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A cone-beam computed tomographic

study evaluating the efficacy of incisor
movement with clear aligners: Assessment
of incisor pure tipping, controlled tipping,
translation, and torque
Ting Jiang,a Yu-Nan Jiang,b Feng-Ting Chu,c Pei-Jun Lu,c and Guo-Hua Tangc
Shanghai, China

Introduction: This retrospective clinical study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of different types of incisor
movements with clear aligners in the sagittal plane. Methods: Pretreatment and posttreatment cone-beam
computed tomography (CBCT) scans were collected from 69 patients who underwent nonextraction
treatment with clear aligners (Invisalign; Align Technology, San Jose, Calif). Integrated 3-dimensional models
of the virtual incisor position (ClinCheck; Align Technology) and the posttreatment incisor position (from
posttreatment CBCT scans) were superimposed over the pretreatment position (from pretreatment CBCT
scans) using Mimics software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium). On the basis of the location of the rotation
center, incisors showing pure tipping (.10 ), controlled tipping (.10 ), translation (.1 mm), or torque (.10 )
movements were selected. Efficacy was determined by comparing the predicted and achieved incisor
movement, and differences with efficacy were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Shapiro-Wilk tests
(a 5 0.05). Results: In measurements for 231 incisors, the mean efficacy of incisor movements in the sagittal
plane was 55.58%. The most and least predictable movements were pure tipping (72.48%) and torque (35.21%),
respectively. Labial root movement was significantly more predictable than lingual root movement, and labial
movement of the mandibular incisors was significantly easier than that of the maxillary incisors. The type of tooth
movement achieved was different from the type designed. Conclusions: The efficacy of incisor movement in the
sagittal plane using clear aligners varies with designed movement type, and labial root movement appears to be
more accurate than the lingual root movement. The biomechanics of clear aligners remains to be further eluci-
dated to achieve more predictable treatment results. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;159:635-43)

he clear aligner system, which contains a series of
Department of Orthodontics, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, College of Sto- removable polyurethane appliances, has been
matology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. widely used in clinical practice as an esthetic and
Department of Stomatology, Tong Ren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. more comfortable alternative to fixed orthodontic
Department of Orthodontics, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, College of Sto- appliances. For example, Invisalign was used to treat
matology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; National Clinical over 300,000 orthodontic patients with a variety of
Research Center for Oral Diseases; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology &
Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai, China. malocclusions in its first decade,1 and over 6 million as
Ting Jiang and Yu-Nan Jiang are joint first authors and contributed equally to of today.
this work. Although the consumer demand and the professional
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. use of clear aligners continue to grow, questions
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, China regarding the efficacy of this system still remain. Accord-
(19ZR1429600). ing to the manufacturer, clear aligners could effectively
Address correspondence to: Guo-Hua Tang, Department of Orthodontics,
Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao achieve major tooth movement, including premolar der-
Tong University School of Medicine, No. 639, Zhizaoju Rd, Shanghai 200011, otation up to 50 and root movement of the maxillary
China; e-mail, central incisors up to 4 mm. Despite the advocated effi-
Submitted, July 2019; revised and accepted, November 2019.
0889-5406/$36.00 ciency of the treatment, its clinical potency still
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. remains debatable; opponents pointed out its significant

