more than 8,000 meetings every
year, making it one of the busiest conference
centres in the world. With more than 1,600 staff, it is
the biggest duty stations outside of United Nations
headquarters in New York.
Providing key infrastructure and support, UNOG contributes significantly to the
Organization’s efforts to maintain international peace and security, to advance disarmament,
to protect and promote human rights, to eradicate poverty, to implement sustainable
development practices and to provide fast, effective humanitarian relief in emergencies – to
mention just a few of the tasks. A large number of dignitaries and high-level delegations
come to UNOG every year to participate in bilateral exchanges, intergovernmental meetings,
conferences and other events, making UNOG a centre for information sharing and exchange.


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations
and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support
country-level action for shaping a better future.

UNITAR was created in 1963 to train and equip young diplomats from newly-independent UN
Member States with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate through the diplomatic
environment. With a strategy fully focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), UNITAR supports Governments to implement the 2030 Agenda.

The International Telecommunication Union is the United Nations

specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.
Founded in 1865 to facilitate international connectivity in communications
networks, we allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the
technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly
interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved
communities worldwide. Every time you make a phone call via the mobile,
access the Internet or send an email, you are benefitting from the work of
Lectures International Geneva

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the

United Nations responsible for international public health. WHO's
primary role is to direct international health within the United
Nations' system and to lead partners in global health responses.

The SDG Lab works with a diverse ecosystem of actors that are
focused on delivering the 2030 Agenda and identifies strategic
opportunities for convergence in order to energize and maximize
the added-value of International Geneva in supporting
implementation of the SDGs, including but not limited to: United
Nations and intergovernmental organizations, member states, civil
society and NGOs, academia, and the private sector.

This dynamic Lab model strengthens the individual efforts of governments and
organizations by amplifying their unique voices, creating space for new partnerships to form,
and providing a platform to innovate and experiment. It supports the collective knowledge
and expertise within Geneva, making it increasingly relevant and actionable for national and
local level SDG implementation.
Planning & Organization

ZOOM Google Slack Google Coaching

Calendar Drive Curriculum

For Workshops & Pitching: Link to the Zoom Meeting
Playbacks: Link to recordings

Meeting ID: 365 518 5250

Password: 976918

Update the email address that you use to log on to the Zoom Meeting room here. Breakout rooms
will be assigned based on your given email address.

Google Calendar
Sync your calendar with the O17 Summer Challenge Google Calendar

For Discussions: Link to O17 Summer Challenge Slack Channel

Google Drive
For all files and resources: O17 Student Google Folder
Update the email address you use to access Google Drive here.

Coaching Curriculum
All O17 Summer Challenge materials in one folder: Curriculum Folder

For Office Hours:
**Exact room details will be provided soon
Useful Resources
Collective Intelligence Tools (by NESTA)

Social Entrepreneurship Toolkits

(SEIF/InnoSuisse Business Creation Course)

UBS/Ashoka Social Investment Toolkit

Singularity University Resources

Getting Started:

App Development using Android

Getting Started:
Tutorial: Android 9 hour course

Getting Started:
Video Tutorial by Jeremy Blum
Online diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams and much more

Design, prototype

Free icons for your design
Useful resources
Team collaboration, charts and planning

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre

WHO Daily Situation Reports

Bubble io
Build full apps without coding (database, view, logic)

Guide App
Build mobile web apps in minutes
SDG Tool Kit SDG in Progress – creating and
documenting crowdsourcing projects

The SDG in Progress platform allows all

innovators to document ongoing
The Kit comprises tools adapted from
projects, or to get inspired by other
existing Open Source solutions, that people’s projects, re-use them or
can support a wide range of re-purpose them. The platform is based
crowdsourcing projects for the SDGs, on Build in Progress, originally
ranging from crowd-based data developed by MIT Media Lab.
collection and classification to Compared to other documentation
platforms (wikis, Github, etc.), SDG in
distributed volunteer computing to
Progress provides a highly visual
project design and community overview of how a project was
mapping tools. conceived, allowing for easy
documentation of the sort of branching
The Summer School gathers a host of
that naturally occurs in projects, where
solutions in one place and provides different options are explored.
pedagogical support to first-time
users. The tools are designed to be
able to quickly build and test a
crowdsourcing solution for the SDGs,
ideally without coding skills.

