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The Members the Board shag meet at least onoe in overy quartet ot ovory year as onen es may DO


Majomy of the mernbers of the Board present shan constitute a quorumi

SECTION 6, Funds or various sources.

A" funds that shoo be originating from tho govemmont be it from municipal, provincial natonal indorsed
in the municipality, shoo be held 00 Trust Fund in the municipal

B, Held as Trust Fund should be deposrted in ony bank owned or controged by govemment which bank
eccount shall be separote and distinct from an other accounts of the muni&pol government o! Ungayon.
Hence. the Municipal Treasurer is requited to open an oc@unt tot this purpose;

Ail donations should oome in the form Ot checks. treasury warrants, Philippine postal

money order end even in tho form of cash and. ghould only bo addressed to the •MumepalÄy of
Ungayen (Lingayen Schotatship Program)' as the named recipient or dooee and which donation or
donations shall, accordingly. be issued mth official receipt..

SECTION 7. Bank Signatories • The Municipal Mayor as Chairman and the Municipal Treasurer as
Treasurer ot the Board shall be the signatories in all bank transactions. Provided however. that there
shan be no deposns or withdrawals that shall be executed by the aforesaid signatonos without the prior
know4edge. consent or authority from tho Members of the Board.

SECTION 8, Recipbent•s Qualifications - The recipient of the scholarship program Shan have the

Must a Filipino citizen, regardless of sox. evil status. religious affiliation or belief. a resident o' the
Municipality of Lingayen. a graduato in any of the secondary institutions in thc muniopa:xty and. a
parson of good moral character and integrity:
Must have passed the college entrance examination and prior to it was chosen from among the number
orappbcants in a given year by the Members of the Board through well-safeguarded exarninations given
for the purpose:

Must be financially needy (parents' annual gross income must not exceed Php200.OOO.OO):

Must not have been the subjea of any disciplinary act n: and E- Must be in heaRhy condition.

SECTION 9. Number of Reclplonb. The number of redpients shall be determined each year by the
Members of the Board depending on the funds capability of the scholarship program.

SECTION 10. BonefiB Defined. per semester

SECTION 12. Soparability Clause. If for any reason, any section or provision such judgof mentthis
Ordinance shall be held to be unconstjtutJonal Of invalid by competent authority. or action shall not
affect or impair the other sections or provisions thereofo

SECTION 13. Ropealing Clause. All ordinances, rules and regulation. or pan thoreo(. in conflict with, or
inconsistent with any provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modffi0d ecmrdingly.

SECTION 14. Effoctjvity. This Ordinance shall take effe< ten (10) days after its publication in a newspaper
of general circulation,

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