636 Jiang et al

limitations when treating complex malocclusions, inclusion criteria were used: (1) age $20 years; (2) the
whereas advocates remained convinced by the patients presence of crowding that could be harmonized using
with successful outcomes. conservative space-gaining measures such as protrusion,
To achieve the desired goals, patients treated with proclination, expansion, and interproximal enamel
clear aligners require either a midcourse correction or reduction; (3) completed treatment with the whole
case refinement. Align Technology reported that 20%- active stages of the first serial of aligners. Availability
30% of patients might require additional aligners, of 1 CBCT scan each from before and after the treat-
whereas many clinical orthodontists reported a propor- ment; (4) no auxiliary device such as segmental wire
tion of 70%-80%.2 Accurately assessed efficacy and elastics was used on incisors; and (5) CBCT voxel
of tooth movement could help design the amount of size ranging from 0.20 mm to 0.30 mm.
movement before treatment and reduce the frequency The following parameters represented exclusion
of refinements. criteria: (1) unclear CBCT images of teeth and jaws and
A substantial body of studies has concentrated on the (2) presence of alveolar cleft or other bone defects.
efficacy of tooth movement on clear aligners. Kravitz Both CBCT scans (pretreatment and posttreatment)
et al3 evaluated the accuracy of anterior tooth move- were collected and evaluated. The use of the data was
ment and concluded that maxillary incisor lingual crown approved by the ethics committee of the Shanghai Ninth
tipping (53.1%) was significantly more accurate than People's Hospital (SH9H-2018-T63-1).
labial crown tipping (37.6%). Castroflorio et al4 exam- Three-dimensional models of jaws (from both pre-
ined 12 maxillary incisors in Invisalign patients needing and post-CBCT scans) and each incisor (from the post-
lingual root torque and found that when a torque CBCT scan) were reconstructed using Mimics software
correction of about 10 was required, torque loss was (version 19.0; Materialise, Leuven, Belgium) and im-
negligible. Simon et al5 reported the mean accuracy ported into 3-Matic software (Materialise) to perform
for maxillary incisor torque was 42% and concluded surface-based superimposition. The 3D models of the
that no differences were observed if the torque (.10 ) initial dentition (pre-D) and the virtual setup dentition
was supported with a horizontal ellipsoid attachment were obtained from ClinCheck (Invisalign; Align Tech-
or with a power ridge. These results varied considerably nology) and imported into the 3-Matic program.
from each other, and the reason might be related to the Surface characteristic-based automated registration
absence of root information and unclear definitions of of pre-CBCT jaws and pre-D was performed using the
tooth movements. crowns as areas of optimal overlap. Subsequently, each
Incisor movements in the sagittal direction can be individually segmented incisors were registered to corre-
classified into 4 types according to the position of the sponding pre-D and virtual setup dentition crowns.
rotation center: pure tipping, controlled tipping, trans- Finally, the pretreatment integrated model and virtual-
lation, and torque.6 These 4 types of movements are treatment model were completed, which included accu-
supported by completely different extents of root con- rate crowns determined by ClinCheck models and roots
trol. However, limited published data have assessed the and pre-CBCT jaws positions derived from CBCT imag-
differences and evaluated the efficacy of these 4 types ing. The posttreatment integrated models, including
of incisor movements. post-CBCT jaws and incisors derived by post-CBCT
Consequently, this retrospective study aimed to scans, did not require any superimposition (Fig 1).
evaluate the efficacy of these 4 types of incisor move- To analyze incisor positions in the same space coor-
ments by clear aligner treatment with additional root dinates, we superimposed both integrated models (pre-
information from integrated 3-dimensional (3D) digital treatment integrated model and posttreatment
models and determine whether any inputs could be integrated models) on the basis of skeletal marks (eg,
derived from the differences between efficacy. The pre- anterior nasal ridge), and then global registration was
dicted amount of tooth movement was compared with performed with an iterative closest point algorithm.
the achieved amount after treatment, and the amount Because the virtual and the pretreatment incisor posi-
was calculated by measuring the area of the root move- tions were automatically superimposed in ClinCheck,
ments. the 3 incisor positions were finally matched to the
same spatial coordinates.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The alveolar bone height (ABH) was represented by
Patients treated with Invisalign (Align Technology, the distance between the midpoint of the mesiodistal
San Jose, Calif) between January 2016 and December alveolar ridge crest (pre-C) and apex (pre-R), as the
2018 at the Department of Orthodontics, Shanghai root length (RL) was represented between the apex
Ninth People's Hospital were selected. The following (pre-R) and the midpoint of the mesiodistal

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Fig 1. Construction of preintegrated and postintegrated models and the virtual-treat model. 3D models
of each incisor were reconstructed separately by threshold segmentation performed on post-CBCT
scans. The crown of each segmented CBCT incisor was superimposed onto the corresponding crown
of the initial dentition (pre-D); Registration of the pre-CBCT jaws (pre-J) and pre-D was preformed using
the crowns as areas of optimal overlap, and finally, the pretreatment integrated model (pre-IM) was con-
structed. The crown of each segmented CBCT incisor was superimposed onto the virtual dentition (vir-
D), after which the virtual-treat model (vir-M) was completed. The postintegrated model (post-IM) was
composed of post-CBCT jaws and post-CBCT incisors, which did not require any registration.

