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Unbroken Ch.

5 Questions
1) Where did Louie go to college? University of Southern California
2) Who did Louie train with (his best friend) and what was his experience like at the
Berlin Olympics? Payton Jordan, He was not successful at the 1936 Olympics but
was hoping to do better in Tokyo
3) Who is “Jimmie” (provide his real name and what we first learn about him)? Kunichi
James Sasaki, attended elementary school as an adult
4) What surprising news do we find out about Jimmie a little later in the chapter? He
had earned degrees at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale which was a lie, and he was
posing as a student at USC
5) Who did the USC coach say was the only runner who could beat Louie? Zamperini
6) What happened to Louie during the NCAA championship mile race? He was corned
in and beaten up with the other runners spike shoes
7) How did that race end for Louie (provide specifics)? He managed to escape, and
ran ahead through a small opening, he won the race and was 1.9 seconds off the
world record time
8) Why did the Olympics move from Tokyo to Helsinki, Finland? Japan's leaders had
similar motives to Hitler, they believed their race was the superior one and were
unable to manage the population growth, poor economy and leadership
9) What was Japan’s first move (in 1931)? Invading the Chinese province of
10) What happened to Louie in the spring of 1940? The Olympics were cancelled,
Louie grew ill
11) What military branch did Louie join in 1941 and what happened? He joined the
Army Air Corps, he didn’t last long due to severe air sickness so he left the
12) What happened when Louie found out he was drafted? He tried to fail his physical,
but he was told to come back and the second time he passed
13) What do we find out about Jimmie at the end of the chapter? Jimmie may have
been a spy for the Chinese navy
14) What major event truly pulls Louie into the war? The attack on Pearl Harbor

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