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Identify Main idea / Topic Sentences

The Topic of a Paragraph is the subject of the whole Paragraph. It is the one thing that whole
paragraph is usually the topic of a Paragraph can be expressed in two or the worlds frequently, the
repeated use of world can save as a clue to the topic of paragraph .
Topic Sentences
The topic sentences express the main idea of a Paragraph. This sentence is also known as the Key of
theme of a sentence. The main idea what the author wants to communicate about the topic is
central most important thought in the Paragraph. Every other sentence and Idea in the Paragraph is
related to the main Idea. Topic Sentence can appear at several times in a Paragraph at beginning
middle or end.
A good topic sentence does two important things.
1-It helps you stay focused on the main idea of your paragraph.
2-It helps reader to know what your paragraph will be about.
Example: Many Televisions cartoon certain an unhealthy amount of violence. This Sentence clearly
identifies (an unhealthy) that the key topic of the Paragraph is Violence in television Cartoon.
Main Idea
The main idea of a Paragraph tells you what the Author wants you to know about the topic. The
main idea is usually directly stated by the writer in one or more sentences with in the paragraph. The
sentence that states, the main Idea is called the Topic Sentence.
Example: 1- A healthy diet includes Fruit and vegetables.
2-King henry VIII was a far stronger king than George II.
Skimming (Gist reading):
Skimming is reading text quickly to get general idea of meaning. Skimming allow you to digest the
main idea of text quickly.
Example: Newspaper, Magazines etc.
Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to specific information
quickly. To locates specific fact or piece of information only one word. Scanning you must be willing
to skip over large section of text without reading or understanding them. Scanning allow you to
locate information quickly.
Example: Train ticket, graph etc.
Intensive reading: Intensive reading involves learner reading in detail with specific learning aims and
Example: The learners read a short text and put events from it into chronological order.
Other example: Insurance claim contact number train number etc.
Extensive reading:
Extensive reading involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading
skills .extensive reading, which involves learners reading text for enjoyment and to develop general
reading skills.
Example: A teacher reads a short story with learners, but does not set them any tasks accent to
read and listen.
Other example: story books, novels, magazines etc.
Distinguish between Facts and Opinion
“The fact is something that has actually taken place are known to have existed, which can be
validated pieces of Evidences”.
They are strictly defined and can be measured observed and proven. It refers to something that
makes statements true and used in connection with research and study. A fact can be event
information, based on real occurrences i.e. they are supported by proofs, statistics, documentation,
1-pakistan is an agricultural country.
2-Several multinational companies have open their office in Pakistan.
As above given examples are verified by different researches and studies. So above given examples
are facts.
“The term opinion is defined as the personal view or judgment about a subject that may or may not
be substantiated by the facts or positive knowledge”
In other words an opinion is an inconclusive statement, which cannot be moved true or false.
Opinion is highly influenced by a person’s feelings, thoughts ,perspective ,desire,
attitude,experiences,understanding , beliefs, values etc. which cannot be tested by concrete is an opinion that coffee is delicious ,because it is delicious for some people but not for
1-pakistan is a country.
2-The coming of multinational companies to Pakistan has booted the Pakistani economy.
Above example given examples are opinions because these are satisfied by some people and not
satisfied by others.
Difference between facts an opinion
The fact is described as that cab be verified or proved to be true.
Opinion is an expression of judgment or belief about something.

Distinguishing between Relevant and Irrelevant Information according to

Purpose for reading?
What is Relevant Information?
Relevant is Information if it contributes to understanding a situation or topic. To put it another way,
Information may be clearly connected to a situation or Topic is called relevant Information.
For Example:
If you are writing an essay on Morning walk and you are discussing about the greenery, Fresh air,
beautiful flowers etc. Then, it is called relevant discussion because it is relating the discussion with

What is Irrelevant Information?