cementoenamel junction (Fig 2, A). To ensure the uni- projection of the incisor axis (vir/post-RI) in the sagittal
versality of the results, teeth with short roots and those plane; (9) vir/post-RC: the line from point-R to point-C
in which the alveolar bone had absorbed more than a with length the same as ABH; (10) vir/post-RC’: the pro-
third of RL were excluded.7 jection of vir/post-RC in the sagittal plane, of which the
A reference coordinate system was set up using 3- length was usually shorter than ABH; (11) center of rota-
Matic software, and the following reference points tion (Ctr): the intersection point of pre-RI and vir-RI.’ In a
were used: pre represents the pretreatment position, vir right-handed coordinate system, pre-R was defined as
represents the virtual position, post represents the post- the coordinate origin, pre-RI was defined as the y-axis,
treatment position (Fig 2, B): (1) pre/vir/post-R: the root and the line in the sagittal plane perpendicular to the
apex point; (2) pre-M: the most prominent point of the y-axis from the origin was defined as the x-axis.
lingual protuberance; (3) pre/vir/post-I: midpoint of The angle (a) formed by vir-RI0 and y-axis and the
the incisal edge; (4) pre/vir/post-RI: the line from distance (d) between pre-Cs and virtual center of resis-
point-R to point-I, which was defined as the axis of the tance (vir-Cs) was recorded. To ensure that measure-
incisor; (5) pre/vir/post-C: the point of the alveolar ridge ments were limited to the sagittal direction, the length
crest that was on line-RI and was of the same length as of vir/post-RC0 was corrected as follows: on the basis
ABH from point-R; (6) pre/vir/post-Cs: center of resis- of the vir/post-Cs, the points vir/post-C0 and vir/post-
tance, the point on line-RI that was half the length of R0 were marked on vir/post-RI’ with the length between
the ABH from point-R6; (7) sagittal plane: the plane these 2 points the same as ABH.
covering the points pre-R, pre-M, and pretreatment On the basis of the location of Ctr, 4 types of tooth
midpoint of the incisal edge; (8) vir/post-RI’: the movement were identified as follows (Fig 3, A): (1)

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Fig 2. Measurement of ABH, RL, and establishment of the incisor coordinate system: A, the ABH was
represented by the distance between the midpoint of the mesiodistal alveolar ridge crest (pre-C) and
apex (pre-R); the RL was represented by the maximum linear length between pre-R and the midpoint
of the mesiodistal cementoenamel junction (pre-CEJ); B, the midpoint of the incisal edge was defined
as pre-I. In the right-handed coordinate system, the pre-R was defined as the coordinate origin, the pre-
RI (line composed of pre-R and pre-I) was defined as the y-axis, and the line in the sagittal plane
perpendicular to the y-axis from the origin was defined as the x-axis. Black indicates pretreatment po-
sition; red indicates the posttreatment position; and blue indicates the virtual position.

pure tipping: a .10 , a movement in which Ctr was differences between the 4 types of tooth movement
within 2 mm from pre-Cs; (2) controlled tipping: were compared using the Wilcoxon test. The differences
a .10 , a movement in which Ctr was within 2 mm between labial vs lingual and maxilla vs mandible were
from pre-R; (3) translation: d .1 mm, a movement in analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The significance level
which Ctr was more than 6 times the length of the was set at P 5 0.05.
ABH from pre-Cs; and (4) torque: a .10 , a movement
in which Ctr was within 2 mm of the midpoint of the RESULTS
incisal edge.
Sixty-nine patients (44 female and 25 male) aged be-
Considering the relationship between pre-Cs and vir-
tween 20 and 41 years (mean age, 28.5 6 5.7 years) were
Cs, we defined the direction of root movement as follows
collected. The mean number of maxillary and mandib-
(Fig 3, B): if vir-Cs was on the labial side of pre-Cs, the
ular aligners per treatment was 45.0 6 7.5 and
direction was recorded as labial; otherwise, the direction
41.9 6 9.3, respectively. According to our criteria, 231
was recorded as lingual.
teeth out of 552 maxillary and mandibular incisors
Tooth movement efficacy was calculated by
were included in the present study. The average RL
measuring the area of the root movement in the sagittal
and ABH of incisors are listed in Table I. The average
plane. The accuracy of each tooth movement
predicted amount of change for each type of movement
was determined by the following equation: percentage
was as follows: 13.28 for pure tipping, 13.75 for
of accuracy 5 post-S/vir-S 3 100% (post-S, the
controlled tipping, 12.91 for torque, and 1.69 mm for
area composed of the pre-root and post-root; vir-
S, the area composed the pre-root and virtual root)
The overall efficacy of Invisalign for all incisor move-
(Fig 4).
ments in the sagittal plane was 55.58%. The highest ac-
curacy was achieved during pure tipping (72.48%),
Statistical analysis followed by controlled tipping (65.24%) and translation
All statistical analyses were performed with SAS soft- (49.50%), and the lowest accuracy was during torque
ware (version 8.02; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). The (35.21%). There were significant differences among

