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1/20/2021 APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

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Prompt - Evaluate the extent of change in democratic participation in

government that occurred during the antebellum period.

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1/20/2021 APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

Document 2

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1/20/2021 APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

Document 4

Contextualization - Describe a broader historical context relevant to the 1 point

prompt. To earn this point, the response must relate the topic of the
prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that
occur before or after the time frame of the question. This point is not
awarded for merely a phrase or a reference.

There were philosophical foundations that led to the American revolution.

Enlightenment ideas inspired the colonists to yearn for liberty. Americans began to
believe in the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Additionally Americans believed that the power to govern should be in the hands of
the people, and that the government should protect the peoples natural rights.
These same enlightenment ideals transferred to the Constitution that founded the
country. From here the United States began to develop a modern democracy and
celebrated national culture. While Americans sought to de ne the national ideals
and change their society and institutions to match them. 3/5
1/20/2021 APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

Thesis - Respond to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis/claim 1 point

that establishes a line of reasoning

Some may argue that there wasn't much change during the antebellum period,
however there was a massive increase in voter participation and the many
movements that occurred at this time encouraged the American people to want the
right to vote and hold politicians accountable, therefore participatory democracy
expanded pretty signi cantly during the antebellum period. 4/5
1/20/2021 APUSH Unit 3 DBQ Summative (v5)

Body Paragraph - 1. Topic sentence uses a defensible claim which 4 points

originates from thesis statement. 2. DESCRIBE the content of at least ONE
document and use it to support the claim in the topic sentence 3. Analyze
the HAPP of ONE ADDITIONAL document and use that analysis to support
the argument in the topic sentence. 4. Uses at least one additional piece
of specific historical evidence(beyond that found in the
documents)relevant to an argument about the prompt. To earn this point,
the response must describe the evidence and must use more than a
phrase or reference.

There were many movements that arose during the antebellum period that led to
the expansion of participation in democracy. In Andrew Jackson's veto message
about the national bank. He is voicing his opinion about how he disagrees with the
Bank of United States. Jackson believed that the BUS has a history of only helping
the rich and hurting the lower class. We can analyze historical situation here and
realize that Andrew Jackson is referring to the Panic of 1819. The BUS has
changed there lending policies in order to control in ation. This caused many state
banks to close. It was a big economic crisis. Unemployment raised, bankruptcies
occurred, and those in debt had to go to prison. Mistakes were made by politicians
and working class citizens had to suffer as a result. One reform movement that
arose focused on the imprisonment of debt and the right to vote. Laboring men
demanded franchise to hold politicians accountable. So when Jackson vetoed the
bill in 1832 the majority of citizens agreed with his decisions and reelected him in a
landslide. Another movement that increased democratic participation was the
Market revolution. During this Revolution there was an ideology spread that lead
individuals to believe that economic success or failure was largely in your hands. If
you worked to be successful then you could be successful. This ideology
transcended to politics. As more people that in order to change the policies of their
country, and to be more successful they needed to utilize their right to vote.

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