If you describe such as a fact or remark as irrelevant, you man it is not connected with what you are
discussing or dealing with.
For Example:
If you are talking about Punjabi language in English lecture then, it is called irrelevant. Because it is
not relevant to English.
Recognize device:
The detail in paragraph are those facts and ideas that prove explain, support or give examples of the
main idea of the paragraph. The more difficult job involved is the selection of few keys or most
important details that clearly support the main idea.
Cohesive device
Cohesive device sometime called linking words,linkers,connections or transitional words, are one
of the most understood and measured parts of writing.
In conclusion however’ or moreover. Cohesive devices tell the reader. What we are doing in the
sentence and help to guide them through writing.
1-The public transport in this city is unreliable and it’s cheap.
2-The public transport in this city is unreliable but it’s cheap.
Forms of cohesive devise
Comparison------------------Also, equal, similarly
Contrast----------------------Instead, in contrast.
Exemplification--------------For example, such as, namely.
Result-------------------------So, therefore, thus
Addition-----------------------And, also, too
Sequencing____________First, second,next,after,them.
The Rain
Reference to context
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Rain” Written by
W.H Davies.
This short poem is a musical display of rain but it is also shows miseries
of a poor homeless man who suffers from a wet weather. However, he hears
the music created by the falling of rain on the leaves of trees. This music and
the sunshine afterwards bring pleasure for him.
In these lines the poet says that he hears the leaves drinking rain
water. This is symbolic poem. Rich and poor leaves symbolize different classes
in society. The classification of rich and poor leaves urges us to help those who
are lower to us, as the rich leaves after being saturated, drop the rainwater
down to the poor leaves to quench their thrust.
The classes of the leaves depict a harsh reality of the society as well. That is
the rich people of society enjoy all the social and economic opportunities first
and then comes the poor classes. 0-
Loveliest of tree the cherry Now
These lines have been taken from the poem “Loveliest of tree the
cherry now “written by “A.E Housman”.
The poem is in the praise of cherry tree covered with white flower. The
poet hopes to live fifty years more. He wants to go to the forest to see many
trees of cherry covered with white flowers.
“Nature never betray the heart that ever love”
Cherry, which is the loveliest of the trees, is now in full bloom and its branches
are bending down due to the load of cherry flower. It grows along the path in
the woods and it all covered in snow. According to the poet it is looking that
the cherry in white dress stand for celebration of Easter.
The poet says that remaining fifty years are quite insufficient to appreciate the
beauty of things in bloom. He wants to go to the woodland where the cherry
is standing.
A Cricket Match
One evening of the Quaid’s birth anniversary, the District Government organized a cricket
tournament. In the final, our team contested with Sublime College. The match was to be
played in our college ground .it was lush green with beautiful boundary fences. There was a
makeshift pavilion and some chairs for the guests. District Nazim was the chief guest who
arrived at the venue well in time. A large number of spectators had already gathered on the
Players of the teams were very smart, active and energetic. Their athletic bodies reflected
the hard-work they had done in gymnasium on the ground. Our team was dressed in blue
while they were in yellow .White ball was used for the first time in the history of local cricket.
We won the toss, our captain elected to bat first. Decision was quite right as it was a
batting wicket where ball could take turn in afternoon. Both sides had to play forty over
each. Our openers gave us steady start. They both defended and attacked. In the 12 th over
when the first wicket fell, the score was 65.The opposition had not anticipated such a start.
Then our rival team created panic in our batting line and got three quick wickets. However,
our captain and the other batsman defended well first and then attacked. It was very
fascinating to see the white ball ambling on green grass or flying in the golden sunlight.
Besides the spectators echoes made the whole show very exciting.
In the final over, the slog was launched. Our batsman was hitting sixes along with twos and
threes. We finished 4/214.After the lunch break, the sublime college started its innings.
They responded well.Although they lost an early wicket but it was not an irreparable loss.
At the end of 20th over, the score was 1/100. Either side could win, however, our spin bowler
waheed turn the tables. He is a leg-break googlie bowler who can cast a spell on any
batsman. It can be said confidently that he would be star on the international horizon of
cricket. He took three wickets and kept them in control.
On the other hand, their all rounder, Tahir, did not yield to any pressure. His motto is attack
is the best defense. He slogged well which neared them to the total. The match was heading
towards a nail biting finish.
In the last over, they required eleven runs to win. A chill ran through us when Tahir hit a
four on the first ball. That was followed by two singles and two dot balls. They required five
runs in last ball. The Batsman played towards extra-cover. Akbar chased and threw back,
The keeper took the bails off and umpire raised his finger. We hand won the match. It was