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Fig 3. Definitions of different movements and the definition of directions: A, based on the distance be-
tween the Ctr and pre-R or pre-Cs or midpoint of the incisal edge (pre-I). The definitions for the 4 types
of tooth movements were as follows: (a) pure tipping: a movement in which Ctr was within 2 mm from
pre-Cs; (b) controlled tipping: a movement in which Ctr was within 2 mm from pre-R; (c) translation: a
movement in which Ctr was more than 6 times the length of the ABH from pre-Cs; and (d) torque: a
movement in which Ctr was within 2 mm of pre-I; B, considering the relationship between pre-Cs
and the vir-Cs, the direction of root movement was recorded as either labial (red, vir-Cs was on the
labial side of pre-Cs) or otherwise lingual (green).

Fig 4. Measurements of tooth movement efficacy: A, vir-S, the area composed of the pretreatment root
(black) and predicted virtual root (blue); B post-S, the area composed the pretreatment root (black) and
posttreatment root (red); C, the efficacy of tooth movement was calculated by the following equation:
percentage of accuracy 5 post-S/vir-S 3 100%.

the 4 types of movements (P \0.05), and all movements mandibular incisors (P 5 0.0013). When comparing
had large standard deviations (Table II). the difference between maxillary and mandibular arches,
When analyzing differences in efficacy between only translation movement of the maxillary incisors
different tooth types, only translation showed a signifi- showed statistically less efficacy than that of the
cant difference in efficacy between the maxillary and mandibular incisors (Table II).

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Table I. Average RL and ABH of the incisors Table III. Efficacy of root sagittal movement by tooth
Labial Lingual
Standard Standard
Tooth (n) Mean deviation Mean deviation Standard Standard
Maxillary central 12.57 0.96 9.79 0.76 Tooth type Mean N deviation Mean n deviation
(58) Maxillary 57.40 32 19.43 44.43 26 15.62
Maxillary lateral 12.73 1.03 10.03 1.12 central*
(57) Maxillary 54.74 28 19.16 46.36 29 20.05
Mandibular central 12.15 0.93 9.79 0.96 lateral
(57) Mandibular 70.16 29 15.13 50.37 28 17.01
Mandibular lateral 12.46 1.15 10.06 1.07 central*
(59) Mandibular 68.95 32 14.77 48.81 27 16.41
Note. Values are in mm. lateral*
Total* 62.90 121 18.33 47.53 110 17.33

Note. Values are percentages.

When analyzing the difference between labial and *Significant difference in efficacy between labial and lingual move-
lingual groups, labial root movement was significantly ment, P \0.05.
more predictable than lingual root movement
(Table III). In contrast, the efficacy of labiolingual
movement for maxillary incisors was 51.03%, which
was significantly lower than that for mandibular inci- Although clear aligners seem to meet all the criteria
sors (60.01%) (P 5 0.001). More specifically, the that an ideal system should have, some of their biome-
efficacy of labial movement for the maxillary incisors chanical limits have not yet been overcome.8 One of
was 56.16%, which was significantly lower than that the major challenges is controlling root movement,
for the mandibular incisors (69.52%). However, there including the labiolingual inclination of incisors. The
was no significant difference in lingual movement virtual setup in clear aligner software displays only the
between the maxillary and mandibular incisors changes of crowns rather than roots, and it does not
(P 5 0.1756). accurately reflect the patients’ final occlusion.9 The
In addition to the differences in efficacy, the type of overall tooth movement accuracy on the basis of the pre-
movement achieved was also likely different than the treatment and posttreatment superposition on the
type designed (Fig 5). When incisors were designed to crowns was reported to be 59%.5 When integrated 3D
undergo pure tipping or torque, they actually kept the digital models with crown and root were evaluated, it
same mode of movement. When incisors were designed was found that clear aligners moved tooth by tilting mo-
to perform controlled tipping, around 65% of teeth un- tion, and crowns but not roots of anterior teeth could be
derwent controlled tipping, whereas about 35% showed moved to designated positions.10 The efficacy of tooth
pure tipping. When incisors were designed for labial movement by clear aligner treatment varied largely on
translation, 67.3% of teeth followed the same type of different types of tooth and the mode of movement de-
movement, and when they were designed for lingual signed. The most effective movement was molar distal-
translation, only 20.0% of teeth finally followed. ization (87%), and the least accurate movement was

