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Running head: STANLEY, B EF 310 U8 1

Stanley, B EF 310 U8

Byron D. Stanley

EF 310: Current Trends in Exercise Fitness

Dr. J. Saeger

March 2, 2020
STANLEY, B EF 310 U8 2

Stanley, B EF 310 U8

As a Health and Wellness major, I never thought I’d be creating a workout plan for

myself, let alone anyone else.  However, the challenge of really taking a look at the types and

frequency of exercises I currently do and then setting something up that is easy to follow and

will help me get into a more consistent and regular routine was very intriguing to me.  I broke

down the three areas of assessments and used the weekly chart to create a schedule based on the

Frequency, Intensity, Type and Time (FITT) guidelines (Zaleski et al. 2016).  Creating this

schedule will help me fall into more of a routine rather than randomly doing a work out a few

times a week with no progression or regularity of exercises (Brent, n.d.).  Also, utilizing the idea

of progression I will be able to adjust these plans in order to adjust to the natural progression of

becoming more physically active and fit.           

Based on my previous assessments, I generally meet the overall physical activity

guidelines, however, I wasn’t meeting the variety of activities.  My activity was almost all

aerobic.  I wasn’t getting much muscle strengthening or flexibility accomplished, aside from

every once in a while at random.  Working on a specific plan and using my current work

schedule I was able to come up with a weekly plan in order to spread out work types and add

some variety without committing more time to physical activity and only changing up what I do

to minimize the effect of feeling overwhelmed by adding to my schedule.

The best part about my weekly chart and schedule is that after learning about the theory

of progression throughout this class, I started slow and left room to increase activity as my body

adjusts to the different activities.  I also tried to focus on a timed run as opposed to a specific

distance.  Leaving the time the same, but as my endurance increases the distance I will travel will

increase.  For the chart I didn’t do a specific time slot, however I will do specific reps of
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exercises, still utilizing body weight.  When it comes to flexibility, I plan to utilize some yoga

poses, and work on stretching exercises designed to help alleviate lower back pain developed

over the course of four combat deployments.

Byron Self-Assessment FITT


For cardio I plan to switch it up and keep some variety, so I’m not just going on a run, or

go for a bike ride.  I plan to run starting at 20 minutes every Monday, and then a short run on

Saturdays, just to get the blood flowing.  Wednesdays I plan to go for a 30 minute bike ride,

whether it’s outside, or inside on a stationary.  I generally go for runs currently, but nothing set

or specific, or that are really classified as a routine.  I say generally as it’s a few times a week,

but not on a consistent schedule.  And that is the reason I believe that I haven’t been able to get

into a set habit filled routine.

Muscle Strengthening           

I’m not a fan of going to gym’s and have always been intimidated by them because I do

not know a whole lot about the science behind working specific muscle groups.  Because of this I

have become a big fan of doing body weight exercises.  Also, because of the Navy’s Physical

Fitness Requirements, everything is body weight oriented, so it helps that too!  I intend to start

doing push-ups and pulls ups, and work in some resistance band work on Tuesdays, lower body

exercises like squats, calf raises and lunges on Friday.  Saturdays I plan to do core exercises like

planks, leg lifts and flutter kicks.


When it comes to flexibility, it’s probably the area where I need the most work!  Years of

running and doing long hikes without properly stretching before or after has left my hamstrings
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and lower back very tight and stiff.  So I wanted to focus a lot more time on flexibility during the

week.  SO every day I exercise I’m going to do at least 10 minutes of stretching, with long hold

times.  Then on Saturdays I will do a short run and core work out followed by a thirty minute

stretch and yoga session.   

Byron Weekly Chart

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Aerobic Activity Rest Run 20 N/A Bike 30 Rest N/a Run 10
Minutes Minutes Minutes
Muscle Rest N/A Upper N/A Rest Lower Core
Strengthening Body, Body, Exercise,
Body Body 10 minutes
Weight Weight
Flexibility Rest Stretch Stretch Stretch 10 Rest Stretch Stretch/Yoga
10 10 Minutes 10 30 Minutes
Minutes Minutes Minutes

Carl Assessment-FITT           

Carl conducted fitness tests and scored fairly average.  I would want him to continue the

aerobic exercises he does, and add more time in the gym working on muscular strength.  His

short term goal is to bulk up before spring time and he is already playing sports and getting

aerobic activity in two to three times a week between his Run/Walk course and his participation

in intramural sports.  According to his Body mass index calculation is 25.2% which classifies

him as overweight, however only by less than one half percent ( LLC, 2020).  Carl

completed the twelve minute run test and was able to cover 1.6 miles of distance, receiving an

average rating ( LLC, 2020).  Carl also completed the YMCA Bench press test, doing

18 repetitions and receiving a fair rating ( LLC, 2020).  He received a poor rating for

completing 19 push-ups on the push up test ( LLC, 2020).  Lastly Carl completed the sit
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and reach test of flexibility, and scored 15 inches, receiving an average rating ( LLC,

2020).  Carl also deals with exercise induce asthma and was cleared by his doctor to participate

in physical activity as long as he has access to his inhaler.   

Cardio Vascular           

I’d like to keep Carl at his current level of cardio and add an extra run into his week.  He

currently does quite a bit of walking to classes, and plays intramural sports.  He also has a

Run/Walk fitness class that he generally runs for 30 minutes during.  I would add another 30

minute run to his week to start out, so he will do two 30 minute runs throughout his week, on top

of walking to classes and his intramural sports.

Muscle Strengthening          

Carl does not currently do muscle strengthening routinely, and has a goal of bulking up

before his spring vacation.  I want Carl to spend at least three days a week in the gym, working a

different group of major muscles each day.  This way Carl will follow the main principles of

physical training, namely regularity and variety (Brent, n.d.).


Anytime Carl goes for a run or does any muscle strengthening exercises he should be

stretching out, focusing on the major muscle groups he worked that day.  Not only will this help

him increase his flexibility but will also help him prevent injuries, and increase his overall fitness


Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic-Run/Sports 2 x Week Moderate 30 minutes Running
Aerobic-Walking 5 x Week Light 45 minutes Walking
Muscle Strengthening 3 x Week Moderate-High Major Muscle Groups Strengthening
Flexibility 2-3 x Week Light Whole Body Stretching
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Zaleski, A. L., Taylor, B. A., Panza, G. A., Wu, Y., Pescatello, L. S., Thompson, P. D., &

Fernandez, A. B. (2016). Coming of age: Considerations in the prescription of exercise

for older adults. Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Journal, 12(2), 98-104. doi:


Brent, M. (n.d.). 7 Principles of Physical Training. Retrieved from LLC. (2020). ACSM Risk Classification Calculator [Measurement instrument].

Retrieved from

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