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TSS/TSC Must copy this page to submit documentation of four (two per semester) observations of the protégé
*Adapted from the New Teacher Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
InTASC Categories: The Learner and Learning; Content; Instructional Practice; Professional Responsibility
Standards 1-10

Protégé’ Teacher’s s Name ____Victoria Shivers________ Date___11/01/2018__ Observation # (circle): 1 2 3 4

Subject____Coordinate Algebra A_____ Observation Time: (start) 10:30 a.m. to (end) 11:00 a.m. (Total hrs. on p. 26)
Co-Teaching Preferred Model Used:__________NA________________ Co-Teacher:_____________________________
Considerations for Providing Feedback
1. Base your feedback on observable evidence. 4. Describe rather than evaluate
2. Reinforce evidence of effective practice. 5. Note the impact of the teacher’s behavior on the students.
3. Be specific rather than general. 6. Attend to the teacher’s stated needs or area of focus.
Pre-Observation Conference:
Focus of the Lesson: *What will you be teaching during the observation? Arithmetric Sequences

Objectives/Standards: What standard (s) will be addressed?

TKES/TAPS Considerations/ Area(s) of Focus:
__Professional Knowledge (TAPS 1;INT 4,5, 9 &10) __Instructional Planning (TAPS 2; INT 1-10) X Instructional Strategies (TAPS 3;INT 8)
__Differentiated Instruction (TAPS 4; INT 6-10 ) __Assessment Strategies (TAPS 5; INT 5-8) __Assessment Uses (TAPS 6; INT 6)
X Positive Learning Environment (TAPS 7; INT 3) __Academically Challenging Environment (TAPS 8; INT 1-3) __Professionalism (TAPS 9;INT 9)
__Communication (TAPS 10; INT 10)

Observation Notes:
Procedures: (Align to pre-conference focus/goals)
• Student sleeping in class and not being awakened during lecture period.
• Students playing a game on desk while teacher is teaching.
• Students “joining” on each other during class.
• Students not wanting to go to board to work problems.
• Students randomly walking around class without permission.
• Student worked problem on board but did not explain problem to entire class.
• Student wrote/ drew on desk the entire time I was in class.
• Some students working other students doing absolutely nothing.
TSC Candidate’s Feedback: (Align to pre-conference focus/goals)

Teacher: (List specific examples aligned to the pre-observation focus/goals)

• Agenda on the board
• Lesson Plans up to date
Students: (List specific examples aligned to the pre-observation focus/goals)
• Awaken student if sleep, if sleep continues ask student to stand up on the side or in the back of room.
• Randomly call on students during lecture to ensure everyone is paying attention. Use a spin wheel to select a
student to answer questions during the lecture period. This also breaks up the monotony of the lecture period.
• Never allow students to joke on each other during class even if it is mutual.
• Allow students to take a “buddy” to the board to help them work a problem. This takes some of the pressure off a
student. Make sure the buddy student know what they are doing and can help the other student work the
problem. Also give the entire class time to work a problem before asking anyone to go to the board. This gives
the students time to process the problem.
• Don’t allow students to just randomly get out of seat without permission. Require students to ask permission
unless it for something like sharpening pencil or throwing something away but then require them to return to seat
• When a student goes to the board allow them to explain the problem to the class, this helps them learn.
Afterwards, as the teacher go back over it and ensure everyone understands how to work the problems.
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Post-Observation Conference Notes:

“Thank you for allowing me to observe you…”

Teacher’s (Protégé’s) Reflections:

As a teacher, must develop eyes in the back of head. Overall, there are a lot of things occurring in class when
you are not looking, focused on another student, passing out papers, lecturing, or your back is turned. Must
develop the art of doing more than 1 or 2 things at a time. Never turn your back to the majority of the class.
Stand in a position when helping students that you can see the majority of the class. Or ask students to come to
you so that you can face the class and help them at the same time. Re-direct incorrect behavior immediately and
quickly. Don’t argue with the student or engage the student in a conversation about their incorrect behavior. Give
an instruction and continue with what you are doing while expecting them to do what has been asked. If they
don’t do it, just determine their punishment and follow through.

TSC Candidate’s Reflections:

I have noticed some things that are weaknesses of mine as a teacher and some strengths that I can perfect. I can definitely grow in
classroom management and making sure that I am paying attention to the entire class at all times and making smooth transistions
through lessons. I’m thankful to my mentors help to guide me.

Teacher’s Next Steps: (Summarize or clarify the area for growth).

Teacher can grow in the area of knowing what is going on in classroom in all times. Teacher should position self in class
at all times where they can see what students are doing. Teacher must redirect incorrect behavior immediately and

TSC Candidate’s Next Steps:

TSC Candidate will observe Jackson and Arhin classes for 20 minutes during planning period. Candidate will
write down what they observe (good, bad and indifferent). After observations, mentor will sit with candidate to

Signatures should be in blue ink

Protégé’s Signature:______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

TSC’s Signature:_________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

*Coordinator’s Initials: (CSV Only):__________

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