Table II. Efficacy of PTP, CTP, TSL, and TQ


Tooth Mean n SD Mean n SD Mean n SD Mean n SD

Maxillary central 65.40 13 17.26 64.78 16 12.02 43.21 16 11.59 31.83 13 9.07
Maxillary lateral 69.10 14 11.40 62.70 15 13.93 39.86 10 14.58 31.70 18 8.68
Mandibular central 77.17 15 15.70 66.67 13 13.97 57.95 14 11.74 40.62 15 10.45
Mandibular lateral 77.42 14 14.06 66.81 17 13.35 54.73 15 9.32 37.20 13 8.49
Total* 72.48 56 15.24 65.24 61 13.08 49.50 55 13.55 35.21 59 9.76

Note. Values are percentages.

PTP, pure tipping; CTP, controlled tipping; TSL, translation; TQ, torque; SD, standard deviation.
*Significant difference in efficacy between different types of movements, P\0.05; ySignificant difference in efficacy between different tooth types,
P \0.05.

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Fig 5. Sketch illustrating changes in types of movement. The pre-, post-, and virtual incisor positions
were superimposed to illustrate the predicted and achieved types of movement in either labial or lingual
direction. The percentage represents the proportion of different modes in each type of movement. For
example, when incisors were designed to undergo pure tipping, 100% of the teeth showed the pure
tipping movement. When incisors were designed for labial controlled tipping, 65.6% of them underwent
controlled tipping.

extrusion (29.6%).3,5 Possibly, changes in the labiolin- Another way to define types of tooth movements is
gual inclination of incisors could derive from different by identifying the rotation center, such as the method
extents of root control, such as pure tipping, controlled used in the present study. A few articles are available
tipping, translation, or torque. Thus, the specific way dealing with torque movement with clear aligners.5,11-15
that how incisors move should first be determined before Among them, some described torque as the angulation
any efficacy of tooth movement was evaluated. of teeth in labiolingual dimensions, whereas others
A theoretical way to determine the mode of tooth evaluated torque movement on virtual superimposition
movement is to consider the ratio between the moment software of the manufacturer. In our present study,
created when a force is applied to the crown of a tooth only these incisors whose designed movement met the
and the counterbalancing moment generated by a typical characteristics of either pure tipping, controlled
couple with the appliance. With regard to clear aligners, tipping, translation, or torque were selected for further
the force delivery mechanism can be more complicated. evaluation.
For instance, torque movement requires a tipping force Treatment efficacy is usually determined by quanti-
evoked by reversible deformation of the aligner near tative measurements for the predicted and achieved
the gingival margin and the resulting force in the oppo- movements, such as the angulation for tipping and dis-
site direction produced by the movement of the tooth tance for translation. However, it might not be specific
against the inner opposite surface of the appliance enough and sometimes was even misunderstanding.
near the incisor edge.11 Although a rigid connection be- The highest accuracy of molar distalization ever reported
tween the tooth and a force-torque sensor could help to was 108.7%, which could not be achieved by aligner
record forces and moments, changes in periodontal lig- treatment only.5 Similarly, more than one third of inci-
aments and alveolar bones can hardly be simulated, sors designed to undergo controlled tipping showed
which might impair the reliability of the results from pure tipping with larger angulation changes (Fig 5).
in vitro experiments.11,12 The efficacy will be more than 100% if only angulation