incredible for our opposition. They were shocked bit they congratulated us. When our
captain lifted the trophy the spectators gave us standing ovation. Our college flags were
fluttering ever where while we sang and danced.
To conclude, Sports are healthy activity to create a healthy society. The are an expression of
players stamina, athleticism, Sportsman spirit and self control. Besides, sports are great fun
for players as well as spectators. This match was an evidence of such ideals!
“What I know most surely about morality and duty of man, I owe it to sport.” (Albert Camus)
Context Clues
Using Context to understand word meaning
The text around a new word
Context helps us understanding meaning.
Example New word
We went inside to escape the frigid temperatures. We instantly felt so warm and
Pieces of information that help us understand something
Detectives and investigators use clues to solve crime.
Doctors use clues to solve medical problems.
Readers use clues from context to understand words and details.
Context Clues
Pieces of information in the text that help readers understand words and
details. Context clues are hints found within a sentence,
Paragraph or passage that a reader can use to understand the meaning of new or unfamiliar
The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodical examination of all
the equipment.
(Inspection is a methodical examination of all the equipment) Context clues
What is a phrase?
A group of words which have particular meaning when used together.
A group of words which makes sense, but not complete is called phrase.
Phrase is a short expression.
“Group of words, a part of sentence having meaning but not complete, have not, verb and
In the room, at the table, near the door, on the wall etc.
What is clause?
A small group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms of sentence or part of
sentence. Clause is a short sentence.
“Group of works, a part of a sentence having meaning but not complete, have its own
subject verb and subject”
He thinks that the boy would help him
I said that come to the point.
A group of words having a complete sense and meaning have subject and predicate.
He is writing a letter.
He is playing cricket.
Error-free Writing
 Writing is a kind of skill that requires creative ideas and great command over grammar.
 If you have both at the same time, no one can deny you are good a writer
 But if you are poor in grammer,it make it tough to convey your ideas in an understandable way
1-Wrong word:
 They may convey a slightly different meaning then you intend.
For Example: “Composed instead of comprise “or a completely wrong meaning.
Tips to counter them:
Use your thesaurus and spell checker with care.
Allow a spell checker to correct spelling automatically.
2-Missing Comma after an Introductory Element and Unnecessary Comma:
 Use Comma at specific instances is very essential.
 People tend to forget to add a comma after the introductory paragraph.
 Some people tend to add commas at random places unnecessary as well.
Tips to counter them
 Use a comma after every introductory element.
 If the introductory element is very short, skip comma.
 Do not use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and,but,for ,nor ,or ,so, yet)
3-Vague pronoun Reference
 Sometimes there is more than one antecedent.
 People tend to use wrong pronoun at wrong place.
Tips to counter them:
 Edit the sentence to make the meaning clear.
 Most common error is a spelling error.
 Spell checkers cannot identity many misspelling
 Compound words incorrectly spelled as separate words.
Tips to counter them
 Proofread carefully for errors.
 Run a spell checker if possible.
5-Unnecessary or Missing Capitalization
 Some people use a capital letter randomly between sentences.
 Some people capitalize words to emphasize its meaning
Tip to counter them:
 Capitalize only proper noun and proper adjective, the first words of sentence, and important words in
 Certain words including directions and family relationships.
 When in doubt, check a dictionary.
6-Missing Word:
 Sometimes when writing, people skip words by mistake.
Tip to counter them:
 Read your work out loud before submitting it.
 Be particularly careful not to omit words from quotations.
7-Faulty sentence structure
 If a sentence starts out with one kind of structure and then charges to another kind, it will confuse
Tip to counter them:
 Maintain the grammatical pattern within a sentence.
 Each sentence must have a subject and verb, and the subjects and predicates must made sense
8-Unnecessary or Missing Apostrophe (Including its/it’s):
Tip to counter them:
 To make a noun possessive, add either an apostrophe or an S.
For Example: Ali’s phone Ahmed’s car. Etc.
9-Missing or Unnecessary Hyphen:
Tip to counter them:
 A compound adjective requires a hyphen when it modifies a noun that follows.
 A two-word verb should not be hyphenated.
 In official writings use of personal abbreviation loses meaning of the word sense.
 Tip to counter them: Do not use abbreviation unless you know them.
Writing good sentences
Good sentences:
Good sentences express complete thoughts, Contain a
subject, verb, object or clause.
Basic sentence structure:
Subject+verb+Object/Clause (Completion of the statement)
Identifying Subject:
The Subject describes who or what.
Subject are nouns-person, place, thing or idea OR.
Pronoun-I, we, you, he, she,it,and they.
Example: Ali completes the project.
Identifying verbs
The Verb describes the action
Verb usually following subject
Verbs are written in the past, present or future tense.
Example: Ali played cricket. Ali plays cricket.

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