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What? | How? | Why?

Images of the accomplishments of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans 
This is a tool that can help you drive to deeper levels of observation. The process allows you to move from concrete observations of a particular 
situation to the more abstract emotions and motives that are at play in that situation. This is a particularly powerful technique to leverage when 
analyzing photos. ​When analyzing these photos, focus on a specific person. 

What are the people you’re observing doing in a particular situation or photograph? 
Notice and write down the details. Try to be objective and don’t make assumptions in this 
first part. 
  looks like they are digging for somethings im not sure what the purpose of this may be though. It
  like the person in all white on the right is commanding them.

How are the people you’re observing doing what they are doing? Does it require effort? 
Do they appear rushed? In pain? Annoyed? Tired? Does the activity appear to be 
positive or negative? Use descriptive phrases packed with ​adjectives​. 
  They are using tools like shovels to dig and the commander is telling them what to do. It does
  require effort to do this. It also looks like they have been doing this for a long time now so they
might feel tired or even in pain.

Why are the people doing what they’re doing, and in the particular way that they are 
doing it? This step usually requires that you make informed guesses regarding motivation 
and emotions. 
I think that they might be looking for treasure such as gold because I don't know what they would be
  looking for except for something like that.

What? | How? | Why? 
Images from the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans  
This is a tool that can help you drive to deeper levels of observation. The process allows you to move from concrete observations of a particular 
situation to the more abstract emotions and motives that are at play in that situation. This is a particularly powerful technique to leverage when 
analyzing photos. ​When analyzing these photos, focus on a specific person. 

What is the person you’re observing doing in a particular situation or photograph? 
Notice and write down the details. Try to be objective and don’t make assumptions in this 
first part. 
It  looks like the lady is holding a string or belt. She might be making something out of it. She has nice
clothing on. It looks like there is dice in the backround

How is the person you’re observing doing what they are doing? Does it require effort? Do 
they appear rushed? In pain? Annoyed? Tired? Does the activity appear to be positive or 
negative? Use descriptive phrases packed with ​adjectives​. 
  not really sure what she is doing but if I were to guess she is making something with cloth and it
looks like this requires some skill and effort if I am correct in the first question. She doesn't looked
rushed at all she looks she is relaxed and happy.

Why is the person you’re observing doing what they’re doing, and in the particular way 
that they are doing it? This step usually requires that you make informed guesses 
regarding motivation and emotions. 
If  I were to guess why she is doing this I would say that she is doing this because this is like a hobby to
  or maybe it is just fun or it might even be her job.

What? | How? | Why? 
Images from the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans 
This is a tool that can help you drive to deeper levels of observation. The process allows you to move from concrete observations of a particular 
situation to the more abstract emotions and motives that are at play in that situation. This is a particularly powerful technique to leverage when 
analyzing photos. ​When analyzing these photos, focus on a specific person. 

What is the person you’re observing doing in a particular situation or photograph? 
Notice and write down the details. Try to be objective and don’t make assumptions in this 
first part. 
  man in the picture is playing a mayan game that is called maya ballgame and this is a game that
you have to keep a ball in the air until you score in the hole hung up on the wall

How is the person you’re observing doing what they are doing? Does it require effort? Do 
they appear rushed? In pain? Annoyed? Tired? Does the activity appear to be positive or 
negative? Use descriptive phrases packed with ​adjectives​. 
 He is playing this one maya ballgame and he is keeping a ball in the air until you score in the hole
hung up on the wall. Yes this requies a lot of effort and skill because this is a very hard sport. It looks
 like this guy is enjoying the moment but he is serious about it. He might look a little tired since he is
 playing a sport but thats normal.

Why is the person you’re observing doing what they’re doing, and in the particular way 
that they are doing it? This step usually requires that you make informed guesses 
regarding motivation and emotions. 
 He is doing this because it is fun and im pretty sure back when they played this game and they were
 serious about it the people that would lose would get killed.

What? | How? | Why? 
Images from the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans 
This is a tool that can help you drive to deeper levels of observation. The process allows you to move from concrete observations of a particular 
situation to the more abstract emotions and motives that are at play in that situation. This is a particularly powerful technique to leverage when 
analyzing photos. ​When analyzing these photos, focus on a specific person. 

What are the people you’re observing doing in a particular situation or photograph? 
Notice and write down the details. Try to be objective and don’t make assumptions in this 
first part. 
I  see that someone in the picture has murdered a bunch of people with a sword or a knife. It looks like
he might have been trying to overthrow the one in power or maybe the person in power is making him
  these people.

How is the person you’re observing doing what they are doing? Does it require effort? Do 
they appear rushed? In pain? Annoyed? Tired? Does the activity appear to be positive or 
negative? Use descriptive phrases packed with ​adjectives​. 
  is using a weapon of some sort to kill these people and what it looks like to overthrow the person in
charge or who has power. It does require effort and planning to do this because it does look like he
  killed people but he hasn't killed the person with power. These people look like they are in lots of
pain. this looks like a negative thing

Why is the person you’re observing doing what they’re doing, and in the particular way 
that they are doing it? This step usually requires that you make informed guesses 
  regarding motivation and emotions. 
Belarus   I  think that they are doing this to ether overthrow the person in charge or who has power or the person
  power is making him kill these people.

What? | How? | Why? 
Photos from 2020 

Here are links to what what happened: 

1. Aztecs 
2. Incas 
3. Mayans 
4. Aztecs 

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