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is measured. In addition, previous studies using a surface (99.98%) than the lingual side (0.02%). When roots
matching algorithm on the models might ignore the were designed to move labially, the resistance on the
anchorage loss, which would overstate the efficacy of labial side would reduce, which might be the reason
the tooth movement achieved.3,5,10 In the present study, why the labial movement was more accurate.
preintegrated and postintegrated 3D digital models with In comparison with maxillary incisors, mandibular in-
crowns and roots were superimposed using the jaws as cisors were more likely to move labially, and there might
areas of optimal overlap. Tooth movement efficacy be 3 reasons for this: first, more dehiscence was found in
was calculated by measuring the area of the root move- the mandible than maxilla, which resulted in less resis-
ments, and the results would be more specific and tance18; second, the coronal area of mandibular roots
reasonable. was less than that of maxillary roots, and the movements
The overall efficacy of incisor movement in our pre- might occur even with minor force; third, the lingual
sent study was 55.58%, which was comparable with margin of mandibular aligner was usually longer than
the previous reports.3,5 When the types of tooth move- the labial side, which made the force application point
ment were taken into consideration, the most accurate on the lingual side more closed to the resistance center
tooth movement was pure tipping (72.48%), followed of the tooth and may result in a more achievable labial
by controlled tipping and translation, whereas the least root control. These data suggest that clear aligners can
accurate was torque (35.21%) (Table II). Not a surprising achieve greater accuracy in alleviating mandibular ante-
result because the more the root moves, the more diffi- rior crowding with the labial expansion than maxillary.
cult it will be achieved. This finding suggested that clear However, clinicians should consider the thickness of
aligners share the same biomechanical principle of tooth mandibular alveolar bone, which was reported only
movement as the other orthodontic appliances. Never- 0.2-0.6 mm.19
theless, the material properties of clear aligners might In addition to the insufficient efficacy, our present
probably be responsible for their inability to apply root results showed that the type of movements achieved
control. The gingival margin of the aligner is elastic, was also unpredictable, especially for controlled tipping
and it would have difficulty in applying forces in this re- and translation movement (Fig 5). For example, when
gion.11 To overcome this weakness, Invisalign advocates incisors were designed for lingual translation, four fifths
using power ridges. Although power ridges on maxillary of them actually underwent tipping. This finding sug-
incisors generate more moments than attachments gested that additional lingual root torque might be
in vitro, measurement of incisor torque before and after needed to achieve lingual translation for anterior retrac-
the aligner treatment showed that power ridges achieved tion. In contrast, when the labial alveolar bone was
similar mean accuracy as attachments.5,12 Hahn et al11 compromised, the labial translation movement should
concluded that aligners tend to lift up during torquing, be carefully designed because quite a majority of incisors
which would not have a close fit of the incisor edge in the (67.3%) would finally undergo this type of movement.
appliance with the tooth. In this way, the force couple Similarly, when incisors were designed for lingual
produced by aligners could not be sufficient enough controlled tipping, pure tipping would occur for 36.1%
and consequently lead to a lower efficacy of the move- of the incisors; this results in the labial movement of
ment. In addition, the distortion of the appliance could the roots, which increases the risk of fenestration. These
cause unintended intrusion of the tooth, which is the results indicated that attention to both efficacy and type
so-called watermelon seed effect.16 These results sug- of tooth movement should be addressed during clear
gested that even minor toque movements might justify aligner treatment.
overcorrection. The present study aimed to evaluate the treatment
The efficacy of labiolingual root movement with clear efficacy of pure tipping, controlled tipping, translation,
aligners has drawn great interest, as clinicians pay more and torque movements of incisors using clear aligners,
attention to the alveolar bone and periodontal tissue whereas movements in other directions were not as-
during orthodontic treatment. Our results showed that sayed. Because the efficacy of tooth movements could
labial root movement was significantly more accurate be influenced by the severity of initial irregularity, the
than the lingual root movement (Table III). This finding impact of malocclusion complexity should be required
suggests that when incisors are designed to move labi- in further investigation. In addition, the use of adjuncts
ally, the boundary of the alveolar bone must be taken such as power ridge, attachments, and intermaxillary
into account. In contrast, when incisors are designed elastics was not considered in the present study; how-
to move lingually, more overcorrection might be neces- ever, they were frequently applied in treatment with
sary. Pan et al17 reported that alveolar bone defects ap- clear aligners. A relatively low number of participants
peared significantly more often on the labial side might also reduce the reliability of these results.

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2021  Vol 159  Issue 5

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