For additional information go to: SDG Market

SDG Market is an initiative to motivate

participation in crowdsourcing projects
for the SDGs, while at the same time
enforcing a robust consensus-based
distributed peer-review mechanism.
The current instantiation of SDG
Market is as a Developers Market
Application built on top of the GitHub
coding platform. GitHub repositories
can be listed as projects on SDG
Crowd Thinking with Crowd4SDG Crowd Sensing with SDG Kobo

Crowd4SDG is a web-based tool that SDG Kobo is a data collection system

allows volunteers to collaborate on that enables the easy creation of
solving complex data classification mobile phone apps for collecting data.
tasks that automatic tools cannot Typical use of such apps includes
handle. It supports projects where taking geo-located images and adding
citizens can analyze or enrich existing additional information (such as
data, typically large sets of images or selecting keywords about the image, or
texts, such as satellite pictures or social answering related questions). Images
media posts, as well as other media are then automatically uploaded on a
formats such as videos and scanned centrally-maintained database when
documents. internet connection is available.

SDG CS Map Crowd Computing - SDG@Home

This CS map monitors online citizen SDG@home allows volunteers to

science participation in Europe. It was donate computational resources from
developed by the University of Geneva their desktop computers, laptops and
for the DIToS EU project. For smartphones, for running SDG-related
demonstration purposes, it currently simulations and machine learning
includes information on volunteers algorithms. Based on BOINC, an
activities from all projects active on the open-source middleware for distributed
Zooniverse platform, the iNaturalist volunteer computing, the platform is
platform and volunteer computing hosted at CERN, a partner of Citizen
projects related to LHC@home. Based Cyberlab, and takes advantage of the
on the open source data visualization experience from the development and
plugin Kibana, the platform will in future deployment undertaken by Citizen
allow participants of crowdsourcing Cyberlab for different generations of
projects to visualize the activity of the CERN’s LHC@Home project, since
crowdsourcing project they are 2004.
contributing to, while respecting the
privacy of individual contributors.
Background Literature

Innovation Studies / Innovation in Sustainable Development

Bergh, J.C.J.M. van den, E.S. van Leeuwen, F.H. Oosterhuis, P. Rietveld, and E.T. Verhoef.
2007. Social Learning by Doing in Sustainable Transport Innovations: Ex-Post Analysis
of Common Factors behind Successes and Failures. Research Policy 36(2): 247–59.

Diaz Anadon, L., G. Chan, A.G Harley, K. Matus, S. Moon, S. L. Murthy, and W. C. Clark. 2015.
Making Technological Innovation Work for Sustainable Development. PNAS 113(35):
9682– 9690 Dziallas, M., and K. Blind. 2018.
Innovation Indicators throughout the Innovation Process: An Extensive Literature
Analysis. Technovation XX(XX):XX-XX

Keinänen, M., J. Ursin, and K. Nissinen. 2018 How to Measure Students’ Innovation
Competences in Higher Education: Evaluation of an Assessment Tool in Authentic
Learning Environments. Studies in Educational Evaluation 58: 30–36.

Leach, M., J. Rockström, P. Raskin, I. Scoones, A. C. Stirling, A. Smith, J. Thompson, E.

Millstone, A. Ely, E. Arond, C. Folke, and P. Olsson. 2012. Transforming innovation for
sustainability. Ecology and Society 17(2): 11.

Levitt Cea, J. and J. Rimington. 2017. Creating Breakout Innovation. Stanford Social
Innovation Review Summer 2017.
Background Literature


The GovLab Selected Readings on Crowdsourcing Expertise

The GovLab Selected Readings on Crowdsourcing Tasks and Peer Production

Selected Reading List for Other Topics (GovLab)

Data and Its Uses For Governance


LinkedIn Profile**

Connect with your mentors.

**This section will be updated very soon.

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